If helmet + helmet - helmet = 30, then 30 + 30 - 30 = 30, so helmet = 30
If quiver + quiver + helmet = 130, then 50 + 50 + 30 = 130, so quiver = 50
If quiver - double axe - helmet = 10, then 50 - 10 - 30 = 10, so double axe = 10
Therefore helmet + quiver x single axe = ?
If double axe = 10, then single axe = 5
30 + 50 x 5 = 30 + 250 = 280 ;-)
Part 1: Plus and minus cancel each other. Helmet=30
Part 2: 130 minus a helmet .=100. Two quivers=100, therefore one quiver=50
Part 3: 50 minus double axe minus 30 =10, so double axe = 50 minus 30 minus 10 = 10
Part 4: 30 plus 50 times single axe is the same as 30 plus 50 times (double axe divided by two). 80 x5 =400