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Free the God of Words for a chance to win 5K Sapphires from Balur's prison!

Free the God of Words for a chance to win 5K Sapphires from Balur's prison!

Oct 20, 2015, 18:1710/20/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:55(edited)

Oberon Faz um Sinal especial parágrafo SEUS comendantes .... e orgulhosos e com pesar Ao MESMO ritmo Cada hum escolhe 100 de SEUS Homens ... destemidos, Prontos Para Fazer oque fosse necessário pelo Seu Líder, pois sabiam Que o destino do Senhor da Palavra dependeria DELES.

Desfazendo-se das rixas entre suas ligas,5.000 homens avançaram em direção ao acampamento orc...Lorde Oberon estava com eles....logo se ouviu o som dos tambores de guerra dos orcs ecoando pelo vale,a batalha parecia fácil da distância em que  o restante do exército estava,vários orcs emergiam de suas tendas,outros do meio de árvores,alguns até escondidos sob o solo....mas ainda assim os Filhos de Eldur avançavam mais em mais adentrando o covil do inimigo.

Foi então que as suspeitas de Lorde Oberon foram fundadas,pois, por meio de magia negra, o exército dos orcs aumentou 10 vezes mais,além de gigantescos ogros de guerra , até um Dragão Vermelho fazia parte de suas fileiras...em questão de minutos os guerreiros da luz foram sobrepujados,em nenhum momento fraquejaram ou fugiram,foram caindo um a um mas levando dezenas de inimigos consigo.Ao sobrar apenas Lorde Oberon ,eles o colocaram de joelhos e de repente a imagem do próprio Balur apareceu a sua frente com sua espada negra e com uma gargalhada fria avançou em direção a Lorde Oberon e decepou-lhe a cabeça...após isso saio segurando seu troféu virando-se para seu exército clamando seu prêmio.

Mas neste momento de falsa divindade Balur ouve o rugir dos tambores de guerra dos Filhos da contemplar o horizonte ele vê um exército muito maior do que o seu inclusive com o próprio Lorde Oberon a frente dele.Pasmo,ele olha para suas mãos e vê a cabeça de um dos soldados mortos,assim como ele,os Filhos da Luz também tem sua magia...magia da luz,e com ela eles enganaram Balur...logo os Filhos de Eldur já haviam invadido o acampamento inimigo,seus elefantes de guerra trituravam as muralhas orc,haviam também dragões negros para rivalizar com o grande dragão vermelho,,,a batalha durou cerca de 2 horas...apesar de rápida deixou suas marcas.

Paladinos,Cavaleiros,Elefantes de Guerra,Dragões,Elfos Arqueiros....muitas foram as perdas naquele dia...mas ao fim,os feiticeiros brancos conseguiram entrar na dimensão negra de Balur e resgatar o Senhor das Palavras,que,mesmo cansado e fraco,ainda usou seu dom para abençoar seus salvadores.Ao voltar para casa Lorde Oberon ainda sentiu a presença de Balur jurando vingança mas não se abalou.Ele sabia que seus guerreiros eram os melhores,dignos de seus títulos assim como aqueles que tombaram para que um ardil maior fosse descoberto.

Essa batalha ficou conhecida como O SACRIFÍCIO PELA PALAVRA.

Oct 21, 2015, 09:1310/21/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:51(edited)

... The sign had been discussed the night before. A secret meeting in a dark place was the setting of this discussion. The Sion had already been over this in his mind a thousand times or more and had anticipated this. The orc army was a lot strong than any reports suggested. The camp stretched from 1 side of Darkshine Moor right to the Lazy Mountain on the opposite side. "How many times does the fool need to be told. Nobody, not even Balur is stupid enough to capture the God of Words with out a pretty big plan", Whispered Oberon to his generals crouched just behind him.

General Turners only response to this was, "I believe, you first deal with the rat in your garden, then the fox over the fence" .


Oct 22, 2015, 06:0810/22/15


...His Highness Lord Oberon raises his sword high in the sky through which people of Stormfall could feel his Highness' determination of victory against Balur. The people of Stormfall have smiles lit in their heart and face as they could feel their freedom just some distance away. In this land of Stormfall, though nothing is certain except for the fact that Lord Oberon and his countless armies shall remain undefeated and will someday free the land of Stormfall from the clutches of darkness spread by Balur and his Minions

Oct 22, 2015, 12:5710/22/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:55(edited)
                                                                     The Power of the Word

  The age of war has begun. All knew of the God of Words enslavement as darkness crept over the land bringing doom and despair. Finally Lord Oberon pointed at the statue of the God of Words then the flags were raised and the trumpets sounded, " Draw your swords my warriors and follow me!". A sea of paladins poured from the sentry houses, knights thundered from their orders and  the sky became black under the dragon's wing. As the armies clashed in a chaos of steel and blood, the enemy did not see the warlocks slipping into the dark halls and as they reached the God then summoning the power of mages, broke the enchantments on the cage. Suddenly the God of Words rose up out of the dungeon and shown his power on Oberon's army as Balur fled from the battle, horrified at the sight of his legions of orks being slaughtered.

Oct 23, 2015, 21:0610/23/15

He turns to his people holding Veyon's Mace over Eldur's Flame, recites a chant only the gods can hear, flash, Lord Oberon is holding the white fire blade named Albusignis. The orcs start to scream and run to escape a fear that is ingrained into their very soul, with the path to the Infinity Prison clear, Lord Oberon aims the blade as the white flame leaps forward engulfing the entire door, swoosh, the entryway is open as the flame dies out. The God of Words greets his saviors, rewards them with the chambers of treasure, then rushes home to record all that has come to pass. The fabled White Fire was brought to life this fateful day, proving light will always overcome darkness and the gods have not forsaken the champion for the unity of Stormfall.

Oct 25, 2015, 03:0910/25/15


...answering Oberon`s sign, an Eldrich Priest stepped forth brandishing a faintly green, glowing scabbard, & as he opened it, all save Oberon were momentarily blinded by a deeper, etheral, piercing light that illuminated as far as the eye could see, after which, the inithial blindness left them and people regained their sight, Oberon could be seen, speaking words in an unrecognisable tongue as he placed what appeared to be the last few inches of a mystical sword, that still emitted the same, reduced but brightly glowing etheric light, into an ornately decorated aperture in the ground in front of the great gates to Beacon No.1.

There was a mometary silence before a great thundering sound penetrated the hills for miles around and a great blue bolt of power errupted from the top of the beacon and arced through the sky and shot towards all other beacons of the land. 

It is done, said Oberon, all the lands have been purged of all Balur and the Prophecy has begun.!

To all across the land, know that the Lord of Words can only be freed by the mightiest league never the likes of seen before, one that controls 51% of ALL beacons at one time, thereby unlocking the gates of the Infinity Prison allowing the Lord his freedom and returning equilibrium to the world.

Make haste now, for the sacred ritual has only slain all Balur that existed in the world at that time and even now more are being reborn, to take the place of others that have fallen before them as I can only perform the ritual every thousand years and this then, is the reason we all fight, this then, is the Prophecy, can ANY league fulfil it within the next millenia............??? 
Oct 25, 2015, 03:1310/25/15
Oct 30, 2015, 03:55(edited)

Please note, that although sentences are long, there is only 5, as per the brief given, of using only 3 to 5 sentences, something that many other entries have not stuck to.! :) 

I stand corrected, the 5 sentences are a guide & not a rule. :) 

I coulda made it a bit better then & used a bit more descriptive verse, (flowery language), if had known. Neva mind, I`ll leave it as it is now. :)

Oct 25, 2015, 22:5710/25/15
Oct 25, 2015, 23:05(edited)
Battle Hymn of the Valheru

Ancient armor donned, sword held high, the people knew the time was nigh. Trumpets sounding, war drums bounding, the call to battle could

not be denied. To ride or die and punish the wicked, victorious will be the one that is quickest. And when the dust settled and they had their

fill, the Master of Words were once again unfettered. Songs were sung, new tales were spun, and Words again brought light to day.

Oct 26, 2015, 20:0310/26/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:39(edited)

"Only in the darkest realm of the Silent Ones is there a man that could take on the task of investigating the God of Word's capture. That Silent One was to be found in the Great Kingdom of.. " the speaker stiffens in mid-sentence; he falls over the table and to the shock of the listeners face: a dagger in his back. A shadow flees the scene out the door and swords are quickly drawn to run after the villain..

Little is known of the kingdom where the Silent One is to be found; many territories have been destroyed by the hordes of evil and confused lords (confused lords not knowing the difference between good and evil, believing in false stories about the King and his Kingdoms kindness and godliness.

A few castles remains and some lands are still left untouched by the wickedry of war. But in the deepest and darkest and most secretive parts of his land, the Hero can be found. Only he will find the spot where the God of Words are being held hostage, and only then can the forces of good enter the prison-pit where the God is behing held..

Oct 27, 2015, 23:4210/27/15


"The Age of War has begun. It has seen the rise of Lord Oberon, through his righteous deeds and boundless courage, and through his leadership of countless armies in the war against darkness. To this day, Lord Oberon remains undefeated in battle. As the first rays of sun pierce the morning twilight, Oberon spies an orcish camp just on the horizon. He turns to his people and gives them a special SIGN…”

 He lifted his hand into the air and revealed a large key, which his spies and elite troops had recovered from the neck of the orc commander before the dawn that day, the key to the gates of the Infinity Prison, a muffled cheer spread through the troops for now the hunt was over and the battle could begin.

As Lord Oberon’s hand fell, his army attacked and laid waste to all before them until Lord Oberon himself stood before the door that held the God of Words. As he went to unlock the door he noticed something in the corner sparkle in the glow of their torches, He picked it up and put it in his pocket and unlocked the door that held the God of Words.

“Come my Lord into the light” spoke Oberon to the thunderous applause and cheers of all around him and as they made their way up and out of that fowl place to an area where all could see them, Lord Oberon got down on one knee before the God of words and from his pocket he lifted a golden pen and offered it to her “Your majesty I think you dropped this and you’re going to need it, for this story must be told.

Oct 28, 2015, 15:4110/28/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:51(edited)
Oct 29, 2015, 09:1210/29/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:57(edited)

The Age of War has begun. It has seen the rise of Lord Oberon, through his righteous deeds and boundless courage, and through his leadership of countless armies in the war against darkness. To this day, Lord Oberon remains undefeated in battle. As the first rays of sun pierce the morning twilight, Oberon spies an orcish camp just on the horizon. He turns to his people and gives them a special SIGN…” 

"This is the beginning of a conquer and rule our land till eternity...Behold...Darkness will see the true of the Power of the Light"

Oct 30, 2015, 05:5510/30/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:53(edited)
nice game :D
Lord OberonCharacter
Oct 30, 2015, 15:3310/30/15
Thank for your amazing fables, Lords and Ladies. The contest in now over and the winners will be announced soon! 
Lord OberonCharacter
Nov 5, 2015, 15:1911/05/15

And the winners are:

1. Skylar


3. Shadon7

4. blank mind

5. nightshade_kocii

Check your personal messages for a letter from me, so you can claim your rewards! 

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