Out of 38 game Ids that I qualified to get a Divine Cheast, I have 2 game ids that received Divine cheasts and have no key to open the Divine cheast.
Why was it possible to open 36 Divne cheast ok with the supplied key and yet not be able to open the other 2 following the same process steps after the event ended?
I had been working thru this missing key with Support and have been told ,
oh there is no problem. its part of the game play.
I have made comment and recently asked for a review of the Support decison.
Basically tho:
Rubbish. WHAT IS THE USE OF ANYONE going to the significant effort of trying to obtain a Divine Cheast IF THERE IIS ALWAYS a chance they wont even get to open it because of systemic game design difficulties?
That <IF> Plariam <ever> decide to offer a Master Key to purchse, you will have to buy it just to use a reward that you hve already earned.
In fact, everyone has a chance that any future Divine cheast they obtain wont have a key and they will have to BUY a key for each of them. <IF> the option is ever even provided by Plarium.
I note the comments of others here who advise that they managed to get the contents of the Divine cheast and say.... NEXT TIME ... THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. NO USABLE REWARD FOR YOUR EFFORT. .
>>> I note the folowing advised by Alina of Plarium re use of master keys.
There was no warning or confirmation request that a master key is about to be used. As far back as June 9, 2017 Plarium advised that was supposedly the case.
==>>> Refer: https://prnt.sc/26pzb8t
Alina Bright ADMIN
Jun 9, 2017, 09:4006/09/17
Trent Kestin said:
Say u have a regular key and a master key. Will the game default to use the regular key first? Just so a master key wont get wasted?
===>>> Alina: Hi! You're choosing which Key you want to use.
Trent Kestin
Jun 11, 2017, 20:2306/11/17
Ok perfect!
So basically, Its actually a game broken situation.
Plarium please:
* immediatly SUPPLyY a free key that will open the unaopenable Divine Cheast. The situation appears to have been created thru erroneous game design. Support requests exist.
* fix the game so this situation re Divine cheasts wont happen in the future.