ETsphere said:
We realy taling about DANZO
are you kiding me.
Anbu Black ops
Anbu Whight
Anbu Sword
Anbu Sheild
You know my raid points were like that because in 2014 kt hit me hard 1,2,and 3. they knew what they were doing and it was serious loss for me but what could i do quit the game or look for a new plan. it saved them a lot of time in the long run and made sure i didn't attract the best players. they knew i was trying to boost my raid points when we had trouble between our leagues so they took care of me. . about my side leagues we gained a lot of members from those leagues so don't knock my side branches either. I like how all the rebels can do is throw low blows at me. nothing else to hit i suppose.
I made a plan to fix my raid points and also ignore raiding and work on other things. i was getting hit a lot in 2014 and 2015 from quite a few leagues. It slowed down in 2016 and 2017 after we started killing more and more units every war. I think it's still to risky to send my raid parties out until i have a ton of expendable units. I'm actually building up for some tests so i'm putting all my time into preparing.
The rebels seem to have a vendetta against me. I assumed that from them sending a challenge to me and hitting us after the war ended.
It's like after it turns out the game isn't dying everyone is coming to beat me down. I guess word got out when level 60's left my league looking for new ones that I might have quit the game when i was gone for a few months i didn't know if I was coming back either. i've been getting strange letters in my inbox lately. it's hard to prepare for the worse when i don't know what's coming.
About those BG points on my profile instead of doing bg's and saving my army i'd send out attacks and kill off my army. I never coined a army before but if i ever do you'll be the first to know now etsphere.
Rumor has it a few or a lot of shady players came out of the rebels. just something i heard a while back.