Marcel Stokvis said:
Marcel Stokvis said:
Oracle said:
Please continue these whole call out in one thread, let's keep the rest of the thread clean.
Continue these whole thing on "let's welcome our new moderator" thread
I see several of my posts were deleted today, funny enough they were posts pointing out your own silly and false words.
I expect them to be posted back within hours together with an apology and or explanation of why they were removed!
What I said in the other thread aswell .... only just a moderator and already abusing your newly found powers?
Sounds a lot like my experience with Exxxe:
- as a moderator, he made up lies and abused his powers.
- my posts / threads were deleted when I called him out for the wrong-doing and made fun of him.
- if I spoke out against his abusive actions, I got banned (I believe the ban was specifically for rule #3.15) .
This forum is beyond whacked. It appears they have chosen to replace Exxxe with someone of equal caliber...