Saying goodbye to a league is hard
Another Breath
My Farewell to Knights Templar and my Step into Dominus.
Five years ago I had joined the KT Family. I had come from some small unknown league, i was only weeks old. So jumping face first into the unknown was so easy then.
I can't say that it always been a blast, like all families there was fighting and bad days, tempers flare and not everyone got along. But there was the amazing days too. The love the honor the protection of each other. The laughs the jokes and all the fun we had.
If i could redo that day over again i would make that choice again and again over and over. KT made me what i am today. Each past choice we made makes us today.
So thank you KT you have given me a lot and seen me threw a lot and for that you all will forever have a spot in my heart.
I could sit here and bad mouth my ex league all day long but i have no desire to. Anyone looking to join KT i wish you the best! They are a good family, treat them well and take care of them for they will protect you.
But for some change is a part of life that has to come to light. A change for happiness.
Also remember this is a game and we are all still humans behind the screen. A friend told me last night not to sweat the small things in life and not to worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed to any of us, so live in the moment. Love, laugh, smile right now, life doesn't give you these moments you have to make them yourself.
So spread your wings baby, don't let anyone clip them. Soar high into the cloud, or jump from the highest cliff see the beauty of this world. Take a chance on it. Just remember to love yourself my friends.
Don't fret over this game.. That's all it is.. Is just a game. At the end of day you close out of it... What really matters is the people.. Your friends.. Your game family.. The people that have made you mad, made you smile and seen you cry.
If you can take one thing from this game in the form of a friend then you are a winner.
So to my friends good luck where ever you maybe or to where ever your heart takes you. Live happy my friends.
They say when one book ends another one will begin. I have to admit that i followed my heart into a wonderful place. I feel like a blind woman that just seen a rose for the first time.
Every league runs their family differently, so new rules, new people new choices, learning to think and play in a new way.
If you would have told me a year ago that i would become part of the Dominus Family today, i would probably would have giggled at you.
But i can happily say that i joined Dominus. I decided to take a chance on them and they chose to take that chance on me too... But i feel like i have already won.
Sometimes we lose ourselves in the little things and we just need a hand held out to resurface. I will be the first to admit it, at some point in my game life i got lost in a mind trap, i stopped thinking for myself and let the league think for me. And because of that i might have lost a lot of chances to connect and make new friends!
One of the first things they did in Dominus was challenge me on why i was thinking the way i did. So now my eyes are open i can see, its a pretty amazing view you know...
Dominus has helped me find me again, and is teaching me how to stand on my own feet again. I have to say the Judgement stops here now.
Thank You Dominus :) for taking me in and taking this chance on me, i will do everything in my power to do and be the best i can be. I will wear my League with pride!
I don't hate KT there is no since in it. I don't actually hate anyone in this game. Life is to short to go that extra mile to hate people we don't even know!
One of my league mates this week told me 'we come for the game, but stay for the people' and i have to agree!
So if your looking for a place to get a new view, a place where you can finally be yourself... If your ready for a positive change in your game and life i recommend talking to our Marshal or one our Captains, who know you might just fit into the family nicely. :)
Until we meet again (or for when we meet for the first time). Have fun. Enjoy life and smile. Be Safe
Updated April 28th, 2019.
Never Let Fear Decide Your Future.