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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Nov 18, 2016, 15:2911/18/16
Nov 18, 2016, 15:30(edited)

ok i am going to try reverse psicology

plarium please ignore players that know how its the game that spend time trying to help you to improve game :p (maybe it works lol)
Nov 26, 2016, 05:0011/26/16
Listen to Us. I am not buying anything from Plarium - not because I am trying to force them to listen - but because I am refusing to invest money in a game that is so obviously designed to generate revenue for Plarium with zero regard for playability and player enjoyment.  This game is one big money-grab project aimed at my wallet. It has lost all credibility as a strategy game. No fun game = no money for Plarium.
Nov 26, 2016, 06:4811/26/16
Nov 26, 2016, 06:49(edited)
It's like a gambling addiction and they depend on people getting so hooked they can't give up. I spent a lot of money on this game but I realized that even when you reach really high levels there really is no purpose to the game. It's all an ego trip for those who need to fill some emotional gap and I admit I even got caught up into that kind of thinking when building my empire. Eventually the game is doomed. When it becomes all about $$$ and less about strategy and "historical" accuracy people will quit or leave which they are already doing. Too bad to. I wouldn't mind spending a "bit" here and there if Plarium would scratch my back to. Not allowing me to take over a completely "dead: coalition that's been abandoned since February just tells me how greedy they are.
Nov 28, 2016, 14:3111/28/16
All the new features added are to make the game more interesting. There are ways to have fun in the game. You just need to find the right coalition for you. The right coalition comes along with the right people who will make the game more interesting. An active coalition with active members is what I personally seek for. Active coalition means fun. And of course you can have those without spending much!
Nov 29, 2016, 01:2011/29/16
Drusilla said:

It's like a gambling addiction and they depend on people getting so hooked they can't give up. I spent a lot of money on this game but I realized that even when you reach really high levels there really is no purpose to the game. It's all an ego trip for those who need to fill some emotional gap and I admit I even got caught up into that kind of thinking when building my empire. Eventually the game is doomed. When it becomes all about $$$ and less about strategy and "historical" accuracy people will quit or leave which they are already doing. Too bad to. I wouldn't mind spending a "bit" here and there if Plarium would scratch my back to. Not allowing me to take over a completely "dead: coalition that's been abandoned since February just tells me how greedy they are.
You should be able to take over a dead coalition. Send screenshots of your co members where it shows the last time they logged on i.e. 'long ago'.  If any members are still active in your co, you need their consent in writing and screenshot that too. Send it in with the ticket. check your emails as this is how they will inform you. I did and I am now Hegemon of a dead co too :)
Nov 29, 2016, 01:2311/29/16
Listen to us!
Dec 11, 2016, 00:2112/11/16
I guess that Plarium hasn't bothered to listen to us!!
Dec 20, 2016, 11:4812/20/16
Dec 20, 2016, 11:50(edited)


         <==<==       <==<==

<===  Listen to them  <===<===

        <==<==        <==<==


Mar 23, 2019, 18:2303/23/19

Listen to us!