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Emporia - we need your opinion!

Emporia - we need your opinion!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 17, 2016, 16:0208/17/16

Emporia - we need your opinion!

Hi, guys!

Our developers need your feedback and ideas about Emporia. Please answer the following questions in the comments below:

1) What do you like about Emporia?

2) What do you not like about them?

3) What would you change in Emporia if you had a chance?

Please stick to this structure in your answers and try to be concise and to the point. This feedback will be passed to our developers.

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Colonies back. We won't.

Aug 18, 2016, 01:4508/18/16

1) Emporia is good only to team up with an enemy so you can both win 2-3 agemas per day. Apart from that, it's a total waste.

I would suggest to Put some def bonus on the emporia, so def units can matter. Apart from that I don't see them fit that much in the game. If something changes it can unbalance the game and few selective people will take huge profit from it... I do not really know anybody whos doing emporia anymore unfortunately :(
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 18, 2016, 10:1408/18/16
Prometheus said:

1) Emporia is good only to team up with an enemy so you can both win 2-3 agemas per day. Apart from that, it's a total waste.

I would suggest to Put some def bonus on the emporia, so def units can matter. Apart from that I don't see them fit that much in the game. If something changes it can unbalance the game and few selective people will take huge profit from it... I do not really know anybody whos doing emporia anymore unfortunately :(
Thank you! Noted that!
Aug 18, 2016, 14:2308/18/16
Aug 18, 2016, 14:29(edited)

1) What do you like about Emporia?

Like that we can get extra resources, get some easy pvp points for tournament

2) What do you not like about them?

Really not worth doing it. You always loose more then get.And thats just resources - not including troop building time (which is more important especially at higher levels)

3) What would you change in Emporia if you had a chance?

a) remove it 

b) make it worth doing it. Like cap losses to amount of resources that we can get in 1 hr

c) ... if to continue in Plarium spirit, i.e. force ppl to spend more - just make the bigger the army stationed - the more resources you can get in 1 min + cap losses or give like 95% discount on revival of troops lost.

Aug 18, 2016, 15:1208/18/16
Aug 18, 2016, 15:21(edited)

1. What do you like about Emporia?

     - I don't like them (like most players)

2. What do you not like about them?

     - Its existence and everything

3. What would you change in Emporia if you had a chance?

     - Change it to colony or something like that

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

P.S. Please don't ask us to bring the Colonies back. We won't.

Don't ask our opinion then.

You know what we want and you want what we don't.

Aug 18, 2016, 15:2408/18/16
Aug 18, 2016, 15:26(edited)

1) What do you like about Emporia?

They are great for (relatively) hassle-free PvP points.

The 2 agemas reward from the personal event.

2) What do you not like about them?

The rate at which resources & drachmas are gained from them is so slow.

The other personal events are far too risky to be worthwhile (for most).

3) What would you change in Emporia if you had a chance?

Double the rate at which resources and & drachmas are farmed.

Make the personal events twice as fast to complete.

Aug 18, 2016, 15:2508/18/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva you've been very polite in your posts in this forum.

Sorry if my previous comment sounds impolite..

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 19, 2016, 08:1008/19/16
Wy San Luis said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva you've been very polite in your posts in this forum.

Sorry if my previous comment sounds impolite..

Apologies accepted 
Aug 19, 2016, 18:1808/19/16

Hi there,

I've only been playing for a week or so, but have spend most of that time farming or fighting at some Emporia. So see the comments in the light of what they are - from a beginner player.

What I really like about Emporia is it brings a risk-reward feature that is different from the safety of sitting in the Acropolis while your resource buildings work for you, or the safety of being able to scout properly before you decide to raid (though there is still risk there).

Given how unforgiving the game is when it comes to mistakes (which I like actually) and the apparent higher power of offensive versus defensive units, I think the risk-reward balance of Emporia may need some tweaking. You could consider to up the rewards or to reduce the risk of mining at Emporia to bring risk-reward trade off to a more attractive level. Upping rewards is rather easy, but reducing the risk of mining at Emporia (which is the option I like more) can be a bit more creative and engaging. For example, Emporia specific mobile fortifications-type items that need to be build at the main city and the army has to carry it with them (reducing their carry capacity, but boosting their defense) and these can get destroyed in battles.



Aug 20, 2016, 10:5608/20/16

1 Emporia are really good below level 55, armies are more balanced, less coiner influence and people dont kill eachother for no reason. Had good fun powning people there. Without coiner influence it actually feels balanced.

2 Above level 56, your army is dead in 10 min unless u farm at weird hours then u can get lucky to last an hour or two. 1 person can`t defend against millions of offense of half the map around them for no reward.

3 Reward should scale massivly above level 56, special emporium quests like 10 or so daily and weekly

- survive attack from ... power enemy

- hold empo for 4 hours

there should be an empo section full of achievements to do that can give great rewards, just like the achievement section but that can be done daily, weekly or even monthly for sick rewards

Aug 20, 2016, 18:5008/20/16
The game is only intended for those willing to part with real cash. This makes it unfair to the majority NOT willing to cheat their way to the top. I have noticed many, many people and friends quit the game as can be seen from the dead cities all around. Upgrade times are atrocious, rewards are not worth the risk and getting help from someone at Plarium is a no-go. Players are abandoned. I have asked for help on a serious point but noone has bothered to reply. This is not something that can be sorted through the Community page. 
Aug 21, 2016, 02:2408/21/16


1 Emporia are really good below level 55, armies are more balanced, less coiner influence and people dont kill eachother for no reason. Had good fun powning people there. Without coiner influence it actually feels balanced.

2 Above level 56, your army is dead in 10 min unless u farm at weird hours then u can get lucky to last an hour or two. 1 person can`t defend against millions of offense of half the map around them for no reward.

3 Reward should scale massivly above level 56, special emporium quests like 10 or so daily and weekly

- survive attack from ... power enemy

- hold empo for 4 hours

there should be an empo section full of achievements to do that can give great rewards, just like the achievement section but that can be done daily, weekly or even monthly for sick rewards

Interesting Idea!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 22, 2016, 11:2108/22/16
 Thank you all for your ideas! All noted and passed to our developers.
Aug 22, 2016, 12:4908/22/16
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

 Thank you all for your ideas! All noted and passed to our developers.
All noted including mine? 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 23, 2016, 09:1908/23/16
Wy San Luis said:

All noted including mine? 
Including yours.
Aug 24, 2016, 19:5408/24/16
Aug 24, 2016, 20:14(edited)

1. personal agema mission of attack emporia

2 a).personal missions "hold emporia for..." and "collect resourses from emporias" are absurdly hard to achieve especially after lvl 70 and no one is doing them

2 b) extremly slow farming time, practically now there are no farmers at emporias especially after lvl 70

2 c) very few drachma emporias, with super slow farming times even with maxed gravisca and gathering booster. practicaly to extract few drachmas pople loose army worth hundreds of drachmas

3a) Rewards for missions "collect resourses" and "hold emporias" shoud be increased significanty ( at least 10-20 times )

 And/Or the time of mission "hold emporia" should be set on 10 minutes. Resourses of "collect resourses mission" should be set to 1000.

3b) if non of above suggested, the two missions should be removed.

3c) faster farming times, and/or reducing carryng capacity needed for the resourses from emporia i.e lesser army for more resourses

3d) !!!!!! ALERT - poping up onscreen if someone is attacking your emporia simmilar to city attack!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is implemented i guarantee people will start doing emporias....

regards: Mitko from Southern tribesmen coalition 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 25, 2016, 09:1208/25/16
pom said:

1. personal agema mission of attack emporia

2 a).personal missions "hold emporia for..." and "collect resourses from emporias" are absurdly hard to achieve especially after lvl 70 and no one is doing them

2 b) extremly slow farming time, practically now there are no farmers at emporias especially after lvl 70

2 c) very few drachma emporias, with super slow farming times even with maxed gravisca and gathering booster. practicaly to extract few drachmas pople loose army worth hundreds of drachmas

3a) Rewards for missions "collect resourses" and "hold emporias" shoud be increased significanty ( at least 10-20 times )

 And/Or the time of mission "hold emporia" should be set on 10 minutes. Resourses of "collect resourses mission" should be set to 1000.

3b) if non of above suggested, the two missions should be removed.

3c) faster farming times, and/or reducing carryng capacity needed for the resourses from emporia i.e lesser army for more resourses

3d) !!!!!! ALERT - poping up onscreen if someone is attacking your emporia simmilar to city attack!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is implemented i guarantee people will start doing emporias....

regards: Mitko from Southern tribesmen coalition 

Thanks, POM!
Aug 26, 2016, 04:3708/26/16
I would suggest reduce travel time and if one gets taken from you you get to keep the res already farmed 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 26, 2016, 09:0308/26/16
morteeee said:

I would suggest reduce travel time and if one gets taken from you you get to keep the res already farmed 
That's two of the most popular suggestions. I hope they will be considered.
Aug 26, 2016, 09:5908/26/16
Aug 26, 2016, 10:01(edited)

1. Like : easy-to-find-pvp, when you need pvp.

2. Not like: idiots hitting outside of pvp tournaments killing their armies for 2 agemas for daily quest.

3. Suggest to players: stay below lvl 70, competition is small.

   Suggest to plarium: keep the collected resources, you loose your def force but at least you come home with some resources (funny to figure who    will carry the resources home if your forces are dead but you guys seem smart sometimes.

Aug 26, 2016, 17:2808/26/16

paladin said:

1. Like : easy-to-find-pvp, when you need pvp.

2. Not like: idiots hitting outside of pvp tournaments killing their armies for 2 agemas for daily quest.

3. Suggest to players: stay below lvl 70, competition is small.

   Suggest to plarium: keep the collected resources, you loose your def force but at least you come home with some resources (funny to figure who    will carry the resources home if your forces are dead but you guys seem smart sometimes.

Good ideas, i agree with you

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