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A new unit called Guardians

A new unit called Guardians

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Aug 7, 2016, 23:5008/07/16

A new unit called Guardians

So now all experienced players see how deadly effective an assassin is. One assassin can take out a lot of troops; there is no defense what so ever. Unless of course you have your troops locked away in your acropolis, or a force shield bubble around your city. So I propose that Plarium games create a new unit called a guardian which helps negate the devastating effect of an assassin or assassins. Assassins are very much a game imbalance, and really are unrealistic in real life like combat for what they do in damage. Or another possibility is toning down an assassins abilities. In my humble opinion I have seen way too many Green gas parties, instead of troop movements and tactics. Just a thought what does every other player have to say on this matter. I would really appreciate other players opinions on this matter.
Aug 8, 2016, 05:3408/08/16
Interesting idea...
Aug 11, 2016, 22:1008/11/16
Assassins are just a form of pay to win. They shouldn't be allowed, or like Seekingfriend85 suggested, a defensive unit should be created that counterbalances it. Some regimes in real life in modern times also cheat by using illegal weapons and chemicals, and even nuclear weapons, but that doesn't make it any more suitable for a game. And while assassins may have poisoned people in ancient times it's not realistic to have an assassin who can create a cloud reminiscent of a nuclear explosion or white phosphorus for a game set in the Classical world of ancient times. I wonder about the psychopathy levels of players who favor the use of this weapon!
Aug 11, 2016, 23:3808/11/16

silveourbanrivals said:

I wonder about the psychopathy levels of players who favor the use of this weapon!

I wonder about the "psychopathy" of someone who plays a game where he can relocate a whole city, have a protective bubble over it and supplies drugs to his troops to make them stronger but worries about a green cloud.. hmm..  

Aug 12, 2016, 00:4108/12/16

Let's look at this idea rationally,  create an item to negate the efficacy of another item,  this is equal to just removing the original item all together no?

An assassin does 12,600k worth of damage which for me is the equivalent of sending 5 Agema but the great thing about it is that you don't see it coming.  The great imbalance is the little to no PvP the defender gets relative to the amount that the offender receives simply because in reality you are only killing 1 troop.  I have an odd feeling that perhaps Plarium magically made the PvP scoring equal on both sides, the numerous complaints would narrow down to just a few that simply have a hatred agenda towards them regardless.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 12, 2016, 09:3508/12/16
Kakos said:

I wonder about the "psychopathy" of someone who plays a game where he can relocate a whole city, have a protective bubble over it and supplies drugs to his troops to make them stronger but worries about a green cloud.. hmm..  

I've never thought of it from such point. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 12, 2016, 09:3708/12/16
By the way, we're already working on Anti-Assassins 
Aug 12, 2016, 10:2608/12/16
Ok so what's the point of offering assassins and then an "anti" assassin? Just eliminate it all together
Aug 12, 2016, 11:4108/12/16
Money money money
Aug 12, 2016, 13:0708/12/16
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

By the way, we're already working on Anti-Assassins 
Aug 12, 2016, 21:4408/12/16
Kakos said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

By the way, we're already working on Anti-Assassins 
Trust me I feel the same way but majority rules in a Democracy
Aug 12, 2016, 23:4308/12/16
Aug 13, 2016, 08:27(edited)

RIX said:

Kakos said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

By the way, we're already working on Anti-Assassins 
Trust me I feel the same way but majority rules in a Democracy

Plarium is hardly a Democracy.. Oligarchy at best if not an outright Dictatorship, as it should be in this case.. lol

There needs to be an "equalizer" in the game to counteract powerful players who think they can do whatever they want against those who do not have the militarry power to reciprocate!

Why is, that an attack by 100 PAs is "cowardly" and "abusive" but a 200-300m attack is not? Of course both can be abused, it is a war game after all..

But there needs to be something that every one should fear because there is no defense against it no matter how powerful any one is; something that will make anyone think of the possible retribution before unleashing millions against weaker players.. and THAT is the beauty of the Assassins!

Plarium has it SPOT ON, please don't ruin the balance!!

"Democracy has nothing to do with the right choices. It has to do with the popular choices." Bechara Karam

Aug 13, 2016, 21:1908/13/16
well i can understand that many high lvl players are mad. And its just right, you should be afriad. And I am gona tell why we need assassin. Assasin is for low llvl player a tool to punish the high lvl player. As you everybody know high lvl players are just make offence 5-10 mil and devasteting the low players defense completly. THere is no reason for low lvl player to make defense becuse of high lvl extreme  offence. So plarium has made a tool to send the message to high lvl player to do back off from lower becuse of that threat. As high lvl player you afcourse do not understand that. As low lvl player you do. If plarium make a anti assasin tool well, the tool to punish the high lvl player will be gone and I am pretty shore with current Persian position unfair win this game is going to be end!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 15, 2016, 11:2908/15/16
RIX said:

Ok so what's the point of offering assassins and then an "anti" assassin? Just eliminate it all together
Not all players will have Anti-Assassins. So it's still fun to send Assassins to their Cities.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 15, 2016, 11:3708/15/16
Madelene said:

well i can understand that many high lvl players are mad. And its just right, you should be afriad. And I am gona tell why we need assassin. Assasin is for low llvl player a tool to punish the high lvl player. As you everybody know high lvl players are just make offence 5-10 mil and devasteting the low players defense completly. THere is no reason for low lvl player to make defense becuse of high lvl extreme  offence. So plarium has made a tool to send the message to high lvl player to do back off from lower becuse of that threat. As high lvl player you afcourse do not understand that. As low lvl player you do. If plarium make a anti assasin tool well, the tool to punish the high lvl player will be gone and I am pretty shore with current Persian position unfair win this game is going to be end!
Assassins power is not so big to become a real punishment or to scare off big players.
Aug 15, 2016, 15:1808/15/16
Aug 15, 2016, 15:20(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Assassins power is not so big to become a real punishment or to scare off big players.

Is not exactly about one-off "punishment", is more about attrition..

A "big player" has much more to lose if he/she gets in to a war with a low lvl player who can dispatch PAs 10 times a day EVERY day, accompanied by "fake" attacks of 100 or so C. Horse timed sweetly.. lol

Troops that are coming back from raids, troops coming back from PPs, trained troops.. all can be hit at anytime, repeatedly and without warning. 

I believe that EVERYONE will be scared of something like this because it will be almost impossible to play the game anymore!


Aug 15, 2016, 20:0308/15/16
Aug 15, 2016, 20:07(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Assassins power is not so big to become a real punishment or to scare off big players.

As others have stated, PAs are the "great equalizers"; without them, small players can do practically no damage to bigger bullies (other than be tediously annoying).

I suggest increasing the number of points a victim receives would be far better than introducing anti-PAs.

PS. You could always do both, and make the anti-PAs really hard to obtain (only from occasional tourneys or rarely from PPs - not just available anytime in the market, for example).

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 16, 2016, 15:2008/16/16
GLP said:

As others have stated, PAs are the "great equalizers"; without them, small players can do practically no damage to bigger bullies (other than be tediously annoying).

I suggest increasing the number of points a victim receives would be far better than introducing anti-PAs.

PS. You could always do both, and make the anti-PAs really hard to obtain (only from occasional tourneys or rarely from PPs - not just available anytime in the market, for example).

I guess you have a point here. But the decision is already made...
Aug 18, 2016, 12:3808/18/16

I'm waiting to see what those anti-assassins will look like, but in a general way...

... The answer for weaker players has always been diplomacy, alliances, and call for help from stronger players. At least it was in the old times.

Actually, there's no real point for a high level player to bully a small one. Low level cities can't even be used for daily quests, so the're usually just ignored.

The truth is lots of smaller player find it funny to hassle stronger players' cities, pantheons and emporia, and what you call "bullying" is only due punishment 95% of the time or even more often, and the only goal they pursue is to discourage the buggers from doing it again.

For really new players, I guess it can be put on account of ignorance about the game's diplomatic balance state and newcomers recklessness, but for more experienced players, it looks more like deliberatetly ignoring the game's social aspect, human relations between players, and courtesy in general.

Of course everybody is free to consider "it's a war game" and play haphazardly. Why not, since after all, the game allows for it. However, you still have to keep in mind the players community will catch you sooner or later...

Now, as an excuse, let's admit the hectic rate new quests and tournaments sprout also encourages total war everywhere, to the extent where it can sometimes outshine the "build your coalition and alliances" aspect of the game...

Aug 18, 2016, 15:4008/18/16
Aug 18, 2016, 15:40(edited)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

I guess you have a point here. But the decision is already made...

I guess our opinions are useless..

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