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Your suggestions

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Dec 11, 2016, 07:2512/11/16
Dec 12, 2016, 11:52(edited)

Here is a simple suggestion that might help to actually prolong some actual interest in this game in spite of the inane you keep adding and your refusal to do anything but make things as pointlessly annoying, frustrating and expensive as possible.

Fix this endless stupidity with the listed number of unviewed in-game messages and reports that do not exist, cannot be deleted and for which wasting one's time clearing one's cache and refreshing does nothing to get rid of!

Fix the endless stupidity with and so that so when a new member joins our coas that our existing members actually receive a report of their having joined!

Fix the needless graphic overloads, the pointless need to have to repeatedly click this, then that, then OK and how oddly inconveniently it is to have to do so only to accept  the rewards one's has earned and beef up your lame ass servers so one can actually log into the dam game, play the dam game, log out of the dam game and even spend some coin if one is so inclined to waste their money on this dam game without having to continually clear one's cache, refresh and try again later because You and not the Gods keep meddling with the dam game!

Watch your language, Archon! If you want to request some improvements, please be more specific. if you want to report bugs, please use Bug Reports thread.

Dec 12, 2016, 01:0212/12/16
Dec 12, 2016, 12:01(edited)

Coalition management updates needed:

1. Orichalcum distribution, is tedious task to have at least 2 people monitor usage and update spreadsheet and if someone make mistake sorting it out etc, it requires at least 1-2hours each day combined time for people involved

Solution: Give us some option slider if you will apart of just switch on or off usage, where we explicitly assign amount of orcichalcum for each player. Then nobody has to check anything. They will be limited by game and they can take their allowance in 100 small hits also, nobody will need to check it and update spreadsheets. Also some coalitions work on daily orch basis others on weekly basis, so I would like to have option to either set limit for each individual plaer for their daily allowance or their weekly allowance(it could reset when game tournaments, weekly tournaments are reset)

(In case someone will say that we should only allow access to people who we trust, I can say only this...people do mistakes or new people are not always 100% trustworthy. Nobody would like to get their monthly payment in work where someone bring bag of money and each person take only their allowance....)

Also there should be option to disable orchichalcum transport between pantheons for certain ranks.

Passed to devs some time ago. They will consider it.

2. Capital defense statistics. there is no way to view statistics for each player def in capital, only their total def or pantheon def. Also some person has to manually run over capital use spreadsheet and calculate defenses for each player. It's not most accurate as everyone is running different bonuses, but we can get close enough to real numbers. It takes around 2 hours to check entire capital, it only depends how often your coa wants to recheck these numbers, weekly? etc.

Already in development.

3. Pantheons defense display. Would be cool if player can see their own amount of defense per each pantheon not only troops count, same for management to be able to see each player defense in particular pantheon

Already in development.

4. statistical view vs actual numbers we know that in statistics not all buffs are shown and not champion bonuses except their actual def not their bonus to other troops, so difference could be like 20% statistics vs real numbers. it doesnt matter much, but both players needs to see same number as management.

Statistics is updated once in a few hours. Maybe that's why the numbers differ.

Solution: Let players to see their own statistics as commandants or above ranks can see them for everybody. It safe as they will only be able to see their own numbers. And if lets say they are told to leave 2mil defense in that pantheon, both sides can check if there are 2 millions inside or not.

Each player can see his own stats by choosing all Units. Why would players need additional information?

5. Ranks Ranks are i think very outdated concept which are not used much. Problem is that as coalition leaders you have very little control as what each rank can actually do.

Currently centurions and up can see how many troops are in pantheons/capitals i think u can set up ranks which can see entire coalition statistics, default maybe st.bearer and up

Already in development.

Also polemarchs can do nearly everything.

Also many coalitions just dump everybody except most trustworthy polemarchs down to citizen rank, so 90% of coalition sits in citizen

Solution: Give more control over what each rank can do , not have them preset by default. Every coalition have different needs, different fears about infiltration a d sabotage etc( yes they are real, very common, join them, screenshots defences in pantheons and then attack them ) It would let us use all ranks as we feel fit.

Could you please make a list of permissions you'd like to control?

6. Players activity Currently we are only able to see if player is gone for 1,2,3 days or long ago which is anything over 3days. It is very little info some people might go holidays or take break from game for month or only take longer weekend off and they are all marked as long agos. Yes yet again we have to monitor in spreadsheet these people who been inactive for bit if they are out for just few weeks or months. Solution: simply display when they last logged in by date not just long ago

Passed to devs and was accepted, but I don't know when our devs will have time to implement it.

7. Custom chat channels Currently you have coalition chat and global chat... which nobody uses and VIP chat for VIP players. We are missing officer chat, where leaders can discuss important things instead of going to 3rd party applications, like slack etc.

There could be alliance chat as well, where multiple aliances can chat together, even for all players not just leaders As it stands some communication between leaders regarding sensitive topics, which cant be discussed on coalition chat rely 100% on 3rd party chat clients. Sending PM's to multiple people is out of question and slow, sending amss messages to lets say only polemarch rank is limited by 5 per day.

We're working on a portal chat that will allow you to communicate while playing the game. It will be integrated to and you will be able to manage rooms, participants, etc.

If you happy we have to use other programs for simple things then fine, otherwise we need these channels for better live conversations

I think these changes would by nice life quality improvements so some of us dont have to spent even hours daily dealing with stuff which has nothing to do with enjoying and playing game, but it feels like another job simply by doing tedious tasks

Thank you for your suggestions! They are really great! 

Dec 13, 2016, 05:3012/13/16
Dec 13, 2016, 12:55(edited)


Hi, it seems Emporia are under-used cos it is just a trap for easy attack.  Perhaps some sort of changes that would make Emporia less challenging to use.  For example , able to carry over City Defense points or some Defense revival.

Finally, it seems all of the Drachma (Trader) emporias have vanished ??

 Emporia will be improved. please follow our news.
Dec 13, 2016, 18:5012/13/16
Dec 14, 2016, 10:26(edited)

Please allow us to move drachmas from one server to the other by linking them in profile. friends are linked through the profile. Most drachmas in the game our really our money we put into it.  

Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these.

Declined. Servers don't share the same Resources. Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.

Dec 15, 2016, 03:3612/15/16

Baselius,here is one good suggestion: FORBID MODERATORS TO USE WORD DECLINED.

because they all just repeat declined,declined,declined........ >:(


Dec 15, 2016, 03:4712/15/16

Tonaya said:

this one is serious:

6.could you change that if some player is booted from coalition,his troops from capital and pantheons to return in his acropolis,and not in his city?


Accepted. It will be changed with one of the future updates.

that was 24 october,now is 15. when you gonna apply in game my ONLY ONE ACCEPTED suggestion of 100 i'v sended to you?

Alyona,mortee,xena,nikita,baselius...when???? 2017,2018,2019?which year its gonna be? 


Dec 15, 2016, 03:5212/15/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

pbras66 said:

Hi! It will be very nice and balanced have more slots on cache (Temple of asclepius) to cover 4 attack slots and 4 defense slots like in general items.
That would unbalance the game. Game balance requires a choice - offense or defense.

please,explain to us all,WHAT IS THAT FAMOUS BALANCE ?

Dec 15, 2016, 03:5712/15/16

morteeee said:

thanks Tonaya, was just about to post what you have, love the fact that all help each other here and not just the Mods and Staff :D 

you are welcome,mortee,i just saw this now,because Alyona have strange urge to delete my posts and i cant find for weeks where did i post something o.O

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 15, 2016, 13:1012/15/16

Tonaya said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

pbras66 said:

Hi! It will be very nice and balanced have more slots on cache (Temple of asclepius) to cover 4 attack slots and 4 defense slots like in general items.
That would unbalance the game. Game balance requires a choice - offense or defense.

please,explain to us all,WHAT IS THAT FAMOUS BALANCE ?


Our game has certain mechanics, basic features, interactions, dynamics, limits, which we must have. I'm used to call this whole complex Game Balance. 

Dec 15, 2016, 16:2312/15/16
Dec 16, 2016, 10:51(edited)

blah blah blah said:

Please allow us to move drachmas from one server to the other by linking them in profile. friends are linked through the profile. Most drachmas in the game our really our money we put into it.  

Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these.

Declined. Servers don't share the same Resources. Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.

What about my other two suggestions and I know they don't share the same recourses so change it so drachmas are shared in the profile just like my credit card!  

As I said, Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.

Dec 16, 2016, 09:0012/16/16
Dec 16, 2016, 10:51(edited)

The picture of the Roman Legionaire is wrong.   The sword is too long.  The Romans carried short sword, it was just above the knee in length. 

Thank you for letting us know. But unfortunately, we are not planning to change the pictures of the game Units.
Dec 16, 2016, 19:5212/16/16
Dec 19, 2016, 12:50(edited)

blah blah blah said:

blah blah blah said:

Please allow us to move drachmas from one server to the other by linking them in profile. friends are linked through the profile. Most drachmas in the game our really our money we put into it.  


Declined. Servers don't share the same Resources. Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.

Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these

What about my other two suggestions and I know they don't share the same recourses so change it so drachmas are shared in the profile just like my credit card!  

As I said, Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.


Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Declined. Sliders are very hard to implement. Unfortunately, it won't be added.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these

We're planning to add more levels.

Dec 17, 2016, 05:2412/17/16
Dec 19, 2016, 12:52(edited)

if 99,99% players DONT LIKE pantheon and capital massacre,and only "moderators"post some weird positive things about it known only to them,could you"moderators" and game developers make 3rd server only for you,and you can play pantheon and capital massacre as long as you like there and revive  90% troops for free and you will be happy?


Declined. Plarium employees play on test servers. Moderators are first of all players, so we will not create a separate server for them.  If you have any suggestions on how we could improve the Tournaments, I'll be glad to listen.
Dec 18, 2016, 16:0112/18/16
Dec 19, 2016, 12:52(edited)

1) We should have daily challenges that can get use a small amount of drachmas

How about Tournaments? :)

2)Have more buildings that we can buy using drachmas we save up from the daily challenges

Currently you can buy a lot. Do you feel like you need more buildings?
Dec 18, 2016, 16:0612/18/16
Dec 19, 2016, 13:01(edited)

Also the names that say user deleted could we use them to make more cities or you can put cities in the games that has a particular

 name so we can take over the city permanently.

You can't use other Cities. However, I'd like to hear more about your idea to make more Cities. How would it look like?

Dec 20, 2016, 04:2612/20/16
all great ideas. There should be a coalition tournament
Dec 20, 2016, 11:1412/20/16

Add to the battle report the total strength (battle statistics points) of the units we sent and the total strength of the units tha were killed (from our side). 

Dec 20, 2016, 18:5512/20/16
blah blah blah said:

blah blah blah said:

blah blah blah said:

Please allow us to move drachmas from one server to the other by linking them in profile. friends are linked through the profile. Most drachmas in the game our really our money we put into it.  


Declined. Servers don't share the same Resources. Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.

Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these

What about my other two suggestions and I know they don't share the same recourses so change it so drachmas are shared in the profile just like my credit card!  

As I said, Your Drachmas are stored on one of them, and cannot be transferred to another one.


Add a slider to the dominion activation. I have 2943 1/2 hour and 1315 1 hour activations that need to be click individually to be applied.

Declined. Sliders are very hard to implement. Unfortunately, it won't be added.

Also I have 13000 dominion points 3k past the 10k needed for level 10 can we do something with these

We're planning to add more levels.

How about an apply all button so that I don't have to click 4000 times to apply this
Dec 21, 2016, 05:5112/21/16

you,people from plarium are really 'funny'(if i say right word post gonna be deleted),in last 7 days you gived few positions tournaments,few pvp tournaments,today:pantheon tournament,capital showdown tournament,and soon gonna start pantheon what is wrong with you?are you normal people?with what players to play all that?with what troops,if you put troops build time so long,almost eternity to build smal number of troops,with maximum build time in academy+amphitheater and its still ETERNITY to build some decent number of troops.and all players complain about it,and you dont care at changed game to PAY for PLAY,just like hilary clinton did,and we all see what happened with hilary,so you didnt learn anything.all of you should go to prison in Hague,because you deserved it.i really cant believe what with you plariums developers think,but i'm sure its not with brain,if it is brain,it is dameged 100% !!!! if i'm not in this game more then 2 years and got many friends in this game,i would say to you all to go to hell and delete my account!!! >:(

and you said about pantheon massacre is because you care for little coalition ,because they dont have pantheons and to give them a chance to capture one is all lies! free 90% revive is not what you want us to see,it is pay us 10% of your troops,so you must spend more money in game,if you are really so good and carry persons,you would put 100% free revive and then it wouldnt be pay us 10%!and what is the point some smaller coalition to capture pantheon,if they cant hold it safe?they will loose and pantheon and troops after 15 minutes.this is all manipulation and to play,give us more money,more,more,MORE!!

i have one new suggestion:

one day in month,freedom of speech on forum,no violations of any plariums rules,free badmouthing,swearing,foulness,bad day,only 24 hours,and then you could see what players think for real about your changes and how you

ruined this game,and maybe then all this complains you could,i would badmouth you ,game developers, 24 hours!

and i have proof what you think about players,how only coiners who give you money are important to you,and other players who dont coin so much are not important at all,only money!

here,vip program,sended to player who dont speak english,who didnt login 1 time on forum,but he coin and that is all what is needed to be in vip,coin,money,nothing else!

look :

i'm to angry atm that if i type more i will brake my k-board!!!

shame,shame,shame on you plarium!! >:(


Dec 21, 2016, 06:1212/21/16
Dec 21, 2016, 09:56(edited)

Offer Defensive troops in personal tournament events instead of just Offensive troops. I currently win 3 Spartan Promachos when I hit an Emporia. It would be nice to choose a defensive troop of similar value. The ability to choose either would be good.


We have passed a similar suggestion some time ago. Unfortunately, I haven't received any feedback yet.
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