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Your suggestions

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Oct 24, 2016, 05:0910/24/16
Oct 24, 2016, 11:19(edited)

this one is serious:

6.could you change that if some player is booted from coalition,his troops from capital and pantheons to return in his acropolis,and not in his city?


Accepted. It will be changed with one of the future updates.

Oct 24, 2016, 05:1610/24/16
Oct 24, 2016, 11:20(edited)

few more:

7. add button that hegemon can recall all troops from pantheons(and they to return to players acropolis and not in their cities),and only hegemons  troops to stay in pantheon

Declined. We made it possible only for Offensive Units that may be attacked. However, it wouldn't be fair to give such a power over all Units. 

8.same as 7. but for capital(same troops to go to acropolis and not in cities to be slaughtered if players are not online in that time)

Oct 24, 2016, 05:1910/24/16

it is monday now,so i asume Alyona and "moderators" will get back on work from weekend and answer to our ideas,and not to decline all by default and type some stinky reason ^^

Oct 24, 2016, 06:3110/24/16
Oct 24, 2016, 11:21(edited)

I would like to have the ability to be able to send out defense troops to meet incoming raids on my city.

If defending troops can overwhelm incoming raid then defender wins, if not incoming raids continue on to city and defender has opportunity to increase defense or hide troops.

Rewards to include new troops

Declined. It's against our basic game mechanics. All Raids should be possible to reach their target.
Oct 24, 2016, 12:1410/24/16

Athene said:

I would also like to suggest applying the same to emporia. As it is now, a lvl 72 player has to compete for emporia with everyone up to lvl 100+, as far as I can see from the emporia my oracle provides. It would make for a more balanced battle if there were more subdivisions, e.g. lvl 70-90 have the same emporia and then 90+. 

Oct 24, 2016, 20:2010/24/16
Oct 26, 2016, 15:40(edited)

1. Correct the Embassy Statistics algorithm for Offensive, Defensive, Pantheon strengths. Add a column for Capital strengths. The algorithm Palarium uses is incorrect for the offensive, defensive and PAN strength amount at the Embassy. The correct algorithm is being used by Palarium when you look at your city's War Council "Garrison". The PAN strengths shown are correctly calculated.

Offense/Defense start update not so frequently. 

I was not referring to the update delays in Offense/Defense stats.  I was referring to the gross inaccuracies in the method Plarium is using to calculate the Offense, Defense and Pantheon Defense at the Embassy statistics tab. To illustrate this I will use my city as an example.  At my War Council when I select recall, then my offensive troops, I see the troop count and offensive strength of approx. 21M.  When I go to the Embassy, statistics tab, my troop count is correct, but the offensive strength is 16.7M.  The accuracy is approximately 79%.  If I were to grade this it is a C+, or above average.  Similar inaccuracies are in the Defense and the Pantheon Defense.  I raise this as a concern because you advise that you will be adding a Capital Defense statistic.  It certainly does not make sense to provide yet another inaccurate statistic without correcting the algorithm being used.

Also, we will add the Capital stats.

To correct the inaccuracy of the "Pantheon Defense" column, consider the following:

Change the pantheon "Garrison" quick view by player, to include "Offensive Strength" and "Defensive Strength" as it is currently displayed in the city's "War Council" "Garrison" tab.

Since you have already elected to add a "Capital Defense" column, my number "2." paragraph below discusses the same change to the Capital "Garrison" quick view.

This change will correct the inaccuracies currently being shown in the "Pantheon Defense" column and will insure accurate numbers to initiate the "Capital Defense" column.

Oct 24, 2016, 20:3810/24/16
Oct 25, 2016, 11:37(edited)

2. Consider a Capital Garrison quick view by player, similar to your city's Garrison quick view that shows offensive and defensive strength.

Could you please give more details?

3. Consider adding a Coalition Capital Resource Collection of grain, timber, bronze, denari, dracma. gps, sketches, phylanch marks, and tokens.

Declined. It has another purpose.

4. Recent tournament rewards have introduced sketches and phylarch marks for the first time. Also include tokens. Additionally, have alternate uses for tokens, marks and sketches similar to gps.

Possible, but I can't promise anything. Tournament rewards change from time to time.

5. Consider increasing port trades for all games resources, i.e., denari, dracma, gps, sketches, marks, and tokens, besides articles, timber, bronze and grain. Let players set prices, Supply and Demand.

Declined. It could be abused by alts.

6. Consider retaliation raids not counting against the 10 raid limit. In furtherance, consider having a Successful Retaliation raid add a raid to the 10 raid limit. Remove the weekly resource limit for retaliation raids.

Declined. All limits were set for a reason.

7. Consider expanding offensive revival to troops used to liberate coalition and ally besieged cities.

Declined. The only exception was made for defensing your City.

Oct 25, 2016, 13:1610/25/16
Oct 26, 2016, 12:21(edited)

2, Consider a Capital Garrison quick view by player, similar to your city's Garrison quick view that shows offensive and defensive strength.

Could you please give more details?

Go to city "War Council", "Garrison" tab.  The quick view by garrison shows: Offensive Strength, Defensive Strength, and Total Quantity in the Garrison.

Go to capital "Garrison" tab. The quick view by player shows: Total Quantity in the Garrison.  Please consider adding the Offensive Strength and the Defensive Strength statistic as shown in the city War Council, Garrison tab.

Considering the fact that Capitals shouldn't be defended by Offense, is there a real necessity to do that? 

The city "War Council", "Garrison" tab illustrates the relative Offensive and Defensive strengths.  I only suggested that the capital "Garrison" tab be similar for consistency in displayed reports.  If you look at the city "War Council", "Garrison" tab, and compare it to the capital "Garrison" tab you will better understand my suggestion.  While it is not necessary to display the relative offensive strength of defensive troops, Plarium currently displays this at the city War Council, Garrison tab.

Oct 25, 2016, 19:3610/25/16
Tonaya said:

this one is serious:

6.could you change that if some player is booted from coalition,his troops from capital and pantheons to return in his acropolis,and not in his city?


Accepted. It will be changed with one of the future updates.

Oct 25, 2016, 19:3810/25/16
Tonaya said:

few more:

7. add button that hegemon can recall all troops from pantheons(and they to return to players acropolis and not in their cities),and only hegemons  troops to stay in pantheon

Declined. We made it possible only for Offensive Units that may be attacked. However, it wouldn't be fair to give such a power over all Units. 

8.same as 7. but for capital(same troops to go to acropolis and not in cities to be slaughtered if players are not online in that time)

i think it would be fair,so hegemon can save troops of his members.because if someone is not online,he can loose all troops
Oct 25, 2016, 19:4010/25/16
9. make more bot cities line's,me and my area are soo far away from any bot lines
Oct 25, 2016, 20:3810/25/16
Oct 26, 2016, 11:46(edited)

Have NO LIMIT on sending or receiving recourses and articles, for this is ours to do with as we please, its not fair that you restrict us from giving as we feel fit to friends or coalition members.

Declined. All limits are set for a reason. We cannot just remove them.

Also give more rewards on high position hits, because allot of us can only go so far with the troops and then they start getting killed out. Positions are supposedly to be there for us to upgrade our lower troops and to move up against the higher levels. but you killing most of the high and lows so there is no fun in that. Give better rewards and u will see more people will stick with the game.

Higher PPs give better rewards. It's always been so.

Last point, this 6 days upgrade, what the f. You have the upgrade challenge and no one can really compete unless they buy packages???? SO yeah you make money again off us, but you make people not wanne come on and play because they can't do much but wait for upgrades to get done.... LIMIT it to 1 day and NO more, no matter what building it is. Me and allot of other people are getting tired of spending and we don't have much fun anymore. BUT I guest thats why u start the server 2, because now people are spending more $$$ again and you smiling all the way because they having fun killing other high players who does not want to spend $$$ again on a new city.  

Declined. Our game has a certain dynamics. While you develop your City, you spend Resources and time. You can't get everything at once.

Oct 25, 2016, 21:4510/25/16
Oct 26, 2016, 11:48(edited)

Can we please have some sort of adjustment to Emissary's.  With the new levels that no doubt will not change back. Buying an emissary for 7 days is nearly worthless with a lot of the new levels of agreements starting at six days to complete signing what incentive is there to buy any. If one emissary is only good for one level in a week it is not enough time to. Surely it would make more sense to have an extra emissary for a month. For those of us that cannot afford to "splash the cash" every week the system is very bias against us ever completing all the levels of agreements for just one type of troops let alone all of them. for instance with the AGEMA and Sparta agreement to go from level 21 to 22 takes 6 days 22hrs 43mins just under a WEEK, so it follows that for a non coiner to complete Sparta up to level 32 will take a minimum (not allowing for time to increase at each level) of 10 weeks just to finish Sparta. What hope is there for me and others like me to get troops as powerful as "Coiners" who can complete in just one day if they pay enough money and i believe i know at least one person who has done just that.


Your Emissary will finish the task, and only then will get expired. If you started the upgrade that takes 14 days, your 7d Emissary will finish the upgrade before expiration. 
Oct 25, 2016, 21:5410/25/16
Oct 26, 2016, 11:49(edited)

10. put somewhere in oracle where are we with THE BANK it would help us all to know how much we are in and to know what to do.

Declined. This information is classified.

11.TELL US HOW MUCH IS INTEREST NOW(this is very important information and we should know how much is it,because no one will invest something if we dont know how much is bank's cut)

Declined. This information is classified.

ps PLEASE dont bullshite something about BALANCE again,just answer to us HOW MUCH?


Oct 26, 2016, 20:5910/26/16
who is on the other side,answering and declined my great ideas? ^^
Oct 27, 2016, 02:4610/27/16

Tonaya said:

10. put somewhere in oracle where are we with THE BANK it would help us all to know how much we are in and to know what to do.

Declined. This information is classified.

11.TELL US HOW MUCH IS INTEREST NOW(this is very important information and we should know how much is it,because no one will invest something if we dont know how much is bank's cut)

Declined. This information is classified.

ps PLEASE dont bullshite something about BALANCE again,just answer to us HOW MUCH?



this is like :doctor giving pills to sick man,and he tells him drink few but dont drink too much because if you drink too much pills you may die.patient ask his doctor:ok,doctor,but how many pills i can take to get cured and not to die?

Oct 27, 2016, 03:0110/27/16
Oct 31, 2016, 16:23(edited)

why did you made rewards from tournaments so little?

12.make rewards from tournaments like they where before

12.1.pvp 10k pvp points 480 s promachos or 960 thure,or sarris-trojan's(you wont bankrot,believe me,we cant take rewards and bring them home,we can use them only in this game,so all we get as reward,will die,either on pvp or on PP)

13.put at the same time 2 tournaments:pvp+expirience tournament or PP tournament+expirience tournament,or building upgrade +1 of those....dont be so cheap with rewards Basilius!!!!!!

Basilius,you dont have anyone but us,your players,if you loose us,you dont have enough moderators to play instead of us,your 2+years followers ^^


Tournament Rewards are changing from time to time. 

Oct 27, 2016, 18:1110/27/16
Nov 1, 2016, 11:56(edited)

A button useful to newbies like me, when preparing a raid or defense mission : *SEND ALL UNITS* instead of having to click and click and click to select them all. 

You have such option. Just click Offense, and it will choose all Offense automatically.
Oct 27, 2016, 19:5510/27/16

armand.yerly said:

A button useful to newbies like me, when preparing a raid or defense mission : *SEND ALL UNITS* instead of having to click and click and click to select them all. 

You are already able to at top of troop selection menu you have






Click on each one to experiment, just don't click send before you have made correct choice
Oct 27, 2016, 22:3110/27/16

why none answering on my suggestions? Alyona where are you?


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