Plarium changed persian system at least 4 times,maybe more:
1. it was you dont get any payout if you play no matter how many positions,and then you get big payout(i think it was the best)
2.then for a short time there were new system:what ever you send on pp 30% of your troops will came back alive(only for a short time)
3.then they invented new system,with partial(little payouts)
3.a. all of a sudden,nikita meteor posted how there are cheaters,who took advantage and exploited plariums system,accused players that they are cheaters,and changed system again this system is on
5.i think it is against rules and common sense,that plarium can change system on pp,when ever they want and if they dont like something,explanation from nikita meteor was that they changing system because players received more troops then they should.
6.not even once plarium explained what did they change on system,and how we should play now.
7.nikita meteor publicly said to all players to play positions from 1 hit=result a lot user deleted who lost all army on pp,listening to nikita advice
7.a.i did try to explain to all players not to listen to nikita,Alyona,and moderators for pp,but my posts are deleted a lot,as myself 2 times
8.then plarium ask from players to explain how they play pp
8.a.why do you have moderatos then?why do you pay them 3 000 drachmas per week?to warn me to stay on topic,to delete my posts,to close my threads?
9.some time ago Leonidas and "developers"made thread few tips from developers how to play pp,they said :it is important to finish position before start to play next position.that is a LIE.i get huge payouts with 10 1 bar positions at the time.not just one time,EVERY TIME.
10.when gonna plarium really explain to players(their only costumers)how to play pp and not to loose all troops?
10.a.if you changed system,you should explain what did you change?
11. i ask million time just to tell us how much is interest for bank now.answer was:no,no,no it is TOP SECRET(what are you,CIA? )
12.if in this game troop build time is normal(not eternity) i wouldnt ask about interest,i would figure it out by myself.with this troop build time,i am afraid my life is not enough to build troops for experiments about pp new system
12.a. why do you keep giving IMPERIAL TROOPS as rewards from tournaments?i said they dont have value on pp,like regular troops,you answered to me 10 times with same answer:EVERY TROOP HAVE CERTAIN VALUE...bla bla....i said IMPERIAL TROOPS have ZERO VALUE on pp,i got same CERTAIN answer,then i ask :are you telling us that IMPERIAL TROOPS have SAME VALUE like REGULAR troops,and all of a sudden,Alyona answer :i never said they have same value,but i am sure they have some value,but i dont know what is their value.
this is unbelievably are playing with words and confusing other players.when nob came on forum and see cm,moderators,administrators(all from PLARIUM side) telling one thing,and Tonaya(poor regular player) telling opposite,to who will they believe?to plarium,of course.what one player can know better then plarium,right?
but then cm,admit that she dont play game and that she dont know nothing about pp.
so,why you explaining anything to players,if you dont know and didnt experienced it,you just repeat what someone told you to say here,and that is not truth.
12.b. bring some developer on forum,to explain to players how to play pp,it is 30 minutes of his time,he is paid for his job,i am not paid by anyone,this is my free time,i'm wasting trying to help other players not to loose troops.
12.c.why would players loose REGULAR TROOPS on pp if reward is IMPERIAL TROOPS who dont have value on pp?it is like before race to shoot your leg,thinking :hmm,maybe i will run faster if i limp. what is your goal with changing pp system 4 times or more: make players troopless? make as much USER DELETED as you can? make players spend more money on reviving troops?
one of those three it is,answer which one,but honestly,if you can
14.i made only 1 thread about troop build time,i ask simple question,you Alyona to give me simple answer,so all can see truth,question was how much time is needed to build 100 agemas....your answer and morteee's answer players can see here:
your answer was you dont know how much time is needed,and morteee's was 13 days.funny is that we dont need to build only 100 agema's,we need to build 1000,2000,3000 agema,so it is not "only"13 days,it is 130 days,260 days,390 days....IT IS 1 YEAR!!!!
and funny is that those 1000,2000,3000 agema we loose for 1 second ^^ playing pp,or fighting with strong players.where is fun there?1 second against 1 year?fun?and you can post screenshot how you attack someone,and you lost 3000 agema,he lost 6000 mpelts,and you will get answer from cm,moderators:WOW IT WAS EPIC BATTLE! do you think we all are epic imbecile's here?
when you asked me what difference would it make if you cut troop build time for 50%,here is your answer:it is not 390 days,it would be 195 days,still eternity,but just a little less o.O
15.all players(except moderators of course) complain reward is poor,and garbage(<---it>---it>
1.experience tournament+persian tournament(put imperial troops as rewards on 1 tournament and regular troops for 2nd)
2.experience tournament+pvp tournament(same rewards as above)
3.development tournament last 1-2 days max,while we need 9+ days to develop anything in our city
4.phylarch tournament last 1-2 days,we need 4,8,or more days for any upgrade
5.where is logic here?simple,all you can do with drachma,to boost,how you can get drachma to do that,put more money in the game
6.all changes in game in last 1.5 year is only money related cant do nothing with out money made huge unbalance between non-coiners and coiners(regular players cant compete with coiners) players were selected only by how much money they spend in game,they receive special rewards from their personal agents,and regular players dont know anything about it! it fair?
11.i start to play game 915 days ago,i login every single day,i start to play game because msg was : play FREE game....what is free in game now? deleted colonies and invented emporia's.colonies was all sieged,all the time,emporia's are all empty now(if you dont believe to me,login and look for yourself),players dont have Interests to hold emporia,why?because there are only 1 difference between colonie and emporia,in emporia you must put more troops to get any resources from it,in colonies you didnt,you could hold it with 1 troop and receive resources,it was not good for you,and now if you want to win some emporia event you must send CERTAIN defence there,and after 2 minutes all your defence there is dead,because some coiner killed them all,because of fun,to win some points.EMPORIA is one among a lot bad changes you made in last 1.5 years,players boycott emporias,all emporia are empty,look for your self.
ps please,Alyona,moderators,dont answer to me with same answers like before,i ask simple questions,give me simple answers.not some philosophy about balance,inflation,and other imaginary stuff
will i get answers on my questions this time?simple question-simple answer?
will my post be deleted?
will i be punished again?
i didnt violate anything,all i said is 100% truth,from my experience as 2.5 years every day player
why i care for others players(from all other coalitions,i dont know anyone from them in real life) and you dont care?
isnt your goal to have as many as you can happy costumers,loyal players?
ps.II if you answer to me,again,with same answer:yes,Tonaya,but you dont need to use any apps in game,you can play without money,you dont need to participate in any is my premature answer to you:you dont need to breathe either,but you do,you dont need to eat,but you do,you dont need to go to work,but you do,right,Alyona?