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Yesterday we have updated Plarium Play - our desktop application!

Yesterday we have updated Plarium Play - our desktop application!

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Aug 16, 2018, 10:1808/16/18

Yesterday we have updated Plarium Play - our desktop application!

Lords and Ladies, yesterday we have updated Plarium Play - our desktop application .

From now on, you’ll be able to play our games via Plarium Play both on Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. Follow this link to download the app. The correct version will be detected automatically according to your OS.

Try out Plarium Play to enhance your game experience and leave your feedback in the comments below!

Aug 16, 2018, 11:2308/16/18
Nice ! 
Aug 19, 2018, 17:5208/19/18

Unfortunately, still no version of us Mac users...  :(   

We still get bombarded by the incitative ads to download, though. 

Aug 19, 2018, 18:4608/19/18

For Mac, I'm sure it will come soon ! 

About the banner that prevents you from interacting with your city, we talk about it in this topic. I invite you to go there.

Aug 20, 2018, 10:5608/20/18

Abaelle said:

Unfortunately, still no version of us Mac users...  :(   

We still get bombarded by the incitative ads to download, though. 


Version for MAC users are in testing mode now :) So, we're waiting for it to appear soon :)

Sep 3, 2018, 14:5209/03/18
mais si je ne me trompe pas cette application ne fonctionne pas pour les comptes facebooK? uniquement pour la plateforme plarium?
Sep 6, 2018, 15:0509/06/18

canondales said:

mais si je ne me trompe pas cette application ne fonctionne pas pour les comptes facebooK? uniquement pour la plateforme plarium?


Oui, cette application ne fonctionne que pour les comptes créés sur les serveurs


Yes, this application works only for those accounts that are created on servers.

Sep 7, 2018, 12:0409/07/18


je suis en 32 bits windows , j ai telechargé plarium play , et ca ne fonctionne pas 

Sep 7, 2018, 23:5909/07/18

Nothing but problems since the 'new' update. doesn't matter if i log in via web or app same problem

No i'm not doing some dodge capture for you do your own work and test this stuff properly, you rake in enough wonga from people
Sep 9, 2018, 09:2609/09/18
new update means also new bug or issue so game gets most worse with every update and not better like it should be
Oct 8, 2018, 12:1510/08/18

Guys plarium play should have been launched with the ability to gain access to the forum and friend requests. The amount of work to check for friend requests or browse the forum is foolish.

I do not understand why things are done in reverse?

It is a major inconvenience and quite frankly, apologies mean nothing anymore.
Oct 8, 2018, 21:1710/08/18
Oct 8, 2018, 21:19(edited)

rix, this problem is since january when they first moved people to beta, it was reported, and the answer was developers are working on it.... and today still nothing 

I am not sure where you saw someone from plarium apologising for this mess, the closest answer i got for this is "life is not perfect" (that i found slightly sarcastic) anyway i passed my vip agent again some (well i think it was over 30 in the last days) of the matters not working in app or weblogg, half of them are there since january, and been already mentioned or reported here or to vip, do i get paid for testing a "beta program"? do we get proper copensations for doing the jobs of "testers" because that's what we are since the moment we are all forced to a non working & properly finished/tested game / platform

Oct 9, 2018, 12:2810/09/18

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

rix, this problem is since january when they first moved people to beta, it was reported, and the answer was developers are working on it.... and today still nothing 

I am not sure where you saw someone from plarium apologising for this mess, the closest answer i got for this is "life is not perfect" (that i found slightly sarcastic) anyway i passed my vip agent again some (well i think it was over 30 in the last days) of the matters not working in app or weblogg, half of them are there since january, and been already mentioned or reported here or to vip, do i get paid for testing a "beta program"? do we get proper copensations for doing the jobs of "testers" because that's what we are since the moment we are all forced to a non working & properly finished/tested game / platform

It is a shame because the game itself has a great theme and strategy but development seems to go backwards,  It operated very smoothly the first couple of years before they changed the metrics of persian positions and then it went downhill from there. after 2016 it has not been the same. They change, we adapt, they change again, we adapt and they change again. 

More time is spent on releasing items that cost players money rather than making the gaming experience smoother.
Oct 9, 2018, 16:3310/09/18
Oct 9, 2018, 16:36(edited)

100% correct

i loved the game at the beginning, but since january 2017, massives lags and changes ... all  is going to worse instead of improving, and when active real players, we try to give opinions, we are not listened...

it is in a way sad
Oct 10, 2018, 11:1110/10/18

alina, dont you find more logical to have waited till developers did a proper job, not pass everyone to a game that has not improved at all since January?

and as rix mentioned, a friendly access should had been there since the beginning (and when i first asked about this i was told that devs were busy in other things, i am glad that finally devs changed their mind and now they seem to be working in all the millions of problems we are passing) any chance we get commissions for doing the work of testers?
Oct 13, 2018, 01:3410/13/18
completely useless information for mac users ... how much longer must we suffer the terrible lack of support?
Oct 15, 2018, 12:2610/15/18
hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

rix, this problem is since january when they first moved people to beta, it was reported, and the answer was developers are working on it.... and today still nothing 

I am not sure where you saw someone from plarium apologising for this mess, the closest answer i got for this is "life is not perfect" (that i found slightly sarcastic) anyway i passed my vip agent again some (well i think it was over 30 in the last days) of the matters not working in app or weblogg, half of them are there since january, and been already mentioned or reported here or to vip, do i get paid for testing a "beta program"? do we get proper copensations for doing the jobs of "testers" because that's what we are since the moment we are all forced to a non working & properly finished/tested game / platform

Oct 16, 2018, 00:2910/16/18
Anyone has more information or an update on this issue? 
Oct 18, 2018, 09:1410/18/18

mjbarnaby said:

completely useless information for mac users ... how much longer must we suffer the terrible lack of support?


Application for Mac user is on the final stage of the testing process.

Once it's done, we will release the application for Mac users as well.

I can't give any concrete date now, but dev said they should finish it as soon as possible.