and i already braked 5 of each kind,all identical or weaker then i have
20 times i bought 4 class legendary key,all is wasted
3750 drachma for 1.2k or 3.2k pieces,and it should be fun
Tonaya has 337.3 mil points at PP ranking and 4 unic legendary IV items and 22 duplicated items so far, max PP level 190.
Me has 120 mil points at PP ranking and 4 unic legendary IV items and 3 duplicated items so far, max PP level 165.
A lots of VIP friends has 5 to 7 unic legendary IV items but have only 2 to 8 mil points at PP ranking and the max PP level is very low.
The “PP Reward system” is unfair or not ?
Dimitri Molchanov said:
Tonaya said:
i'm collecting drachma to buy 4 class legendary package,33750 drachma, if i get same general items i'v already have,i'll declare war between plarium and me
hahaha,i like you Dimitri,when you not making me angry,you like to joke,me too.Tonaya,wont go with sword on plarium,i'll take gatling cannon,you can send horses how much you like
The “PP Reward system” is unfair or not ?
well IOANNIS, you know you don't know the mechanics behind pp. the algorithm that is set on or what is being decide by it for you to get rewards. the math that is given to us is only half of what pp is about. so yes in small way totally unfair. but really it is not. if you play in exact order you will get what you are looking for on pp. no money needed to make the purple boxes drop. it is all a matter of accuracy. I get purple boxes every night I play. I have all the legendary items, it took me one whole year of playing to get my last top offense piece. so you can add up all the duplicate pieces I have/had. I will say that their is a trick to get pieces in order. on the duplicate items make sure you are upgrading only the strongest pieces you have. and yes it might take a little while to get them but time is of no concern here. other wise you will keep getting them
and another thing the items you buy are the weakest available, so don't waste your drachma there.