Sparta Game Main Problem - Lack of War Activity
Sparta Game Main Problem - Lack of War Activity
Ok, so this is the second Article in the series. Its purpose is to define the main problem of Sparta War game. This problem is the cause for 80% of the unhappines of the players, and no. 1 reason why players are leaving the game.
It is not about solutions just to define the main problem as accurate as possible.
This article is the continuation of:
And it in the same area but not entire identical to 2 other articles composed by Yavitz and Mauro:
It also elaborates on many previous articles, including by myself many years ago, lately a high profile article that many players commented in it mentioned similar problem:
Moderators: vanesamei, morteeee and alias please comment. I need your opinion about this article as players for many years. Comment please if you think the defined problem is correct or not, if not let's discuss it.
Phase 1 - Main Problem: Cities are rarely being raided.
Numbers now: The requirement for myself and many other non coiners is Rule 2 in my previous article, article 1: Let's say there is a city with medium city level walls, not high. And 5 million defence points in it. It is not much defence, 5000 phalanxes for non coiners. Players, myself included, you as moderators, and 80% of the ther non coiners to be happy they need to raid such a city once a week. It is not much, raiding a city, only once time a week, with small amount of defence in it. Or you can say raiding 2 cities with 2.5 mil defence points in it. Ok? small requirement.
For coinres same thing, just lets say cities with 50 mil defence points per week. I am throwing numbers but let's assume they are approximately correct.
Question: Why players will not raid such a low defended city? it has only 5 mil defence. Why you as moderators will not raid such a city once a week? why am I, or 80% of players in Sparta, are not raiding such a city once a week and having fun as we want?
Answer: Main reason why players will not do such a small raid, is that to raid a city the attacker will loose a big amount of offence points (Troops) which the prizes and building queues of troops cannot compensate, and that will result his army vanish quickly if you always loose troops on regular basis. But and important but, I agree with vanesa and disagree with Yavitz, the ratio of defence vs offence is good, vanesa as myself worked years to reach a good defended city, this is the one of the only protections from a repeating raids of coiners, players with very big force, on non coiners cities.
Phase 2 - Main problem: How to cause a non coiner attacker to raid a city having 5 mil defence points in it once a week?
This without breaking Rule 1 of the players as I defined in article 1, the attacker must have his army growing on a weekly basis for most of the time, for 100% of the time on monthly basis.
Without making suggestions of how to fix this, this in other article(s). Moderators: vanesamei, morteeee and alias do you agree to the main problem as defined here?
Do you see that 80% of the players in sparta want to raid cities on each week to get excitement and fun?
I know there are 20% of the rest that like Persian Positions only, or farming only of resources, or guardians activities only. But it is a minor part of the players. Almost all want to raid cities, not raiding pans, not raiding capitals, not doing PP each week as replacement, not clicking endlesly for free rewards instead, not raiding only farms or sieged cities, not dealing with Emporia also there troops are lost quicly if not being careful, but to raid cities, and not once in a ... but on a weekly basis.