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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
May 1, 2021, 17:0105/01/21

asked now for plarium if the player spent 1000 euros using ars currency

how much is that army worth now

you have to solve that problem anyway and you can’t take anything from the player

so we want you to get in touch and solve the problem to talk to the players

i have 2 ways to solve this

so you have to do a little work and you do in each of these solutions

1the first is to reduce the value of the package and upgrade the game something like a pantheon and capital and emporium something new for the new army you have given us and that they become veterans

invent something new for players to fight for and that what we are fighting for is worth fighting for 

rewards could increase for top players of the week those awards stand 6 years and 8 months since the bastard I started playing 

1 place 5k gold 2, 3k 3, 2k........a lot more work to get the balance back in the game all players who bought for ars currency leads more than a player who has been playing for 7 years and didn’t know about it you have to make it possible for everyone now

for your every player should be equal .

2.and for another solution I would have to talk to the plarium in private

most players are waiting for your answer on how you will solve the situation. you can ask each player for advice now most will say to return the ars currency and you return the ars currency and you increase the price of the pack again I will be angry

so reduce in euros and dollars as it was in the ars currency 4 days ago and that's it

robert balkan 

May 1, 2021, 17:0605/01/21

here we are all players together

friends or enemies we all ask for the same

May 2, 2021, 03:5105/02/21
May 2, 2021, 04:38(edited)

i would also ask how some players new that 'ars' would cease a month ago. Clearly someone from plarium let certain players know

i am also disturbed by the lack of response from plarium over this issue. is there plan to extract as much money as they can from the 'big boys' and then let them destroy each other and all  non/small/medium spenders and then close the game. without the smaller player  there is no game

something stinks here, and it is not my imagination. The one answer we recieved from our moderator made no sense whatsoever

May 2, 2021, 08:0105/02/21
May 5, 2021, 09:11(edited)


La cosa che mi lascia ancor più male è che dopo quattro giorni nonostante le migliaia di richieste che abbiamo fatto (tutte chiedevano la stessa cosa), l'unica risposta che sono stati in grado di darci è stata il copia e incolla della mail che hanno mandato quando abbiamo scritto con il tasto VIP....

Plarium non ci ha degnato e non ci degna neanche di una risposta.....questa non considerazione fa si che che la nostra unione aumenti ancora di piu verso questa problematica (nonostante ne gioco con alcune leghe ci scontriamo e siamo avversarie qui tutti uniti per la stessa causa).



May 2, 2021, 09:4705/02/21

whatever happenned to'YOU SPOKE WE LISTENED'

please listen now plarium

May 2, 2021, 10:4805/02/21

Ciao John non so quanto costano i pacchetti adesso semplicemente perchè neanche li guardo fino a quanto i prezzi di acquisto vengono adeguati agli Ars...poi possono mettere qualsiasi moneta, dollaro, Euro, l'importante che i prezzi tornino come prima....un pacchetto 80 centesimi di euro..

May 2, 2021, 10:5105/02/21
May 2, 2021, 15:04(edited)

Bonjour a tous,

Bien joué plarium pour votre suppression de l'ARS...Voici une semaine que chez nous aucune dépense en pack et il en sera ainsi jusqu'à ce que les prix deviennent raisonnables. Sympa de penser à nous faire faire des économies en prévision des beaux jours qui arrivent.

Si vous vouliez tuer le jeu vous ne pouviez pas mieux vous y prendre....... 

Quant vos réponses ou vos arguments, mieux vaut vous abstenir, chaque réponse de votre part est une insulte aux joueurs...


May 2, 2021, 11:2005/02/21

now we are looking for answers from the plarians about what they plan to do and we want those answers quickly

it is not a fair game towards new players you have to allow everyone the same

there are players who have used ars there are players who have not

then those who used the ars 11 times faster than those who use the euro or another currency

i have been using ars currency for 2 months . and I know that now attacking a player who has not used that currency and cannot is not fair to him.

that's why you don't want new players on Sparta ?

and you want only the strongest player to stay and then delete the game .

now my enemy is not ros but plarium.

it is now important for the plarium to cooperate with the players .and all the players are waiting for answers

May 2, 2021, 12:0305/02/21

Ciao John non so quanto costano i pacchetti adesso semplicemente perchè neanche li guardo fino a quanto i prezzi di acquisto vengono adeguati agli Ars...poi possono mettere qualsiasi moneta, dollaro, Euro, l'importante che i prezzi tornino come prima....un pacchetto 80 centesimi di euro..

To not to look at the packages is even better :-) 😃👍 

May 2, 2021, 12:1405/02/21

Any Statement from Palarium? 

May 2, 2021, 13:2505/02/21

If some players were given heads up about the discontinuation of ARS in advance, that would be the lowest point for plarium against the mass player community. 

If it is true, Plarium has lost its right to talk about 'fairplay'. 

May 2, 2021, 14:2405/02/21


J'ai voulu prendre un ou deux packs et qu'est-je vu à la fin du tarif...

Un espèce de gros S avec un trait en plein milieu, mince j'ai eu peur j'ai clické sur la croix rouge !

Pensez s'ils vous plait à corriger se bug informatique afin que je revoit le ARS à la fin de c'est drôles de tarifs.

Merci, bisoutes

May 2, 2021, 14:5605/02/21


I think Plarium's decision is an excellent one and I am part of the group of gamers who ORDERS the removal of this nonsense.

For the simple reason that it is absolutely unacceptable that our investments in the past are threatened.

If we had not got a satisfactory answer

1) the biggest coiners in the game would no longer spend one euro / dollar.

2) We would kill the game with this scam because we would be winning very quickly.

3) risk of contamination from other Plarium games and / or abandonment of the game for those who have not experienced this cheating in 2021, for example.

Our decisions may be shocking but are strategic for us.


PS / English is not my native language, sorry for understanding. 🙏

May 2, 2021, 15:4805/02/21
May 5, 2021, 09:17(edited)

Merci à toi flokossama

je concederais une chose chez toi ,c est ton honneteté.

Au moins tu as la franchise de dire que ce jeu est biaisé à la base.

l'honneteté de reconnaitre que ce que pouvais dire les alpha agema en leur temps (et bien d'autre )était donc bien vrai.

C'est donc bien les GROS GOLDEURS qui régissent ce jeu et rien d'autre.

Ma foi si votre plaisir est de vouloir avoir la main mise sur un jeu virtuel , grand bien vous fasse 

Perso je continue vraiment à te remercier car je mettrais plus jamais une thune sur ce jeu 

PS: Remarque elle est pas con ton histoire ,a un moment donné vous vous retrouverez entre gros goldeur (allez on va dire une dizaine de poignées d'imbeciles) et vous vous regarderez en chien de faience car aucun n'aura les couilles d'aller taper l'autre

C'est un concep


May 2, 2021, 16:0505/02/21


I think Plarium's decision is an excellent one and I am part of the group of gamers who ORDERS the removal of this nonsense.

For the simple reason that it is absolutely unacceptable that our investments in the past are threatened.

If we had not got a satisfactory answer

1) the biggest coiners in the game would no longer spend one euro / dollar.

2) We would kill the game with this scam because we would be winning very quickly.

3) risk of contamination from other Plarium games and / or abandonment of the game for those who have not experienced this cheating in 2021, for example.

Our decisions may be shocking but are strategic for us.


PS / English is not my native language, sorry for understanding. 🙏

Flossoma rimarrete tu e qualche altra decina di svitati disposti a spendere una fortuna per cosa....

passerete settemane a cercarvi uno con l'altro perche sarete talmente pochi che forse neanche vi scontrerete piu'.......

pero' guarda il lato positivo rimarrete solo voi i pui forti......ed avrete il predominio su Sparta...🙈

May 2, 2021, 16:3105/02/21

Ah, qu'est ce qu'on l'aime ce Flokossama, toujours prêt a passer sour le bureau du chef (plarium)pour la petite gaterie :)) il n'empèche qu'il a raison, c'était vraiment pas juste que tout le monde puisse jouer et se défendre parce que c'est son jeu a lui :)) mdrrrrr  bientot , quand tout le monde se sera barré, il sera bien content parce qu'il pourra jouer tout seul avec tous ses beaux milliards d'off et de def....

Sans rire, je ne vois vraiment quel plaisir il peut y avoir a accumuler des milliards si il n'y a personne pour les recevoir... mais je comprend quand meme, ça flatte son égo et il a l'impression d'etre le dieu du monde !! moi, je l'aime bien Floko, faudrait juste qu'il achète un peu moins de pack et qu'il investisse dans un truc qui l'aide a réfléchir, un cerveau par exemple !!

et c'est certain, vaut mieux que plarium satisfasse 10 gros goldeurs plutot que des centaines, des milliers de joueurs qui voudraient juste s'amuser et pouvoir participer!! et pourtant, je ne suis pas le + a plaindre mais je pense simplement aux autres et il y en a certain qui devraient commencer a le faire!! la bise a tous

May 2, 2021, 19:1405/02/21


Facile d'avoir ce discours quand plarium te donne des millions de Drachmes pour remerciement de tes investissements. Encore que "investissments" n'est pas le bon mot approprié s'agissant d'un jeu à perte sèche/directe... Rappelle toi de tes propos.

Salaire moyen Argentin : 368 € / mois  - package 0.81 €

Salaire moyen Francais : 2368 € / mois. - package 9.9 $

Cela semble cohérent au vu de la différence de moyen  (rapport de 10) avec une légère inflation pour nous.

Vous avez donc compris que plarium estime votre capacité budgétaire de 10 € pour un package. A vous de voir si vous avez cette tune pour 1 package. Sinon, Vous comprendrez vite que Plarium vous prend pour des vaches à lait. A vous lire tous , ils savent que vous êtes drogué/obsédé par ce jeu : Mettre de la tune est devenu normal/obligatoire pour jouer/gagner, même des sommes inouis. à en perdre raison.. "du moment que j'existe sur ce jeu" . 

Hey, Mais revenez sur terre !. Peut etre que les goldeurs de plarium ne sont pas en réalité de Vrai goldeurs... Juste pour vous faire croire un niveau d"investissement" nécessaire pour "exister"  .A méditer..

@Floko.. Ca c'est pour ta mauvaise fois .


May 2, 2021, 19:4105/02/21
Forget Me Not

Hello, everyone! Sorry for a bit delayed reply.
I will cut to the chase and elaborate on the reason why this change was needed. We constantly analyze a number of various factors that influence gameplay processes in our games to see if any adjustments are needed. What we noticed some time ago, is that there were major discrepancies in the currencies value area that put some players at a disadvantage. It took us a while to examine the data and consider possible ways of solving this. In the end, we found it necessary to set the most common currencies and even out this area. 

Anastasia, hi!

Even this answer is ... for kids

"we found it necessary to set the most common currencies" and grow the prices 15 times...

Dont you see this as a crazy explanation ? Again, sorry, nothing personal, but the most crazy answer, is like you (Plarium) consider as idiots

May 2, 2021, 19:5505/02/21
caesar octavianus

Plarium, my friends!

If you do not re-enable ARS, how in the world is W.K going to buy back his massacred defense?

Have a heart!


May 2, 2021, 20:1305/02/21

This game has very few players, and imagine if someone wants to start the game, he has absolutely no chances!!!!!!!!!! But with ars, he can grow quickly and can keep playing. That's what happened to my dear friend Robert. Without ars, you can be sure that there won't be any new players! >>>dead game with only a very small bunch of guys....Maybe Floko will enjoy being the only spartan player...and the strongest one among himself lol, but i can assure you that other huge coiners such as Usgu, Penthe or Haita don't have the same need of power above nothing. They won't buy anything when there won't be any players left lol, plus they are friends so the only thing that they will be able to do is attacking themselves with their alts and trying to trap....their own alt:-DDDD

Flokossama, I put a lot of trust in you when i first met you despite all what i had heard about you, but your words mean nothing now. You knew about ars way before us and told no one!! And you were "surprised" when i kindly told you about it!!!! (You openly lied about how you got your 7 stars guardians for example: it was with lots of ressources and

WK, here is your time lol, if ars stops, it means nobody left to trap, it means less points, it means less glory lol, ars is vital for everybody, you included. It's not only about the price that it cost to somebody, this will lead to the death of the game!

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