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Guardian  Error or  again update without warning ?

Guardian Error or again update without warning ?

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Oct 19, 2019, 02:4710/19/19

I was just waiting for something like this.. Ripping more out of their so valued and loyal PAYERS will not taking place here.

I can easy adapt to be a Freeloader again and this will be enforced from my side from today until this change has been reversed.. 

Thanks Plarium for letting me keeping my money in my wallet. 
Oct 19, 2019, 14:1110/19/19

Plarium has 4 days left to reverse their disgusting money grab rule changes if they want to retain my account.

I just took one rank 4 guardian from level 1 to level 30 to check the math.  It took 33 warlord battles with the double XP bonus enabled.

33 battles equals 33 emeralds (10 energy per battle and 100 energy purchased for 10 emeralds)

There were 4 of the 33 battles where I received a +10 energy bonus (Basically "free") so with the 25 emerald reward I lost 4 emeralds in the whole process, not counting the 10 emeralds I spend activating the 2X boost for 1 hour.

So the rank 4 guardian was not worth upgrading.  You will lose emeralds to do it.  This step (Taking all rank 4, 5 and 6 to max level) was the main source of emeralds for all non-coiners.

The emerald surplus was of course used to buy basic summoning bonds and 2X boosts to sustain Guardian Play.  Over time players might be able save enough emeralds to buy a few EPIC bonds and if lucky get a useful class IV Guardian.  It was never a fair trade spending 100s of hours clicking mind-numbing and pointless Warlord battles to gain a few items coiners just buy but it was nevertheless a tool for those that spend no money to stay in the game.  Now Plarium has taken this away from all non-coiners.  Attacking warlords will now always result in loss of emerald balance and if you cant buy more you will not be able to continue... simple math.

During coalition conflicts all the non-coiners could contribute significantly by winning warlord battles (50-60 points each) this cost nothing but time but could add up to 50,000 points in 6 hours of clicking... now this is also taken away.

Is Plarium trying to drive out all the non-coiners?   This will reduce the player pool to a bunch of coiners fighting each other...Being a coiner myself this is not what I am looking for.  I already am dis proportionally stronger than any other player in my coalition (Except a couple of other coiners).  I contribute about half of the entire coalition points in every conflict although we have almost 100% participation from our 70 players.  If they all stop contributing via Guardians it will become even more imbalanced. The guardian reward change is disastrous in my opinion and therefore I will not continue playing until it is reversed. 

Maybe Plarium should force all their developers to play the game for a minimum of 4 hours per day in their personal time so they can experience firsthand how stupid some of their ideas are?

Oct 19, 2019, 17:0010/19/19
Oct 19, 2019, 17:03(edited)

Hi all! I am deeply dissapointed by Plarium decision to reduce by 75% the rewards received when upgrading a guardian to 4-5-6 rank. It is immoral to change the rules mid game without even giving ahead notice and make players discover by themselves the change, thinking it is a bug and it will fixed with a future update. I am in agreement with what MIKALOSOS said and those before him. There are many players that have just become aware of how profitable are the guardians and started playing them but as soon as they got their hopes up, Plarium shows up and cut their wings off reasong being that they do not have enough emeralds to develop them; as of today the system is made only to play on minus and to be dependent of guardian offers ulgy and shamefull move. There is also a huge discrepancy between those who pay to win and those that play for fun. Through this move you slapped those who do not contribute to your offers and force them to quit playing because you made the gap between payers and non-payers even wider.

Oct 20, 2019, 01:2810/20/19

what a rip off ... Plarium once again continues to want more money from players but keeps ruining the game by decreasing in game rewards. I call on all players to boycott Plarium by refusing to spend any more money until these stupid issues are resolved

Oct 20, 2019, 07:3610/20/19
Oct 21, 2019, 11:10(edited)

sigo pensando en la opción de que Plarium quiera abandonar el juego porque ya no es rentable o porque quiere asignar más recursos a otros juegos que sean más rentables para ellos ... y eso dice que los follamos mucho, abandonamos el juego y cuando hay poco cierro actividad. No quiero pensar en el día en que este exitoso juego se vuelva negro y todos los jugadores que tienen o han gastado miles y miles de euros no tienen NADA ... ... que compre un automóvil ... al menos tiene un automóvil. ... viejo en 10 años ... aquellos que gastaron 30,000 euros ... no tienen NADA ... ese día entraré al foro para ver sus gritos ... amenazas de abogados ... corte allí ... carta al papa pidiendo que la seda sagrada los ayude a ajjajajaa.

still thinking of the option that plarium wants to leave the game because it is no longer profitable or because it wants to allocate more resources to other games that are more profitable for them ...  do not want to think about the day that this hit game goes black and all those players who have or have spent thousands and thousands of euros have NOTHING ... ... who buys a car ... at least has a car. .. old in 10 years ... those who spent 30,000 euros .. they have NOTHING .... that day I will enter the forum to see their cries .. threats from lawyers .. court there ... letter to the pope asking that the holy silk help them ajjajajaa .

Ich denke immer noch über die Option nach, dass Plarium das Spiel verlassen möchte, weil es nicht mehr rentabel ist oder weil sie mehr Ressourcen für andere Spiele bereitstellen möchten, die für sie rentabler sind ... und das besagt, dass wir sie viel ficken Ich schließe Aktivität. Ich möchte nicht daran denken, dass der Tag, an dem dieses Hit-Spiel schwarz wird, und all jene Spieler, die Tausende und Abertausende von Euro ausgegeben haben oder ausgegeben haben, NICHTS haben ... ... die ein Auto kaufen ... zumindest ein Auto haben. .. in 10 Jahren alt ... diejenigen, die 30.000 Euro ausgegeben haben .. sie haben NICHTS .... an diesem Tag werde ich das Forum betreten, um ihre Schreie zu sehen .. Drohungen von Anwälten .. Gericht dort ... Brief an den Papst Bitte, dass die heilige Seide ihnen ajjajajaa helfen ..

Oct 20, 2019, 09:3010/20/19
Maybe in a year or so's time like WEBGL what we were subjected too, they will realize that its not working, but too late Plarium, players are leaving the game now as we speak, shrinking the community even further. maybe you do have an endgame in mind for terminating this game, that is what this is wholly suggesting to me now. No agents have come here, and even persistent but getting increasingly annoying Nancy has run away such is the flak on this subject on forum at present.
Oct 20, 2019, 16:1510/20/19
Oct 20, 2019, 16:2710/20/19

Before if you did things right you could upgrade a guardian to Rank 6 Level 40 for almost zero cost in emeralds. Depending on how many free bonds you got while hitting warlords. It took many many hours to do this but it allowed non-coiners the ability to upgrade their guardians. Their hard word, time and dedication to the game had its reward.

Now they will be forced to coin or no longer upgrade their guardians. That is not right!

BTW, this move that Plarium did will not stop those who were getting top spots weekly (whether they were cheating or not) since they with still get emeralds, bonds and other rewards for winning tournaments and weekly. Try to justify what they did by saying it was because of these players is like taking away all law abiding citizens guns because some knucklehead shoots someone.
Oct 20, 2019, 18:1410/20/19

Plarium was sold to Aristocrat (Australian company).

Original owners supposedly stayed on to enhance Aristocrat's Return-On-Investment

When Elysian troops first arrived, you could get 1 Elysian article by using 1 Dimacha. A few weeks after that, you had to attack a total of three different levels thereby blowing your Elysian troops into oblivion (we all know how much these troops cost to revive). For lack of a better term, you were "supposed" to hit the different levels to gain your article. 

I mean really, God forbid we get an Elysian article for using 1 Dimacha. 

God forbid we actually "get" something in return for the massive number of clicks we now have to go thru.

No word or message was put out.

Aristocrat is trying to re-coup the 500 million they spent by making the game profitable. 

As it was with Elysian changes, so it has become with Guardians. Game changes made with no thought to inform your customer base.

Our sister coalition has lost 5 people. Our main coalition has lost an additional 4 people.

I thought the goal for a business was to keep loyal, paying (and playing) customers. Even if those customers purchase a small package.

Here are just some of the CM, Mod and Customer service replies:

-We don't introduce game imbalance

-That would create a game imbalance

-So tell me what you would like to see

-We can not see any accounts related to Persian positions

-Yes..I checked your account and your Persian Position bank looks fine

-Maybe you should wait a few weeks and try playing PP again

-Please submit a trouble ticket with our support staff

-Well, I can see you have invested approximately 2 Billion in resources. why don't you wait a week and try again

I have over 50 more responses saved...responses that never answered or addressed a problem...responses that were met with empty, hollow answers that never even addressed the issue at hand. 

Questions are answered with a question!

Dissension...even if perceived in a message, is met with a heavy-handed, jack-booted response of a threat to ban.

I personally have no power over what and how this game is developed or the CM's or Mods that "govern" these forums. 

Personally, I have never seen "Any" forums that are run with such a heavy hand regarding customer issues.

Disagree, get mad, or write the wrong thing and your dead! 

Continue your rant and follow the same path...and your account would be put at risk (troops, drachmas, credit card etc..)

Aristocrat is following the normal business model of seeking to get a return on the 500 million dollars they spent in acquiring Plarium.

This knowledge is the greatest knowledge I have while enjoying the game with my Coalition.

Team Speak has been the best and greatest equalizer.

Guardians have changed, as will other aspects of this game. 

The electronic borders that this game crosses has all but afforded companies like this a sweeping amount of latitude in what they do!

As to any suggestions I might have?

I'm going to raid, hit a few PP's, and laugh and joke on TS3 with my mates.

Respect To All

Oct 20, 2019, 19:5610/20/19
Lovely comments jax454, and well thought out, if it were not for my coa friends I would not still be here, but when you get new members or players coming back to them try to explain how difficult it is to get to a position where you or I are. Its one hell of a lot of hard effort, and when they reduce the rewards of a none coiner player to get a reasonable level with this measure on their guardians on a status quo with others its demoralizing for the advisor and the advised. This game needs to grow a community not shrink it, and this measure once again shrinks the community or maybe plarium just want to kill this game off eventually, they are going to ignore any lawsuits to those who have spent just like they have ignored all of us for years now.
Oct 20, 2019, 22:2510/20/19
There is a way for plarium to get themselves out of this mess, most players who do not spend that much but put hard work into their guardians want the emeralds to purchase epic summoning bonds that is what they collect them for, so why not within a 200 - 300 random hit period guarantee that you are going to issue one of these epic bonds for the work that they put in, that way players who you allege are cheating the system do not get their emeralds and normal hard working guardian players get what their work with the guardians deserves. After all most of the time we only get grade II guardians from these bonds anyways and rarely III and IV guardians.
Oct 20, 2019, 22:5910/20/19

I am very disappointed in plarium for once again taking a part of this game that gave all players an even playing field. Now only those that have all the cash to spend on this game can not only get in the top 3 positions to win the holy bonds.

Once again this was done as the tournament started and everyone was playing before anyone knew of the changes. Just another money making part of the game. If this keeps happening. More and more players will be leaving. As many are pointing out that it is more of a gambling game than anything. You pay to play, but you gamble your troops in the oracle, in the guardians when you buy a holy and get a purple. or epic and get 10 green guardians in a row. even the guardians that you send out on your raids  for extra resources so you no longer have to use the Galley trick. Do not work on server 2 as they should.

Anyways it is a same that the company Plarium does not think of the players only the coin. ;-((

Oct 20, 2019, 23:0210/20/19
Hennessy said:

Halomesword LS said:

When I noticed this change I asked VIP agent asap.  Shocked to see hey decreased it. It takes 24-2 star to make 12-3 star guardians, 12- 3 star guardians to make 3-4 star guardians to make 1 5 star guardian. and the reward for all of this is 50 gems.

This just causes me not to buy a gem pack every once in a while. I use to enjoy playing this tournament. It was one of the longest hardest ones to play. Had to play non stop to get in the high ranks. Real fight right to the last minute.

Now I is just another tournament for those players that easy spend 1k a month on this game without a thought, For the rest of us. They took this little corner of the game where we all had an equal chance.

Real Shame
I fact it takes 5 x 4-star guardians to make one 5 star guardian... each 4-star guardian requires 4 x 3-star guardians and each 3 star guardian is made from 3 x 2-star guardians each made from 2 x 1-star... 120 x 1-star guardians to make ONE 5-star.  total reward 50 + 5 x 25 + 20 x 10 + 60 x 5 + 120 x 2 = 915 emeralds if every single guardian is raised to max before being upgraded.  However every one under level 4 costs more emeralds to upgrade than than you get back from award so only the 4 and 5 star were worth upgrading WITH the old rewards.  With new lousy rewards rank 4, 5 and 6 are not worth upgrading either.

Oct 21, 2019, 01:4910/21/19

Jax454 said:

Plarium was sold to Aristocrat (Australian company).

Original owners supposedly stayed on to enhance Aristocrat's Return-On-Investment

When Elysian troops first arrived, you could get 1 Elysian article by using 1 Dimacha. A few weeks after that, you had to attack a total of three different levels thereby blowing your Elysian troops into oblivion (we all know how much these troops cost to revive). For lack of a better term, you were "supposed" to hit the different levels to gain your article. 

I mean really, God forbid we get an Elysian article for using 1 Dimacha. 

God forbid we actually "get" something in return for the massive number of clicks we now have to go thru.

No word or message was put out.

Aristocrat is trying to re-coup the 500 million they spent by making the game profitable. 

As it was with Elysian changes, so it has become with Guardians. Game changes made with no thought to inform your customer base.

Our sister coalition has lost 5 people. Our main coalition has lost an additional 4 people.

I thought the goal for a business was to keep loyal, paying (and playing) customers. Even if those customers purchase a small package.

Here are just some of the CM, Mod and Customer service replies:

-We don't introduce game imbalance

-That would create a game imbalance

-So tell me what you would like to see

-We can not see any accounts related to Persian positions

-Yes..I checked your account and your Persian Position bank looks fine

-Maybe you should wait a few weeks and try playing PP again

-Please submit a trouble ticket with our support staff

-Well, I can see you have invested approximately 2 Billion in resources. why don't you wait a week and try again

I have over 50 more responses saved...responses that never answered or addressed a problem...responses that were met with empty, hollow answers that never even addressed the issue at hand. 

Questions are answered with a question!

Dissension...even if perceived in a message, is met with a heavy-handed, jack-booted response of a threat to ban.

I personally have no power over what and how this game is developed or the CM's or Mods that "govern" these forums. 

Personally, I have never seen "Any" forums that are run with such a heavy hand regarding customer issues.

Disagree, get mad, or write the wrong thing and your dead! 

Continue your rant and follow the same path...and your account would be put at risk (troops, drachmas, credit card etc..)

Aristocrat is following the normal business model of seeking to get a return on the 500 million dollars they spent in acquiring Plarium.

This knowledge is the greatest knowledge I have while enjoying the game with my Coalition.

Team Speak has been the best and greatest equalizer.

Guardians have changed, as will other aspects of this game. 

The electronic borders that this game crosses has all but afforded companies like this a sweeping amount of latitude in what they do!

As to any suggestions I might have?

I'm going to raid, hit a few PP's, and laugh and joke on TS3 with my mates.

Respect To All

Jax454,thank you >:)


Oct 21, 2019, 02:2110/21/19
And so the Plarium solution is to reduce the attack time for Guardians down from one minute to 15 seconds. Hell yeah, what a great trade off! NOT!!!!
Oct 21, 2019, 02:5110/21/19

Barcode said:

And so the Plarium solution is to reduce the attack time for Guardians down from one minute to 15 seconds. Hell yeah, what a great trade off! NOT!!!!

It hasn't changed.

You probably turned on Dominion - that gets your attack time from 1 minute down to 15 seconds - just like always.

Oct 21, 2019, 03:5910/21/19

I think plarium really want close the game. Easiest way to do it is make people stop playing.

If plarium want make more money, then make people quit the game is bad idea. So, they dont try make more money. They want all out.

Oct 21, 2019, 17:2310/21/19
I personally have no further news I can give you as yet, when I do I will
Oct 23, 2019, 11:4610/23/19
Oct 23, 2019, 11:54(edited)

This guy, Plutonium, owns a small bar & restaurant... on Monday nights - game night - the restaurant offers a free draft beer with purchase of any meal.  The place is packed... The owner notices that he is not selling any wine on Monday nights - his busiest night of the week - so he decides to stop his draft beer giveaway which should allow him to sell more wine.  The next Monday night there is an increase in wine AND beer sales, but he notices that there is not nearly as much food sold... Many people just order a drink and watch the game.  This continues the following week but there are fewer customers that week.  Three weeks later there is only a handful of customers watching the game.

At the gym he runs into MIkalosos who was always there on Monday nights and asks him: What happened? I didn't see you last Monday...

Mikalosos: I stayed home and watched the game with my wife and had a nice home cooked meal and a great beer.  That sure beats watching the game on a small TV, in a crowded bar, eating crummy food... I just realized I was coming in every week only for the free beer.