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The Fall of BatiatusThe Fall of Batiatus

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The Fall of Batiatus

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Jan 23, 2018, 15:2501/23/18
Jan 23, 2018, 15:26(edited)
seems  somebody was asleep again and forget to send troups to the capital   or maybe  he is just an trojan horse :) 
Jan 23, 2018, 17:1601/23/18

Oh boy.

A couple of Titans300-Parabellum(what on earth are they doing here?!)-Nordmann-AO-CU weren't asleep and didn't forget to send troops there, though 
Jan 23, 2018, 19:1601/23/18
I ve noticed that Empire batiatus capital is also burning down. Is it related to HOB capital downgrade?
Jan 23, 2018, 21:4901/23/18
mitko said:

I ve noticed that Empire batiatus capital is also burning down. Is it related to HOB capital downgrade?

Jan 24, 2018, 02:0901/24/18
Jan 24, 2018, 02:12(edited)

EOB it's an joke of an coallition, full of HOB   alternates and of course they were also  downgraded  .. all theirs  pantheons were only given not win ..and if somebody will want them  will   get them just try 

LEFEUBLEU  i was speaking about VodkaRedBull wich it's missing  in action as usual :) 

Jan 24, 2018, 05:1601/24/18
Jan 24, 2018, 05:17(edited)

LEFEUBLEU  i was speaking about VodkaRedBull wich it's missing  in action as usual :) 

Well My friend Vodka and I were having a drinking session, I left him at home dead drunk...
Jan 24, 2018, 06:1001/24/18
LordFrai said:

LEFEUBLEU  i was speaking about VodkaRedBull wich it's missing  in action as usual :) 

Well My friend Vodka and I were having a drinking session, I left him at home dead drunk...
Feb 3, 2018, 04:2102/03/18
Very Nice Video, sometimes in war, its better to be in the sideline than in the receiving end.. LOL
Feb 6, 2018, 18:4802/06/18

Which reminds me the famous quote , " There is no permanent friends or permanent enemies but permanent interests " 

Feb 7, 2018, 20:4202/07/18

nobody complains-crying whatever but in case you did not understand, you just showed to the whole map that you have a word equal to zero and how behind any monitor there is a man that says a lot about you as people, zero bone just a lot of sauce.

Feb 8, 2018, 21:1802/08/18
Feb 8, 2018, 21:34(edited)


sad  that in todays world  you would  still think to classify all people  of one kind  as  one thing or another. whats all the bad talk on Albanians in the first place,  I'm sure you a really just mad at people playing this game.   maybe just a few  Albanians at most. also to say  REAL  germans means nothing at all as well.  as  you can really be  German  and  be a citizen of any other country as well.    what is in your heart  is what you are.    nothing  is real  or fake with what is in the  existence  of people. they are simply what they are.  GERMAN,  ALBANIAN,  or like me AMERICAN.   but we are all friends.       it is so funny  to see statements  like this,    are  you still living in the 1930-1960.      it is now 2018  

maybe  you should look into genetics, human migration patterns over the last 10,00 years,  also  to get a better understanding of what people actually are, why not go read stories  of bonds of friendship built  through actual war.      there are countless examples  of this; band of brothers(book  or hbo series),  the three musketeers', Lone Survivor, maybe look into the phrase LIONS LED BY DONKEYS and you will see even enemies that have respect for each other,   and  there  are so many more examples of.

you never  know  who is gonna be your best friend in  the  only moment in life that matters.      might be someone  you were looking to hurt    or someone  you didn't give a piss about,   but  when it happens   you will see the best of any person around.    

pretty much  SHREK  what I am saying  is  you need to spend  at least  1 year  reading books.     if you need  better  reading list   just shoot me a message  I will be happy  to help     

Feb 10, 2018, 01:1802/10/18
Feb 21, 2018, 13:15(edited)
i say what i want. its a basic fact ypu believe you rule the world of sparta but i just think you are a joke :)   now even renaming one of your cities to some politics bs and crying about everything on forum hahaha whenever someone speaks up that dont agree with you mad men agim starts to say the most crazy stuff 
Feb 10, 2018, 09:4602/10/18

Just joking with you cause in game your kind of player I simply don't count them, cause more than insulting you really cant do a damn thing.

Feb 10, 2018, 12:2802/10/18

bernaert said:

now even renaming one of your cities to some politics bs and crying about everything on forum hahaha whenever someone speaks up that dont agree with you mad men agim starts to say the most crazy stuff 

It seems you are the one renaming you city with rude words and crying on the forum lol

If you guys are mad for what happened, gather your warriors and strike back... or keep farming and producing alts :)
Feb 11, 2018, 13:2602/11/18
Feb 11, 2018, 13:4102/11/18
Wow the losses are massive.
Feb 11, 2018, 14:2802/11/18
what caused this war?
Feb 11, 2018, 18:1502/11/18


you should try a real attack instead of sending small troops for a raid. You are always complaining about insults. As if our guys were not insulted. I'm still looking for any trace of faiplay, I just find haters.

You are talking about the fall of Batiatus. I think most of map coallition would like to be as " weak " as HoB is.

Feb 11, 2018, 18:2602/11/18

markylim said:

great video