well as stated before, we did not start the war. Chessnick and a bunch of Terms did. Ao terminators did not partipate at all in the war, the so called victims. We was told by intel what a pole in Terms was going too do,and we took our chance, tell me the coa that hadnt done the same... Where facing the biggest monney spender in sparta ranked nr1, there you have the answer for guerilla warfare, anything else would be plain stupid.
Now to the disputed act, we didnt pay a bribe to a pole to do anything, the term pole told us basikly"heres whats gonna happend, use it or dont"
And of course we did use it. There have been 2,5 half years of waiting since Term did almost the same to us when we were in mpire, a pole had the login details and did himself to Heg and kicked the whole management. Almost the whole of mpire went too BIR, payback is a bitch...
Then the Pole gave the pans too Term and jumped in their ranks too comendant as a thx for job well done.... Payback is a bitch isnt it. But ask yourself all players in sparta why its brillant tactic when Terms does this and dishonorble when a lowranked coa as BIR does it ???
Or when Dub bribed a pole in Destiny elit for doing it...Well i bet you will come and probably gonna downgrade us, its gonna cost you a sweet deal to buy those forces back.though.. And now to why we dont continue downgrading your cap... Bca we already proven our point and get our Revenge against the biggest bully coal in the game. You cant do anything to me,as i reach my goal in this game and can quit today, whit out caring less. And you can say whatever you will about your cap,i know that you barely have any deff in it for at least 6 more days. Hell i can even tell you exaktly how much deff you have in there
Just gonna rounds things up and send Trish a wink,you may hate us now but were still in too punish the crackhead that puked all trashtalk at you, words that only the lowest scum on the earth would ever say to a woman.
Mvh Loke