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Will frienship win ? Or lies and betrayels ? USGU vs. GEMIX

Will frienship win ? Or lies and betrayels ? USGU vs. GEMIX

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May 7, 2019, 09:1705/07/19

Will frienship win ? Or lies and betrayels ? USGU vs. GEMIX

Defended Sparta community,

Sparta's biggest fight comes towards us, because USGU has a personal problem with our former Hegemon Gemix, who defended only the player of his coalition because USGU attacked him for no reason!

After all, it has long been known that USGU wants to attack Cultus and leads the fight over its allies Koas (Frangar, Titans, HOB, Bir Gods.

Since USGU still has not made it all, he is now trying to convince our friends, such as Penthe, Agim, Spa, Ports, Bama, and also other former Cultus players, to fight their friends. Furthermore, DOC HOLLIDAY is trying to weaken us and recrute former AO players from the coalition, to attack those who helped them. See what our players think!

We'll see if the Nordman players are persuaded by lies to attack their closest allies. We definitely will not do this! Friendship counts more than the personal concerns of an individual. That's why Gemix has already resigned.

May 7, 2019, 13:5605/07/19

Here we go again, An all elite players are crying out loud to save their A***s?

Here are the multiple choices

1. Will friendship wins?

        **** how will friendship wins when CU as no friends at all except their own so called elite

2. Or lies?

         **** Gemix lies? where is he by the way? a member of Elite CU player said that Gemix doesnt want to see his capital burning and thats the reason he step down. What my intel says, gemix step down because he has no time to play anymore and wants to have a break. Its so rude to have a break now knowing your elite group is in danger of having burn to the, i can say its more cowardly act. Which onr is true? the truth is, gemix always use Hades as  a scape goat whenever his elite coalition is in danger. thats the truth.

3. Betrayal?

         **** CU itself betrays their own members by not trusting them, how can they be an elite group if trust is not existing? why you need to demote players who are in your team? Hades explanation is for the elite group concern because of the escalating war. The truth is, they demoted players they dont trust so that capital defense will not be expose to lower ranking players and who knows who among their leaders have defense in the capital that they required. If CU capitalwill be attack majority that will suffer will be the lower rank players who always follows what they ask them to do.

The question Now, who can save CU? Gemix started all this by acting so aggressive and wants everybody to bow down on him and kneel to him.

If i am gemix, i will not step down and will face everything that will come againts my elite coalition, they consist of all elite players

Im Throwing stones in heaven, whoever gets hit dont be mad."

May 7, 2019, 14:3605/07/19

really cu coa is crying?

and really gemix like rats, is he leaving the sinking ship? was easy to be rude and to not respect the agreements under corner protection isnt it? lol

May 7, 2019, 14:3705/07/19
A very common strategy for those who are looking for sympathizer.
May 7, 2019, 14:4305/07/19

Usgu can face anyone in battle.

Gemix and Hades is one, whatever Gemix says hades does. In other words Hades is the S**T cleaner of Gemix
May 7, 2019, 14:5005/07/19

Why blame other person for somebody else fault?

Blame Geoharla and Gemix for creating this mess.
May 7, 2019, 14:5105/07/19
i don t know even if it s worth discussing all these thngs you all are saying here ....hello cheer, it was nice when you downg un capital and then go to our ally nords :D ? ...please i can write a book with the manipulation that is done behind  but it won t change anything,,dogs will remain dogs ...what corner protection are y talking about ?i am all ears ask whatever  you want here and i will tell you the truth ...but don t tell me words in  the air ,,talk specific...cause  think the half sparta is sunk in the lies and noone wanna know the truth about anything
May 7, 2019, 15:0305/07/19
May 7, 2019, 15:16(edited)

seems you forget i was an hob pole when gemix didnt respect the agreements

...I learned the lesson

May 7, 2019, 15:1505/07/19
because i am confused ,, fristly explain me  what agrrements ,, secondly i heard you sold your account in nords , i heard that you are usgu girlfriend ,,who exactly you are ? and how you ended up on nords since they destroyed your loved hob capital? explain me ,,,how is possible so many coas suddenly to be against cu without manipulation...we only have downgraded bir gods and IR and we had a lot of reasons to do it if you want me to believe cause of single pan which the def that died was funny..all the titans family decided to come against cu ...and before three months they rejected the peace request  was done alone ... come on..we are grown ups ...the truth is that usgu couldn t turn the most nords to come against us cause we are friends with  many of them and know that all these are bull he grouped the dogs together ,,You all say that it is because of gemix...gem is tepping you are telling that hades is gemix marionete,,all these are completely out of logic and i am impressed  ppl don t realize..tell me what grudge can have nords against us...we peace with them ,, we lost all our allies an earn their enemies which became their friends...since illy stepped down from hege in nords ...usgu has converted nords in this playground this is the truth ,,but i am w8ing to tell me what cu have done or gemix have done that is so  bad...
May 7, 2019, 15:1905/07/19

really I must to remind you how it was funny when gemix did an agreement with hob for to end the war and after betrayed his word burning down hob's capital with his ally corner club?

cant believe you try to defende cu coa without to know sparta history

May 7, 2019, 15:2705/07/19
May 7, 2019, 15:29(edited)
xmmm i like that you say corner club ...hobs have started to attack with all the family  non stop the ao pantheons was in the corner club back then ,,titans ao nords cu ,,and for a small period parabbelluum also all these attack hobs,,but you are all united now towards cu? :D :D ..REmind me  please the damage that did nords to hob and cu to hob ...i am playing 5 years this game and i know his full history ,,,also i am not jumping from coa to coa ,,,it s something  they call loualy ..i have been in cu and ao ...continue please to remind me the crimes of cu and gemix,,i am all ears,,BY the way when this aggreement wa done,,,was rotterdam leader of hob or alaric?? bring back rott and you start hitting everything and you expected that noone will touch you ..Then you speak for bullies
May 7, 2019, 15:3605/07/19
May 7, 2019, 15:38(edited)

I would like to remind to Mrgreedy that cultus burned Northern tribesmen capital for no reason. just for sport..No one in sparta likes CU.. the biggest bully ever

May 7, 2019, 15:3805/07/19

CU MrGreeDy said:

xmmm i like that you say corner club ...hobs have started to attack with all the family  non stop the ao pantheons was in the corner club back then ,,titans ao nords cu ,,and for a small period parabbelluum also all these attack hobs,,but you are all united now towards cu? :D :D ..REmind me  please the damage that did nords to hob and cu to hob ...i am playing 5 years this game and i know his full history ,,,also i am not jumping from coa to coa ,,,it s something  they call loualy ..i have been in cu and ao ...continue please to remind me the crimes of cu and gemix,,i am all ears,,BY the way when this aggreement wa done,,,was rotterdam leader of hob or alaric?? bring back rott and you start hitting everything and you expected that noone will touch you ..Then you speak for bullies

Yes its true Gemix offers truce and peace with Titans300 but is that all you know? Is that all Gemix tells all his leaders? Titans300 did not accept the peace/truce offer of Gemix because thats not his true intention.

May 7, 2019, 15:4005/07/19

so you deleted your memory? hob and cu had a big and long fight for pans zone. for to have the peace hob moved. 

this was the agreement. we left our zone to cu coa for to stop the fight and to rebuild. why cu coa didnt respect his word and burned hob cap after this agreement? 

...i must to continue or its enough?
May 7, 2019, 15:4305/07/19
cheer said:

so you deleted your memory? hob and cu had a big and long fight for pans zone. for to have the peace hob moved. 

this was the agreement. we left our zone to cu coa for to stop the fight and to rebuild. why cu coa didnt respect his word and burned hob cap after this agreement? 

...i must to continue or its enough?
i think i answered this  above ... and you don t answers to my questions....GEM destroyed hob capital alone??? gem is the bully and nords and titans are the good childs??are you seirous>>?also i explained the reasons hob fell ,,did you read my post ?
May 7, 2019, 15:4505/07/19

Time is Ticking said:

CU MrGreeDy said:

xmmm i like that you say corner club ...hobs have started to attack with all the family  non stop the ao pantheons was in the corner club back then ,,titans ao nords cu ,,and for a small period parabbelluum also all these attack hobs,,but you are all united now towards cu? :D :D ..REmind me  please the damage that did nords to hob and cu to hob ...i am playing 5 years this game and i know his full history ,,,also i am not jumping from coa to coa ,,,it s something  they call loualy ..i have been in cu and ao ...continue please to remind me the crimes of cu and gemix,,i am all ears,,BY the way when this aggreement wa done,,,was rotterdam leader of hob or alaric?? bring back rott and you start hitting everything and you expected that noone will touch you ..Then you speak for bullies

Yes its true Gemix offers truce and peace with Titans300 but is that all you know? Is that all Gemix tells all his leaders? Titans300 did not accept the peace/truce offer of Gemix because thats not his true intention.

guys if you wanna talk directly and with facts..don t throw  words in the air ...when gem asked for peace cause it was a desicion in ldr chat we all together said to stop the war ,,there was none intention behind,,but i would like to hear your theory

May 7, 2019, 15:4805/07/19
May 7, 2019, 15:50(edited)
CU MrGreeDy said:

i think i answered this  above ... and you don t answers to my questions....GEM destroyed hob capital alone??? gem is the bully and nords and titans are the good childs??are you seirous>>?also i explained the reasons hob fell ,,did you read my post ?
are you joking?!?!?!   not alone. but he was the only one who did an agreement with hob coa just before to downgrade hob cap
May 7, 2019, 15:5305/07/19
ok ,, explain me now ,,why nords cancel peace ...i know that  all titans family is manipulated by him ,,,the thing you are saying that cu member raided a nord member is huge lie....usgu raided geoharla ..i asked him why ..he replyes i don t like him and he raids my friends in dacia..geo was fighting a specific guy in dacia a long time ...we ask dacia leadership and they say we don t know usgu we have never talked with him , he is prolly trying to drug us in problem...( this is leadership of dacia ,specificly their leader ) .....are you kidding me? and he goes in your chat and say that  we started it? explain me now if it is not scheduled a long time now what it many months you  have the skupe chat  capital take down ....
May 7, 2019, 15:5505/07/19

CU MrGreeDy said:

Time is Ticking said:

CU MrGreeDy said:

xmmm i like that you say corner club ...hobs have started to attack with all the family  non stop the ao pantheons was in the corner club back then ,,titans ao nords cu ,,and for a small period parabbelluum also all these attack hobs,,but you are all united now towards cu? :D :D ..REmind me  please the damage that did nords to hob and cu to hob ...i am playing 5 years this game and i know his full history ,,,also i am not jumping from coa to coa ,,,it s something  they call loualy ..i have been in cu and ao ...continue please to remind me the crimes of cu and gemix,,i am all ears,,BY the way when this aggreement wa done,,,was rotterdam leader of hob or alaric?? bring back rott and you start hitting everything and you expected that noone will touch you ..Then you speak for bullies

Yes its true Gemix offers truce and peace with Titans300 but is that all you know? Is that all Gemix tells all his leaders? Titans300 did not accept the peace/truce offer of Gemix because thats not his true intention.

guys if you wanna talk directly and with facts..don t throw  words in the air ...when gem asked for peace cause it was a desicion in ldr chat we all together said to stop the war ,,there was none intention behind,,but i would like to hear your theory

Ok since you want facts i will give you facts.

This is Gemix opening statement when we met in a meeting. if he is true with the intention for peace why he offers fighting first before peace. it is not how it should be for me when you are asking for peace. Theres a saying, Dont bring a gasoline when putting out the fire.
 on his
then when i commented on his opening remarks, he is accussing me for turning whatsoever. Am I?

its because of his bad english, it was my fault not to understand what he said. It is very clear he offers fighting first before he offers peace.

May 7, 2019, 15:5805/07/19

it you talk about me its not a news my target is cu coa starting from the gemix betrayal with hob coa.

but i'm only a player...

May 7, 2019, 15:5905/07/19
Gemix did apologize to me privately but it was too late. I already decided before he made the apologies. We were invited in a sepearte room to discuss all issues but gemix clearly dont want others to know what he said to me after i refused peace. thats all i can say