Eyynar said:
Seems Parabellum and Company lost Selfconfidence before they even tried.
Before they started to get some Nordmann Haters onboard, we had some good fights together.
A bunch of big and medium size Coas and Egofighters is not enough to mess with "Team" Nordmann
@Tino: Au Revoir
If I could, I would send you a request to join. But with regrets, I do not have the finances to support the NM level of play.
As for me, I may not be able to take down a capitol or a pan from them..but they have become my sole source for PVP.
I saw in another post that Tino asked for peace?
Don't buy into that line of "".
He knows that NM is possibly the only coalition that could take their capitol down. He will make peace and then go back on his word-believe me he has done this before!
"If" and only speculating here.."If" I were sitting on the NM hege's chair, and knowing what I know about this band of liars-I would attack them.."Relentlessly"!
Wishing NM coa good game & respect.