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Fixes And ImprovementsFixes And Improvements

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Fixes And Improvements



We've made some fixes and improvements so you can enjoy a smoother experience:

- "Capture Repository" window improved so when you click the "Boost" button, you now have the option to apply a Temporary Base Layout that provides a Bonus to Repository Gathering Speed
- Offense and Defense +50% Item improved so that you will now see a confirmation window before applying one
- Fixed Critical Deployments to eliminate a visual issue that caused the amount of Energy used by Special Operatives to display incorrectly
- Fixed the text in the "Combine HQ" window describing requirements for upgrading a Combine HQ to Level 30, so that it no longer makes reference to downgrading a Combine HQ of Level 29 "or higher"
- Fixed the alert warning you that unused Contractor Points will be lost at the end of the Contractor Pass Season, so that it now correctly appears 24 hours prior to the end of the Season when you sign in to the game
- The Roster pane in the “Special Operatives” tab of the “Special Operatives” window tweaked so that it will now stay on a Special Operative after their Rank is increased and will not auto-scroll upwards
- Fixed the Infowar feature so that Units you receive from completing Puzzles or from duplicate Puzzle Pieces will now earn you Tournament Points in the Combine Conflict and Omega Combine Conflict Tournaments
- Texts in the "Special Operative Pass" tab in the "Special Operatives" window fixed so they no longer overlap with other UI elements

Get moving, soldier!


Dec 23, 2022, 11:0212/23/22
DariaCommunity Manager
Mar 29, 2023, 15:2503/29/23
Crazy Corpsman

If I set the rank to rank 1 it should remain on rank one and not remain on the operative I upgraded.  Every time I upgrade an operative I lose my place and have to scroll back to upgrade the next. 

What is the status on this? I don't want to continue waiting and hoping it is corrected on the next upgrade. 

The spcial operative tournaments are a big part of why I play this game, and this makes it so much harder to compete. 

I need to know whether they inted to correct this or not so I can make a decision to keep playing or move on to something else.

Commander, I'm sorry that you feel this way about the special operative change. As was mentioned, I passed this case to the team, and they need some time to process and investigate it. Fingers crossed, and thanks for your patience!