Sorry Robert, but you answered old questions (for which, besides, I had already received the answers from Alina).
What I wrote above, on the contrary, was not a question to understand the functioning of the unmasking of the "S.O." (I already know him by now!), but a my personal criticism of the fact that an S.O. specialized in Recon was unmasked if my base suffers a recon performed by "roc".
The choice is yours, but I believe that its unmasking should not happen in this case, since the "roc" are not able to cause damage.
As you said yourself:
"All needed to unmask is for the battle to be loss and you units killed".
So, two conditions are needed: the battle lost and the units killed.
In case I undergo a recon on my base due to "roc", we have a lost battle, but we don't have the units killed ! (since the roc are not able to do it).
Furthermore it seems strange to me that the S.O. do not die because of tactical missiles, but they die if they are reconned by "roc".
And again: if the roc is able to unmask the Special Operatives with its "recon action", why is it only the one specialized in Recon (and not also the one specialized in "resources" and "base defense") to be unmasked?
I repeat: you are free to do as you wish, but now that I have discovered this, I will no longer place an S.O.(Specialized in Recon) on my base, since a simple recon (performed by roc) is sufficient to make him unmasked.