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Cheaters with huge armiesCheaters with huge armies

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Cheaters with huge armies

Mar 6, 2017, 07:2803/06/17

Cheaters with huge armies

Hi everyone.

I have faced with players from TOP clans that have really huge armies.

The amount of troops so big that they are able to destroy a whole clan with lots of sectors 65-75 lvl by their own sector or in a pair.

Also some people from the forum suppose that these players are cheaters as it is not possible to gain such a big army from the OPs  in a

short period of time. Also their losses should be very huge and need long time to recover. But for example BA3 player from LoW Alliance

has destroyed several clans in 2 or three days. It is impossible to do without any cheats. So I suppose that moderators should pay attention

and check TOP players for using cheats or exploits. I don't believe that all these players are millionaires and have possibility to donate

thousand of dollars every day. Also such kind of players always use shields when they are not in the game.

So i suppose it would be fair not to allow to use shield 24 hours after attacks on the other sectors. Because now people with lots of shields

could not be attacked back.

Also i have noticed that the game screenshot on Google Play market was made by player that have 44th level ...and... 104.2K of diamonds

Probably Admin accounts have possibility to have unlimited diamonds and probably players from TOP clans are Admins and this is a good

tactic to destroy whole clans so players will want to revenge and donate money ... more pain, more donations.

But anyway, you need to check top players. Because there is a huge possibility that they are cheaters!

Mar 6, 2017, 08:3303/06/17

Please, report it to Support team.

They will investigate and make a decision.
Mar 6, 2017, 22:0403/06/17
Mar 6, 2017, 22:39(edited)

Google/Apple Refund exploit and pack loader exploits. I have heard there may also be a Spec Ops exploit. 

It is frustrating. All these games have exploiters. I hope these people who are abusing the system get banned permanently.
Mar 7, 2017, 10:5403/07/17

Commanders, we carefully monitor all suspicious in-game activity to make sure that the gameplay is fair for all players. If you find suspicious accounts, please report them to our Support team so they can check it and take appropriate measures if it's needed. 

Mar 8, 2017, 14:3803/08/17
Finding one by one will not solve the issue.  this needs to be fixed on a huge scale its out of control and full alliances who are legit are being wiped lots of our money wasted many players quitting because legit players cant fight back we are supressed and beat down one alliance at a time. 
Mar 9, 2017, 07:2503/09/17

There are a lot of posts about disbalance on this forum.

There are a lot of posts about disbalance on Google Play market.

You told that you are thinking about players.

In that case why you still did not improve this game and make it balanced?

Introduce new server without donations. where everything will be fair and all players will be in the same conditions.

And you will see how much players will be there.

Mar 9, 2017, 10:0103/09/17
Mar 9, 2017, 10:01(edited)

Commanders, the matter is that a player with huge army is not necessary a cheater. He can be just strong player with a big army. So when you report suspicious accounts, our Support team check them and take appropriate measures only if they find violations. 

Mar 9, 2017, 11:0903/09/17
Mar 9, 2017, 11:30(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Commanders, the matter is that a player with huge army is not necessary a cheater. He can be just strong player with a big army. So when you report suspicious accounts, our Support team check them and take appropriate measures only if they find violations. 

Hello! In that case am I right that it is possible to buy an army for diamonds that will have possibility to eradicate an entire alliances?

If yes, what is the goal of the game for players that could not pay and buy diamonds?

They can not attack their offender because he use shield.

They can not improve their sector because donators attack it and take away resourced and destroy their army

They can not beat spec ops as they have no army

They can not earn diamonds in tournaments as they don't have army and resources 

So from my point of view, single player or even alliance of non-donators can do nothing if he became a feeder for donators. And in this case player will leave this game.

So looks like this game is only suitable for those, who can pay for it.

Or you should make bunker unlimited as in TDR. i this case it is possible to collect an army.

Mar 9, 2017, 20:5803/09/17
^^ Agreed with the Bunker idea.
Mar 10, 2017, 09:5303/10/17

Yes, training troops requires some time, but you're playing online strategy game, time and patience are the essential part of the game. I understand that you're attacked by a stronger player and you can’t resist his offence.

However, this is not a violation our rules. We grant all users the opportunity to handle such situations themselves and develop their own strategies like either diplomatic resolution or aggressive offense. In-game conflicts are the part of the game. 

Mar 14, 2017, 15:0003/14/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Yes, training troops requires some time, but you're playing online strategy game, time and patience are the essential part of the game. I understand that you're attacked by a stronger player and you can’t resist his offence.

However, this is not a violation our rules. We grant all users the opportunity to handle such situations themselves and develop their own strategies like either diplomatic resolution or aggressive offense. In-game conflicts are the part of the game.

great.....may i ask what's your "strategy" when you meet huge army like this???.....zzzzzzz

Mar 15, 2017, 09:4603/15/17
cluelessrunner0002 said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Yes, training troops requires some time, but you're playing online strategy game, time and patience are the essential part of the game. I understand that you're attacked by a stronger player and you can’t resist his offence.

However, this is not a violation our rules. We grant all users the opportunity to handle such situations themselves and develop their own strategies like either diplomatic resolution or aggressive offense. In-game conflicts are the part of the game.

great.....may i ask what's your "strategy" when you meet huge army like this???.....zzzzzzz

Wow, so and another question - how person could collect such huge army without donations? So this is a real show how donator can destroy a whole alliance.
Mar 15, 2017, 10:2103/15/17
if you think that is bad you should see the ones ive seen take that army and tripple it.  no joke truly tripple that 
Mar 15, 2017, 11:1703/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 11:22(edited)

Solrac Anodrac said:

if you think that is bad you should see the ones ive seen take that army and tripple it.  no joke truly tripple that 

well....nvr thought that i meet is the worst.

sure i know there are some more insane case anyway.

sometimes really feel i playing different game with those coiner.

Mar 31, 2017, 09:2103/31/17
Mar 31, 2017, 22:28(edited)

Kibraiker007 said:

cluelessrunner0002 said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Yes, training troops requires some time, but you're playing online strategy game, time and patience are the essential part of the game. I understand that you're attacked by a stronger player and you can’t resist his offence.

However, this is not a violation our rules. We grant all users the opportunity to handle such situations themselves and develop their own strategies like either diplomatic resolution or aggressive offense. In-game conflicts are the part of the game.

great.....may i ask what's your "strategy" when you meet huge army like this???.....zzzzzzz

Wow, so and another question - how person could collect such huge army without donations? So this is a real show how donator can destroy a whole alliance.

There are players with 12 times that amount. And more.

Players like Ruut from RRR alliance who is level 91. I have seen players lose 3000 Equalizer Bombers and in one day revive %70 of those and gain an extra 1k bombers somehow.....

Unless they can drop $3k or more each week they have to be cheaters

Also look at Flash espm. Level 94. Takes on the whole server single handedly. Is the strongest player in the server. He goes through like 30-40 mil each week nearly and never runs out of units.

Both these Players are Russian. Coincidence??

The devs are not testing their own game as these players. Giving themselves unlimited diamonds and causing wars to make people buy more packs 0o


Apr 2, 2017, 15:0704/02/17
I agree... Flash Espm has unlimited Diamonds unlocked or hacked... it is unfair to the Game and all it's participants.. have you as Plarium Moderators looked into if diamonds are being hacked by specifically Flash Espm.. number one guy on attack/defense leaderboard? RajinCajun(Ana)
Apr 2, 2017, 16:1004/02/17
If a game such as this is so unbalanced, you no longer have money because we all leave. Wink. 
Apr 3, 2017, 09:4104/03/17

Guys, please, devide forum habitants and developers.

We, as forum habitants, can't investigate game logs or make any changes in game. Only Support team can do it.

So please, report Support team your suspicionds - only they can check it an do smth.
Apr 4, 2017, 13:5104/04/17

Commanders, if you find accounts which look suspicious, you can always report them into our Support team so they can investigate them. You can do it by following this link -

However, please remember, that the fact that some players have a lot of Diamonds or huge armies, doesn't mean that they are cheaters. 

Apr 4, 2017, 19:0304/04/17
I know BA3, he is not hacking he is spending that much money.  Not sure how much longer he will do that but that is how he does what he does.  Thus it is a pay to play game to be a winner really.
Apr 4, 2017, 19:2304/04/17
There is a new type of Game Play however that has its finger pointed right at Plarium.  Russian alt guilds recently attacked LoW BS's.  The purpose of this attack appears to be to downgrade each BS by 1.  These troops could have easily taken 1-3 BS's but that was not their purpose.  While we haven't figured it all out it appears that it was intended to get LoW out of 1st Rank, and more importantly to spend more money to bring the BS's back up by spending money.  NOT 1 Russian Alliance benefited in Rank, etc by this tactic.  The only beneficiary seems to be Plarium so far.  We are wondering since Plarium is allowing all these multi accounts and farms (against their own policy), if they are the ones behind this new strategy.  Only to cause LoW players to spend more money with them.

These troops were coming from alt guilds with a new method of cheating.  What we have learned is this:

1. They create an alt guild and add about 50-60 players.  Minimal cost.
2. These players are often named xxxx1, xxxx2, xxxx3 etc.  Similar names so several players with multi accounts.
3. These players are creating a newbie account with 3 day shield or several of them.
4. These players are hiding all their newly created troops in the newbie accounts with those shields that no regular player can attack.
5. These players are winning at spec ops only as you can see by their achievements on the alt guild.  Super Soldiers achievements.
6. The most recent example today is TOR.  Look at this newly created alliance Super Soldiers achievement.
7. The method for spec ops is to start another player, and immediately start doing spec ops.  Red ones only till you run out then top Green one.  Hardest Red ones first.
8. In about a week you will have close to 5 million power created and hidden in the newbie bubbles all at NO COST.

Then in an organized fashion these troops that can not be normally hit are pulled out and used against whatever target they choose to hit.

Let me ask you this!  What Alliance benefited from this tactic?  Who took any BS's?  What Russian Alliance gained anything?  The only thing this tactic caused to happen was LoW Players to decide to either spend more money or quit.  They haven't quit so who really is going to Benefit?  PLARIUM Accounting is who!

There are those of us that truly believe PLARIUM is either purposely doing this by themselves or is leaving these Cheats in place to cause us all to spend more MONEY plain and simple.

If you agree then Plarium doesn't really want you to achieve anything in the game but for you to spend MONEY.
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