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Mar 9, 2017, 02:5403/09/17
Mar 9, 2017, 02:55(edited)

benjaminberry75 said:

Sparhawk...seriously, you are one of the leaders with clowns you complain about.  Dont worry, i got your number, and i just attack you and other weaker "Coaltiion" players like you on diamond tiles..haha..payback more tiles for the coalition is my only goal in this game now

What is your alliance?

My player is legit. He uses his credit card a lot.

Mar 9, 2017, 07:1303/09/17
Mar 9, 2017, 07:19(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Commanders, some players decide in favor of in-app purchases to save time. It allows them to progress a little faster and use some advantages. All these advantages may be summarized in one word - time. It takes less time to advance, but does not change the core of what every player needs to do to develop their Base and grow military power. Moreover, there is a number of in-game limits so no one player can dominate an entire server. Therefore, when we develop a new feature, we make sure it will not negatively affect the game balance.  

Looks like i read this comment somewhere before.

It IS NOT 'a little' faster. It is EXTREMELY faster and disbalancing. They restore all their units instantly using diamonds. Then they attack people using teleport. after that they teleport to another far place and turn on shield. And what non-donator can do to him? Nothing. because he is protected by the shield and he is very far. and you will need several days to restore your units for resources. but they use this tactic every day. so you are not able to restore because they destroy your troops EVERY DAY!  and here you told that we have Global missions to earn diamonds) WOW, really?) i need to lose 500K attack points to earn 67K attack points and 150 (wow, how much!) diamonds?)  For 150 diamond i can restore 2 planes. I am not even able to buy shield for 8 hours. Don't you think it is stupid? I propose you to play your game without donations as simple user. and you will see what you really can do and how much time you will need. 

Some person from Google Play market told interesting thing. You need to implement phases of War and peace. so no one could be attacked during this phase and non-donators can restore their armies and earn some troops on Spec Ops.
Mar 9, 2017, 09:5903/09/17

Kibraiker007 said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Commanders, some players decide in favor of in-app purchases to save time. It allows them to progress a little faster and use some advantages. All these advantages may be summarized in one word - time. It takes less time to advance, but does not change the core of what every player needs to do to develop their Base and grow military power. Moreover, there is a number of in-game limits so no one player can dominate an entire server. Therefore, when we develop a new feature, we make sure it will not negatively affect the game balance.  

Looks like i read this comment somewhere before.

It IS NOT 'a little' faster. It is EXTREMELY faster and disbalancing. They restore all their units instantly using diamonds. Then they attack people using teleport. after that they teleport to another far place and turn on shield. And what non-donator can do to him? Nothing. because he is protected by the shield and he is very far. and you will need several days to restore your units for resources. but they use this tactic every day. so you are not able to restore because they destroy your troops EVERY DAY!  and here you told that we have Global missions to earn diamonds) WOW, really?) i need to lose 500K attack points to earn 67K attack points and 150 (wow, how much!) diamonds?)  For 150 diamond i can restore 2 planes. I am not even able to buy shield for 8 hours. Don't you think it is stupid? I propose you to play your game without donations as simple user. and you will see what you really can do and how much time you will need. 

Some person from Google Play market told interesting thing. You need to implement phases of War and peace. so no one could be attacked during this phase and non-donators can restore their armies and earn some troops on Spec Ops.

You can always ask for help your friends or allies if you need some time to restore your losses.

As for the War and Peace feaure or if you have any other ideas, please add them to Suggestion thread here -

Mar 9, 2017, 11:3803/09/17
Eugenia Misura said:

You can always ask for help your friends or allies if you need some time to restore your losses.

No, i can not as for help of my friend or allies as our alliance was totally destroyed by donator with huge army. and they attack our sectors every day. so a whole alliance is not able to play because of this. so at least 30 people stop playing this game because of this. Because they feel that they can do NOTHING. I wish you never feel like this. Feeling of total hopelessness and injustice. Even people who pay and buy diamonds can do nothing because they can not pay so much money.
Mar 20, 2017, 08:4203/20/17
Tolong jangan ada jual beli dengan transaksi uang nyata dalam permainan ini dan ini bisa saja dijadikan kejahatan pencucian uang 
Mar 25, 2017, 12:3803/25/17
Just pointing out.the Philippine Flag in the profile option is sadly wrong.the blue side of the flag should be at the top as to what is in the option now wherein the red side of the flag is at the top.if you could just change it.thank you.
Mar 26, 2017, 08:4303/26/17

logos said:

Tolong jangan ada jual beli dengan transaksi uang nyata dalam permainan ini dan ini bisa saja dijadikan kejahatan pencucian uang 

hey could you post in English so we could understand 

Mar 28, 2017, 02:2403/28/17

I'm from Syria and I didn't find my nation's flag in the game..

My flag is red white and blue with 2 green stars in the middle of it..

Any chance you might add it soon?

Mar 28, 2017, 08:0003/28/17
Omega Legion said:

I'm from Syria and I didn't find my nation's flag in the game..

My flag is red white and blue with 2 green stars in the middle of it..

Any chance you might add it soon?

Hi! Unfortunately, it's hard to add all of the flags to the game. I'll pass your feedback to our devs, however, I can't guarantee that it will be added. 
Mar 28, 2017, 21:1603/28/17
My nice words glove us gonna come off because this is utter bullshit with fucking crap where you are in your own alliance building and you lose all of your units but can only use diamonds to revive them. It's your fucking allies or own alliance building but you lose troops and have to spend diamonds? Fuck it enough is enough with you plarium and I'm sick of it. Either God damn put back the unlimited Bunker or make it extremely easy to revive troops that ain't diamonds. You get enough fucking money as is for fuck sake God damnit. We the players are the only ones that keep you bastards running and if you make us fair earners lose everything and can't get it back easy like spenders can then don't make any more games unless it's a REAL game. Good example is like the triple A game companies that make multi player a fucking option most times or better example is elite dangerous. Everyone needs to stop playing these games from you plarium since you can easily Lose everything when it was fine with UNLIMITED Bunker God damnit! Or even easy revive when in a alliance building because one guy can spend for days on end and destroy everything like one of you guys said one guy can destroy 1-4
Apr 2, 2017, 16:0704/02/17
Yes players can choose to soend cash to grow large. And players can also choose to stop playing a game. We all have choices. Lol. 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 3, 2017, 10:3404/03/17
General Zach, a warning for swearing. 
Jan 4, 2018, 23:0001/04/18
1 minute

Hi . Can someone direct  m,e to the  Total Domination  forum?  Everytime I look for TD complaints , its from the general Plarium.

   In particular ,  my clan just  completed or ended  a war.  Although  we lost, but we  had   the most Tap Sites & resources taken

  from  Tap Sites. The other clan  didn't take  any Tap Sites. We  took over  2,000 Sites.  So why did we not  get any pay-out

 from the war  ?  We didn't get any  Pink Crystals  from it. Why is that  ?  A couple years ago we went up against a big clan & although 

Tap  Sites  were  not around back then  but  we did  get some pink Crystals from   the  war even though we  lost. This happened in the

  Geotopia server.
Jan 4, 2018, 23:0201/04/18
1 minute

PlinyThaYounger said:

This game sucks.  Big spenders are too easily able to dominate the smaller players.  It pushes us out o
I play Total Domination.  You are so right brother.  IT's all about the  money . No Emitters  for small clans.
 Everything  for the  credit card wallets.  

Jan 4, 2018, 23:0401/04/18
1 minute

Sparhawk122 said:

I agree. I had to spend a LOT of money to get in the top ten. The Best of the Best achievement for operations, very big spenders were those who made up the top ten. How do I know. Because I came 6th for the weekly top ten of operations and I had to spend a lot to stay there. The person in 1st place had double the points I had. That is only possible by spending. It really is unfair for the average player. 
Wow  !!!! I still say  Plarium needs to make the huge clans let go of  some  Emitters when they have 25 level 5
  emitters & most of us  struggle just  to get  one Emitter.  Dang  shame.

Aug 25, 2018, 07:3108/25/18
i had an issue with trying to call troops back from a battle ground attack ...i sent offense to a defensive battle ground is there any way you could tell me why and dang i lost a ton of troops 
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