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Spec op payoutSpec op payout

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Spec op payout

Feb 7, 2017, 10:4802/07/17

There can be several reasons why you feel like you get a small Reward. In basic terms, Rewards are calculated according to Unit losses. However, the algorithm that defines the size and contents of any given Reward is randomized, meaning that no two Special Ops will yield the same Reward, even if they are of the same Level. This means that the largest Rewards can be difficult to come by.

Feb 7, 2017, 13:3102/07/17

Basically, the costing of the troops i feel are way more expensive to build in mobile 

which is confusing the players when they get paid, if you are killing fluff troops these cost little 

So when you get paid back mechs and Armor it looks like you aren't getting much of a pay 

I know what the more advanced players put into this ive seen some of Gooses hits

but you still have to consider the cost what you have killed and added to the bank and what the bank is actually paying you back

Im not into the OP's as much as some of you others, so i won't say to much as i know the frustration they build on a player

Feb 7, 2017, 14:4802/07/17
Eugenia Misura said:

There can be several reasons why you feel like you get a small Reward. In basic terms, Rewards are calculated according to Unit losses. However, the algorithm that defines the size and contents of any given Reward is randomized, meaning that no two Special Ops will yield the same Reward, even if they are of the same Level. This means that the largest Rewards can be difficult to come by.

There are vets players from your other games that say the reward system in Mobile Warfare is the worst of of the lot. I have been doing a lot of ops. Got the Best of the Best achievement so am no ametuer. Random rewards are not fair, and you DO NOT get back what you put in. 
Feb 13, 2017, 08:0402/13/17
Hey I don't get it how does the reward system takes your lost troops into consideration and my aid center has 40k+ troops and I only have 16k troops and I've been hitting everyday and my troops count doesn't seem to be moving I need help please this game is awesome :(
Feb 17, 2017, 14:5102/17/17
Feb 17, 2017, 14:52(edited)

A change does need to be made especially if people who do not spend hundreds on this game are to enjoy the other elements such as pvp.  its just not worth it spec ops needs to provide more troops and gains then it is currently.  yeah you can get rewards but how often do you see planes or other high rss units as rewards.  400 marines in rss wont even earn a plane.  100 mechs maybe a couple and then the power of those 3 planes wasnt and wont ever be worth the loss of those 100 reapers. ,you need to make changes if you are spending weeks to upgrade planes make it worth it.  why dont you change the algorithm to something easier to manage.  you have coiners running around killing all your spec ops troops and you cant even get close to recovering or being worth anything for your teamates.  this is supposed to be a strat game not a buy 160 baracudas game then destroy 120 peoples hard work they put into the game.  it feels like you dont care about your playerbase 

Feb 21, 2017, 14:3802/21/17


We do care about our players and we suggest you a lot of things to do in the game, not only the Operations.

Let me draw your attention that calculation of the reward is performed according to the special algorithm. Rewards are received according to your losses at previous Operations. After you reach a certain point you get a prize in Units. This is why you do not receive the reward at each operation. It is normal. Units you send to each Operation are counted. You will be given the prize automatically by the system once you hit a certain Operation and receive your deserved bonus.

Feb 23, 2017, 23:0602/23/17
So if there IS Not a tropp bank reset, if i lose 4million power in a battle at a blacksite, and troops are zereoed, only way to play tgis game is spend three hundred dollars in packs to revive and be able to play???
Feb 24, 2017, 11:5702/24/17
no you just need to kill troops off that you hire everyday until you start getting a payout alot of us have felt that pain 
Feb 24, 2017, 16:3702/24/17
Doesnt make sense..if i lost four million power that i earned in ops, my troops are dead and cant be do i aquire rss when troops dead and it ill take over a month to put troops from rss production to pay bank back...
Feb 24, 2017, 16:3802/24/17
Anyone know if there is a key maybe from the 
Feb 24, 2017, 21:3202/24/17

I feel your pain. I kill off 10 mill daily in ops. Your better off making another accnt. And not leveling tech past reapers. Thats really the only way to make a profit. This is a pay to win game. There not gonna fix the issue until they lose 

Mar 1, 2017, 10:4303/01/17
Mar 2, 2017, 07:31(edited)


Did they made an update in Operations Reward?

Previously i received reward from the Ops normally. So when i loose all my army i receive a reward, but now i have finished several operations, i have drained All my troops (Reward from Ops and from Tournaments, and from resources) and i did not receive any reward. Looks like algorithm become more randomized and more greedy.

Also does anyone know, Ops bank is common for Offense and Defense Ops or we have 2 separate banks?
Mar 2, 2017, 13:4803/02/17

Plarium didn't change anything in Ops reward system.

As I know, there is total bank, not separated.

Mar 3, 2017, 00:3403/03/17
Mar 3, 2017, 00:36(edited)
This tactic seems to work for me. I hit my highest spec operation 1st. Then if i win some troops i start at the lowest then work my way back up to the top. Most of the time its pretty good. Just make sure you are constantly switching nano chips to work with the troops you are raiding with. 
Mar 3, 2017, 10:1903/03/17
Mar 3, 2017, 10:20(edited)

No. I see that ramdomization was updated. After Latest game update i am not able to receive normal prize from Ops at all. I have already failed several times. Before update i was able to get to TOP of my league, but now i just wasted all my troops at every Op that is higher 40 level. so i completely waste all my troops, even if i add some troops for diamonds. If it was  for 1 time or 2, then it could be random, but after 5 times... looks like regularity.

My bank already has attack more than for 1 Million points, but i am not able to receive even 300k points. What the hell is going on?
Mar 3, 2017, 11:2803/03/17



We do care about our players and we suggest you a lot of things to do in the game, not only the Operations.

Really ?) Some time ago i saw a really "cool" picture. One, i suppose, very rich person, destroyed a WHOLE CLAN with 65 sectors by HIS OWN in 30 minutes (!)

And the next day the same person has destroyed another clan with Level 9 HQ.

Do you really care about your players if one  sector can destroy 150 sectors by his own?)  Do this game really has any balance? Probably in the future you will introduce a button for 10000 USD which will help you to destroy every sector on the map?)

It is extremely sad, that if you don't pay, you will be just an ash.

So looks like you just care about donators) They really have much fun)
Mar 4, 2017, 06:4203/04/17
Those are most likely hackers and exploiters there seems to be some type of backdoor and players are getting super armies its not just one or 2 guys its alot.  its wouldnt be possible to have armies that size unless they spent thousands abd no offense if i spent thousands to make a super army i wouldnt throw defense units and units that are worth more rss in ops to fodder on hurting random players and alliances that dont really have anything.  
Mar 4, 2017, 09:5203/04/17
Mar 4, 2017, 11:03(edited)

Ok. New day, new expiriments and new toughts.

Once again i have lost all my army in the OPs. Even when i have tried to beat them from smallest to the largest. I have even pay all my diamonds to revive troops and beat the highest possible operation. So, no prize. and i have no army once again.

So, here moderators and community manager told us about tactics, about skills and etc...

I  have a tactic of beating OPs. This tactic worked like a swiss clock. Everything was OK BEFORE THE LATEST GAME UPDATE.

So i can see 2 ways of changes that you have done with OPs.

1) You brought more random to winning the prize. And now it is really extreme random and noone can predict winning or loosing. Very good for you - people will donate more or will leave the game.

2) You set total bank to ZERO! Because it is the second possible way. I can see that I am not able  to win a prize from OPs higher than 40 level.

Previously i had prize from 57 and even 63 level of OP. Now 32 is my limit. It is UNFAIR. I dont want to play the game which can delete all my achivments every update and i will need to pay money to get to the level I had before your updates.

Of course you can tell that nothing was changed. but my experience after latest update showed me that you REALLY MADE CHANGES and this opinion is not only mine.

Honestly, after latest update lots of my friends and me does not want to play this game at all.

Mar 5, 2017, 21:1903/05/17

Solrac Anodrac said:

A change does need to be made especially if people who do not spend hundreds on this game are to enjoy the other elements such as pvp.  its just not worth it spec ops needs to provide more troops and gains then it is currently.  yeah you can get rewards but how often do you see planes or other high rss units as rewards.  400 marines in rss wont even earn a plane.  100 mechs maybe a couple and then the power of those 3 planes wasnt and wont ever be worth the loss of those 100 reapers. ,you need to make changes if you are spending weeks to upgrade planes make it worth it.  why dont you change the algorithm to something easier to manage.  you have coiners running around killing all your spec ops troops and you cant even get close to recovering or being worth anything for your teamates.  this is supposed to be a strat game not a buy 160 baracudas game then destroy 120 peoples hard work they put into the game.  it feels like you dont care about your playerbase 

Agreed. Some of the Armies these people have make no sense unless they are millionaires also. Or have found an exploit..... And they say they get these armies from spec ops. Well you do not win Strategic units from spec ops so.....

$24k AUD later, or near about that amount and their armies and the rate that they revive their losses puts my army to shame. We have dishonest players in this game.
Mar 5, 2017, 22:1503/05/17
Mar 5, 2017, 22:30(edited)
Kibraiker007 said:



We do care about our players and we suggest you a lot of things to do in the game, not only the Operations.

Really ?) Some time ago i saw a really "cool" picture. One, i suppose, very rich person, destroyed a WHOLE CLAN with 65 sectors by HIS OWN in 30 minutes (!)

And the next day the same person has destroyed another clan with Level 9 HQ.

Do you really care about your players if one  sector can destroy 150 sectors by his own?)  Do this game really has any balance? Probably in the future you will introduce a button for 10000 USD which will help you to destroy every sector on the map?)

It is extremely sad, that if you don't pay, you will be just an ash.

So looks like you just care about donators) They really have much fun)
These people with 50 mil or more are not rich. They have found exploits. Their losses are not losses because they use exploits to get the required diamonds to revive any losses they take. They use the cover story that they get their massive armies from Spec Ops which after I came 3rd in the weekly top 10 from ops a while back by doing numerous level 90-100 ops is not possible. And not in that short a period of time.
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