Ok. New day, new expiriments and new toughts.
Once again i have lost all my army in the OPs. Even when i have tried to beat them from smallest to the largest. I have even pay all my diamonds to revive troops and beat the highest possible operation. So, no prize. and i have no army once again.
So, here moderators and community manager told us about tactics, about skills and etc...
I have a tactic of beating OPs. This tactic worked like a swiss clock. Everything was OK BEFORE THE LATEST GAME UPDATE.
So i can see 2 ways of changes that you have done with OPs.
1) You brought more random to winning the prize. And now it is really extreme random and noone can predict winning or loosing. Very good for you - people will donate more or will leave the game.
2) You set total bank to ZERO! Because it is the second possible way. I can see that I am not able to win a prize from OPs higher than 40 level.
Previously i had prize from 57 and even 63 level of OP. Now 32 is my limit. It is UNFAIR. I dont want to play the game which can delete all my achivments every update and i will need to pay money to get to the level I had before your updates.
Of course you can tell that nothing was changed. but my experience after latest update showed me that you REALLY MADE CHANGES and this opinion is not only mine.
Honestly, after latest update lots of my friends and me does not want to play this game at all.