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Spec op payoutSpec op payout

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Spec op payout

Jan 18, 2017, 05:3601/18/17

Spec op payout

Why are the spec op payouts so garbage once you reach a certain unlocked troop? I have been playing these plarium games for years now, so I know how these spec ops work with banking troops. It is Bull that the resources for larger troops is so lopsided that is throws off the balance of the payouts. PLAYERS DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME UNLOCKING TROOPS. YOUR PAYOUTS WILL GO FROM THOUSANDS OF LIGHT AND MECH INFANTRY TO BARLEY HITTIN 1K OF AVIATION
Jan 18, 2017, 08:2901/18/17
Exactly. I have all units unlocked and the rewards I get from paying off the bank when I get aviation units does not cut it. I lose more then I gain. Have tried explaining the balance issues in regards to this but got rudely rebuffed and told that spec ops is working as it should be. I do not think over %90 of the gamer base having issues with spec ops means balanced in my book. Developers need to remember that game mechanics need to be fun. If they are not fun, purposefully unfair and soul crushing prepare to lose a lot of new players, turn away others completely and make older players become disgruntled and leave also.
Jan 18, 2017, 12:1201/18/17

I noticed the huge difference as well once i stared 

im still experimenting with the OP's as well, i slowed down at unlocking troops until i got a clear idea


Jan 18, 2017, 17:1901/18/17
It's more than a huge difference. It cripples a player's ability to grow. Getting a payout at a lvl 95 spec op will not get you close for the resources needed to payout at lvl 97. This will and is discouraging players that spend money in this game. I know because I am one of them. 
Jan 19, 2017, 07:1501/19/17
I have noticed the higher level specs ops I was having this exact issue. Thus my previous complaints in other threads. I wholeheartedly agree with you friend.
Jan 19, 2017, 10:1301/19/17

Hi! Let me draw your attention that rewards depend on your losses. Operations mechanic is a part of the gameplay so we let players figure this out by themselves.

Jan 19, 2017, 13:1601/19/17
I know how to bank my troops. This is not my first plarium game. So I know when I am getting stiffed. The rewards are not paying out enough to get rewards at the same level as the last reward!
Jan 21, 2017, 06:5801/21/17

Once again ops is a waste of time...

Spent 1.5mill on ops and won back less than 500k in airpower.....  most of that 1.5 mill was behemoth tanks so i threw plenty of rss at the bank and 30% return on invested power is very frustrating when a month ago it was much better. May just quit ops and burn bases instead. Or look for a game thats not trying to squeeze blood from a rock. 

Jan 23, 2017, 09:2201/23/17
Jan 23, 2017, 09:24(edited)

sagemillen said:

Once again ops is a waste of time...

Spent 1.5mill on ops and won back less than 500k in airpower.....  most of that 1.5 mill was behemoth tanks so i threw plenty of rss at the bank and 30% return on invested power is very frustrating when a month ago it was much better. May just quit ops and burn bases instead. Or look for a game thats not trying to squeeze blood from a rock. 

They do it on purpose it seems. The more you lose and do not get back the more chance of players spending money because the only timely or practical option to get their massive losses back is to purchase packs. They purposely balanced spec ops around the diamond recovery system. 

I remember when I got rewarded a bit over 500 Sekira drones and I think a few Titan Vertibirds. Anyway, I threw my whole reward at both Spec ops without killing either. Then I killed off the highest one. And..... lol. No troop reward. I was like WTH, "I PAYED OFF THE BANK BY PUTTING THE WHOLE REWARD BACK INTO THE BANK". I fipped out. Nearly threw my phone...... :(

So the system is not full proof. And I do not care if you do not pay back the bank. No way should you ever get two spec ops missions in a row without troop rewards. That is just plain wrong. Let alone 3 or more. 

*Waits for admin input saying spec ops is very well balanced and a fun aspect of the game......... *
Jan 23, 2017, 12:2801/23/17

Here are some tips that will help you to know how Operations work:

1. All the Units you send to Operations count toward your future reward.

2. It is important that you engage new Operation only after you have defeated the previous ones.

Jan 23, 2017, 16:5001/23/17
If I receive a reward at lvl 92 then I should be able to go up 2 levels to get a new reward. STOP ACTING LIKE WE ARE RETARDS.  I have played SF (Pc and mobile) for 5 years. I know how they work. Stop being condescending. The resources you receive from payouts is garbage, and is no where near worrh the losses you take to acquire them. I can get 5k Warlock payout on a lvl 100 in Sf while here you might get 1k aviation unit or a mix of armor that still garbage. Change the payout scale back to mech/light infantry or drop the amount of rss it takes to build armor and aviation units. YOU WILL LOSE PAYING CUSTOMERS IF YOU DO NOT LISTEN. 
Jan 24, 2017, 14:3401/24/17

Goose said:

If I receive a reward at lvl 92 then I should be able to go up 2 levels to get a new reward. STOP ACTING LIKE WE ARE RETARDS.  I have played SF (Pc and mobile) for 5 years. I know how they work. Stop being condescending. The resources you receive from payouts is garbage, and is no where near worrh the losses you take to acquire them. I can get 5k Warlock payout on a lvl 100 in Sf while here you might get 1k aviation unit or a mix of armor that still garbage. Change the payout scale back to mech/light infantry or drop the amount of rss it takes to build armor and aviation units. YOU WILL LOSE PAYING CUSTOMERS IF YOU DO NOT LISTEN. 

Stormfall and Mobile Warfare are different games with the different balances. So it make no sense to compare them.

As for rewards mechanics we aren't planning to change them in the near future. 

Jan 25, 2017, 14:4401/25/17
You have player/mods in here that can't even be honest with how screwed up the ops are. I never once said the banking is screwed up. I know how the mechanics of this game works as far as banking troops go. I'm telling you the method in which the spec payouts payout is messed up because the higher end units cost too much
Jan 25, 2017, 14:4701/25/17
Inturn causing the resource value of the units cast to much giving poor rewards. Just goes to show how much you listen to paying customers
Jan 25, 2017, 23:1601/25/17
Jan 26, 2017, 04:05(edited)
^^ They do not listen to paying customers. I do not think I have seen the admin agree with anyone elses opinion once.......
Jan 26, 2017, 01:0301/26/17

I agree with Goose on this one, im stuck where I'm at, 

I play other plarium games, i get that each game has a different technique in how things are done,

but how the game is set we are left annoyed and fighting to keep up to a level 

Jan 26, 2017, 01:1001/26/17

Goose said:

You have player/mods in here that can't even be honest with how screwed up the ops are. I never once said the banking is screwed up. I know how the mechanics of this game works as far as banking troops go. I'm telling you the method in which the spec payouts payout is messed up because the higher end units cost too much

keep the mods out of your post, ive never claimed once i new how the Op's worked and to be honest about something you have to understand them

I said i was learning like everyone else ( mobile is a bit different ) 

Jan 26, 2017, 04:1701/26/17
Jan 26, 2017, 04:25(edited)

Ever since I unlocked all aircraft units I am only getting payed in armour and aircraft. But the pay outs are always less then what I actually bank. Because I only get rewarded armour and aircraft I can only bank armour and aircraft. And I bank the total RSS equivalent that I get rewarded + %12 extra and get back %20-30 less then what I actually banked all up..... @-@ Sometimes I can nearly break even. 

Nearly at the stage where I am going to uninstall the game because spec ops ruin the whole fun of the game. When you do not get back what you put in, it really depresses you and brings the whole game down. At over level 70 Spec Ops. They do not pay if you only get rewarded armour and aircraft. This is a game, it is supposed to be fun. PvP is supposed to be the challenging part, not single player missions. The amount of people that Spec Ops has driven away that I know of is phenominal.
Feb 6, 2017, 16:2602/06/17

Dont know how you all do it but I only lose my troops when I hit a special op.

When I finally get some (lower levels), I lose everything  again.

I keep training and hitting ops but don't get troops and i did try everything.

Yes, did spend some money in the game but this way I quit and give this game 1*  and will file a complaint on Google. 

Really no fun to play this way.

Most players do get troops and get stronger, I'm not. 

Feb 6, 2017, 17:2402/06/17

Commander Huntsmen, due to the random element of the Reward system, it can happen that players play for some period of time without receiving massive Rewards. On the contrary, it can also mean that players can win huge rewards from consecutive Battles. In more objective terms, the Reward system takes all of your lost Units into account: each completed Special Op increases the likelihood of receiving a massive Reward. Keep fighting and you will get there! 

Feb 7, 2017, 09:5302/07/17
Feb 7, 2017, 09:54(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Commander Huntsmen, due to the random element of the Reward system, it can happen that players play for some period of time without receiving massive Rewards. On the contrary, it can also mean that players can win huge rewards from consecutive Battles. In more objective terms, the Reward system takes all of your lost Units into account: each completed Special Op increases the likelihood of receiving a massive Reward. Keep fighting and you will get there! 

Talk about random. I have payed back the bank AND more by %15-25 and got back only 1/3rd of the RSS I put in the bank. Thought to myself, has to be a split payout. And nope, was not a split payout. As you can imagine I nearly threw my tablet out the window. It IS random and it IS not fair or sustainable. Disgustingly unbalanced more times then not. Also once you get a REALLY big reward. It can be impossible to pay that reward back. There needs to be a system in place for that. Like after a week the bank should reset. Whomever designed the Spec Ops system obviously catered it more for the guys who can spend and diamond revive their troops. Evident by the fact that the people in the weekly top 10 for operations are massive coiners with bottomless coffers. 

So the rewards are weak. And it is annoying how you have to have max RSS before even ATTEMPTING Spec Ops, otherwise you will get rewarded in resources instead of troops. Hard to get max RSS when you are fighting for rations........ And fuel once you start building Equalizer Bombers which cost 42,000 fuel each. 
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