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Sep 21, 2017, 11:3209/21/17
Fsevick said:

This game so is ok too me there no issues at this time
Thanks, Commander! If you have any suggestions, please let us know! 
Sep 21, 2017, 11:3209/21/17
Lower the costs of activities using diamonds, because not all can buy diamonds in bulk, and only those who can will have their fun.
Sep 21, 2017, 11:3309/21/17

THE--HELL said:

the new up date are cool

Thank you, brave Commander! 

If you have any ideas how to improve the game, you could leave them here
Sep 21, 2017, 11:4209/21/17

Sgombrero said:

It's an extra sostitution for the nanopacks and like that. But unfortunatelly the update still has a few bugs. Also the merchandisers have a limite though I don't like, that's, that there are limitations about the gold. Would very much see the possibility to exchange diamonds for gold. Cause one little beginners mistake like me and now I'm stuck that I can't upgrade nor contract Merchandisers.

Hello, Commander! Thank you for your feedback!

As for the exchanging - actually, we don't plan to launch such update, unfortunately :( But if we decide so, I'll let players know on our forum. Also, I have great news for players who already hired Mercenaries. We're going to launch Tournaments for the Mercenaries really soon. You'll be able to get resources to upgrade your Mercenaries in these Tournaments. It will be helpful for players who want to get more bonuses as soon as possible :) 

Sep 21, 2017, 11:4309/21/17
Thanks for the change!!! The game was getting boring
Sep 21, 2017, 11:4509/21/17

ProKiller1929 said:

Honestly I love this but this update I don't really get it I mean the merc squads are nice and all but I would love to get resources or troops from the blips. The higher the level the more of what ever. I feel like this would be better that boosting army offense and defense capabilities witch I'm not complaining about that part but it's not as good as getting something a bit more powerful or to make us richer (resources). Those are my thoughts about the new update it's been a great game and still is. Keep up the great work and keep it coming with the good updates. Great job loving it so far. 

Hello, Commander! Thank you so much for your feedback, I took it into account and I'll pass it to our devs. 

If you have any suggestions or ideas how to improve the game, please them on our forum. 

Have a great day! 

Sep 21, 2017, 11:4709/21/17

To have mercenaries is an improvement to the game and makes it more challenging. 

The lack of "tech" tab at the bottom makes planning of the tech upgrade difficult. 

The fun will be more if gold and diamonds could be exchanged. 

Sep 21, 2017, 11:4909/21/17

DrZlobin said:

Всей команде плариум привет! Итак первая обнова по изменению операций ужасна, так как невозможно  молодым бойцам качать  уровень  и свои войска через  операции, у меня  половина  альянса молодых ушла, тем более кто-то  качал только пехоту, второе  обновление наёмников я считаю более успешное, но нужны не только  подсказки а ещё  короткий  ролик как к пристройкам, третье  обновление  по стабильности игровой графики вроде работает 

Приветствую, командир! Спасибо за твой отзыв! :) 

Начнем с Операций — особо там ничего не поменялось, на самом деле. Мы лишь изменили выдачу пехоту в награде. Теперь вы получаете не только пехоту, как ранее. 

Что касается Наемников — спасибо за комментарий. Я уточню этот момент. 
Sep 21, 2017, 11:5809/21/17
Sep 21, 2017, 11:59(edited)

♤KingCobra♤ said:

Love the mercenary add!! But, maybe add the gold and diamonds in ALL pks and not seperate them so we who aint got alot of money can play without having to buy 2 seperate packs. Also would like to see more or higher time boost in smaller pks as the research and construction TAKES FOREVER once u reach a higher level. The game is awesome and headed in a good direction!!  Keep it up plarium!

Hello, Commander! Thank you for your feedback ^^

I can't tell for sure if we change the packs, but I can't tell for sure we'll get some improvements of this feature in the future so please follow the news :)

And I must to inform you, as you're active player and already hired the Mercenaries that we're going to launch special Tournamets for the Mercenaries where you'll be able to get resources for the Mercenaries upgrade. 

Sep 21, 2017, 12:0309/21/17
It is very better with mercenaries. 
Sep 21, 2017, 12:0809/21/17
Sep 21, 2017, 12:09(edited)
I don’t like that you can’t see which foreign base your troops are at got hit. And the mercenaries are a little distracting plus I don’t see their benefit. 
Sep 21, 2017, 12:2409/21/17
They are really  good  
Sep 21, 2017, 12:2709/21/17

señordelmilagro said:

Estan muy buenos los cambios del juego , pero me gustaria q se pueda reforzar a jugadores q no son de la alianza para poder esconder soldados y salvarlos de ataques , tambien deveria existir un mercado negro donde se puedan comprar por ejemplo misiles por menos diamantes pero q puedan venir fallador por ejemplo q algonos misilles no lleguen A destino o q caigan en alguna base sercana al objetivo ! Y q en ese mercado negro se pueda comprar de todo  trucho !!!

Hello! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us, Commander. Unfortunately, we don't plan to launch such changes :( 

If you have another iseas how to improve the game, please leave them in this thread
Sep 21, 2017, 12:2809/21/17
Anton-ng said:

Прикольное обновление с наёмниками)
Cпасибо, командир! Если у вас есть идеи или предложения, то делитесь ими с нами :)
Sep 21, 2017, 12:3009/21/17
Sep 21, 2017, 12:31(edited)

Brave Commanders! Thank you for coming up today! Please leave your feedback about Mercenaries update in this thread. If you have suggestions which aren't related to this update, please leave them in this thread. Thank you in advance and have a great day :)

Sep 21, 2017, 12:3109/21/17

Roxi said:


Hello! :) Please leave your feedback about Mercenaries in this thread! :)

Sep 21, 2017, 12:3509/21/17

дацент5 said:

Обновление просто суппер!!!давно ждал что нибудь такого нового

Рада слышать это, командир! Спасибо за отзыв :) Если у вас есть предложения или пожелания по этому апдейту, пожалуйста, оставляйте их в теме. 

Hello, Commander! Thank you for the feedback. If you have any suggestion, please leave them in the thread.  
Sep 21, 2017, 12:3509/21/17
I am unsure of how I feel about the mercenaries just yet. I need a little more time with them. What I am frustrated about is that the latest update broke my alliance chat. :( Much of the time, I am unable to chat with my team. This needs to be fixed. I have tried to be patient, but this is just unacceptable. 
Sep 21, 2017, 12:3509/21/17
It’s good update for game keep going to create new soldiers and create more buildings (building to collect diamond) , and make that we can change the buildings location in our bases :) 
Sep 21, 2017, 12:3709/21/17

fotin.sebastian said:

verry impresive about mercenary bu please do somethings to improve the game..Give us the chance to reorganize and move buildings in our Base. Tank you

Hello, Commander! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. 

As for the buildings - unfortunately, we don't plan to launch this update in the near future. If you have another ideas, please leave them in this topic
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