Hello, Raiders!
We have been receiving quite a number of questions concerning the current state of affairs in the Classic Arena, and would like to elaborate on what we’re planning to do to improve the situation. The ultimate goal is to make the progression in the Bronze and Silver easier so that the Arena in these Tiers becomes less of a head-against-wall bashing exercise.
Matchmaking adjustments. The changes will only concern tweaking the matchmaking in Bronze and Silver Tiers. We’ll still be filtering the opponents in these Tiers by the player’s account power and level as before, but the pairing in Bronze will be configured in such a way that newbies won’t meet the teams way too much out of their depth, and will be able to steadily progress to Silver. As for Silver, naturally, this Tier will be more challenging than Bronze, but the opponent selection will also be not so harsh.
As for Gold, where we do not filter opponents by their account power here, and use only the current Arena placement as the main criteria when picking up the opponents, this Tier will remain challenging. Be ready to fight strong opponents here to remain competitive.
Defensive battles. We’ll implement a flexible system to prevent players from being demoted to the lower Tiers too quickly by losing defensive battles in Bronze and Silver Tiers. It is logical to assume, the higher your Tier the greater is the number of points that you can potentially lose in the defensive battles.
And last but not least.
While the changes will make the Arena easier in terms of progression, remember that it is still one of the most competitive game elements: keep improving your team, explore different strategies, watch videos dedicated to Arena tactics on YouTube created by enthusiastic players and content creators to increase your knowledge, and you’ll be able to reach higher Tiers, eventually.
While we cannot reveal the exact date when the Arena adjustments will come to live, we are ready to tell you at least the approximate time of their release. It will happen shortly after the release of version 4.20, but definitely not on the same day. The Arena-oriented update is planned for the first half of May, and the changes will take effect only after server reload.
Guys, we'll continue to closely monitor the situation in the Classic Arena after the upcoming fix goes live, and will make all the additional changes needed to ensure our players have fun in the Arena and enjoy the game.
That's it for today! Have a wonderful day ahead!
maybe change arena to uncommon vs uncommon , rare vs rare ,epic vs epic,legends vs legends (with all Tiers right now) of cuz in rare arena player can use uncommon. in epic arena players can use rare/uncommon) so it work the same for legends, that is how players can use all their champ and dont use those lower champ as FOOD
I don't really get ppl who's constantly crying about Arena. It is the way it was meant to be - tough challenging part of the game. Literally anyone can build speed team whitch would lead to mid Silver Tier consisting of rare champs, just by spending a few weeks on Dragon and thats all. And I bet all of you who have played this game more than 3 months have pretty good champs in roster. E.g. the most default preset is Khatun Kael Warmaiden and another DD or Apoth, every of which champs can be switched for more powerful version you could have. The only thing you can do if you don't have strong defence champs is outspeed the enemy and the key to it is grind D20 as much as you need. Hope you get the point, I had 3 accounts so far and on each of them got to Gold pretty easilly after I watched some videos about it and actually tried to think that out with my roster.
I still dont understand what do your level and player power has to do with your arena performance. it disadvantages everyone who gained xp from multiple tasks rather than from arena related upgrades from the beginning. also dont understand why it is important to give new players the chance to get to silver with level 40 characters whilst others at higher levels are struggling to get on with their missions due to being unable to complete the most basic arena tasks. pvp should be about your team's performance there and then, not about your activities in the past. if you want to give a chance to lower level players to show what they could do if they were bigger, u should open a lower level competition for them separately imo.
Guys and girls! :)
Let me put it this way - how much resources (gems/energy/silver/real life money) precentage wise are you spending to pull new champions and then level them up? Time and time again, I always grin about players who have so much "strong and good" champions, but can't compete (get in silver or gold Arena)... Now - and this is the most IMPORTANT note - I bet that most of you (who are whining about arena being too hard) spend way too many resources on shards and leveling up your new "good" champions, but.. it's not about champions, it's about the gear you have farmed in dungeons. Why nobody here is writing about how much effort they put in dungeons farming gear? Yeah, that's right, "zero effort'. Gear is and always will be the defying factor on who wins and who lose. Formula for being successful in Arena is = use 25 % of your resources in leveling up your champions and doing masteries, rest (75 %) should go in dungeons farming gear. And, on top of that, I've seen many people who don't know how to build Greater Hall anyways + they don't know what accuracy in this game does + they haven't speed tuned their arena team, so they fail and fail again. Final verdict - concentrate on farming gear (instead of pulling shards) and simply get good by reasearching what to do and not do in Raid to not ruin your account.
it makes no sense to me, if you're going to have "tiers", why do matchmaking by a different parameter, I don't think it's right, if new accounts are in bronze 1, then I can beat those accounts and should move forward, not be matched with accounts of similar power I have... that makes no sense at all, personally I find no satisfaction at all on fighting arena, I do it because there's a mission there blocking all my other missions and the great hall needs me to do it, that's not great content...
I think you could replace this with a real time pvp where you don't get to choose your opponent, remove the arena missions and find some other way of getting medals for the hall. If you get to choose your opponent from a list it feels to me like you're cheesing people.
I'm also not sure I understand, what if I move to silver, I start getting silver medals and I cannot complete the bronze medals I need for the hall? I'm either not understanding it or it's even more rubbish than it's designed to be.
Guys and girls! :)
Let me put it this way - how much resources (gems/energy/silver/real life money) precentage wise are you spending to pull new champions and then level them up? Time and time again, I always grin about players who have so much "strong and good" champions, but can't compete (get in silver or gold Arena)... Now - and this is the most IMPORTANT note - I bet that most of you (who are whining about arena being too hard) spend way too many resources on shards and leveling up your new "good" champions, but.. it's not about champions, it's about the gear you have farmed in dungeons. Why nobody here is writing about how much effort they put in dungeons farming gear? Yeah, that's right, "zero effort'. Gear is and always will be the defying factor on who wins and who lose. Formula for being successful in Arena is = use 25 % of your resources in leveling up your champions and doing masteries, rest (75 %) should go in dungeons farming gear. And, on top of that, I've seen many people who don't know how to build Greater Hall anyways + they don't know what accuracy in this game does + they haven't speed tuned their arena team, so they fail and fail again. Final verdict - concentrate on farming gear (instead of pulling shards) and simply get good by reasearching what to do and not do in Raid to not ruin your account.
Yes! You should just build your great hall correctly you n00bs! Oh wait, how is it you level your great hall again? Oh, whoops, turns out that this was an insanely ignorant statement made from a "knowledgeable" player. I'm f2p, I assure you that I haven't concentrated on "pulling shards". I've been as speed tuned as I could be from very early on (perfectly speed tuned after getting high khatun and Jorrg within a week of each other 1 month into the game). The issue for the players who have learned everything they could is that the arena matchmaking is based on player power which is a horrendous matchmaker. Anybody who uses champs to get lower level glyphs in faction wars is making their arena matchmaking harder which makes no sense whatsoever. The way to have easy matchups in the arena is to do what iamsteamin is doing and get rid of every single champion in the game who doesn't directly benefit the arena team. Is that a way to play the game? Yes. Is that a fun way to play a champion collection GAME (games are supposed to be fun and the work is supposed to lead to something)? No, not for the vast majority of human beings.
Personally I dont understand why it is needed to make arena an easy content.
You nerfed FW to a complete joke so everyone can have Lydia. No sign of recognising/rewarding players who did it on the original dificulty in the Spring of last year ( except Cartman who cryed about Dracomorph long enough that he was simply given one)...
Not too long ago Arena was getting bots so everyone can be Gold4 and farm gold medals to have full GH in 3month time,....
Now I assume DT nerf is next. We just need enough players to cry on Reddit ( most toxic platform of all) that they demand access to the rewards and fragments for new champions... sad...
Why you daft, Plarium?
Every single person is telling you that basing Arena matchamking on how good players Faction Wars teams are is complete and utter nonsense.
Literally every other game you look at... PvP matchmaking is based on PvP performance not by PvE performance. Just fire whoever in your dev teams thinks doing that makes a shred of sense, because it fregin doesn't.
Not a fan of any of the changes that have been made or are currently being implemented. The community has said the problems with the fixes now and in the past and it all falls on deaf ears. It's like Plarium only listens after a whole bunch of bad reviews and people leave....but even then they only listen internally. You know it's bad when even top players in platinum are complaining about the state of the arena. But yet we see Plarium yet again listening to internal data rather than the community. The game is head down a steep slope and it's picking up steam.
Doubt me look at the complaints about Arena and the supposed fixes we have had that not once took into account community feedback. What are we on fix 4 or 5 at this point?
Next look at community outcry about Clan V Clan the mass exodus in the game over that. I hear from friends in top guilds every day about people getting kicked for not getting enough points only for them to quit the game. We see other clans not participating due to feeling it's such a whale fest. And then players falling behind others due to the trinkets and such that the Clan v clan stuff offers....all of which affect the arena. The arena has become an RNG spotfest every day and those who have swift parry and these trinkets are the only ones able to compete (I use compete loosely as these sets make it an RNG as to whether you win or lose).
Then you have the announcement (I use that loosely as it was on Reddit) the dupe system. The dupe system is so similar to another game that did the same thing. What happened to that game....well no one plays it anymore. Non-spenders quit as they could not hope to compete with whales. Only for whales to quit also as they had no one to play with anymore. This is making the divide between whales and everyone else bigger and will also likely greatly affect the arena. Yet the community speaks up and does Plarium listen....sadly yet again nope. They listen to their pocketbooks and it's only a matter of time this methodology kills the game we love. If this dupe system is similar to what I have seen in other games (that all died out) well then I will walk away. Cause there will be no balancing in the game at all and the game will no longer be fun. As it stands arena, Clan v Clan and 3 v 3 arena are hands down the worst parts of the game. These are also the parts that it seems like Plarium likes messing up more and more for the players.
Get mad at me if you like....troll me whatever at this point. But this is my opinion and all of this I wrote on is first hand experience with other games that did the same stuff only to die shortly after. I don't want this game to die but Plarium is heading down a path that could kill the game if they do not at least start listening to the community and not just their internal data. People are people and no data you have will accurately show how people feel or express what people are expressing in videos, on discord, on reddit or here. So please take out the earplugs and listen to us we want to help.
when will you finally acknowledge that POWER MEANS NOTHING
for example, I'm 100% f2p with ~3.5m power and 300-350k arena comps. I've been playing for more than two years and I face whales in gold4 and platinum who appeared only months ago and have less power than me, but are already sporting multi OP legos with 400spd and 1000acc (fully booked of course..). NOTHING in their power numbers reflects even the slightest of their actual strength and money spent. N-O-T-H-I-N-G
I know that the new arena changes don't include gold and platinum, but I'm writing the above as an absolute proof of how fundamentally wrong it is to base anything arena related on power. this isn't the way to truly solve the inherent pvp issues. this will be just a band-aid..
My idea is a team should have a chance to move (a turn) if not wiped out in the first run. So often the champions stand still to see the enemy move and move again until it is totally wiped out. That is very poor player experience. Some of the friends I have invited quit because of that.
I know that is mainly because of the turn meter, (provoke, freeze, daze etc) but should not be so bad.
Please realize that Gold is broken more than Silver and Bronze. Below Gold you can tweak player power manually – Gold is hopeless. I started a second acc recently and easily got into Silver I by reducing my team power and having a good comp. On the main acc I've been stuck in Gold 1-2 for 3 months.
Gold 4 is not achievable without an Arbiter-level champion. Even by Gold II you are facing almost exclusively teams led by an Arbiter that you cannot outrun (Gorgo is my fastest champ).
The reward progression has to make sense. You cannot require players to have an Arbiter in order to get an Arbiter. It's not a reward then. By that point in your progression you either don't need her at all, or she's surplus to requirement.
Let classic arena how it is...... players they should read and lern the game better.... i am in gold 4 over 4 months now and almost in platimum... Plarium stop listen to fake and stupid chipe people....
four months ago I also was in Gold 4. They changed something to matchmaking since then and I was relegated to Gold 1. I assume you acquired Arbiter before the change, so you don't care and therefore think the game is easy. It is not so for anyone without her.
The entirety of community backlash that is boiling now with respect to Bronze and Silver will in a couple of months move to Gold and reheat again.