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Patch Notes (29.09.22) Update 6.10.0

Patch Notes (29.09.22) Update 6.10.0

New Update: Version 6.10.0

Deck of Fate Event, Forge Pass Season 4, and more!

Something suitably spooky is coming in this update! We’re hosting a frightful Deck of Fate Event, beginning Season 4 of the Forge Pass and introducing a host of Champion balance changes and bug fixes. Let’s dive into everything that’s arriving in version 6.10.0!

Halloween Deck of Fate

Trick or treat! The update sees a Halloween-themed Deck of Fate Event coming to Raid, with you earning Fate Pumpkins from completing various objectives. You will then use those Fate Pumpkins to flip Cards within the Deck of Fate. Any items you find hidden under a Card, you’ll keep as a Reward.

But that’s not all - if you manage to flip over 3 Cards of the same background color in sequence, you’ll earn a Fate Chest containing extra Rewards! Keep your eyes peeled on the News section - we’ll reveal everything you need to know about the Halloween Deck of Fate Event in a separate post in the future.

Forge Pass Season 4

Season 4 of the Forge Pass will be live from 09:00 UTC, Friday, September 30 - giving you another chance to earn those exclusive Bolster Artifacts and Bolster Stones! As with previous Forge Passes, Season 4 will give you access to a series of special Daily and Weekly Challenges to complete, with a whole host of great Rewards on offer - including Chaos Ore, Bolster Artifacts and Stones, as well as Silver, a new Avatar, Charms, and more.

For those who may have missed it - the Bolster Artifact Set places a protected Shield buff on you and your allies, meaning it cannot be stolen or removed in any way. You'll have to get rid of the Shield by either damaging it, or waiting for it to expire. Also, Bolster Artifacts heal the wearer by 10% of their MAX HP each turn - talk about bolstering your defenses!

Expect more info on Forge Pass Season 4 in its own dedicated news post - so stay tuned.

Tournament Improvement

Now for a long requested change! Using Skill Tomes will now earn you Points during Champion Training Tournaments. Keep in mind that this only applies to using actual Skill Tomes - you will not earn any Tournament Points if you upgrade skills using a duplicate Champion in the Tavern. 

The number of Tournament Points earned varies on the Rarity of the Skill Tome:

  • Legendary Tomes: 200 Tournament Points
  • Epic Tomes: 75 Tournament Points
  • Rare Tomes: 25 Tournament Points

Added Chat Rules

To make Raid’s Global Chat a more welcoming place to communicate with your fellow players, we’ve introduced “Chat Rules” to improve the overall chat experience. Simply hit the “Chat Rules” label within the Global Chat interface, and make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules you must follow when talking with other players.

Champion Rebalance


- Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 90 to 100.

[Skill 4 – Skypiercer]

- Skill changed: No longer a skill that requires unlocking by using Baron’s Trample, Split Asunder or Righteous Charge skills.

- Effect changed: Will now ignore 50% of the target's DEF as well.

- Cooldown added: 4 turns.

[Skill 1 – Trample]

- Effect changed: No longer has a 10% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn.

[Skill 2 – Split Asunder] 

- Effect changed: No longer has a 20% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn.

[Skill 3 – Righteous Charge]

- Effect changed: No longer has a 40% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.

 Snorting Thug

[Skill 1 – Wanton Mugging]

- Effect changed: Increased chance of stealing one random buff from 20% to 30%.

[Skill 2 – Ruckus]

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.


[Skill 1 – Scar for Life]

- Effect changed: Now decreases the enemy’s MAX HP by 30% of the damage inflicted, instead of 10% of the damage inflicted.

[Skill 3 – Heavy Slam]

- Effect changed: Now decreases the enemy’s MAX HP by 40% of the damage inflicted, instead of 30% of the damage inflicted.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

- Aura changed.

Old version: Increases Force Ally C. RATE in all Battles by 23%.

New version: Increases Ally C. RATE in all Battles by 19%.


[Skill 1 – Hunt Down]

- Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%.

[Skill 2 – Armor Breaker]

- Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%.

[Skill 3 – Charged Shot]

- Effect changed: Now decreases the target's Turn Meter by 50%, instead of 30%

- Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

Iron Twins

[Skill 1 – Voltaic Pendulums]

- Effect added: The first hit of this skill will now ignore [Unkillable] buffs whenever the Iron Twins' HP is equal to or less than 40%.

- Attributes changed: Decreased Resistance stat when the Iron Twins’ Fortress Affinity becomes Magic.

Other changes and battle fixes

  1. Fixed a visual bug that caused Burangiri to move enemies slightly when attacking them.
  2. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in battle text not displaying to show that a buff or a debuff had been removed by a Passive skill.
  3. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in battle text not displaying to show that a cooldown had been decreased or increased by a Passive skill.
  4. Fixed a bug that resulted in the [Sleep] debuff animation not appearing when this debuff was placed together with the [Stun] debuff.
  5. Fixed the Dhukk the Pierced’s Lunatic Outburst skill animation.
  6. Fixed the [Increase RES] buff animation of Boragar the Elder’s Rune of Energy skill.
  7. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when a protected [Continuous Heal] buff was placed by Tuhanarak, equipped with the Protection Artifact Set in a battle with Harvest Jack.
  8. Switched the icons of Carlinia’s Always Watched and Penance skills.
  9. Fixed a bug that resulted in the visual effects from buffs and debuffs placed on Ultimate Deathknight’s model not displaying in battle.
  10. Fixed a bug that resulted in [Sleep] debuffs not being removed by skills that remove debuffs in certain conditions.
  11. Fixed an issue that affected how Ultimate Deathknight’s HP bar was displayed whenever his HP was increased by his Didn't Need 'Em Passive skill.
  12. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze after changing Rounds in Tag Team Arena with Champions affected by Blessing-specific VFX (Polymorph, Ward of the Fallen, Lightning Cage, Brimstone etc).
  13. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in a Champion not transforming into a Sheep under certain conditions when the Polymorph Blessing was cast.
  14. Fixed a bug that resulted in the Skills section in the Collection not displaying after changing a Champion’s Blessings.
  15. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when the Dark Resolve Blessing activated under certain conditions in battle.
  16. Fixed the animation of Iron Twins’ Doomsday Machine skill if the Boss was killed during the animation.
  17. Fixed a bug that resulted in Champions not being able to resist the extension of an [Ironbrand] debuff.
  18. Added a scroll function to all Champion and Boss skill descriptions that pop up in battles after pressing on skill icons.
  19. Fixed an issue on Windows where the game would crash if the display mode was changed in a location with a scroll function and several Champion icons.
  20. Added a visible scroll bar to the Chances section in the Forge, as well as to the Event Info in Hero’s Path Events.
  21. Fixed a bug that resulted in system messages not displaying in the Global Chat when somebody received Souls under certain conditions.
  22. Fixed an issue where the number of failed Artifact upgrade attempts would not update correctly between the client and the server.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! 

Sep 29, 2022, 11:2709/29/22
Oct 2, 2022, 10:3510/02/22
Oct 2, 2022, 14:28(edited)

bad handling of the twins case on your behalf..

I don't like unkillable teams, but lots of players are getting the shaft due to your poor desicions.

forge pass 4 is essentially insignificant and the deck of fate doesn't look that much promising.

at least Baron's buff makes a positive difference IMO. he doesn't seem to hit as hard as before, but using skypiercer at will in the arena is pure havok.  this is the kind of rebalance that I would personally like to see more often.

PS: your forum is unacceptable when accessed from android. it is even more bugged than the iron twins..

Oct 2, 2022, 13:0010/02/22

twins are now even more passable for early and middle stage gamers. that was not a good thing to nerf all unkillable teams, I presonally struggle to go to the mid of the dungeon.

Oct 4, 2022, 09:2910/04/22

Hallo I could get up to comment of discord boud from your anaunse, I can wacthing to my mail box at 10/4 Today. 

Hallo , I can get up to your tugs at Discord and Game bord in Sometimes, Happy Wacthed , in Every. thank you. See you!


Oct 11, 2022, 14:3210/11/22

Yeah always shuts of When I try using auto ,but you guys pays me after and ask me too , but its always still does it all the time .