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Patch Notes (05.10.21) Update 4.70

Patch Notes (05.10.21) Update 4.70

Boss Guides, Champion balance changes, and more!

This update brings a new Boss Guides feature and several quality-of-life improvements, along with some Champion balance changes to help you guys get over some common PvP & PvE hurdles. Read on to find out more!

Boss Guides

We’re introducing a new feature that tells you all about the various Raid Bosses and how to beat them before you get into a fight. Every Dungeon, every Boss Stage in the Doom Tower, Faction Wars, and even the Clan Boss, will all have a special pop-up that contains full descriptions of the Boss’ Skills and the overall strategy you’ll need to deal with them. The pop-up menu will be accessible via a special button on the Team Selection screen.

If that alone isn’t enough, the second tab of every Boss Guide will list the 10 fastest Teams of the Week that beat that Boss. For the Clan Boss, the Teams that have dealt the maximum damage using one Clan Boss key will be shown there. 

This extra information will let you plan and adjust your Teams properly before entering a difficult Battle and give you a much better chance of success!

Champion Balance Changes

We’ve made changes to some of the Champions. Here’s everything you need to know:

Teela Goremane

- Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 87 to 93 (98 Ascended).

[Skill 1 – Hexdrinker Scimitar]

- Added effect: Now has a 50% chance of stealing another random buff if the target is under 2 or more buffs.

[Skill 2 – Pyre Strike]

- Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.

- Effect changed: Now places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns every time - not only when the attack is critical.

- Aura changed: now increases Ally RESIST in all Battles by 50 (was 35).


- Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 87 to 97.

[Skill 3 – Merciless Assault]

- Effect changed: Now deals more damage if the target is under [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], or [Stun] debuffs.

- Old version: Deals more damage if the target is under [Sleep], [Stun] or [Freeze] debuffs.

King Garog

[Skill 3 – Gore Maker]

- Damage multiplier increased.


[Skill 1 – Mistress of Glamours]

- Skill changed. New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP. Cannot place the [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion.

- Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Veil] buff on a random ally for 1 turn. Cannot place the [Veil] buff on this Champion.

[Skill 4 – Frostweaver [P]]

- The chance of stealing the [Freeze] debuff increased to 50% (was 20%)

- The chance of filling this Champion's Turn Meter by 25% increased to 35% (was 25%)

- Effect changed: Will also remove any [Freeze] debuffs from this Champion at the start of every turn.

Tomb Lord

[Skill 2 – Death Burst]

- Duration of effect changed: has a chance of placing [Poison] debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns instead of 1 turn.

[Skill 3 – Blight]

- Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.

- Aura changed: now increases Ally ACC in Doom Tower battles by 70 (was Ally DEF in Arena battles by 42%).


[Skill 2 – Marauder]

- Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.

Basileus Roanas

[Skill 2 – Triple Puncture]

- Damage multiplier increased.

- Will also ignore [Increase DEF] buffs.

[Skill 3 – Majesty]

- Damage multiplier increased.

- The chance of placing a [Stun] debuff increased to 75% (was 50%).

Crypt-King Graal

[Skill 1 – Brittleness Bane]

- Now has a 100% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns if the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff or a [Freeze] debuff.

[Skill 2 – Death Fires]

- Damage multiplier increased.

- Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

- Old version: Attacks 3 times at random. Has a 50% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

War Mother

Base stats changed. ATK increased from 1387 to 1509; DEF decreased from 958 to 903; HP decreased from 18,495 to 17,505.

[Skill 2 – Special Brew]

- Damage multiplier of Bombs increased.

- Duration of effect changed: [Bomb] debuff will detonate after 2 turns instead of 3 turns.

[Skill 3 – Mother's Touch]

- Now instantly detonates all enemy [Bomb] debuffs if this Champion is under an [Increase ATK] buff.

Grohak the Bloodied

[Skill 2 – Unbound Anger]

- Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.

Each critical hit now fills this Champion's Turn Meter by 20%

[Skill 3 – Lord of War]

- Now also places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns if this attack is critical.


[Skill 1 – Skullstaff]

- Will attack an enemy 2 times instead or 3.

[Skill 3 – Bizarre Vapors]

- Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 turns.

- Will now place two 5% [Poison] debuffs and one 15% [Continuous Heal] buff instead of three [Poison] debuffs and two [Continuous Heal] buffs.

Champion and battle fixes

- We fixed some issues that occurred with certain Passive Skills that caused the game to freeze, lock up, and crash. These issues affected the Geomancer's Stoneguard Passive Skill, and to avoid this problem, his Skill no longer triggers certain Masteries (Warmaster, Giant Slayer). Instead, that damage will now ignore the target's DEF (please, notice that this ignore of DEF is not specified in the Skill's description in the game, but we will fix it). Also, to compensate for the change, we've updated his Passive Skill to deal additional damage, that scales up based on the enemy's max HP, to keep its power level and make sure that Geоmancer is as effective as he was before the current rebalance.

- We’ve adjusted the AI usage of Septimus’ Ascended Behead skill, Kalvalax’s Corruption Locus skill, and Roric Wyrmbane’s Dragon Rage and Scale Breaker skills.

- Champions who hit diagonally placed targets no longer do it from the side in the pre-Boss rounds in the Ice Golem’s Peak.

- The game no longer freezes when Achak the Wendarin and Sicia Flametongue battle against the Spider in the Spider’s Den.

- Fixed a bug that caused Buff and Debuff icons to be displayed incorrectly in battle after reviving a Champion.

- Fixed a bug that caused Reaction Accessories to work incorrectly when equipped on Duchess Lilitu.

- Fixed a bug that meant you couldn’t tap directly on the Fire Knight to target him on several devices.

Game Experience Enhancements

- Added 300 more Slots to Artifact and Accessory Storages.

- The Purchase button is now disabled when there are not enough Materials to craft Artifacts from either the Lethal or Fortitude Artifact Sets.

- Fixed an issue that occurred on some players’ accounts when completing the “Finish in one of the Top 3 Positions in a Tournament Group” Clan Quest.

- Fixed a bug that caused Clan Quests to count Ascending Champions as getting new Champions.

- Fixed an error that occurred when changing Saved Team Presets in the Doom Tower and starting a new battle.

- Fixed a bug that caused your Saved Team Setup to reset after replaying and losing battles against the Dreadhorn.

- Fixed an error that occurred when there was not enough Energy for the next battle in the Multi-Battle mode when Super Raids were enabled.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! We hope these balance changes will make a big difference in helping you overcome some of Raid’s more common hurdles, so please let us know what you think over on our official Raid forums. 

Oct 5, 2021, 15:1110/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:3910/05/21

Hi, I'm not plarium, I am a volunteer. I gather your feedback to provide to plarium in hopes that they reverse changes like this. But don't feel pressured. 

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4010/05/21

They did not intend for this to be a nerf,  if you notice your damage goes down please post about so we can provide that feedback to Plarium. 

I'm sorry - but are you for real? 'Did not intend for this to be a nerf'? I'm sorry if this comes across as rude and offensive but anyone with half a brain should be able to realize, without us coming here since they are paid to work on this game, that making it a flat 4% on a 60% chance one time that no longer heals the champ is a freaking nerf. 

Most players ran Giant Slayer cause hey - it could proc 2-3 times ona hit, with Giant Slayer also vs normal mobs giving us a total of 7.5% HP done against them. so that's 1-2 less hits of a % proc x number of turns a team survives. So if we just call it 50k to keep the math simple, in a team that runs 20 turns, your costing them between 1-2 million damage per run and again that's an example number, it's actually higher in many cases. I just ran nightmare after your hotfix - and it not counting my pre-fix run cause of timing, my damage agaisnt Force Affinity CB went down AT MINIMUM 20% as I was usually hitting around 36 million, and I just ran a sub 29 million. Then again the reflects themselves seem to also be doing less damage as I'm seeing 100's, not 1000's. And oh, by the way, you guys screwed up the damage from the procs AGAIN, because the 4% proc from my Geomancer is dealing a flat 75k like his HP burn, when my Rhazin, who has a working Giant Slayer proc at only 3%, is dealing 77 and change per hit which again, starts to add up. It also changes the champions ability to heal off damage from what it was - because now, he doesn't heal off the procs at all - which is an absolutely massive nerf to his usability and his survivability compared to prenerf. Or did you testers not realize this - or did you guys not even test these changes just throw them out there thinking everything would be okay? If the ignore DEF adds anything to the damage it's so trivial as to be irrelevent. 

Make it that we can heal off the damage, and either straight up an auto version of Giant Slayer off the reflects, or 3% at a 40-50% chance if your going to have it 1 flat percent vs all targets to make up for the damage lost to adds and perhaps being a compromise for any that didn't run Giant Slayer over Warmaster, and then we can talk about it maybe not being a nerf. But seriously, none of the people that test, none of the people that develop, program, balance, etc thought this was a nerf or noticed it's effects? This kind of nonsense is what not only stopped me spending money on games like World of Warships - but drove me away entirely. 

By the way - reagardless of how you fix this nerf - if you actually do, you need to come up with a way to refund us since we now need to change masteries and invested other resources in to him that were now out. Could have put the 800 gems toward the damn fusion instead since he'll likely be mostly benched for months while you figure this out.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5010/05/21

Hi, I'm not plarium, I am a volunteer. I gather your feedback to provide to plarium in hopes that they reverse changes like this. But don't feel pressured. 

We know, but we wonder why you would do that. It's very convenient for Plarium to not show themselves on their own forum and face their customers but let volunteers do the dirty job. We may not be angry at volunteers and we can't communicate with Plarium. You may be a volunteer but you also must understand this is the only place where paying customers can show their anger when they are being screwed.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5310/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:55(edited)

He did, I edited it out. I made the edit more clear. Thank you 

Sorry Harbs, my bad, then. 

On other matter of things, guys, the moderators are not to blame for the changes in the game, only Plarium is. If they have not given a good answer is probably because Plarium hasn't given them the answer beforehand. 

Bear that in mind when you send your comments, which in some cases sound extremely rude. 

In any case, this is clearly a nerf, intended or not, and a very clear wrongdoing from the Company

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5410/05/21

Harbby - if this is truly a bug they were fixing to change Geo's passive, then why not use code from Brogni who does the same thing on his passive?  Why change it?  That just doesn't ring, true.  Also, it isn't just damage but heals.  He healed with lifesteal off those giant slayer procs which we all counted on in our builds.  I did a run and he did 500k in healing versus 2.2 million on a prior run.  There is rng so need to do more runs but I think his ability to stay alive was compromised which is a nerf, if that holds.  I hope they tested that with this patch. LOL Seriously, if they truly weren't intending to nerf him but fix a problem, then you should encourage them to keep working on him to get the skills that were designed to work. They sure don't look competent when they say they have to change a skill because they can't fix it when the champ next to him in the same battle is doing the same passive they said doesn't work with no issues!  Oh, and all the posts today are asking if anyone has seen a geo problem in any battle before this patch.  No one....  This was a guarateed shard champ and they can't even spend the time to fix him right? 

Well, I have spent money in this game but I questioning that I would do so again.  I undestood the need to nerf Urogrim but the timing was horrific.  You could convince yourself you just need to wait a month.  This just makes you fear investing in any champ.  Geo wasn't broken.  He wasn't doing anything exceptional for an epic.  He fit well into CB teams with the right support.  He was a great spider tank.  He couldn't really solo anything except maybe Ice Golem in the right build with support in waves, which isn't unreasonable (Frozen Banshee can solo dragon boss as a rare).  So, why the shadow nerf?  Just go back and fix the passive.  Talk to Brogni - he knows how it works.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5810/05/21

Sorry Harbs, my bad, then. 

On other matter of things, guys, the moderators are not to blame for the changes in the game, only Plarium is. If they have not given a good answer is probably because Plarium hasn't given them the answer beforehand. 

Bear that in mind when you send your comments, which in some cases sound extremely rude. 

In any case, this is clearly a nerf, intended or not, and a very clear wrongdoing from the Company

Nobody is on here to attack a mod, no need to get on that high horse of yours. Obviously we are all hoping that Plarium will actually see these comments and act on them. It's unlikely but what other avenue do we have?

They chose to have volunteers be the unfortunate middle men on their forums. That doesn't take the sting off of the issue, nor does it suddenly mean we have to curb our annoyance because they sent out an innocent. Shame on them for not confronting this directly.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:0710/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 18:08(edited)

Nobody is on here to attack a mod, no need to get on that high horse of yours. Obviously we are all hoping that Plarium will actually see these comments and act on them. It's unlikely but what other avenue do we have?

They chose to have volunteers be the unfortunate middle men on their forums. That doesn't take the sting off of the issue, nor does it suddenly mean we have to curb our annoyance because they sent out an innocent. Shame on them for not confronting this directly.

'High horse'?? 

That's what I meant when I said some comments sound rude. 

I am not a mod, BTW, only commenting on some wrongdoing from Plarium which affects the players. Everyone agree that this shadow nerf should not have been done, and I do as well, but some comments above were borderline offensive. That's not the way to try to make a point. 

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1010/05/21

When you did events for Geomancer I've spent money to get him for 40 ancient shards, you just threw my account in dirt.

I will rather throw my money in a toilet then buy anything from Plarium ever again.

Edited by Moderator. Removed mention of Urogrim 10x. There was no 10x for Urogrim. - Harbs 

Whatever, it was a 2x, I've still spent bucks on it and it was rude to edit my post my dear Harbs

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1410/05/21

Sorry Harbs, my bad, then. 

On other matter of things, guys, the moderators are not to blame for the changes in the game, only Plarium is. If they have not given a good answer is probably because Plarium hasn't given them the answer beforehand. 

Bear that in mind when you send your comments, which in some cases sound extremely rude. 

In any case, this is clearly a nerf, intended or not, and a very clear wrongdoing from the Company

I apologize if I seem rude, I should be sleeping right now so I'm grumpy. 

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1510/05/21

By fixing Geomancer in less than 4 hours you just show us all you COULD have nerfed Urogrim way before people spend money on it when Content Creators warned you about this champion being way too powerful.

Once again, you shown yourself as untrustworthy.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1510/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 18:16(edited)

I apologize if I seem rude, I should be sleeping right now so I'm grumpy. 

I didn't mean your comments Harbs

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1610/05/21

Whatever, it was a 2x, I've still spent bucks on it and it was rude to edit my post my dear Harbs

That's my job unfortunately. I have to limit false information, we put in the edit note so that you know it was us and why we did it. 

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1710/05/21

I didn't mean your comments Harbs

Oh, sorry :)

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1710/05/21

'High horse'?? 

That's what I meant when I said some comments sound rude. 

I am not a mod, BTW, only commenting on some wrongdoing from Plarium which affects the players. Everyone agree that this shadow nerf should not have been done, and I do as well, but some comments above were borderline offensive. That's not the way to try to make a point. 

I'm not being rude, I'm simply saying that you calling people rude and insinuating that people are commenting attacking a volunteer is pointless and false. It's not rude to disagree my friend. I didn't think you were a mod, not sure where you got that from. 

I don't believe anything I have said is rude, I just felt that you being the voice of reason seemed more akin to virtue signalling than actual concern. Ultimately even if there are 100 moderators on here nobody posting here is interested in speaking with them. The comments are all made for Plarium. I haven't seen any rude comments towards the mods that weren't in direct response to the mods comments. For example my comment to the mod follwing their post asking for us to feedback our results from playtesting the character. Which, frankly, was a ridiculous comment to make. Especially given the atmosphere on here, irrespective of the individuals position.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:2310/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 18:34(edited)

I'm not being rude, I'm simply saying that you calling people rude and insinuating that people are commenting attacking a volunteer is pointless and false. It's not rude to disagree my friend. I didn't think you were a mod, not sure where you got that from. 

I don't believe anything I have said is rude, I just felt that you being the voice of reason seemed more akin to virtue signalling than actual concern. Ultimately even if there are 100 moderators on here nobody posting here is interested in speaking with them. The comments are all made for Plarium. I haven't seen any rude comments towards the mods that weren't in direct response to the mods comments. For example my comment to the mod follwing their post asking for us to feedback our results from playtesting the character. Which, frankly, was a ridiculous comment to make. Especially given the atmosphere on here, irrespective of the individuals position.

OK, let's agree to disagree :) 

BTW, I was just trying to be peaceful and either I am being misunderstood or the stakes are too high in here. Apologies if it is my fault 

Oct 5, 2021, 18:3110/05/21

OK, let's agree to disagree :) 

BTW, I was just trying to be peaceful and either I am being misunderstood or the stakes are too high in here. Apologies if it is my fault 

Couldn't care less if we agree or not. 

If people don't voice concerns to Plarium, which will hopefully result in positive changes, then they really don't have a right to complain in-game. I can guarantee you that most will just moan endlessly without voicing it on here. Look at how few have actually posted here compared to what I'm seeing in game. Plarium deserve the opportunity to respond to the players, it's their choice to send out a volunteer not ours.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:3710/05/21

Couldn't care less if we agree or not. 

If people don't voice concerns to Plarium, which will hopefully result in positive changes, then they really don't have a right to complain in-game. I can guarantee you that most will just moan endlessly without voicing it on here. Look at how few have actually posted here compared to what I'm seeing in game. Plarium deserve the opportunity to respond to the players, it's their choice to send out a volunteer not ours.

Read my edit to the previous post and let's end it here. You are just confirming your being rude

Oct 5, 2021, 18:4310/05/21

Read my edit to the previous post and let's end it here. You are just confirming your being rude

You're not your. I'm not being rude, you're just clearly very sensitive and judgemental. I don't even know why you keep responding to me, I'm not here to comment on other upset customers of Plarium. I realise I'm also responding to you too so I'll stop now. It's pointless anyway, I've said what I came here to say.

Out of interest though are you aged between 18-25? I'm picking up that always offended Gen-z vibe from you. Am I correct?

Oct 5, 2021, 18:4410/05/21

They did not intend for this to be a nerf,  if you notice your damage goes down please post about so we can provide that feedback to Plarium. 

It's a huge nerf, 1st of all its nerf for clan boss, it's not only decreased damage but it's no more healing from vamp set from passive skill, so it's less healing as well.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:4810/05/21

You're not your. I'm not being rude, you're just clearly very sensitive and judgemental. I don't even know why you keep responding to me, I'm not here to comment on other upset customers of Plarium. I realise I'm also responding to you too so I'll stop now. It's pointless anyway, I've said what I came here to say.

Out of interest though are you aged between 18-25? I'm picking up that always offended Gen-z vibe from you. Am I correct?

You're the aggressor here. Please drop this issue.