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Update Highlights 4.30

Update Highlights 4.30

Greetings, Raiders!

A new Update is due to arrive shortly, and, as always, we have prepared a quick recap of the things you can expect. First of all, Saved Teams will let you adjust the behavior of your Champions in Auto-Battles (including the Multi-Battle mode) and do it as far as choosing which Skills they prioritize or avoid altogether! Playtime Rewards will receive an update and offer more resources as your Level increases. Finally, we have a pack of shiny new Champions for you to enjoy, including one handsome devil of a Dwarf for the June Fusion event, and a number of QoL features. Read on if you want to find out more about these features:

Saved Teams

Saved Teams are one of the features we promised in our latest What’s Next In Raid video, and it will allow you to premake Teams for PvE and PvP Battles. Better yet, it will let you tweak Skill prioritization for each Champion before you send them into Auto Battle! It will become available upon reaching Player Level 30.

The basics are simple enough: you can access the feature by tapping the Team Setup button on the Champion selection screen before a Battle. From there, it’s a familiar ride where you fill specific slots with whichever Champions you want, just mind the Leader as always! In total, you’ll have 10 Saved Teams for PvE Battles (Campaign, Dungeons, Faction Wars, Clan Boss, Doom Tower) and 10 for PvP Battles (Classic Arena and Tag Team Arena). 

Each Saved Team can be named, so you’ll be able to pick and choose when going between game modes. And if you no longer have any use for a specific Saved Team, you can delete it at any point. 

Skill Instructions

Aside from the sheer convenience of having premade Teams ready at a tap, you can also adjust Skill priorities for each Champion - something that will make life so much easier for farming. There are several settings available for each Skill that you need to know:

  • Default. AI will keep using the Skill as it usually would. 
  • Opener. The Champions will always use this Skill on their first turn in Auto Battle. After that, it will be used according to set priority. Only 1 Skill can have this setting.
  • Don’t Use. AI will never use this Skill in Auto Battle. If this Skill also has the Opener setting, the AI will use it once at the beginning of the Battle and then not use it again.
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Choices. Establishes the priority of Skills from the 1st (highest) to the 3rd (lowest). The game will use the 1st Choice Skill over other Skills when it’s off cooldown. 2nd and 3rd Choice will be used when off cooldown unless the 1st Priority Choice is also available. All 3 Priorities will override the Default order of Skills. 

Playtime Rewards Update

When the update hits, Playtime Rewards will increase with your Player Level. See the short list of changes below:

Level 1-30: No changes

Level 31-50:

  • 5 Minutes: 12,000 Silver (up from 7,500)
  • 40 Minutes: 1 Greater Arcane Potion (up from 1 Lesser Arcane Potion)
  • 90 Minutes: 30,000 Silver (up from 20,000)

Level 50+

  • 5 Minutes: 20,000 Silver
  • 40 Minutes: 2 Greater Arcane Potions
  • 90 Minutes: 55,000 Silver

Champion Fusion

This month, we’ll have a Legendary Dwarf Attack Champion available for Fusion. His name is Hurndig, and he’ll be your best friend if you need to blast a bunch of enemies apart or apply some painful debuffs.

New Champions












QoL Improvements

  • Champion Index will display Champion names under their avatar, making it easier to navigate.
  • Sort by Rank will become the default filter for the pre-Battle Champion selection screen.
  • Champion Rarity filter will become available in the Champion Collection, Tavern, and the Champion selection screen.
  • An option to keep Auto-Battle on by default will be added to all Arena and Clan boss Battles. It will appear as a checkbox on the Champion selection screen.
  • Players of Level 50 and higher will get a button that allows them to access the last played Campaign location with a single tap. That should make accessing XP farming locations faster.
  • Total Team Power for the Arena (both Classic and Tag Team) will be displayed in the Battle & Battle Log tabs
Jun 2, 2021, 14:2706/02/21
OracleCommunity Manager
Jun 3, 2021, 09:3206/03/21

Plarium well done on the art.... I really love it! 

I like the new art too! Which Champions you are the most enthusiastic about?

Jun 3, 2021, 15:1106/03/21

Excellent update, both in-game improvements and champions. Thanks 😎

Jun 3, 2021, 17:4206/03/21

Community Manager:  Hi, I am hoping you can get an answer to a question.  For the reach Gold I and reach Gold IV missions, are those now retroactive?  People are noting that it now reflects as accomplished when looking forward in the mission log.  Reddit users are arguing with each other.  One view is that they are now retroactive and if you drop out of Gold I for that mission it still shows as accomplished.  The other view is that it won't count until that actual mission comes up and if you aren't in Gold I at that time, you won't get credit.  

This is important because Arena has become easier to get medals then a few weeks ago (thank you!) but there is a fear it will return back to what it was, like last time there was a "fix".  Thus, if we know these tiers are retroactive it would be compelling to push for the higher tier now.  There are also great hall hurdles that will take a lot of time to get medals so a short-term fix won't solve that but at least you could get those medals in Gold I-III without having to worry about getting back to Gold IV again, for example.

I would really appreciate clarfication since there is a clear lack of understanding and disagreement in the community.

Jun 3, 2021, 19:0106/03/21

Faction wars is not completely different.  It doesn't matter about the rotation, it remembers your team from the last time you ran that faction.  

But yes, doom tower is super annoying.  I don't know why they don't have it remembering your last team across rotations.  I have to keep a spreadsheet of my teams

Hello Player J, 

Thanks for your Suggestion, we will push your Suggestion to  Plarium, I also think we need more Presets in general, but for a start that is already a huge quality of life Improvement for the game, hopefully more Preset capacity is dropping in Future Patches. 

Alpha H 

Jun 4, 2021, 05:1506/04/21

Are AI changes ONLY available for the few saved team slots?... Considering there are so many areas in the game that require different team lineups in different situations, please add more than 10 slots for PVE. I have more than 10 teams that I cannot run on auto simply because the AI will not work appropriately. I'm glad to see these features being added, but please consider expanding on this.

Also, are there issues with having an infinite amount of saved teams? Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows for an unlimited amount of teams AND gear presets for characters. If you could add more features like the champion specific gear presets - it would be fantastic.

Jun 7, 2021, 11:2906/07/21
Jun 7, 2021, 11:31(edited)

I get new champs entice spending among the long time players, a stream of revenue from those already committed to the game long term, yet is anything being done to return the odds of getting the older champs needed to create the original fusables? ie, Rhazin requires gnarlhorn, but with each new champ released since it's creation, those odds have changed, the larger the pool to randomize from, the lesser the odds of attaining those older champs. It creates a handicap of sorts, putting those entering the game or those attempting to get them even after trying for so long at a rather large rng disadvantage. Lastly, and though non update related, might you add a mute button to global chats? It would reduce the influx of complaints pver speech and perhaps allow the mods a bit of respite, players being able to mute those they do not wish to interact with.

Jun 9, 2021, 02:0106/09/21

Wow thats gr8  but I  cant get in game at all now for 2 days since the update it said  runnung after  not play  so I had 0 way to get back in I have tried uninstalling  from my library but have no idea  which plarium play is best  to download now  HELP 

Jun 9, 2021, 13:5506/09/21

Community Manager:  Hi, I am hoping you can get an answer to a question.  For the reach Gold I and reach Gold IV missions, are those now retroactive?  People are noting that it now reflects as accomplished when looking forward in the mission log.  Reddit users are arguing with each other.  One view is that they are now retroactive and if you drop out of Gold I for that mission it still shows as accomplished.  The other view is that it won't count until that actual mission comes up and if you aren't in Gold I at that time, you won't get credit.  

This is important because Arena has become easier to get medals then a few weeks ago (thank you!) but there is a fear it will return back to what it was, like last time there was a "fix".  Thus, if we know these tiers are retroactive it would be compelling to push for the higher tier now.  There are also great hall hurdles that will take a lot of time to get medals so a short-term fix won't solve that but at least you could get those medals in Gold I-III without having to worry about getting back to Gold IV again, for example.

I would really appreciate clarfication since there is a clear lack of understanding and disagreement in the community.

I'm pretty sure it is not retroactive.  Previously it has not been retroactive and a reddit post I saw said it still isn't retroactive even though it is being marked off as complete.  The way they are marking things doesn't really work for a mission like that.  I had originally gotten a spreadsheet on the missions which was made a year ago or something which had a lot of trouble explaining missions like the arena missions which aren't retroactive or the missions where you have to equip X number of champions with Y types/numbers of gear because those are "completed" unless you ungear a champion.  If you have any missions like that yet, you could potentially test although by the time you get to the 4th stage, any mission which isn't an arena gated mission is probably impossible to remove gear from enough characters to actually test.

Jun 20, 2021, 15:4806/20/21

can you change camera view in battle mode to the front view? not in the rear view for players team