The long-awaited Doom Tower is almost ready to go live, and these Update Highlights will include a thorough explanation of the feature. Additionally, we’ll showcase new Champions - both the ones you can win in the Doom Tower and the ones we will release for the coming Holidays - and the updates some underperforming Artifact Sets went through.
Sounds interesting? Then read on!
Doom Tower
The Doom Tower is a new game mode that will feature 132 stages (108 ‘common’ Floors, 12 Boss Floors, 12 Secret Rooms) for you to fight through. It will be available in Normal and Hard difficulties, both of which will be repeatable - the Doom Tower resets every 30 days, erasing your progress, Rankings, and rotating some of the Bosses.
Golden Keys and Silver Keys will be added to the game when the Doom Tower goes live. Golden Keys will be required to access a Floor for the first time, while Silver Keys will let you access Secret Rooms or replay Boss Floors you have previously completed. In both cases, the Key will only be subtracted from your total if you successfully complete the Floor or Secret Room.
Neither Golden nor Silver Keys can be purchased. There is a limit of 10 Keys on both, and it resets at 00:00 UTC every day. However, if you receive these Keys as a reward for in-game activity, they will be available for you to use before the next reset.
Doom Tower Floors follow a classic scheme: your Champions fight through 3 Rounds of enemies, while every 10th floor will feature a Boss fight. These Bosses will be different and their power will scale with the difficulty you’ve chosen and your progress (the Boss on Floor 110 will be much tougher than the Boss on Floor 10).
Secret Rooms will pose an additional challenge as they require specific conditions to complete. Such as using Champions of a specific Rarity, Faction, or Type.
We’ll release a video guide a few days before the update and give you all a unique insight on Doom Tower Bosses, their strengths and weaknesses, and provide some advice on fighting them.
Now, on to rewards! Completing a Floor for the first time will earn you a set reward that cannot be farmed again before the Doom Tower is reset. Beating Boss Floors will reward you with Materials for the Artifact Forge, and each Boss will reward Materials for a specific Set.
Here are the Sets!
Fatal - obtained from Kuldath the Magma Dragon
2 Artifacts per set. ATK +15%, C. RATE +5%
Untouchable - obtained from Borgoth the Scarab King
4 Artifacts per set. RES + 40, Immunity for 2 turns.
Affinitybreaker - obtained from Agreth the Nether Spider
4 Artifacts per set. C. DMG + 30%, 20% to deal a Critical Hit instead of a Weak Hit
Frostbite - obtained from Sorath the Frost Spider
2 Artifacts per set. 15% chance to resist Freeze. Has a 10% chance to place a [Freeze] debuff on the attacker (chances increase to 30/45% and 20/30% respectively with more Artifacts from the set being equipped)
In addition to Artifact Materials, you’ll be able to win Champion Fragments by completing Secret Rooms. Remember, you can only get this reward once per cycle (the Fragments will refresh once the Doom Tower resets), so be sure to complete as many Secret Rooms as possible!
These are the Champions who can be collected in the Doom Tower - they won’t be available anywhere else in the game:
UPD: This Champion (Urost the Soulcage) will be in Undead Hordes. We're sorry for the confusion.
UPD: After the patch release, the name of this Champion will be Archmage Hellmut.
UPD: After the patch release, the name of this Champion will be Akoth the Seared.
UPD: After the patch release, the name of this Champion will be Rian the Conjurer.
Every player who completed Floor 10 will get a placement in the Doom Tower Rankings. These are separated into the following categories:
The Rankings are further divided by Difficulty (Normal or Hard). Completing Doom Tower Floors will award Ranking points and increase your standing, much like what you see in Tournaments. When the Doom Tower resets, the game will display a pop-up with the current Rankings to highlight the most successful players.
New Champions
Artifact Rebalance
We’ve updated 8 underperforming Artifact Sets to ensure you have more gearing options for your Champions, no matter whether you are a new player making do with a limited Champion collection, or a veteran seeking new strategies to enhance your playstyle. The changes are as follows:
4 Set: 35% (up from 25%) chance to Counterattack when hit
4 Set: Heals by 15% (up from 10%) every turn
4 Set: 75% (up from 50%) chance to place 2.5% Poison debuff for 2 turns
4 Set: 40% (up from 30%) chance to reduce random Skill cooldown by 1 turn
4 Set: 45% (up from 30%) chance to Counterattack when hit with a critical hit. Has no damage penalty.
4 Set: Decreases enemy MAX HP by 40% (up from 30%) of damage dealt
4 Set: 75% (up from 50%) chance to place 50% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turn (up from 1 turn)
4 Set: 20% (up from 10%) bonus Heal
Christmas decorations return to the Bastion! Meet the Holiday Season in style
Many Faction Wars stages went through balance tweaks and should be easier to complete (this is already in effect)
the set rebalances are not great - was hoping for more rework instead of just % changes.
Poison could have been a 5% poison or just need 2 piece.
New sets are okay.
Where are the new dwarves? so hard to get dwarf teams goinf.
Where are the new dwarves? so hard to get dwarf teams goinf.
I agree, really hoping for more dwarves. Please bring back some dwarf fusions or events, there are lots of us who did not get Maulie Tankard and are now totally bottlenecked in trying to get through the faction wars for dwarves.
The other changes look good and exciting, cant wait for doom tower but please please some dwarf love
I guess I missed the Dwarves and Skinwalkers... Seriously. I don't care about High Elves champs - Arbiter made it too easy to beat HE FW. We need Dwarves and Skinwalkers. Give us some balance for once in this game. Oh and btw, that is not a set re-balance. You basically picked up your dog's poop and set it somewhere else in your lawn. Those sets are still absolutely worthless.
It's good to see all the content that is coming in this update; but it is sad that the Battle Pass champs are being given in Doom Tower now. Which means there won't be any Battle Pass now. 😣
Moreover, we'll only get some fragments per stage, so it will be insanely long to get the champs. Not good.
The fate of the second season of BP remains unknown. Of course, if anything changes we'll immediately let you know about it.
As for the Champion Fragments, it will take some time and effort till you get them all. Also, note that the Fragments from Secret Rooms will be awarded from the Rooms in a predefined order, so, you'll need to collect all the Fragments from the 1st Champion on a certain difficulty before moving onto the next one.
I am waiting Dwarves champions. I could not see again.
Nice garbage sets' change. Loved it.
Our team has already passed the suggestion of adding more Champions from the Dwarves Faction to the game. We mentioned Lizardmen as well. Thanks a lot for commenting!
Hello, few days a go I started to content creating on Youtube in Turkish. Today I translated new 3.0 doomtower champions to Turkish on sheet. If you need that I can send it to you. I'll also make a examination on my channel too. I would enjoy co-operating with you.
So, you didn't add the artifact upgrade space even though it was announced on discord weeks ago that you had server downtime so you could implement the hardware changes necessary for upgrading artifact storage space and champions space. Now we get a plethora of new champs and gear before christmas comes around and nowhere to put it?? That doesn't make me want to play more often, or any other veteran/whale player you're hoping comes back to spend lots of $ on during the holidays. Wrong way to do this. Be more mindful of what your discord CM's tell the community if it's not coming out "soon" (their favorite word).
Secondly, what the heck is the "Hex" debuff going to do? That is a brand new game mechanic for us to have and you didn't explain it one bit. Theta has it but no explanation as to what it will do.
Doom tower looks cool, new champs look cool, new artifact sets look cool. But where do we have the storage for them? You are going to release tons of new artifact sets, you rebalance a lot of current sets and we dont get any space for them.... And not only for the new ones. Gearing is very complex, there are many combinatios we need to create. We really need to have enough space to store them so we can choose the right piece for each certain setup. It was already prepatched for the storage expansion, so why this problem, so many times asked by us - the customers, is still not solved?
Doom tower looks great and the new champions are nice. however, we like to see a rebalance or even change skills on old champions would be great.
Quite disappointed in the artifacts rebalance horrible job so much you can do give the player the opportunity to try out all artifacts and make a great mix between them. it should Two-Piece Set for all artifacts
A stronger and great rebalance on some artifacts are Two-Piece Set example :
Life set: 20%
Offense set: 20%
Lifestyle set: 15% Two-Piece Set
Fury set: damage increase for each 5% by 5%HP lose Two-Piece Set goes up to 50%
Frost set: 10% to freeze on attack Two-Piece Set goes up to 30%
Frenzy set:10% turn meter forever 5% hp Loss Two-Piece Set
Regeneration set: 10% each turn Two-Piece Set goes up to 30%
Immunity set: immunity for 1 turn Two-Piece Set goes up to 3 turns
Destroy set: Decreases enemy MAX HP by 10% then add that HP to champions max HP/ Max HP 25k Two-Piece Set
Retaliation Set: 15% chance to Counterattack when hit Two-Piece Set goes up to 45%
Avenging Set: 20% Chance to Counterattack when hit with a critical hit. Two-Piece Set goes up to 60%
Stewart Set: -15% damage taken from enemy AOE attacks Two-Piece Set goes up to 45%
Reflex Set: 25% chance to reduce random Skill cooldown by 1 turn Two-Piece Set
Curing set: Change -10% damage taken from enemy attacks Two-Piece Set goes up to 30%
players do not use these artifacts because there are Four-Piece sets and it's not worth it.
This would be great if Plarium notice. Good four-piece sets are not easy to get with all the RNG for artifacts. but if they are a Two-Piece Set would very interesting but I doubt they will even discuss this.
imagine having this
Stewart Set: -15% damage taken from enemy AOE attacks Two-Piece Set
Frenzy set: 10% turn meter forever 5% hp Loss Two-Piece Set
Immunity set: immunity for 1 turn Two-Piece Set
in the arena would be fun for once and interesting how to counter speed teams that nuke
nice cant wait for doom tower to open and new content to do - hats off to a full circle in terms of where the game was dwindling and nothing really happening to it actually becoming more enjoyable
just need to increase the 2 x void events to 5 x as the number of rares from the 2 x events is crazy imo
Diluate the pool and making the strongests harder to get, nice move.
Increase the number of sets for versatility, when we're lacking of storage... Seriously. Have you any idea on how to improve game experience ? I won't argue on this "changing number" rework.
Seems like your only concern is to make money by adding Champions in every patch.
This would be great if Plarium notice. Good four-piece sets are not easy to get with all the RNG for artifacts. but if they are a Two-Piece Set would very interesting but I doubt they will even discuss this.
imagine having this
Stewart Set: -15% damage taken from enemy AOE attacks Two-Piece Set
Frenzy set: 10% turn meter forever 5% hp Loss Two-Piece Set
Immunity set: immunity for 1 turn Two-Piece Set
in the arena would be fun for once and interesting how to counter speed teams that nuke
You need to understand that it's not about the players it's about how to make money.
What will they gain from balancing the artifacts? nothing Two-Piece Artifacts Set would be amazing but will never happen there is no money to be gain how will they sell speed sets lol.
if all Artifacts were Two-Piece Set yes it would be balanced out but they will not make money so they will never do this and this is why you got no feedback from any community manager.
The same thing with rebalancing old legendary champions they will never balance them out because they will make no money.
look at all the new champions they came out with they have amazing skills so you can buy shards.
the new epic champions a lot better skill than old lego champions so forget this and don't try to fix a game that is out to make money.
Hello, few days a go I started to content creating on Youtube in Turkish. Today I translated new 3.0 doomtower champions to Turkish on sheet. If you need that I can send it to you. I'll also make a examination on my channel too. I would enjoy co-operating with you.
Hi! Yes, we cooperate with YouTube creators and streamers (as a rule, with those who speak English or Russian). If you are one of them and would like to cooperate with us, please click this link to find out more about the benefits and conditions of the Raid Partner program. Fill out the form and one of our YouTube coordinators will get in touch with you. Good luck!
So, you didn't add the artifact upgrade space even though it was announced on discord weeks ago that you had server downtime so you could implement the hardware changes necessary for upgrading artifact storage space and champions space. Now we get a plethora of new champs and gear before christmas comes around and nowhere to put it?? That doesn't make me want to play more often, or any other veteran/whale player you're hoping comes back to spend lots of $ on during the holidays. Wrong way to do this. Be more mindful of what your discord CM's tell the community if it's not coming out "soon" (their favorite word).
Secondly, what the heck is the "Hex" debuff going to do? That is a brand new game mechanic for us to have and you didn't explain it one bit. Theta has it but no explanation as to what it will do.
Hi! I completely understand where you are coming from, however, it is not likely that we will expand Artifacts and Champions Storage in the nearest release. Of course, as soon as we hear more precise information from our devs on that matter, we'll let you know.
[Hex] is a debuff. Actually, it doesn't do anything when alone. Let me explain what I mean.
[Hex] is useful when Thea hits with her A2. With her A1 she places [Hex] debuffs, after that when using A2 she attacks all enemies, and the DMG increases by 50% for each [Hex] debuff on the enemy team.
Also, [Hex] cannot be placed twice on the same opponent.
Basically, [Hex] doesn't decrease ATK, DEF, or ACC by %, etc. It is needed only to "activate" Thea 's
A2. The only location where you could see [Hex] before, was a Minotaur's Labyrinth: Minotaur's [Tremor Stomp] Skill deals double damage to Champions with this debuff.
If you have additional questions, just let me know.