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Game fails to connect to server

Game fails to connect to server

Sep 10, 2019, 14:0409/10/19

Game fails to connect to server

Upon attempting to login this morning the game told me it failed to connect to server. I followed all instruction on how to get around this and even attempted to connect on another device only to have the same issue. This occurred after updating to the latest version of your game. 

Sep 10, 2019, 14:1709/10/19
Sep 10, 2019, 14:18(edited)
angelknight127 said:

Upon attempting to login this morning the game told me it failed to connect to server. I followed all instruction on how to get around this and even attempted to connect on another device only to have the same issue. This occurred after updating to the latest version of your game. 

Same for me. I’ve uninstalled the app and reinstalled as well, did not help. 
Sep 10, 2019, 14:4709/10/19
It’s the same for me, I’m assuming it’s because the game is under maintenance?
Sep 10, 2019, 14:5809/10/19

Same with me Android Galaxy Note 8.  Others in my alliance are able to connect fine with their devices and are actively playing (both android and ios).

I was able to connect with my samsung tablet this morning, but not my phone once I left the house.  tried wifi, cellular data, uninstalled the game and started fresh, just keep getting the server error.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:0109/10/19
I'm stuck unable to connect also.  not sure what to try.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:1509/10/19
I'm having a similar issue. The game works fine when I am at home using my personal internet. However, when I am away from home and try to play just using data, the game fails to connect to the server. This has been going on for several days now. Hopefully they will look into this soon.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:1709/10/19

I have an Ipad that has a ftp account that can login fine.  But when i tried to sign in on it with my plarium ID from my main account it goes straight to server connection failed.  after several re-opens of the game it eventually logs back into my FTP account.

It's like my main account is blocked for some reason, like some of the account verification servers are offline.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:2109/10/19
Same issue here. I have tried bluestack on two computers and my phone. I reinstalled the game. Nothing helps.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:2909/10/19
Same here also on android :( I actually had time off from work and was looking forward to playing 
Sep 10, 2019, 16:3609/10/19
Same here! I have tried EVERYTHING to no avail!! This absolutely s*cks.
Sep 10, 2019, 16:4409/10/19


On WiFi it won't connection, but if I disconnect my phone from WiFi and use my phone's data it works fine. I was just using WiFi about 8 hours ago before bed both on my PC and my phone and it was working.

Sep 10, 2019, 17:0109/10/19
So it looks like this is mostly an issue with Verizon devices. Idk when they plan to resolve this, since most stuff is just "we have a high volume of tickets and things are taking awhile. Thank you for your patience." Hopefully this gets resolved soon but since they said it was a small group it doesnt sound very high on the list
Sep 10, 2019, 17:1009/10/19
we prolly wont be able to play for weeks these kinda companies don't give a shit about their players they only care about money
Sep 10, 2019, 17:2809/10/19
Same here s10+. 
Sep 10, 2019, 19:0509/10/19
Can't login been this way all day
Sep 10, 2019, 20:0609/10/19
Same here. Pixel 3XL. Tried everything.
Sep 10, 2019, 20:1409/10/19
Does not matter what internet I have been using. WIFI or data... No luck
Sep 11, 2019, 01:1109/11/19
Same Galaxy S7 Verizon. Placed ticket but no response what so ever from them. These kind of issues are what looses customers. At least it was fun while it lasted. On to the next game. Any suggestions on fun ones. 
Sep 11, 2019, 02:2309/11/19

This issue is them. They are the ones with the server issues. Don't spend your time reinstalling and all that crap. It just a way to direct the responsibility from their failure when they tell you to check your internet connection or all these other things they ask of players. It's all them and their inadequacies. It's the truth that player's issues are secondary to thier profits. We are replaceable. There will always be idiots to blindly and lazily stumble through games like this and never stand with other players when we should be against the crooked ways of developers like this one and many others. We as a whole will never learn. They no longer get my money, or my ad views, unless I'm just bored. So we can stand together as players and demand more responsibility of the developers or keep getting screwed. I'm sure the second will happen as always.

Feb 16, 2020, 11:1002/16/20
Feb 16, 2020, 11:13(edited)

Buongiorno a non funziona da ieri,non riesco più ad sono problemi?

You can no longer lo in from yesterday...server problems