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Ban account

Ban account

Feb 15, 2020, 20:3902/15/20
Feb 15, 2020, 20:41(edited)

outkastracr said:

My ban was supposed to end 2/15 around 3:30 a.m.. Checked earlier and they have added a day now it doesn't end til 2/16 around 4 a.m.. Anyone else had time added. 
Me too, my acc is added time 3 times. Very upset :((. Please help

Feb 15, 2020, 22:3602/15/20
Yes. Mine was extended 24 more hours. I dont have hope it will work tomorrow either.
Feb 16, 2020, 00:2402/16/20

Are you serious ban in 3 days in row no help found anywhere this is disgusting.

I get just an auto email, you call this support?
Feb 16, 2020, 01:3902/16/20

skiem said:

redrake100 said:

Yes I just got hit with the same ban due to technical issues then tried again and got logged on like it was a new account not sure what is going on

Log out of game, close and restart.  When you start game again, it will notice your previous account information and ask if you wish to log into the older account to resume your game.

The technical issue concerning the ban is likely server side, has nothing to do with if you bought anything or not. It is more likely that something wrong was detected with the accounts and we were temp banned in order to protect our account data while they fix things, otherwise we could actually lose our accounts, heroes, items, ect...

Yes, I got banned too.  Free to play user, no purchases, lvl 58. Still no legendaries... and a clan deputy.  Keep your heads on straight, be patient, they are working on the problem.

In most instances, minor glitches can be cleared up by exiting the game, force stop the game process, clear the cache, and then restart.  This removes any corrupted files that may have recently gotten into the cache and generally clears minor glitches.  

Issues with a missing account? Do as I said before. Log out and then start game again. Must be on the original device. This is not guaranteed to work, but it may save your bacon with a guest, or unregistered account. A better idea is to register your account through plarium so that you will always be able to access it.

As for those of you screaming for somebody to fix your problem right now... personnel capable of this are always limited. The moderators, such as they are, cannot fix in game problems. They simply have no such powers. All they can do is take down the information you give them (hopefully as concisely and correctly as possible) and pass it to the development team.  This is how it works for all mobile app games.  I would know, I was a moderator for some time.  Be patient with them and calmly follow their instructions and things will get worked out.

This easy for you to say I'm out a duchess, several hundreds of dollars in resources paid for, doubled charged for raid pass. I still can't even get the in game support window to pull up it just says loading then crashes the game out. Tbh I don't even want to load my game up because of it possibly getting worse. I have sent several emails to the zendesk since that's my only option. 
I have already talked to Google about the issue and they are apparently well aware of the issues with Raid and offered me a complete refund on every purchase I have made in Raid. The Google CSR say that have been slammed with refund calls and issues about Raid and apparently THEY CANT EVEN GET A RESPONSE FROM PLARIUM. seriously if Google play can't get plarium to explain what's going on what chance do we actually have of getting our rightful stuff back from this company.
Odds are their app is probably about to get pulled from the play stores.

Feb 16, 2020, 07:3202/16/20

Spent the money on gold account bought all levels played a bit then got banned. Finally after 24 hours plus got back into game. Battle pass was gone. Characters were gone time spent gone. Lost keys and clan boss chests etc etc.. compensation was crap imo. In game ticket is broke. Lost out on tournaments. Missing bad el kazar and other duplicate legos. Not sure on epics as I had so many duplicates.. several emails to support with zero response.. spent several thousand dollars on this game and that's my choice but lack of even minimal support is terrible. Also my dumb ass took a chance and bought a second battle pass and all levels.. second time worked fine but zero response on refund for first purchase of battle pass.. this week has been let down plarium this crap customer service is on a whole new level of terrible.. not even sure how you can make it up at this point. But you can start with giving me back my damn characters and responding to my emails saying your at least looking into it.. very very pathetic customer service

Feb 17, 2020, 03:2802/17/20
My acc is still locked. Untill now is 4 days and 3 time added time. :((
Feb 18, 2020, 07:0602/18/20
Feb 18, 2020, 07:10(edited)
Another day added to mine..anyone heard anything yet? ..missing out on everything..even my 10 gems a day...and my prime champion..just hope all will be ok when fixed. 
Feb 18, 2020, 11:0602/18/20
On Discord they post it would be resolved today. This is day six for me. I really hope today is the day it gets resolved. We will see. 
Feb 18, 2020, 11:5502/18/20

Same for me,   :(       

Feb 29, 2020, 17:1602/29/20
Just attempted to log in and recieved a ban notification for "refund abuse" A THREE WEEK BAN!!! Have never applied for, nor received a refund. Get simple canned messages in response from plarium and of course this occurs during a boost event. Unbelievable, if this is not remedied immediately i will be contacting google and demanding a refund for all purchases made in this app... well over $1000!
Feb 29, 2020, 19:5302/29/20
Feb 29, 2020, 19:53(edited)
Bought the 50$ ancient shard package for the event going on. Opened 10 shards, received a message saying im banned for refund abuse. I didn’t refund anything. Now i wont be able to use the shards during the event unless they unban me before its over. Awesome. 
Mar 27, 2020, 14:0403/27/20
Mar 27, 2020, 14:05(edited)
How to ban people from chatting they even said i was close to being banned because of me
Jun 4, 2022, 17:2906/04/22

the payments was returned i bought 2x and did not get what expected and still bought 1 pack of 9,99 after return all i got 1st time was 10 blue characters, 2and time only 1 purple and 9 blue, i felt like i was scammed, and asked refund because i was not NOT satisfied with amount and type of rewards. I had no intent to abuse as i bought a pack afterwards please un ban me. I am a loyal player for over 6 months.  And its your 13th birthday?  Where are warnings?  Come On!!