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GH question for the forum

GH question for the forum

Sep 11, 2022, 13:2609/11/22

GH question for the forum

Regarding your guide to the GH:

I have all 4 ACC affinities progressed up to Level 7.  The game missions want to see ACC increase through L8, 9, &10.  At 4 gold medals per win that is a large number of battles, so I need to be selective as to affinity, going forward. 

Apart from any considerations I would make for what specific champs I have, can you please point out any specific affinity best suited for fully ranking up ACC to L10?  Who knows what champs I might acquire in future so I cannot plan around that.

TIA, hope you are doing well.

Anyone else may offer their experience/opinion.

Sep 11, 2022, 15:0609/11/22

Most folks rank up blue accuracy and void accuracy first. With Arbiter and Visix guaranteed eventually, you can't go too wrong with Void though.

Besides that, just check which color Legos you're using as arena debuffers the most (such as Lyssandra or Kimi or Visix or ), and start there.

For more specific recs, I'd want to see your roster.

Sep 11, 2022, 16:4909/11/22

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

I do not have enough legos to call anything a category, such as debuffer, etc. Your answer is tied to which champs one gets.  I was looking to see if there is any color specific action or game treatment, or are they all the same in the ways they act?

In terms of champs, after 30 more days I get Ghrush, and then Visix in another 30.  As far as Arbiter being "guaranteed," I am working up the ladder but no telling.  I am actually pretty turned off to Arbiter, after whacking her in solo fights prolly 1000 times.  If I get her I will just be one of the many minions that has her, kinda boring.  Even without Arbiter there are quite a few prizes to get along the way.

I tend to have the most in blue, the least in purple.  By the time I get to L10 that could change.

FYI, I consider posting my roster just an invitation to be dragged over hot coals.

Sep 11, 2022, 18:1609/11/22

Without seeing your roster it's really hard to answer the question. Typically, accuracy and crit damage yield the highest RoI. But for most people, damage is the area that is of lowest priority - it's rare that you'll ever be in a situation where you fail because of insufficient damage. Sure, there are exceptions, but by-and-large it's a rule you can live by. So, I'd tend to favour accuracy first.

In terms of whom accuracy is most important for, typically you'd want to make sure your crowd control debuffers are always landing their debuffs. You won't usually lose a fight because your DEF down or ATK down didn't land, but you'll very often lose fights because your stun/freeze/provoke whiffed.

Scyl is blue, and you should already have her. She tends to be one of the better champs for CC, especially for early game. It's very possible you've got someone who can do the job better but, barring that, I'd probably favour blue accuracy to make sure she's able to land those stuns. That'll allow you to shift some of your gear on her away from accuracy and towards speed, which'll help cycle her cooldowns faster.

Sep 12, 2022, 02:2209/12/22

Thanks for the nice reply. I am following the pattern recommended by the author of a guide on the subject:  (In order of preference)    ACC --> RESIST --> DEF --> HP --> ATK --> C.DMG  

I have also come to the conclusion that Magic Blue is the first affinity to achieve L10 ACC in the Great Hall.  Aside from Scyl, there are the starter champs.  L10 gives a +80 ACC boost to a champ, equivalent to two accuracy artifact sets without having to put those accuracy sets on each and every champ.

There are aspects of the game that indicate a minimum of 200 ACC, so this would help me achieve that.

Now trying to complete 200 winning battles to get 800 gold medals to advance from L7 to L8.

Sep 12, 2022, 02:4509/12/22

I don't recommend going with resist second. Especially for you, there is very few areas of the game where resist will truly matter.

My suggestion is to focus on accuracy for all your affinities, and then cdmg. They'll benefit you far more than the other stats will.

Sep 12, 2022, 03:2409/12/22

You have Acc at 7, so your only decision is what order to get them to 10.  Just depends on your roster the affinity order.

I would then go:





My 1st one was blue RES.  

Sep 12, 2022, 03:3509/12/22

I think crit damage last would be simply insane, also cannot imagine attack coming before anything if we're trying to be efficient.

I think Accuracy ----> Crit damage is the play almost always, because just in terms of how gearing plays out for most accounts this is going to just make things a lot smoother as we push midgame, push NM/UNM CB and FW, build out multiple nukers of different affinities, so on and so forth. Obviously the order in which you do things after Magic will largely depend on your pulls. 

If not crit damage, then RES because of how important it'll be in Doom Tower and now Iron Twins if one is not going the block damage route, not to mention in certain arena builds down the line. I value Crit Damage a lot, given that it's the only stat here that can't be glyphed up, as well as being able to build your nukers out right.

After those three, I'd go HP. 

Sep 12, 2022, 03:3609/12/22

I would go and use what champs i use the most (affinity wise) to determine which acc to get to 10 first !

As for any new players , id suggest focusing on 1 of them(accuracy always , makes gearing more versatile) till level 10 , makes it easier during arbiter mission if you dont have to grind 2700 gold medal to get a GH to lvl 8-9-10 , once one of them reach lv10 , id go with 2 other affinity , accuracy again to lvl 5 at least for the challenge . Then slowly level them up following the META or whatever you feel like .

TLDR , get one to lv10 , then 2 others to lv5 , then spend it meta or however you want ... 

Sep 12, 2022, 06:2309/12/22

Accuracy is definitely the first based on any measures... and especially cause you have them at 7 :)

My order is: 

1) Accuracy

2) Crit Damage 

3) Resistance 

4) HP 

5) Defense, 

Then finally at a distant 6th.... Attack.

I think Thorne is spot on for why I value Crit Damage. But I think you can't really go too crazy wrong any order of Accuracy, Resistance and Crit Damage.....then move onto the hp/defensive stats.

Sep 12, 2022, 06:3109/12/22

Without seeing your roster it's really hard to answer the question. Typically, accuracy and crit damage yield the highest RoI. But for most people, damage is the area that is of lowest priority - it's rare that you'll ever be in a situation where you fail because of insufficient damage. Sure, there are exceptions, but by-and-large it's a rule you can live by. So, I'd tend to favour accuracy first.

In terms of whom accuracy is most important for, typically you'd want to make sure your crowd control debuffers are always landing their debuffs. You won't usually lose a fight because your DEF down or ATK down didn't land, but you'll very often lose fights because your stun/freeze/provoke whiffed.

Scyl is blue, and you should already have her. She tends to be one of the better champs for CC, especially for early game. It's very possible you've got someone who can do the job better but, barring that, I'd probably favour blue accuracy to make sure she's able to land those stuns. That'll allow you to shift some of your gear on her away from accuracy and towards speed, which'll help cycle her cooldowns faster.

I can see the pattern how you are able to build huge speeds on your champs.  

Sep 12, 2022, 23:5709/12/22

You can definitely draw your own conclusions from that Great Hall lineup, everyone has something to say on it.  Pretty much all agree about ACC, but then what??  After looking at many opinions, the logic I tend to follow, in regard to RESIST being second to ACC is:

""People told me RESIST was the worst GH Bonus in the game.

I'm here to tell you it is the 2nd Best GH Bonus in the game.

Why? Because Buffs & Debuffs are the most important thing in Raid Shadow Legends.

You can have the best gear money can buy.

You can have the best stats money can buy.

BUT if your hero never takes a turn because he is Stunned, Frozen, or has 0 Turn Meter.

You will lose and that is the bottom line.

ACC helps enable you the ability to remove powerful buffs the opponent might have.

ACC helps enable you the ability to place powerful debuffs on the opponent taking them out of the fight.

RESIST helps prevent the enemy from removing your buffs.

RESIST helps prevent the enemy from taking your heroes out of the fight.

In addition, Resistance is also one of the most medal efficient upgrades.

It is the only other bonus in the Great Hall besides ACC which gives you the most value per medal.

It goes with out saying.

Resistance has earned its way to #2 on my GH Upgrade Order. 

Sep 13, 2022, 00:0609/13/22

I don't think anyone in this thread said anything remotely negative about resistance, just a matter of where it's valued vs accuracy and crit damage

anyway, whatever you do please don't save crit damage for last or you're going to hit a wall where your nukers hit like wet noodles

Sep 13, 2022, 00:1609/13/22

I don't think anyone in this thread said anything remotely negative about resistance, just a matter of where it's valued vs accuracy and crit damage

anyway, whatever you do please don't save crit damage for last or you're going to hit a wall where your nukers hit like wet noodles

I disagree.... lol

Caveat, I firmly believe GH is over valued.  With perception gear, I think res may be 1.  Res, hp, def bonus helps everyone in the affinity.  Accuracy helps most.  Cd helps some.

At least we all agree atk is last.... but I think that somewhat supports downgrading cd...

Sep 13, 2022, 00:3309/13/22

I disagree.... lol

Caveat, I firmly believe GH is over valued.  With perception gear, I think res may be 1.  Res, hp, def bonus helps everyone in the affinity.  Accuracy helps most.  Cd helps some.

At least we all agree atk is last.... but I think that somewhat supports downgrading cd...

i think this stance assumes people are efficiently grinding FW, Dungeons, etc. GH can fill a lot of holes for the majority of players. Even with that perception gear I think being able to gear out more champions at a high level.

i also disagree with crit damage having a strong correlation to attack - long term - as there are multiple defense and hp nukers/dps not to mention the existence of CH/RG/Seer etc.

I am incredibly interested in hitting top end builds (700 acc+, 300 cd+, etc.) There was a point where I regretted not going RES 2nd (somewhere in Hard DT, being hard stuck in certain areas of Arena) but less so now with sets that are out there, certain champs etc. Hydra and Iron Twins might be changing the equation a bit, though.

I will concede that the idea of being able to have stats that help overall rather than specific uses might be nice, but I am not convinced it's better than being able to hit top end numbers and shore up those defensive stats with gear.

tl;dr team accuracy then RES/CDMG

Sep 13, 2022, 20:4309/13/22

I disagree.... lol

Caveat, I firmly believe GH is over valued.  With perception gear, I think res may be 1.  Res, hp, def bonus helps everyone in the affinity.  Accuracy helps most.  Cd helps some.

At least we all agree atk is last.... but I think that somewhat supports downgrading cd...

This was the logic that was evident in March /2020 for the guide I quote from, of course artifacts have changed and I am often curious how the guide would read today in light of most recent artifacts:

""C.DMG is only amazing if you do a Critical hit. 

But there are several things which can effect your heroes ability to do a Critical hit. 

What if your Critical Rate isn't 100% - Your C.DMG is useless at that point. 

What if you do a weak hit due to Bad Affinity Match up?

C.DMG will be useless, once again!  

Do you see all of these obstacles you have to over come in order to get the full benefit of C.DMG? 

ATK doesn't suffer from any of the above problems! 

This is why ATK is #5. 

This is why C.DMG is #6. 

Thus, We reach the end of Upgrading Path!

The Answer to Question #2: Do you know the General Upgrading Path?

Yes, ACC ---> RESIST ---> DEF ---> HP ---> ATK ---> C.DMG

And more importantly we know why it is the general upgrading path!

We have gone over every one.

We have turned over every stone. "

Courtesy to Player J.

Sep 13, 2022, 20:5509/13/22
End Is Near

This was the logic that was evident in March /2020 for the guide I quote from, of course artifacts have changed and I am often curious how the guide would read today in light of most recent artifacts:

""C.DMG is only amazing if you do a Critical hit. 

But there are several things which can effect your heroes ability to do a Critical hit. 

What if your Critical Rate isn't 100% - Your C.DMG is useless at that point. 

What if you do a weak hit due to Bad Affinity Match up?

C.DMG will be useless, once again!  

Do you see all of these obstacles you have to over come in order to get the full benefit of C.DMG? 

ATK doesn't suffer from any of the above problems! 

This is why ATK is #5. 

This is why C.DMG is #6. 

Thus, We reach the end of Upgrading Path!

The Answer to Question #2: Do you know the General Upgrading Path?

Yes, ACC ---> RESIST ---> DEF ---> HP ---> ATK ---> C.DMG

And more importantly we know why it is the general upgrading path!

We have gone over every one.

We have turned over every stone. "

Courtesy to Player J.

PlayerJ was correct, imo, on most of his points.  But CD is definitely ahead of attack.  But both attack and cd are useless if u are dead, which is why the other 4 are above them :)

Defense was generally considered more important than HP in the past, but HP is more useful globally.  But you generally want both except on the stupid ignore defense FW bosses  :)

The real answer is, IDFM, just use good gear... problem solved.... see if dthorne unscramble that acronym... 

Sep 13, 2022, 21:0509/13/22

I'll put this bluntly..... some people are very sure they are amazing, and write guides and such, but make fairly suboptimal decisions while playing this game. If you want to spend extra money and time, suboptimal decisions are fine, but add up and cost.  

One such suboptimal decision is valuing any stat that only applies to only a single type of champ. Attack only applies to attack champs. That simple. Your defense and HP champs get no use out of them, and frankly, defensive champs are significantly better just from the start. Defensive and HP champs use the same stats to kill enemies that they use to survive.

You build crit damage and it helps everyone. You build attack and it helps your attack based champs only.

Also, HP over Defense due to the fact that FW bosses and many difficult to deal with Arena comps do a lot of ignoring defense. Nothing ignores HP. lol Build Defense first at your own peril. :)

Sep 13, 2022, 21:1609/13/22

I'll put this bluntly..... some people are very sure they are amazing, and write guides and such, but make fairly suboptimal decisions while playing this game. If you want to spend extra money and time, suboptimal decisions are fine, but add up and cost.  

One such suboptimal decision is valuing any stat that only applies to only a single type of champ. Attack only applies to attack champs. That simple. Your defense and HP champs get no use out of them, and frankly, defensive champs are significantly better just from the start. Defensive and HP champs use the same stats to kill enemies that they use to survive.

You build crit damage and it helps everyone. You build attack and it helps your attack based champs only.

Also, HP over Defense due to the fact that FW bosses and many difficult to deal with Arena comps do a lot of ignoring defense. Nothing ignores HP. lol Build Defense first at your own peril. :)

I still say CD should be below hp/def, because....

New players should build more support champs and minimal nukers.  That's why progress gets stalled... can't keep anyone alive...

Sep 13, 2022, 21:2009/13/22

PlayerJ was correct, imo, on most of his points.  But CD is definitely ahead of attack.  But both attack and cd are useless if u are dead, which is why the other 4 are above them :)

Defense was generally considered more important than HP in the past, but HP is more useful globally.  But you generally want both except on the stupid ignore defense FW bosses  :)

The real answer is, IDFM, just use good gear... problem solved.... see if dthorne unscramble that acronym... 

Always good discussions on this topic, and there is even more depth and nuances surrounding it these days.

However, the GH has been steady, wonder if any changes are in the works??

Sep 13, 2022, 21:2109/13/22

I still say CD should be below hp/def, because....

New players should build more support champs and minimal nukers.  That's why progress gets stalled... can't keep anyone alive...

I can see that. I might even go Acc -> Res -> HP -> CD -> Def -> Atk at this point.

Basically all the Ignore Defense abilities, mechanics and gear makes me value Defense less than HP for sure. And I'm a big fan of the HP based champs too. Magnarr, Hakk, Coffin Smasher.... all good stuff that have seen a lot of play on my account... and Deliana now for anyone who has been playing a bit.