Dreng is good if your geo lacks accuracy. But without geo i was looking at 4 or 5 minute runs.
I tried a bunch of comps, all worked though some were close.
Some champs I used besides the obvious mith, nekmo, kimi, geo
If u have duchess or siphi, obv choice imo
Others I used
Vrask (retaliation gear from my bommal team lol)
Lord champfort, unbooked
Stag knight
I would predict at a minimum paragon cheese is patched away... possibly block damage as well. So I didn't try either of those stats.
Dreng is good if your geo lacks accuracy. But without geo i was looking at 4 or 5 minute runs.
I tried a bunch of comps, all worked though some were close.
Some champs I used besides the obvious mith, nekmo, kimi, geo
If u have duchess or siphi, obv choice imo
Others I used
Vrask (retaliation gear from my bommal team lol)
Lord champfort, unbooked
Stag knight
I would predict at a minimum paragon cheese is patched away... possibly block damage as well. So I didn't try either of those stats.
I don't know they'll go back and add "Ignores Block Damage" to the boss. Maybe whenever or if-ever there's a 16-20 though.....
If they do, please send me an "I told you so"
As far as Paragon, I'm taking a wait and see approach for a couple weeks on that before I would build him . 0_o
I don't know they'll go back and add "Ignores Block Damage" to the boss. Maybe whenever or if-ever there's a 16-20 though.....
If they do, please send me an "I told you so"
As far as Paragon, I'm taking a wait and see approach for a couple weeks on that before I would build him . 0_o
As mentioned....
Paragon not going to cut it. Nor Maneaters.....
I'm taking that same wait and see approach before spending resources tuning anything, kind of like when Hydra came out.
I think it's unlikely they'll remove Block Damage as an option. No other content ignores it, with the exception of CB - and even there, it's only after you're already able to "win".
Paragon was an obvious oversight on their part. The conspiracy theorist in me says they knew people would waste resources on him to do this, but the realist in me says it probably was just a facepalm moment.
in my opinion this event is too hard, I can't get past stage 4 with 148k team power.
The next time, pls facilitate the event.
Thx, Kinaisas
The content is still quite early, but strategies are starting to pop out of the woodwork. A few have been suggested on this forum as well. I reckon if you make a thread with your roster we could help you build some teams that might be able to tackle this.
It's also helpful to know where you are with other content too, such as doom tower, clan boss and the various dungeons. Like most of those, the Iron Twins is geared towards end-game players, and 148K team power doesn't mean much once you get to that stage
I am only suggesting this as I'm genuinely interested in helping people tackle content in this game (as are a lot of people on this forum). You just need be willing to have the discussion