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Plarium PvP arena one man def

Plarium PvP arena one man def

May 17, 2022, 19:5705/17/22

Most people just want to farm great hall, if they want to play a pvp focussed game then they would play something else. 

Having said that, if they made G5 unlimited losses, i wouldnt care either way.

I prefer the current system to how it was just before they changed it, i stayed in G4- barely, but it was brutal.

May 17, 2022, 20:1705/17/22

I really wish they would go back to the system they had with unlimited losses and no bots. But that's just me being selfish. I agree with Trips that they should make G5 have unlimited losses. That brief period of time was the only point in the years I've been playing this, where arena was actually interesting. Now it's back to just "click the easy win teams and hit auto".

At least 3's is still interesting.

May 17, 2022, 20:3205/17/22

Losses should not be capped at all in G5. But I could really care less as I can't even try to finish in plat because I am asleep 😴 at reset.  If they rotated the reset time, maybe I would try.  I actually hope they don't, I am happy doing 5 a day outside of tournament and cvc lol.

That's an issue as well. But I really don't know how to get around it

May 18, 2022, 09:4005/18/22

I really wish they would go back to the system they had with unlimited losses and no bots. But that's just me being selfish. I agree with Trips that they should make G5 have unlimited losses. That brief period of time was the only point in the years I've been playing this, where arena was actually interesting. Now it's back to just "click the easy win teams and hit auto".

At least 3's is still interesting.

You cant do that without changing the way great hall and bonuses work.

Even with easymode on it takes a fair amount of time to build great hall up using the g5/g4 medals.

If you had 'no bots, no limited losses' as before then the vast majority of players would be stuck in low silver and updating their great hall using silver 1 medals would take decades which most mobile gamers do not want.

Want a really competitive classic arena? fine, but you need to make the effort to seperate it from pve progress, and i have seen nothing to suggest plarium are willing to redesign that.

May 19, 2022, 08:4405/19/22

If you want, i suggest something. The defense victory dont give medals. Why???

Victory is victory just as at attack battles. They should give for defense victory medals too for upgrading Great Hall.