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Is Plarium considering doing anything to encourage Hydra participation?

Is Plarium considering doing anything to encourage Hydra participation?

May 3, 2022, 21:3805/03/22

Is Plarium considering doing anything to encourage Hydra participation?

Inquiring for a friend...

For those of you in "casual" clans, how active are your members in Hydra?

We are ranked in the 600s, did 5M + last cvc, but I think hydra is going to cause  our clan demise. 

May 3, 2022, 21:5505/03/22

We do the easiest difficulty, et c'est tout. 

May 3, 2022, 22:4205/03/22

No one cares. I think we had one conversation in total about it in the in-game chat after it was released where we established as much. I usually do 1 key on easiest just for the fragments. Occasionally I forget. I sure hope they don't do anything to improve the rewards so that I'd feel like I have to do it.

May 3, 2022, 22:5005/03/22

I wasn't t paying attention and failed a key on normal hydra this week, then I remembered idgaf about hydra and just auto another key to make myself look like I care.

I hope they give hydra the tag team arena treatment, as in letting it sit there and rot as opposed to ever doing anything to make it fun, enjoyable, or worth the time and effort.

May 3, 2022, 23:3605/03/22
May 3, 2022, 23:41(edited)

.... u all :)

Edited b4 banhammer 

May 3, 2022, 23:4805/03/22

I was thinking give clan leader the option to lock clan quest selection based on prior (the one ending today) activity.  

Use 3 keys, you can claim 3 quests.

Do xx amount of damage, they can be expert quests...

This would be entirely optional, so as you pansies that don't like it wouldn't have to :)

But that is too much coding for no real value to plarium, so I guess your suggestion of increasing rewards makes more sense. 

I am guessing I will have to wait until new missions are added, which I am guessing is months away.

Unfortunately, a new clan is likely my only option. 

May 3, 2022, 23:5905/03/22

I was thinking give clan leader the option to lock clan quest selection based on prior (the one ending today) activity.  

Use 3 keys, you can claim 3 quests.

Do xx amount of damage, they can be expert quests...

This would be entirely optional, so as you pansies that don't like it wouldn't have to :)

But that is too much coding for no real value to plarium, so I guess your suggestion of increasing rewards makes more sense. 

I am guessing I will have to wait until new missions are added, which I am guessing is months away.

Unfortunately, a new clan is likely my only option. 

Not sure I follow - what does this have to do with your original post?

May 4, 2022, 03:0505/04/22

Not sure I follow - what does this have to do with your original post?

My clan is allergic to hydra.  It is only content of any value currently. The 10 of us that do it would like to stay together, but also be in a hydra active clan. We only have 2 levels open.  We have another 10 probably that could contribute and 10 with no interest.  

I convinced clan leader to request everyone to use 3 keys.  Unfortunately, most don't even read. And others did the evil idgaf 3key auto lol.

May 4, 2022, 05:0905/04/22

My clan is allergic to hydra.  It is only content of any value currently. The 10 of us that do it would like to stay together, but also be in a hydra active clan. We only have 2 levels open.  We have another 10 probably that could contribute and 10 with no interest.  

I convinced clan leader to request everyone to use 3 keys.  Unfortunately, most don't even read. And others did the evil idgaf 3key auto lol.

I hear you. We're struggling to get enough people to do the easiest one as is. I've finally got back to working on it, purely because I want Mithrala. Once I get her, I likely won't touch the fight again.

May 4, 2022, 07:0405/04/22
May 4, 2022, 07:05(edited)

Mid tier clan myself, mostly FTP but more experienced players, most of us have done FW, about half of us have finished DT hard. CVC between 4 and 5 million

Hydra, we have to cajole people into doing, we do down normal each week but not hard despite having the players to do it

I can 1 key hard and normal if i manual it, but rarely do as it takes half the evening, its also ridiculously RNG heavy, if mischief repeatedly eats your champ, and eats a key one, it can ruin the run, you either than take a bad run or restart.

The consensus is hydra sucks, only one or two have mithrala right now, once more have her i think we will struggle to cajole people into finishing even normal.

May 4, 2022, 07:5005/04/22

What other ideas might we have do get people to do Hydra?

Or, even better, what changes do we want to see? Concrete suggestions, thoughts and ideas, please. Stuff I can take to Plarium. :)

May 4, 2022, 08:0205/04/22

I'm not sure there's any saving it, to be honest. It's just a mess of randomness and counterintuitive mechanics. Like, on one hand you're supposed to use buffs to prevent certain heads from doing things, but then you have a head that will steal your buffs. Or there's a head you're supposed to use hex against (and as the kids say these days, hex, LOL), but then there's a head that just purges that hex debuff. Then there's the head with a passive destroy effect which seems to have no counter at all. Don't even get me started on the mischief head redirecting attacks or the devour mechanism.

It's just not a pleasant experience to feel like literally everything you do is wrong. There's like a handful of champs that can actually do something of value other than just spray and pray so to speak, but that's just more luck involved in having them in the first place.

May 4, 2022, 08:4305/04/22
May 4, 2022, 08:59(edited)

What other ideas might we have do get people to do Hydra?

Or, even better, what changes do we want to see? Concrete suggestions, thoughts and ideas, please. Stuff I can take to Plarium. :)

I know you take suggestions back which is great but I feel that Hydra would require such a total rework that it won't happen

Better rewards will not change the fact that it's a mess @EGDNIT above listed many issues felt by everyone who even bothers doing the Hydra - certainly in my clan, that said these could help?

1  All levels should not be the same - normal should start with two heads, hard 3, brutal and nightmare 4

2  Mischief head should not be able to devour - that's basically a restart

3  The buffs (life barrier) should be removeable, if not the head that devours cannot have life barrier

3  Head cooldowns should be increased, removing debuffs, stripping and spreading buffs etc. come round to

4  Don't promote it as end game, few end gamers are bothered with it, mainly due to the time involved,  
   the RNG and poor rewards,  accept that new ish players should be able to do the first level, mid game the
   next few  and end game  the top level, scale the difficulty and rewards accordingly - like the original clan

May 4, 2022, 09:1005/04/22

What other ideas might we have do get people to do Hydra?

Or, even better, what changes do we want to see? Concrete suggestions, thoughts and ideas, please. Stuff I can take to Plarium. :)

Remove the randomness of it.

I do not think people enjoy manually fighting the  Clan Boss, I think they enjoy figuring out how to best Auto fight the Clan Boss and you just can not do this with Hydra for the most part.

May 4, 2022, 09:2105/04/22

I know you take suggestions back which is great but I feel that Hydra would require such a total rework that it won't happen

Better rewards will not change the fact that it's a mess @EGDNIT above listed many issues felt by everyone who even bothers doing the Hydra - certainly in my clan, that said these could help?

1  All levels should not be the same - normal should start with two heads, hard 3, brutal and nightmare 4

2  Mischief head should not be able to devour - that's basically a restart

3  The buffs (life barrier) should be removeable, if not the head that devours cannot have life barrier

3  Head cooldowns should be increased, removing debuffs, stripping and spreading buffs etc. come round to

4  Don't promote it as end game, few end gamers are bothered with it, mainly due to the time involved,  
   the RNG and poor rewards,  accept that new ish players should be able to do the first level, mid game the
   next few  and end game  the top level, scale the difficulty and rewards accordingly - like the original clan

I agree a lot with the above, and I think personally the massive one is that the first Hydra levels should be significantly easier than the current ones.  You can remove the fragments from the rewards if you want but there needs to be an entry point for people to start to think about the new mechanics, and throwing the exact same 4 heads in from the beginning isn't the way to do it.

Even having just 2 heads is enough to get people to start to think about head mechanics.  Maybe even have the heads more likely to cycle out upon death instead of respawning so that the user has to consider multiple builts, but it is simply too much for someone to jump in and start a team off in the current state.

May 4, 2022, 10:0805/04/22

I agree a lot with the above, and I think personally the massive one is that the first Hydra levels should be significantly easier than the current ones.  You can remove the fragments from the rewards if you want but there needs to be an entry point for people to start to think about the new mechanics, and throwing the exact same 4 heads in from the beginning isn't the way to do it.

Even having just 2 heads is enough to get people to start to think about head mechanics.  Maybe even have the heads more likely to cycle out upon death instead of respawning so that the user has to consider multiple builts, but it is simply too much for someone to jump in and start a team off in the current state.

i feel like increasing the odds of heads cycling out would have the exact opposite effect. if anything, i'd think that guaranteeing a respawn would make things easier. it's already enough of an ordeal trying to fit everything you need to counter four different heads into one team without having to worry about getting ten minutes into a fight and having your entire team wrecked because you didn't pack an hp burner to counter the head of poison.

May 4, 2022, 10:2105/04/22
May 4, 2022, 10:23(edited)

i feel like increasing the odds of heads cycling out would have the exact opposite effect. if anything, i'd think that guaranteeing a respawn would make things easier. it's already enough of an ordeal trying to fit everything you need to counter four different heads into one team without having to worry about getting ten minutes into a fight and having your entire team wrecked because you didn't pack an hp burner to counter the head of poison.

I guess my thinking around cycling the heads out was to encourage players to get used to more heads, instead of having just the 2 constantly during the week.  There would still only be 2 heads at any given time, so if the Poison Cloud head came out then it would still just be that head plus the second one, rather than having the current 4 heads being immune to all damage and debuffs for 2 rounds.

If a player has built a solid team that can handle 2 heads to the point that they kill one and a new one comes in that they need to start to consider, then I'd say that is a very good introduction to the Hydra mechanics.  If they can get their head around that, then they can start to think about 4 heads at once with potential cycles

May 4, 2022, 10:3005/04/22

My clan is allergic to hydra.  It is only content of any value currently. The 10 of us that do it would like to stay together, but also be in a hydra active clan. We only have 2 levels open.  We have another 10 probably that could contribute and 10 with no interest.  

I convinced clan leader to request everyone to use 3 keys.  Unfortunately, most don't even read. And others did the evil idgaf 3key auto lol.

i expect you'll find that only a handful of clans at the very top of the rankings are putting all that much focus on hydra. mine is ranked in the high 200s. we kill normal every week and usually do about 25-30% damage to hard and no one seems all that concerned with unlocking brutal for two simple reasons; the rewards aren't very good and more importantly, everyone hates running hydra.

May 4, 2022, 10:4905/04/22

I guess my thinking around cycling the heads out was to encourage players to get used to more heads, instead of having just the 2 constantly during the week.  There would still only be 2 heads at any given time, so if the Poison Cloud head came out then it would still just be that head plus the second one, rather than having the current 4 heads being immune to all damage and debuffs for 2 rounds.

If a player has built a solid team that can handle 2 heads to the point that they kill one and a new one comes in that they need to start to consider, then I'd say that is a very good introduction to the Hydra mechanics.  If they can get their head around that, then they can start to think about 4 heads at once with potential cycles

i agree that it would help players get used to multiple heads, but it would still have the issue of an entire run being disrupted due to poor rng. even with only two heads at a time, having your entire team locked down by fear or unable to land anything but weak hits really isn't much fun, so it's still going to be a big detractor towards hydra's appeal. 

i think it might work better if the heads switched on a predetermined order rather than randomly. that way newer people would still need to consider different mechanics and how they interacted with one another, especially as they begin to kill heads on the regular, but they don't run the risk of having all their work torpedoed because they didn't have a counter to whatever head spawned next.

May 4, 2022, 11:2605/04/22

The rewards are a big part of it for sure

I actually made an effort last week and did the top normal and top hard chest, it took several hours on manual.

I got 1/25th (4 fragments total) of a champion and some gear that was terrible stats and vendored. So very little of worth.

Other than that i agree with the other comments, it is too reliant on RNG, and if you are unlucky and end up with mischeif devouring with a shield up, its the end of the run.

May 4, 2022, 11:3305/04/22

i agree that it would help players get used to multiple heads, but it would still have the issue of an entire run being disrupted due to poor rng. even with only two heads at a time, having your entire team locked down by fear or unable to land anything but weak hits really isn't much fun, so it's still going to be a big detractor towards hydra's appeal. 

i think it might work better if the heads switched on a predetermined order rather than randomly. that way newer people would still need to consider different mechanics and how they interacted with one another, especially as they begin to kill heads on the regular, but they don't run the risk of having all their work torpedoed because they didn't have a counter to whatever head spawned next.

Agree, that could work.  A static rotation of heads would also open up tunes around managing the death of certain heads first, in order to adequately prepare for the next one