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Battle Pass - completely the wrong approach

Battle Pass - completely the wrong approach

Apr 13, 2022, 18:1004/13/22

Battle Pass - completely the wrong approach

So, we ask for ways to make this game *less* of a grind, and require *less* of our time and attention.

You respond by giving MORE quests and missions.

This probaby won't be the last straw for me, but it's definitely getting close.

Apr 13, 2022, 19:4404/13/22

Krama, are you really gonna do everything in the game while battle pass is active?

I mean, I haven't done advanced quests in a long long time, except whatever I finish naturally. I expect I will do less of the dailies and less arena battles to complete the Forge Pass for the limited time it is active.

Apr 13, 2022, 19:4604/13/22

Here's another question. Would you prefer some pass that let you pay instead of spending time to complete dailies, levels, etc? I mean, that seems like the opposite of what us F2P people want, but I'd love to hear your thoughts....

Apr 13, 2022, 20:4504/13/22

Here's another question. Would you prefer some pass that let you pay instead of spending time to complete dailies, levels, etc? I mean, that seems like the opposite of what us F2P people want, but I'd love to hear your thoughts....

What is the price? I think I will be staying f2p and skipping.   The first BP was my last purchase. 

Apr 13, 2022, 21:0804/13/22

Krama, are you really gonna do everything in the game while battle pass is active?

I mean, I haven't done advanced quests in a long long time, except whatever I finish naturally. I expect I will do less of the dailies and less arena battles to complete the Forge Pass for the limited time it is active.

I'm a completionist. I really hate leaving stuff on the table. Yes, that's a personal issue, I get that.

But at the same time, we're already being asked to invest *so* much time in this game in order to remain even remotely competitive.

Rather than giving us more quests and missions, why not do stuff to speed things up?

  • Add super raids permanently to everything
  • Add an auto-complete clan boss button so I don't need to sit there for 30 minutes at a time waiting
  • Add an auto-complete faction wars button for the same reason
  • Let us turn champs directly into food

etc etc etc.

Point is that right now I'm literally on my phone the entire day doing stuff. Yes most of it doesn't require me to actually watch my phone, but it's insane that it requires that much of a time commitment. Even when I was playing World of Warcraft like crazy, I didn't need to be that attached to the game.

Apr 13, 2022, 21:3304/13/22

I'm a completionist. I really hate leaving stuff on the table. Yes, that's a personal issue, I get that.

But at the same time, we're already being asked to invest *so* much time in this game in order to remain even remotely competitive.

Rather than giving us more quests and missions, why not do stuff to speed things up?

  • Add super raids permanently to everything
  • Add an auto-complete clan boss button so I don't need to sit there for 30 minutes at a time waiting
  • Add an auto-complete faction wars button for the same reason
  • Let us turn champs directly into food

etc etc etc.

Point is that right now I'm literally on my phone the entire day doing stuff. Yes most of it doesn't require me to actually watch my phone, but it's insane that it requires that much of a time commitment. Even when I was playing World of Warcraft like crazy, I didn't need to be that attached to the game.

Point is that right now I'm literally on my phone the entire day doing stuff. Yes most of it doesn't require me to actually watch my phone, but it's insane that it requires that much of a time commitment. Even when I was playing World of Warcraft like crazy, I didn't need to be that attached to the game. 

This is 1 of the reasons I stopped playing, the amount of time that is expected to be in game, not really playing but Auto battle or Bot programs is just insane to me. Most vets do not even notice of flinch when they raise the points needed to tourneys and events 

My 2nd reason is just way too much RNG, RNG to get the correct gear, RNG to get the correct main stats, RNG to get the correct sub stats, RNG to get the corrects rolls on sub stats and that is just gear and they just keep piling on the RNG so it drove me off.

My Suggestions would be as Krama has stated put some auto completes in, add super raids to everything.

RNG I would syuggest cutting back on it, like HH suggested, remove the gear that drops in campain from the other dugeons and have the chance of that gear in  campain maybe normal drop 3-4 star green and blue, Hard drops 3-5 green, blue purp. Brutal  4-5 blue, purp ,OJ and NM drops 5-6 Blue Purp, OJ.

This would make NM relevant IMO and allow  us double dip a bit for some of the gear/xps in game.

I would suggest on Gloves chest and boots remove flat ATT,Def and HP from being able to be a main stat, this still gives 7 stats to roll from for those pieces of gear, I think it would be 8 stats for boots.

I really liked the game as my spending showed me 😁, it just became too much let a 2nd job than a game.

Apr 13, 2022, 23:5804/13/22

They gonna give us more artifact storage?  cause uh... 😣

Apr 14, 2022, 04:2804/14/22

I'm a completionist. I really hate leaving stuff on the table. Yes, that's a personal issue, I get that.

But at the same time, we're already being asked to invest *so* much time in this game in order to remain even remotely competitive.

Rather than giving us more quests and missions, why not do stuff to speed things up?

  • Add super raids permanently to everything
  • Add an auto-complete clan boss button so I don't need to sit there for 30 minutes at a time waiting
  • Add an auto-complete faction wars button for the same reason
  • Let us turn champs directly into food

etc etc etc.

Point is that right now I'm literally on my phone the entire day doing stuff. Yes most of it doesn't require me to actually watch my phone, but it's insane that it requires that much of a time commitment. Even when I was playing World of Warcraft like crazy, I didn't need to be that attached to the game.

Okay, so the answer to my question is yes, you will do all the things in game while the Forge Pass is active. I will not be doing so myself.


Now to the separate issues of auto completes. Let me pose some more questions, and some theoretical arguments, if you don't mind discussing a bit...

So I just ran 200 FK 25s. 195/200 suceeded. 5/200 failed. How does autocomplete account for the losses we suffer in things? If I beat something once, with the craziest RNG ever, like getting a stun on every stun set Bellower attack, do I deserve to forever auto-complete FW20 for Skinwalkers? And for folks that say yes,  are you okay facing the Perception gear equipped champs in the arena for this person who now gets to hit autocomplete every rotation?

Champs directly into food would be nice. But a realistic question on that, from an income standpoint is when do they do that? When you've fully bought all the vault and champ space upgrades? Does that become an option only after you've purchased every slot?

And on an above point, clan boss certainly cannot be autocomplete if comps fail. Many comps are not unkillable. Many need to be watched, halted and restarted if refresh accessories go too long without triggering, or fail early on some combinations of crit hits and failed warmaster procs. Realistically, do we think people will be okay seeing a run for 15mil autocomplete, or a completely tanked run, after seeing themselves hit 28mil previously? Or even better, all those unkillable comps that pop up with a failure every 25-50 runs or so for some reason?

And stop giving you new things to do? I think pretty quickly that dries up income and, at some point, all of us quit much earlier from boredom than from quest overload. The biggest complaint when some of us started was that there was nothing to do, no reason to play. Doom Tower came out of that complaint, as did pretty much everything we've seen since.

As far as Super Raids to everything, that would be pretty nice, but they don't do it right now to let F2P people compete with P2W. If all I have to run dungeons with is daily energy, gem mine and daily quests, I am outpaced by a spender twice as quickly during SuperRaids, especially an intelligent spender who wisely focuses their purchases into energy/gems only. 

And Krama, how will the whales ever beat up on each other in the top of Plat if I'm not at least close enough to them so that they can farm my account for points? I mean, that's the whole problem we had with the G5 economy when it came out, people like me falling so far the whale accounts no longer had people to farm, and then we were all fighting it out in G4 (and lower) together. lol

Alright, that's my counterpoints to some of your post Thoughts?

Apr 14, 2022, 05:1304/14/22
Apr 14, 2022, 05:15(edited)

Just my thought how to solve this:

Autocomplete. Complete the dungeon or run once on a given day and have the Autocomplete function activated for the rest of the day. I do not get the point about Perception gear. Everybody, who plays for a certain amount of time, can pile up enough ressorces to forge tons of Perception gear (I have about 500 pieces worth a materials in the forge for perception alone). And especially materials for perception is limited by the faction keys you have. I use them all daily....and would love to save time in this activity.

Champs into Chicken: If you regard this from an income point (as Plarium usually does) this is a valid point. If you regard it from a player's view, it shouldn't be tied to the size of your vault. It could be tied to a little fee in silver to transform into a chicken

Clan boss: You are judging by the extreme results. How about offering the cahnce to either run clan boss or do the average of the last 10 manual runs?

New things to do: Let me summarize my point of view on the newest thing: The Forge Pass: 

  • We get new missions to do, this requires more time than before
  • we do not get new content or new stuff to build strategies for
  • we get a new set of gear which doesn't look that good to me...
  • forging something is most likely driven by RNG
  • the rewards for these activities are chaos orbs (which is heavy RNG again), Charms (which do not negate the RNG influence at a reasonable level) Glyphs (RNG) and a new set of gear (RNG to get good stuff. If I compare that with the results of my normal dungeon runs, I need about 100-200 pieces forged to get even one which might be good before leveling it up). All those stuff is heavily influenced by RNG. And you do not get a single reward (Energy, Gems, Champs, Skins, Books) which would allow you to be the decisive factor instead of RNG -> This new activity is sullied by pure randomness 

Super Raids: I do see what you are referring to. But I think that a spender will outrace a FTP nevertheless if the deciding factor is energy. If he plays for 16 hours until he has no energy and the FTP for 4 hours or he plays 8 hours and the FTP 2 hours...that makes no difference. I agree that he can spend 16 hours with Super Raids and the FTP stil only 2 hours....but will this really negate the difference between spender and non-spender? In which aspects does this play a role? Arena? Tag-Team? PvE?

Arena: Yes, I was also falling quite a bit...but I think that this is not based on equipment, Super-Raids or whatever...this is a problem of matchmaking, of matching algorithms and the point attribution of win/loss.

Apr 14, 2022, 06:2704/14/22

I have spent less than $25 since i started playing a year ago, and not spent cash in 9 months, mostly because i find shards and equipment etc a ridiculous price.

If they had released a good value pack that significantly reduced the amount of time required to farm and do tasks i might have been interested - like many the amount of time required to do just dailies is a problem for me.

Apr 14, 2022, 10:4804/14/22

Sorry - just on the first point, no you don't forever get auto complete, you would have to do it the first time every day and I would suggest the run has to keep all the team alive which would reduce the RNG required then you get your auto completes.  Next day you start again

I see no reason why you can't run both CB keys and get the same damage for both

Super raids - already a big gap between FTP and PTP but they should add them permanantly to all dungeons and give the option of not just 2 but 2, 5, or 10

Apr 14, 2022, 11:3504/14/22

Not much exact info has been offered about the forge pass. I wont say it is a bad thing, but I thought this game was about the beatiful champions gearing them up and make them achieve something.

So imo the Forge pass does not sound exciting it feel more like you are playing as a blacksmith working from 9-4 while all of the heroes goes on exciting adventures someplace else.

So to summarize the Forge pass migth be good but it does not sound like it on paper. Time will tell.

Apr 14, 2022, 12:0304/14/22

You could easily run background/autocomplete battles with all the normal rules if you wanted to. It's not the logic part of it that takes time, it's that the computer has to wait aeons for us inefficient humans to process what happens on the screen. Decouple the GUI and run the actual commands of an autobattle as quickly as the commands can be processed, and you could do a full battle with all the bells and whistles nearly instantly.

I suspect that they don't want to do that though, as it'd basically eliminate all needs to build better teams if you can just build a team that'd take an hour to complete a battle and then compress it down to seconds. On the other hand, there are the whales with an unlimited budget that could complete a stupid amount of runs that way.

A compromise would perhaps be to allow runs to be done in the background at "normal" speed, by which I mean a speed that is intentionally considerably slower than it could be to approximate a normal run (should be fairly easy to add a delay to the next command based on the skill used to match the animation length), but allow you to do other things meanwhile. So if you want to do your dragon runs, clan boss, DT silver keys, while at the same time screwing around in the tavern or checking the arena, you could, but it won't let you do more dragon runs per day than it would otherwise.

Also, for the love of god, just remove the limit on autobattles. People will just work around that limit with autoclickers anyway if you make them, and it only serves to make the game more annoying.

Apr 14, 2022, 13:2604/14/22

Unless this pass has champions in it that I don't already have, I'm personally not that interested in it. 

The {other gatcha game} "magic pass" seems like good value for money, and that's the model that Plarium should be copying in my opinion.

Apr 14, 2022, 14:0604/14/22

Okay, so the answer to my question is yes, you will do all the things in game while the Forge Pass is active. I will not be doing so myself.


Now to the separate issues of auto completes. Let me pose some more questions, and some theoretical arguments, if you don't mind discussing a bit...

So I just ran 200 FK 25s. 195/200 suceeded. 5/200 failed. How does autocomplete account for the losses we suffer in things? If I beat something once, with the craziest RNG ever, like getting a stun on every stun set Bellower attack, do I deserve to forever auto-complete FW20 for Skinwalkers? And for folks that say yes,  are you okay facing the Perception gear equipped champs in the arena for this person who now gets to hit autocomplete every rotation?

Champs directly into food would be nice. But a realistic question on that, from an income standpoint is when do they do that? When you've fully bought all the vault and champ space upgrades? Does that become an option only after you've purchased every slot?

And on an above point, clan boss certainly cannot be autocomplete if comps fail. Many comps are not unkillable. Many need to be watched, halted and restarted if refresh accessories go too long without triggering, or fail early on some combinations of crit hits and failed warmaster procs. Realistically, do we think people will be okay seeing a run for 15mil autocomplete, or a completely tanked run, after seeing themselves hit 28mil previously? Or even better, all those unkillable comps that pop up with a failure every 25-50 runs or so for some reason?

And stop giving you new things to do? I think pretty quickly that dries up income and, at some point, all of us quit much earlier from boredom than from quest overload. The biggest complaint when some of us started was that there was nothing to do, no reason to play. Doom Tower came out of that complaint, as did pretty much everything we've seen since.

As far as Super Raids to everything, that would be pretty nice, but they don't do it right now to let F2P people compete with P2W. If all I have to run dungeons with is daily energy, gem mine and daily quests, I am outpaced by a spender twice as quickly during SuperRaids, especially an intelligent spender who wisely focuses their purchases into energy/gems only. 

And Krama, how will the whales ever beat up on each other in the top of Plat if I'm not at least close enough to them so that they can farm my account for points? I mean, that's the whole problem we had with the G5 economy when it came out, people like me falling so far the whale accounts no longer had people to farm, and then we were all fighting it out in G4 (and lower) together. lol

Alright, that's my counterpoints to some of your post Thoughts?

Okay, to respond to your responses in turn,

  • I don't think autocomplete needs to imply a "take the last run and use it". Even just turning animations off would speed battles up enormously, and that would take literally zero effort on Plarium's part. But much better than just that, would be to just perform the calculations in the background and output the result. Again - there's no question this is doable, and wouldn't even be terribly complex. To the player it looks like an autocomplete, but the game will simply just do what it already does, it just won't show the player it is doing it.
  • Champs into food, I'm thinking, would be a simple mathematical calculation. I'm only proposing doing this for Mystery shards, which have a 24.4% chance of yielding an uncommon champ. My proposal is to have the X10 mystery summon simply yield two 2* chickens, as well as 10 summon rush points or champ chase points. Yes, you forego some value by doing this, but when you are trying to summon 2000 points worth of mystery shards, I think people will be willing to accept that sacrifice.
  • Super Raids for tournament points - I get your argument here, but, again, it's already a bit of a silly exercise. People with faster computers, or those who are using "hacks" to speed the game up, can already outpace others. We've constructed an artificial constraint around computing power, which is a rather silly way to determine the winner of a tournament. However, I will acquiese and accept the counterargument, for now, that super raids during a tournament would be detrimental. So just turn them off for the specific dungeon which is active, and leave them on for everything else.
Apr 14, 2022, 17:4904/14/22

Okay, to respond to your responses in turn,

  • I don't think autocomplete needs to imply a "take the last run and use it". Even just turning animations off would speed battles up enormously, and that would take literally zero effort on Plarium's part. But much better than just that, would be to just perform the calculations in the background and output the result. Again - there's no question this is doable, and wouldn't even be terribly complex. To the player it looks like an autocomplete, but the game will simply just do what it already does, it just won't show the player it is doing it.
  • Champs into food, I'm thinking, would be a simple mathematical calculation. I'm only proposing doing this for Mystery shards, which have a 24.4% chance of yielding an uncommon champ. My proposal is to have the X10 mystery summon simply yield two 2* chickens, as well as 10 summon rush points or champ chase points. Yes, you forego some value by doing this, but when you are trying to summon 2000 points worth of mystery shards, I think people will be willing to accept that sacrifice.
  • Super Raids for tournament points - I get your argument here, but, again, it's already a bit of a silly exercise. People with faster computers, or those who are using "hacks" to speed the game up, can already outpace others. We've constructed an artificial constraint around computing power, which is a rather silly way to determine the winner of a tournament. However, I will acquiese and accept the counterargument, for now, that super raids during a tournament would be detrimental. So just turn them off for the specific dungeon which is active, and leave them on for everything else.


Minus any weak ass acquiescence  :)

Also +100 to egdnit for the background processing idea while doing other stuff in game. If you are going to continue making me watch my artifact upgrades fail for HOURS (one of u math needs could estimate how many over the course of an artifact event) , at least let me run dungeons in the background or earn "auto completes"...

But #1 reward for player level 100 should be animation free battles or at least an animation lite feature. 

Apr 14, 2022, 21:3904/14/22


Minus any weak ass acquiescence  :)

Also +100 to egdnit for the background processing idea while doing other stuff in game. If you are going to continue making me watch my artifact upgrades fail for HOURS (one of u math needs could estimate how many over the course of an artifact event) , at least let me run dungeons in the background or earn "auto completes"...

But #1 reward for player level 100 should be animation free battles or at least an animation lite feature. 

That's nice. I appreciate my acquiescence done decisively.

Apr 14, 2022, 21:5004/14/22
Apr 14, 2022, 21:51(edited)

Okay, to respond to your responses in turn,

  • I don't think autocomplete needs to imply a "take the last run and use it". Even just turning animations off would speed battles up enormously, and that would take literally zero effort on Plarium's part. But much better than just that, would be to just perform the calculations in the background and output the result. Again - there's no question this is doable, and wouldn't even be terribly complex. To the player it looks like an autocomplete, but the game will simply just do what it already does, it just won't show the player it is doing it.
  • Champs into food, I'm thinking, would be a simple mathematical calculation. I'm only proposing doing this for Mystery shards, which have a 24.4% chance of yielding an uncommon champ. My proposal is to have the X10 mystery summon simply yield two 2* chickens, as well as 10 summon rush points or champ chase points. Yes, you forego some value by doing this, but when you are trying to summon 2000 points worth of mystery shards, I think people will be willing to accept that sacrifice.
  • Super Raids for tournament points - I get your argument here, but, again, it's already a bit of a silly exercise. People with faster computers, or those who are using "hacks" to speed the game up, can already outpace others. We've constructed an artificial constraint around computing power, which is a rather silly way to determine the winner of a tournament. However, I will acquiese and accept the counterargument, for now, that super raids during a tournament would be detrimental. So just turn them off for the specific dungeon which is active, and leave them on for everything else.

So let's chat about the first point Krama, based on my conversations with Plarium staff.

I do not ever expect autocomplete to enter the game in any fashion. The game is built right now so that optimization of runs is a major mid and late game goal. Hunting for and building champs that reduce farm times and increase farm consistency, and building full auto teams, is a huge part of what we all do. Optimization of our top end farm teams is what gives us the edge in getting gear to compete in late game Arena, Hydra and Hard DT.

The game developers do not consider some 15-20 minute Scyl and Rector Dragon 20+ team the same as a 1:10 second Dragon 25 team. If we need to both run 40 Dragons, or even 500 for some fusion, my team will complete that task 15x faster than some barely tuned, not well built team. Autocomplete removes that entire section of game building.

Need to complete 10,000 spider to win CvC? Who cares if I worked really hard on a 30 second 100% consistent Spider 25 team. With autocomplete, some dude with a 10 minute team can just click it done as quickly as I did. Click click click to victory (once again totally enabling purchases to dictate who wins things).

Look at it this way, why would someone ever want or need Seer or Kymar when they could just Scyl and Visix brute force their way through all content, then switch to autocomplete from that point on?

If we want autocomplete, I want to hear why Plarium would EVER do this, knowing that they are giving up a HUGE reason we hunt for and then build champs and teams.

Apr 14, 2022, 22:0004/14/22
Apr 14, 2022, 22:00(edited)

On to your second point, Krama.

I love the idea to turn 10 mysterys into two, 2 star chickens. That would be great. I think the thing I dislike more than any other in Raid is opening mysteries and feeding them. I cannot think of anything worse. The only thing that comes close is a few of the last 20 or so levels in Hard Doom Tower.

Apr 14, 2022, 22:0304/14/22
Apr 14, 2022, 22:04(edited)

So let's chat about the first point Krama, based on my conversations with Plarium staff.

I do not ever expect autocomplete to enter the game in any fashion. The game is built right now so that optimization of runs is a major mid and late game goal. Hunting for and building champs that reduce farm times and increase farm consistency, and building full auto teams, is a huge part of what we all do. Optimization of our top end farm teams is what gives us the edge in getting gear to compete in late game Arena, Hydra and Hard DT.

The game developers do not consider some 15-20 minute Scyl and Rector Dragon 20+ team the same as a 1:10 second Dragon 25 team. If we need to both run 40 Dragons, or even 500 for some fusion, my team will complete that task 15x faster than some barely tuned, not well built team. Autocomplete removes that entire section of game building.

Need to complete 10,000 spider to win CvC? Who cares if I worked really hard on a 30 second 100% consistent Spider 25 team. With autocomplete, some dude with a 10 minute team can just click it done as quickly as I did. Click click click to victory (once again totally enabling purchases to dictate who wins things).

Look at it this way, why would someone ever want or need Seer or Kymar when they could just Scyl and Visix brute force their way through all content, then switch to autocomplete from that point on?

If we want autocomplete, I want to hear why Plarium would EVER do this, knowing that they are giving up a HUGE reason we hunt for and then build champs and teams.

Note that I specifically did not include dungeons in my autocomplete list :)

Does plarium truly feel that an endgame player goal should be to get Clan Boss completed with one key in as fast a time as possible? That feels to me like somewhat of a silly objective - I've pretty much never heard of anyone aiming for that. I've definitely seen people try to get as much damage as possible - but not complete it as quickly as possible.

The same goes for faction wars. Since we only get a limited number of keys per day anyway, the objective is usually just to be able to have a team that can run on auto in a reasonable amount of time. I rarely ever see people saying "how can I get OG21 on auto in under a minute".

For dungeons, I specifically just referenced super raids, which Plarium themselves have already implemented. All I'm asking there is to enable super raids on all of the non-tournament dungeons, permanently. And to also add them to Minotaur and Potion Keeps.

Apr 14, 2022, 22:3004/14/22

So let's chat about the first point Krama, based on my conversations with Plarium staff.

I do not ever expect autocomplete to enter the game in any fashion. The game is built right now so that optimization of runs is a major mid and late game goal. Hunting for and building champs that reduce farm times and increase farm consistency, and building full auto teams, is a huge part of what we all do. Optimization of our top end farm teams is what gives us the edge in getting gear to compete in late game Arena, Hydra and Hard DT.

The game developers do not consider some 15-20 minute Scyl and Rector Dragon 20+ team the same as a 1:10 second Dragon 25 team. If we need to both run 40 Dragons, or even 500 for some fusion, my team will complete that task 15x faster than some barely tuned, not well built team. Autocomplete removes that entire section of game building.

Need to complete 10,000 spider to win CvC? Who cares if I worked really hard on a 30 second 100% consistent Spider 25 team. With autocomplete, some dude with a 10 minute team can just click it done as quickly as I did. Click click click to victory (once again totally enabling purchases to dictate who wins things).

Look at it this way, why would someone ever want or need Seer or Kymar when they could just Scyl and Visix brute force their way through all content, then switch to autocomplete from that point on?

If we want autocomplete, I want to hear why Plarium would EVER do this, knowing that they are giving up a HUGE reason we hunt for and then build champs and teams.

Can we get a x3 or x4 instead  :)