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Apr 9, 2022, 22:2504/09/22

Question for those of you who got her -

As I understand, her passive works the same as Seeker, in that the DEF up is applied to the rest of the team *before* they take damage.

Does the 15% heal *also* trigger before they take damage? Logically, the answer should be no, because if it does, it makes the heal basically 100% useless. But at the same time, it would be incredibly weird coding for the heal to happen *after* the damage, while the DEF up happens *before*.

Gonna bump this question up. Anyone know the answer?

Apr 10, 2022, 00:1604/10/22

Okay. I *think* I have confirmation that the passive works like Seeker, triggering before damage is done. I would still love to know about the heal, because that is far more difficult to test.

Without Kyoku:


With Kyoku:


Apr 11, 2022, 22:0404/11/22

Pops it on allies when she gets hit with a crit, so I think if she's in the lead spot she gets hit first?  Pops it on the rest?

I did the gauraunteed, it's the only time I use my shards anymore.  Got a dupe tatura along the way.  If my rng wasn't so bad, maybe i'd consider pulling some other time, but as it was I had 20 shards saved up so dropping 15 seemed perfect.  Will save again for the next one.

Apr 11, 2022, 22:5204/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 22:54(edited)

How it works, is as written. Think of her passive as a repair kit, while her A3 is more of a prevention kit.

Basically it works in this order:

She gets hit with a crit, but the whole team gets hit at same time. Damage is dealt to each individually. then the heal kicks in (that is, if they're not already dead LOL) and then the defense buff goes up.

What this means is simple. This passive of hers will NOT save your bad heroes in a fight. They will die, but if they are somewhat strong enough to survive the AOE attack, the heal and defense will kick in, and the next attack on them might not finish them off.

In other words, if you think of making her a go-second lead, better make sure your other 3 champs are pretty solid by themselves, cuz Kyoku's passive will do nothing if they're not.

I suspect that for people who have tons of legendaries, she can be used in crafty ways, but for lower level players, you still need to win the speed race to allow her to cast her A3, thats where the real money is.

Apr 12, 2022, 01:2004/12/22

How it works, is as written. Think of her passive as a repair kit, while her A3 is more of a prevention kit.

Basically it works in this order:

She gets hit with a crit, but the whole team gets hit at same time. Damage is dealt to each individually. then the heal kicks in (that is, if they're not already dead LOL) and then the defense buff goes up.

What this means is simple. This passive of hers will NOT save your bad heroes in a fight. They will die, but if they are somewhat strong enough to survive the AOE attack, the heal and defense will kick in, and the next attack on them might not finish them off.

In other words, if you think of making her a go-second lead, better make sure your other 3 champs are pretty solid by themselves, cuz Kyoku's passive will do nothing if they're not.

I suspect that for people who have tons of legendaries, she can be used in crafty ways, but for lower level players, you still need to win the speed race to allow her to cast her A3, thats where the real money is.

That is, in effect, exactly the opposite of what happens :) As per the screenshots above, the damage dealt to the other champions occurs AFTER the defense buff goes up, and not before.

The healing, however, is less clear. Logically, the healing should occur at the same time as the defense buff, and therefore, before the damage is done. I did a bit of rough math, and it adds up as expected - both the healing AND the defense buff occur *before* the damage is done - I believe, even to Kyoku herself, although that's less evident.

Apr 12, 2022, 16:4804/12/22
Apr 12, 2022, 16:52(edited)

Well that makes no sense. Say your ally is full health. Gets attacked. but receives healing before getting damage, whats the point. Heal would be zero.

Trust me, it occurs afterwards. Same for the def up. 

It looks like it occurs all at once, but no. I can see the allies health go up if they get nuked and survive. The picture aat the bottom by itself there says nothing except that all that happens happens so quick it looks simultaneous.

Look closely at the 2 photos. The toons below have a little more health than on the picture above. If the def up buff had kicked in before getting damaged, the health would be much more higher

Apr 12, 2022, 17:1004/12/22
Apr 12, 2022, 17:12(edited)

Well that makes no sense. Say your ally is full health. Gets attacked. but receives healing before getting damage, whats the point. Heal would be zero.

Trust me, it occurs afterwards. Same for the def up. 

It looks like it occurs all at once, but no. I can see the allies health go up if they get nuked and survive. The picture aat the bottom by itself there says nothing except that all that happens happens so quick it looks simultaneous.

Look closely at the 2 photos. The toons below have a little more health than on the picture above. If the def up buff had kicked in before getting damaged, the health would be much more higher

Trust me, you are wrong :)

It's very clear from the screenshots that the DEF up is activated before the damage is done. Hence the damage numbers in the second screenshot being consistently lower than those in the first.

It's also clear, though less so, that the healing occurs before the damage is done. The best demonstration of this is the right-most champ, Royal Guard. Here's a screenshot of his stats:


Total HP: 8756

Damage Taken: 4717

HP Remaining: 4039

HP % Remaining: 46%

Healing Received: 1313

HP % After Heal: 61%

Take a look at the HP bar. Here, I'll put it in close-up:


Tell me - does that look like it is 46% filled, or 61% filled? Seems pretty clear to me that it is 46% filled. The thick black bar is the 50% marker, so it makes it even more easy to tell.

The healing definitely happens *before* the damage is done. You therefore have two options on how you place Kyoku. If you put her as leader, your other three allies will get DEF up before damage is done, thus reducing the damage they take, but they will also be healed before the damage is done. If you put her last, then they'll get the DEF up after damage is done, but they'll also get healed up from some of that damage. I see no real reason to do the latter.

Apr 12, 2022, 17:1804/12/22
Apr 12, 2022, 17:57(edited)

Nope, you got that wrong too. The damage numbers are consistently lower only because Kyoku gives a natural +30% def bonus with her aura. And as you can tell by the screenshot, she's in the lead in the 2nd fight.

Look my friend, i've only tested her like, in every run of everything i play in escept for farming LOL... i should know i think.

And i also think that if had taken a shot right after all this, you'd see higher health bars. The animation for health fill up probably hasnt had the time to kick in at the moment this shot was taken

Apr 12, 2022, 17:5204/12/22

Nope, you got that wrong too. The damage numbers are consistently lower only because Kyoku gives a natural +30% def bonus with her aura. And as you can tell by the screenshot, she's in the lead in the 2nd fight.

Look my friend, i've only tested her like, in every run of everything i play in escept for farming LOL... i should know i think.

And i also think that if had taken a shot right after all this, you'd see higher health bars. The animation for health fill up probably hasnt had the time to kick in at the moment this shot was taken

The lead in both fights has a DEF aura. In the first fight it's Achak, whose aura is 25%, vs Kyoku, who is 30%. Those numbers are close enough together to basically be the same.

But we'll just agree to disagree, I suppose.

Apr 12, 2022, 18:0304/12/22

Ya. Maybe one of the mods can clear this for us by asking in dev department how everythign actually plays out...

Apr 12, 2022, 18:2504/12/22

And now i'm thinking, what if my premise is wrong? Meaning, I'm assuming all actions get completed in order of casting, meaning one attack should be completed on every toon, one by one or seemingly simultaneously, Then any secondary effects would kick in.

But what if, and this seems to be what you think, action sequences are actually calculated in order of position of each champion. Meaning that in a case like a passive procing on attack, it would kick in at once, even though some or all of the rest of the team havent had their attacks calculated on them yet.... ouf... this is confusing.

Here lies the real question then i suppose.... Harle? help us out here :P

Apr 12, 2022, 18:3304/12/22

And now i'm thinking, what if my premise is wrong? Meaning, I'm assuming all actions get completed in order of casting, meaning one attack should be completed on every toon, one by one or seemingly simultaneously, Then any secondary effects would kick in.

But what if, and this seems to be what you think, action sequences are actually calculated in order of position of each champion. Meaning that in a case like a passive procing on attack, it would kick in at once, even though some or all of the rest of the team havent had their attacks calculated on them yet.... ouf... this is confusing.

Here lies the real question then i suppose.... Harle? help us out here :P

Just to be clear - as far as I know, there are only two champions in the game who work the way I am suggesting. Seeker and Kyoku. All others with similar effects (Vogoth, Sandlashed Survivor, etc) activate only after all of the damage is done.