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Account Power

Account Power

Feb 25, 2022, 01:4402/25/22

Account Power

Is there any way to reduce power rating? Does power rating affect the teams you get to fight in Tag Team Arena and Classic Arena? I am level 100 now with a rating of 12.5 m and I can NOT get out of Bronze in the Tag Team and I struggle to stay in Golf 4 now. I have a fairly good number of good champs and my gear is 5-6 star on all champs.

Feb 25, 2022, 01:5102/25/22

Sorry...Gold 4 in Classic Arena. I have NO desire to go into Platinum levels anyway. I just want to move up in Tag Team.

Feb 25, 2022, 01:5902/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 02:00(edited)

If  your  in  Gold  4  in  Classic  Arena,  you  should  be  able  to  move  past  Bronze  in  Tag  Arena.

I  don't see  why  you  wouldn't be  able  too.

Post  your  roster  &  your  Classical  Arena  team

Feb 25, 2022, 02:0002/25/22

Let's talk about who your teams are and your roster.

You mind posting your roster, your regular arena team and your tag teams? Advancing in Tag Team takes a slightly different approach than regular Arena, and we can definitely help with some team and build suggestions.

Feb 25, 2022, 02:0302/25/22

In classic arena gold, it's my understanding your PP has zero effect. The only thing that matters are the arena points you have accumulated.  Also note that since the addition of G5 we are going through a 'settling down.'  It's my understanding that matchmaking in bronze and silver is a bit different and depends on either PP or TP, not sure exactly.

As far as TT, I don't know how they go about matchmaking.  I'm kind of in the same boat as you.  I'm in G4 and it's harder to stay there but I don't seem to be in any danger of dropping out.  And I move between B4 and S1 in TT but I barely do the 5 per day for the advanced quests.

As far as your question, yes you can lower your player power.  But the options are not good.  You can strip any unused champs of gear and sell it.  Some players actually put gear on vault champs to increase their PP (and in effect increase gear storage as well).  Sell any gear you aren't certain you have a use for.  You can also eat all your vaulted epics and unused leggos.  Not good moves if you ask me, but it is possible.

Feb 25, 2022, 02:0602/25/22


The Tag Teams I am running now.

Feb 25, 2022, 02:0702/25/22


Classic Arena Team I have used for many months

Feb 25, 2022, 02:1802/25/22

In classic arena gold, it's my understanding your PP has zero effect. The only thing that matters are the arena points you have accumulated.  Also note that since the addition of G5 we are going through a 'settling down.'  It's my understanding that matchmaking in bronze and silver is a bit different and depends on either PP or TP, not sure exactly.

As far as TT, I don't know how they go about matchmaking.  I'm kind of in the same boat as you.  I'm in G4 and it's harder to stay there but I don't seem to be in any danger of dropping out.  And I move between B4 and S1 in TT but I barely do the 5 per day for the advanced quests.

As far as your question, yes you can lower your player power.  But the options are not good.  You can strip any unused champs of gear and sell it.  Some players actually put gear on vault champs to increase their PP (and in effect increase gear storage as well).  Sell any gear you aren't certain you have a use for.  You can also eat all your vaulted epics and unused leggos.  Not good moves if you ask me, but it is possible.

Thanks for help on issue. Much appreciated. I'm thinking maybe I just don't understand stats that good and don't have my champs in the right gear that improves their abilities. Yes I have too many champs in the vault with gear on at level 50. Champs I thought might be good but not always. Stupid me. LOL!!!!!!!!

Feb 25, 2022, 02:2602/25/22

Can  you  post  an  overview  of  your  whole  roster.

I  think  I  see  a  Mountain King  in  your  1  Tag  Arena  picture,  but  it  is  all  darken  out.

Feb 25, 2022, 02:3502/25/22


Feb 25, 2022, 02:3502/25/22


Feb 25, 2022, 02:3602/25/22


Feb 25, 2022, 02:3702/25/22


Feb 25, 2022, 02:5802/25/22
Player J

Can  you  post  an  overview  of  your  whole  roster.

I  think  I  see  a  Mountain King  in  your  1  Tag  Arena  picture,  but  it  is  all  darken  out.

Okay I posted all of my Level 60 champs that I use in different spots. They are all geared but many are not booked or have Masteries all done yet.  Mountain King I never have tried in any arena battle.

Feb 25, 2022, 03:0702/25/22

How  does  your  Team  1  in  Tag  arena  preform?

How  does  your  Team  3  in  Tag  arena  preform?

I  am  thinking of  changing them.

I  see  you  own  Candraphon &  Mountain  King.

I  feel  like  it  would  be  interesting if  you  was  to  build  2  different teams  around  them.

Do  you  use  MK  or  Candy  for  anything?

Feb 25, 2022, 03:1802/25/22
Player J

How  does  your  Team  1  in  Tag  arena  preform?

How  does  your  Team  3  in  Tag  arena  preform?

I  am  thinking of  changing them.

I  see  you  own  Candraphon &  Mountain  King.

I  feel  like  it  would  be  interesting if  you  was  to  build  2  different teams  around  them.

Do  you  use  MK  or  Candy  for  anything?

Hmmm I use them in FW. Never thought of trying a arena team with them. Thanks for help. I will setup a team with them and see how it goes. Team 3 generally does okay and wins about 60% of the time but very slow wins. Team 1 only wins about 50% of the time, even when I fight lesser rated teams. It all may well be I have them all geared wrong. 

Feb 25, 2022, 03:3102/25/22


The Tag Teams I am running now.

are those the teams you use on defense as well? if so, i'm seeing where your issues may lie.

 your second team looks pretty solid, but the other two scream easy win. team three has absolutely no offense to speak of, so there's no threat of it eliminating your oppoenets team. all they have to do is take out your rian and then its just a matter of time until you lose since they can just pick off your remaining champs one by one. alternatively, since rian can only bring back one champion every fourth turn, they could simply kill your team off faster than she can revive or just wipe your entire team with a basic speed nuke setup. your first team is similar, tho not as bad in those regards. drexthar can put out a decent bit of damage with the right build and having multiple revivers makes killing the team one by one more difficult, but it still doesn't have a high risk of actually beating an opponent. not to mention the lack of a speed aura makes it very easy to outpace it, which makes it easy to wipe before your team gets a turn and even if it doesn't will be a pretty significant handicap in a long-running battle.

as to who you should be running instead, it's a bit hard for me to say since i don't know how your champions are built, so i can't be certain which ones are suitable for arena. in general though, you have the same two basic options for team comps that you do in classic arena; speed nuke or go second. the one thing i will say is different (or at least more prominent in tag than classic) is that having a defense team that can win matches is secondary to having a defense team that looks like it can win matches. obviously you want both to be true and the one tends to follow the other, but it's much easier to advance if your teams look like more trouble than most opponents want to bother with. your valkyrie, for example, is one of the best champions in the game and frankly a right pain in the butt to deal with, so even if she's geared for cb (which is the only reason i can think of that you're not using her in tag already) people will still skip fighting her because she's a hard champion to counter and they won't know her setup.

other champions i'd definitely suggest are gorgorab (i'd also likely run both ursala and aniri over any of your current revivers). for offense, id look at mountain king or inthwe for a slower defense oriented team. mk puts out a ton of single target damage so he works well with the kind of pick off strategy i mentioned earlier, and inthwe's block revive can shut down most go second teams. for a speed nuke, you have plenty of options as well such as hurndig, nethril, or fu-shan. on the defensive end, you've got a lot of classic options like vogoth, miscreated monster, seeker, minaya, and sandlashed. you also have all the pieces you need for a blender comp as well, so that's another option.

Feb 25, 2022, 03:5402/25/22

are those the teams you use on defense as well? if so, i'm seeing where your issues may lie.

 your second team looks pretty solid, but the other two scream easy win. team three has absolutely no offense to speak of, so there's no threat of it eliminating your oppoenets team. all they have to do is take out your rian and then its just a matter of time until you lose since they can just pick off your remaining champs one by one. alternatively, since rian can only bring back one champion every fourth turn, they could simply kill your team off faster than she can revive or just wipe your entire team with a basic speed nuke setup. your first team is similar, tho not as bad in those regards. drexthar can put out a decent bit of damage with the right build and having multiple revivers makes killing the team one by one more difficult, but it still doesn't have a high risk of actually beating an opponent. not to mention the lack of a speed aura makes it very easy to outpace it, which makes it easy to wipe before your team gets a turn and even if it doesn't will be a pretty significant handicap in a long-running battle.

as to who you should be running instead, it's a bit hard for me to say since i don't know how your champions are built, so i can't be certain which ones are suitable for arena. in general though, you have the same two basic options for team comps that you do in classic arena; speed nuke or go second. the one thing i will say is different (or at least more prominent in tag than classic) is that having a defense team that can win matches is secondary to having a defense team that looks like it can win matches. obviously you want both to be true and the one tends to follow the other, but it's much easier to advance if your teams look like more trouble than most opponents want to bother with. your valkyrie, for example, is one of the best champions in the game and frankly a right pain in the butt to deal with, so even if she's geared for cb (which is the only reason i can think of that you're not using her in tag already) people will still skip fighting her because she's a hard champion to counter and they won't know her setup.

other champions i'd definitely suggest are gorgorab (i'd also likely run both ursala and aniri over any of your current revivers). for offense, id look at mountain king or inthwe for a slower defense oriented team. mk puts out a ton of single target damage so he works well with the kind of pick off strategy i mentioned earlier, and inthwe's block revive can shut down most go second teams. for a speed nuke, you have plenty of options as well such as hurndig, nethril, or fu-shan. on the defensive end, you've got a lot of classic options like vogoth, miscreated monster, seeker, minaya, and sandlashed. you also have all the pieces you need for a blender comp as well, so that's another option.

Okay Thanks!!!!!!! :) I'll look into the things you talked about and see if I can reset them much better. You've helped me understand things a little better. I'm slow and old anyway. LOL!!!!!!!!! I'll check out all the ones you mentioned and make sure their gear is in good shape. Will have to re-read this a few times so I undertsand blender, defense, speed nuke, etc.  Much appreciate!!!!!!! :) 

Feb 25, 2022, 04:3402/25/22

in short, a speed nuke team aims to go faster than the opponent and wipe them out in a single attack. the basic pieces are a speed aura, a tm booster (or sometimes two) , an increase attack buff, an aoe decrease defense debuff, and finally a champion with a strong aoe attack. the best example i could make from your champions would probably be arbiter (aura, atk buff, tm boost), dracomorph (aoe defense down and weaken), and your pick of foli, candrophon, zavia, nethril, hurndig or really any of your strong attack types. since you hit all of the major pieces in just three champs, you have a few choices regarding your fourth. some people like a second tm booster to go after arbiter and ensure that they go first, others like someone with crowd control just in case they don't manage to take the entire team in one shot.

a blender comp uses several champs with aoe attacks on their a1 paired with an ally attack champ. you have both skullcrown and sinesha, who are the most commonly used champions in that type of team. pair them with fahrakin or kreela and someone who can put an increase attack buff on your team (and ideally boost the turn meter as well).

a defensive team doesn't have quite the same cookie-cutter build as the other two, but they tend to involve a lot of champions with very high resistance, defense, and hp. common features include shield buffs, a lot of healing and at least one reviver, oftentimes more. on defense, they can potentially be set up to just never be beaten, forcing the opponent to concede the match, though that's never a guaranteed strategy. offensively, they'll typically have one champion to take out the other team (either a revive blocker or just a really hard hitter depending on the opponent) and three champions who are there solely to keep the fourth champion alive and well as it obliterates the other team.

i should also clarify; most of the advice in this and my previous post is geared toward setting up your tag arena defense. on offense, the same types of team compositions are going to be useful, but the most important thing there is adapting your teams to your opponent. if they have a valkyrie, run a buff stripper. three revivers? inthwe or foli. rhazin or urost as their lead? maybe figure out a setup that doesn't rely on landing debuffs. all force team? use nethril and stag knight in a speed nuke team instead of candrophon and dracomorph.

Feb 25, 2022, 05:1402/25/22

in short, a speed nuke team aims to go faster than the opponent and wipe them out in a single attack. the basic pieces are a speed aura, a tm booster (or sometimes two) , an increase attack buff, an aoe decrease defense debuff, and finally a champion with a strong aoe attack. the best example i could make from your champions would probably be arbiter (aura, atk buff, tm boost), dracomorph (aoe defense down and weaken), and your pick of foli, candrophon, zavia, nethril, hurndig or really any of your strong attack types. since you hit all of the major pieces in just three champs, you have a few choices regarding your fourth. some people like a second tm booster to go after arbiter and ensure that they go first, others like someone with crowd control just in case they don't manage to take the entire team in one shot.

a blender comp uses several champs with aoe attacks on their a1 paired with an ally attack champ. you have both skullcrown and sinesha, who are the most commonly used champions in that type of team. pair them with fahrakin or kreela and someone who can put an increase attack buff on your team (and ideally boost the turn meter as well).

a defensive team doesn't have quite the same cookie-cutter build as the other two, but they tend to involve a lot of champions with very high resistance, defense, and hp. common features include shield buffs, a lot of healing and at least one reviver, oftentimes more. on defense, they can potentially be set up to just never be beaten, forcing the opponent to concede the match, though that's never a guaranteed strategy. offensively, they'll typically have one champion to take out the other team (either a revive blocker or just a really hard hitter depending on the opponent) and three champions who are there solely to keep the fourth champion alive and well as it obliterates the other team.

i should also clarify; most of the advice in this and my previous post is geared toward setting up your tag arena defense. on offense, the same types of team compositions are going to be useful, but the most important thing there is adapting your teams to your opponent. if they have a valkyrie, run a buff stripper. three revivers? inthwe or foli. rhazin or urost as their lead? maybe figure out a setup that doesn't rely on landing debuffs. all force team? use nethril and stag knight in a speed nuke team instead of candrophon and dracomorph.

Thanks!!!!!!!!! All of that makes sense. I'll see about working it out with my champs abilities and get them matched up correctly to do as you poimted out. My present Arbiter team generally does good so I will rebuild the other two teams along the lines of what you recommended. MUCH appreciated. 

Feb 25, 2022, 05:2002/25/22

in short, a speed nuke team aims to go faster than the opponent and wipe them out in a single attack. the basic pieces are a speed aura, a tm booster (or sometimes two) , an increase attack buff, an aoe decrease defense debuff, and finally a champion with a strong aoe attack. the best example i could make from your champions would probably be arbiter (aura, atk buff, tm boost), dracomorph (aoe defense down and weaken), and your pick of foli, candrophon, zavia, nethril, hurndig or really any of your strong attack types. since you hit all of the major pieces in just three champs, you have a few choices regarding your fourth. some people like a second tm booster to go after arbiter and ensure that they go first, others like someone with crowd control just in case they don't manage to take the entire team in one shot.

a blender comp uses several champs with aoe attacks on their a1 paired with an ally attack champ. you have both skullcrown and sinesha, who are the most commonly used champions in that type of team. pair them with fahrakin or kreela and someone who can put an increase attack buff on your team (and ideally boost the turn meter as well).

a defensive team doesn't have quite the same cookie-cutter build as the other two, but they tend to involve a lot of champions with very high resistance, defense, and hp. common features include shield buffs, a lot of healing and at least one reviver, oftentimes more. on defense, they can potentially be set up to just never be beaten, forcing the opponent to concede the match, though that's never a guaranteed strategy. offensively, they'll typically have one champion to take out the other team (either a revive blocker or just a really hard hitter depending on the opponent) and three champions who are there solely to keep the fourth champion alive and well as it obliterates the other team.

i should also clarify; most of the advice in this and my previous post is geared toward setting up your tag arena defense. on offense, the same types of team compositions are going to be useful, but the most important thing there is adapting your teams to your opponent. if they have a valkyrie, run a buff stripper. three revivers? inthwe or foli. rhazin or urost as their lead? maybe figure out a setup that doesn't rely on landing debuffs. all force team? use nethril and stag knight in a speed nuke team instead of candrophon and dracomorph.

Totally agree here. Great advice this thread. :)
