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way to farm

way to farm

Feb 20, 2022, 11:0202/20/22

way to farm

so... maybe i need to get some shaman drums? do u guys have one? how do u get artefacts in this game? the ones u actually wear, not to just sell it for a bit of silver?

like, i playing for a two monthes now, got to actually farm 20th dragon - slowly but surely. but i still getting the same garbage as before - frost set, avengin, stalwar, head and weapon from lifestealm shield from accuracy. and maybe head and wapon from speed. without speed on them ofc.

like, time after time im throwing thousand energy into this bloody dragon and not getting even one artefact i would use. and thats even before im upgrading it. like there is no progress or reward for the energy whatsoever. 

so i thought: maybe im doing it wrong? maybe i need to dance before i send my team in, maybe i need to farm faster or in particular time. something. 

Feb 20, 2022, 12:2202/20/22

Hey there

No, you don't need to perform a dance or any other ritual 😋

It can take really a long time to receive the gear pieces you need, there's a lot of farming involved and sometimes you get lucky and receive "that" one piece you always hoped for, and sometimes you just happen to get nothing worth (besides the silver after you sold it).

Keep on farming and I'm sure you get some useful pieces.

Cheers, Strangiii

Feb 20, 2022, 12:4902/20/22

Hey there

No, you don't need to perform a dance or any other ritual 😋

It can take really a long time to receive the gear pieces you need, there's a lot of farming involved and sometimes you get lucky and receive "that" one piece you always hoped for, and sometimes you just happen to get nothing worth (besides the silver after you sold it).

Keep on farming and I'm sure you get some useful pieces.

Cheers, Strangiii

problem is - i dont have piece i need. not exactly. im talking about just usefull gear. like, i thought "when ill get to farm 16th dragon things will get better. there is meaning to levels, right?" and when i got to him, nothing changed. thel i thought like "everybody farming 20th dragon for a reason. when ill get to him, ill finaly will be able to start collecting something. there is a lot 5-6 levels, so maybe with each level ill get more and more usefull sets" but... im getting same trash with more stars on it. i have MM, coldheart, tatura, uugo, fellhound. but i cant get them decent gear. like, mm doesnt stun anybody coz he have no acc. fellhound aint usable beside fire knight, which i dont even touch, coz he have no crit damage. kael farming food better than him lol. it got to the point, that ive got coldheart but i can get her anything. she is naked lol.

in this game u always need speed. and most of the time u also need acc. when u dont, u need crit and crit dmg. simultaneously. and there is nothing to play without it. so.. i wouldnt complain even if it would be thousand energy for one good piece. but its thousandS for nothing. 

Feb 20, 2022, 15:0702/20/22

problem is - i dont have piece i need. not exactly. im talking about just usefull gear. like, i thought "when ill get to farm 16th dragon things will get better. there is meaning to levels, right?" and when i got to him, nothing changed. thel i thought like "everybody farming 20th dragon for a reason. when ill get to him, ill finaly will be able to start collecting something. there is a lot 5-6 levels, so maybe with each level ill get more and more usefull sets" but... im getting same trash with more stars on it. i have MM, coldheart, tatura, uugo, fellhound. but i cant get them decent gear. like, mm doesnt stun anybody coz he have no acc. fellhound aint usable beside fire knight, which i dont even touch, coz he have no crit damage. kael farming food better than him lol. it got to the point, that ive got coldheart but i can get her anything. she is naked lol.

in this game u always need speed. and most of the time u also need acc. when u dont, u need crit and crit dmg. simultaneously. and there is nothing to play without it. so.. i wouldnt complain even if it would be thousand energy for one good piece. but its thousandS for nothing. 

The residents here in the forum will train you to stop complaining, by more ridicule of you and praise for how great they are. I gave up on looking for sympathy and understanding here long ago, just get more insult to injury.

Feb 20, 2022, 16:3302/20/22
End Is Near

The residents here in the forum will train you to stop complaining, by more ridicule of you and praise for how great they are. I gave up on looking for sympathy and understanding here long ago, just get more insult to injury.

Alright horsemen. I've seen you dropping this post or similar a few times already today. Let's nip this now. 

You've asked for advice, or complained about your perceived bad luck a lot already and mostly have been met with well intentioned and thought out advice aimed at helping you in the game. You seem to like to view and play the game in your own way and that's fine but you need to understand that people disagreeing with you doesn't mean you have no sympathy and understanding. A lot of us are trying to educate you and disabuse you of your frequently incorrect notions as to how odds and probabilities work. 

Again, play the game your own way but you open yourself up to criticisms when you make posts like this, and deservedly so.

Also, you just made this post a week ago and were met with support?

Anywho, no more spamming with irrelevant replies. Thanks.

Feb 20, 2022, 16:3602/20/22

problem is - i dont have piece i need. not exactly. im talking about just usefull gear. like, i thought "when ill get to farm 16th dragon things will get better. there is meaning to levels, right?" and when i got to him, nothing changed. thel i thought like "everybody farming 20th dragon for a reason. when ill get to him, ill finaly will be able to start collecting something. there is a lot 5-6 levels, so maybe with each level ill get more and more usefull sets" but... im getting same trash with more stars on it. i have MM, coldheart, tatura, uugo, fellhound. but i cant get them decent gear. like, mm doesnt stun anybody coz he have no acc. fellhound aint usable beside fire knight, which i dont even touch, coz he have no crit damage. kael farming food better than him lol. it got to the point, that ive got coldheart but i can get her anything. she is naked lol.

in this game u always need speed. and most of the time u also need acc. when u dont, u need crit and crit dmg. simultaneously. and there is nothing to play without it. so.. i wouldnt complain even if it would be thousand energy for one good piece. but its thousandS for nothing. 

Just so I have more understanding:

What stage of the game are you in (dungeons, clan boss, etc.)

Are you seeking just sets and ignoring good stats from bad sets? 

Can you show examples of gear you think is trash, main stat/sub stat wise?

I would like to make sure you're not coming at this from the wrong way because you're gonna get a lot of good pieces from bad sets while grinding and I want to make sure you're keeping them, if aiming for sets over stats is the problem here rather than just bad luck.

Feb 20, 2022, 17:1102/20/22

OP - the tl;dr is, repeat repeat repeat. The nature of this game is such that there are only two ways to progress. Either spend time, or spend money. There's no other alternative. You can certainly "tilt" the odds in your favour by being smart about how you spend that time, though. Running the specific dungeon that has an active tournament lets you get more bang for your buck. Running that dungeon using teams that include food lets you get even more bang for your buck. Doing it during super raids extends it even further. But at the end of the day, you still have to run that dungeon - you can't get around that part, unless you want to try just spending money to buy items (which I don't recommend).

Feb 21, 2022, 16:5102/21/22

Just so I have more understanding:

What stage of the game are you in (dungeons, clan boss, etc.)

Are you seeking just sets and ignoring good stats from bad sets? 

Can you show examples of gear you think is trash, main stat/sub stat wise?

I would like to make sure you're not coming at this from the wrong way because you're gonna get a lot of good pieces from bad sets while grinding and I want to make sure you're keeping them, if aiming for sets over stats is the problem here rather than just bad luck.

20th dragon in about 6-7min, without loses ofc. brutal CB, last chest ofc. i dont even touch FK - have coldheart now and fellhound to farm it, but have no gear. also i think i dont need to touch anything beside dragon and maybe spider.

no, im seeking ANY piece with good stats, but 5 star piece even with good mainstat but only one %crit,crit dmg, speed or acc and others are flat hp, defence or something is trash. and since i cant get any pieces with stats so good it would be worth ignoring sets, i still using sets. mostly with 4 stars lol. 

so... u want examples of bad sets with stats i think is trash? easy :)






Feb 21, 2022, 16:5302/21/22

You definitely want to work on getting that time down. 6-7 minutes is brutally long - ideally you should be at sub-3 minutes.

Feb 21, 2022, 17:0002/21/22

the epic stalwart shield is good

Feb 21, 2022, 17:1102/21/22

OP - the tl;dr is, repeat repeat repeat. The nature of this game is such that there are only two ways to progress. Either spend time, or spend money. There's no other alternative. You can certainly "tilt" the odds in your favour by being smart about how you spend that time, though. Running the specific dungeon that has an active tournament lets you get more bang for your buck. Running that dungeon using teams that include food lets you get even more bang for your buck. Doing it during super raids extends it even further. But at the end of the day, you still have to run that dungeon - you can't get around that part, unless you want to try just spending money to buy items (which I don't recommend).

dude.. like, i dont want to look offensive, but im not that stupid. and its not my first game. not even my first f2p game. im not complaining, that most of my champs arent playable at all untill they are 6 star and close to 60lvl, which takes a week to do. i dont complain about books, without them many champs are basically useless, but i getting those books. slowly but surely. i dont complain that gear system in this game tuned to steal all the time it can - i played WoW, was in top1000 mythic raiders, which aint great at all but i know a bit about farming gear. BUT! when u spend several days worth of energy u can expect at least some progress, right? aint that logical? at least small baby step in right direction. if there is none im starting to think there is something wrong with this game or the way im doing it. since no one is gonna play shitty game where u spend hours and get nothing in return, obviously im doing it wrong. but i cant undestand whats wrong exactly - im farming the place, where most of needed sets are, im doing it on the level close to maximum - 20 out of 25 seems close enough to me, im doing it pretty efficient, since im getting all the free energy daily and im using it all, since im not losing any attempts. i cant see what i can fix.

btw sry for another wall of text and my english. hope its not that hard to read.

Feb 21, 2022, 17:1102/21/22

the epic stalwart shield is good

was coming here to say this. if you're struggling to gear out champs that's a completely reasonable piece. i'd sell it personally but it sounds like OP can use it. 

Feb 21, 2022, 17:1402/21/22

You definitely want to work on getting that time down. 6-7 minutes is brutally long - ideally you should be at sub-3 minutes.

ofc i will. but i need items to do it. right now its doesnt matter at all. time would be a problem if i would have some time window when i can farm infinitely. its fine by me as it is :)

Feb 21, 2022, 17:2202/21/22

was coming here to say this. if you're struggling to gear out champs that's a completely reasonable piece. i'd sell it personally but it sounds like OP can use it. 

for what exactly?... maybe thats the answer im looking for, but i cant see any use for it. there is only acc and maybe hp%, which i dont need. hp% aint bad, but throw away set bonuses for it?... seems pretty bad to me. it have no speed and no crit. not even crit dmg. 

from my point of view, my supps mostly dont need crit, except for miscreated monster. and i dont have apothecary. but they need a lot of speed to cycle CDs at least. 

champs im using to deal damage, need a lot of crit, crit damage, accuracy and speed again. okay, i can throw away speed or accuracy on several pieces, but just acc and hp%? seems pretty shitty, no?

Feb 21, 2022, 17:3602/21/22

for what exactly?... maybe thats the answer im looking for, but i cant see any use for it. there is only acc and maybe hp%, which i dont need. hp% aint bad, but throw away set bonuses for it?... seems pretty bad to me. it have no speed and no crit. not even crit dmg. 

from my point of view, my supps mostly dont need crit, except for miscreated monster. and i dont have apothecary. but they need a lot of speed to cycle CDs at least. 

champs im using to deal damage, need a lot of crit, crit damage, accuracy and speed again. okay, i can throw away speed or accuracy on several pieces, but just acc and hp%? seems pretty shitty, no?

For any HP-based champ it's quite good. All three substats are worth having for an HP-based champ. And stalwart is a great CB set. For example, it'd be quite good for Toragi the Frog.

Feb 21, 2022, 18:0002/21/22

For any HP-based champ it's quite good. All three substats are worth having for an HP-based champ. And stalwart is a great CB set. For example, it'd be quite good for Toragi the Frog.

the only champ i have with HP-based abilities is MM and he need crit, acc and crit dmg in the same time. he would be practically naked, but there is the perception set, which is the only thing saving me now.

mmm.. almost forgot - i have coffin smasher, but he use poison set. im using him only in CB setup and seems like he doing more damage this way rather than with HP-oriented gear. and he is not dying first, most of the time not even second, anyway so...

as for stalwart set itself.. idk, my team starting to fall about 20th turn and when its starts, there is no saving from it. several turns after there is just oneshot for everybody standing :D in stalwart someone can survive for another turn, but whats the point?)

Feb 21, 2022, 18:1002/21/22

the only champ i have with HP-based abilities is MM and he need crit, acc and crit dmg in the same time. he would be practically naked, but there is the perception set, which is the only thing saving me now.

mmm.. almost forgot - i have coffin smasher, but he use poison set. im using him only in CB setup and seems like he doing more damage this way rather than with HP-oriented gear. and he is not dying first, most of the time not even second, anyway so...

as for stalwart set itself.. idk, my team starting to fall about 20th turn and when its starts, there is no saving from it. several turns after there is just oneshot for everybody standing :D in stalwart someone can survive for another turn, but whats the point?)

Every little bit counts. Surviving one extra turn could easily mean the difference between an extra key. Also, more importantly, usually it's one of the three attacks that is the one which ends your run - which means if you can survive that attack, you'll usually get up to three more turns.

Though from what you're describing, it sounds like perhaps your CB team needs a redesign too :) Maybe start another thread for that.

Feb 21, 2022, 18:2502/21/22

the only champ i have with HP-based abilities is MM and he need crit, acc and crit dmg in the same time. he would be practically naked, but there is the perception set, which is the only thing saving me now.

mmm.. almost forgot - i have coffin smasher, but he use poison set. im using him only in CB setup and seems like he doing more damage this way rather than with HP-oriented gear. and he is not dying first, most of the time not even second, anyway so...

as for stalwart set itself.. idk, my team starting to fall about 20th turn and when its starts, there is no saving from it. several turns after there is just oneshot for everybody standing :D in stalwart someone can survive for another turn, but whats the point?)

poison set is a terrible idea.  stalwart would be way better on coffin, who is a great champ.  And every champ needs HP/DEF not just those of that type.

but focus on stats > sets.  but at your level keep any 5* epic or better with good substats.  It could take you a month or 4 to roll a good full set with your bad luck:)

Feb 21, 2022, 18:3502/21/22

Every little bit counts. Surviving one extra turn could easily mean the difference between an extra key. Also, more importantly, usually it's one of the three attacks that is the one which ends your run - which means if you can survive that attack, you'll usually get up to three more turns.

Though from what you're describing, it sounds like perhaps your CB team needs a redesign too :) Maybe start another thread for that.

i have no champs to redesign my team, which is uugo, coffin smasher, kael, khatun and venomage. tried to get tatura or jorrg in, but its worse than as it is now. also something tells me there is no point to trying get coldheart in :D also there is no point: my clan killing only brutal and maybe some easy levels. right now im getting brutal for two keys and i cant farm nightmare since i cant get stats to consistently place debuffs and poisons. 

maybe if ill get a frozen banshee on my next pull, ill redesign instead of just replacing kael, but right now... its good enough as it is. thank you for the thought though

Feb 21, 2022, 18:5502/21/22

poison set is a terrible idea.  stalwart would be way better on coffin, who is a great champ.  And every champ needs HP/DEF not just those of that type.

but focus on stats > sets.  but at your level keep any 5* epic or better with good substats.  It could take you a month or 4 to roll a good full set with your bad luck:)

smasher survive good enough. he survives to the point his debuffs doesnt matter anymore - damage dealers are dead. 

poison deal damage at least. kael got atk, mostly to AoE waves, coz i dont have anything better to fill this role and less acc. also he cant place poisons with 100% so i have a place in debuff row :D 

Feb 21, 2022, 20:4102/21/22
Feb 21, 2022, 20:45(edited)

for what exactly?... maybe thats the answer im looking for, but i cant see any use for it. there is only acc and maybe hp%, which i dont need. hp% aint bad, but throw away set bonuses for it?... seems pretty bad to me. it have no speed and no crit. not even crit dmg. 

from my point of view, my supps mostly dont need crit, except for miscreated monster. and i dont have apothecary. but they need a lot of speed to cycle CDs at least. 

champs im using to deal damage, need a lot of crit, crit damage, accuracy and speed again. okay, i can throw away speed or accuracy on several pieces, but just acc and hp%? seems pretty shitty, no?

I don't know wich gear you use right now, but it seems to me as if you want to do the second (or third) step before you do the first one. After 2 years of playing and farming Dragon 25 I just recently reached the point where I sell all new gear that is below 6* and has no speed substat. But to reach that point, I allready had to beat DT normal, farm Dragon and Spider, have teams for faction wars (to get forge materials). I wish, that much more of my artifacts where legendary 6* pieces with speed, accuracy, crit rate and crit damage substats and 4x roll on speed, but that is not the case.


That is the shield I use on my Scyl actually, flat hp (2), hp%, def% and c.rate. If I find an artifact similar to this in a dungeon right now, I don't keep it anymore. But my champs can't fight naked in the highest dungeons. Obviously I kept artifacts like this in the past, equipped my champs with them, beat the highest dungeons now and can search for better stuff. You want to skip that part and get the best items immediately.