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Very dishearting

Very dishearting

Feb 10, 2022, 18:2102/10/22

Very dishearting

I got 1st on a champion training tournment. I got 6 6 star legendary relentless set, The set is complete garbage. The stats on the 6 items are not the ones you want. 

For example, vast majority of time you want boots with speed, because in this game speed runs everything. 90% of the time, the team with highest speed wins every arena or tag team arena battle, major design flaw.. I got defense % very few use that. then the chest has just plain defense power not % then the gloves have just flat atk not %. 

Plarium please dont come on here saying those stats on those items are good. They are horible. This is a complete slap in the face to win a tournement and get garbage rewards.

I was actually dumb enough to think the gear would be good. You should be able to see which set you would win and the stats on the items. I spent a lot of resurces to get first.

I should have know better that this game is a gitcha and plarium only sees players as $ signs and that is it.

Its really sad.

Arena name should be changed so to team with with fastest champion does not always win. They need to completely rework arena because of the speed dependence.

Feb 10, 2022, 18:2802/10/22
Feb 10, 2022, 18:30(edited)

I have never gotten any gear from events or tournments when i have gotten 1st. The gear I always get has the worst stats possible.

Yes I know that that different champions max with different stats but the community knows which ones are garbabge and which ones are good.

Please plarium dont come on here saying that all artifacts are good. You are lying through your teeth. Please dont insult the player base intell

what should happen is

1 you should be able to know what set it is if you win

2 if you cant choose only the man stat, then atleast see what each item has.

3 the reason you should be able to see is because you spend a lot of resources and time in winning an event or tournment,

4 the way the current system is, its a money grab, but would the player community really expect more from plarium.

Feb 10, 2022, 18:4302/10/22

I agree it is disappointing, but not unusual. I do not see where it is Plarium's intention to always give you an enjoyable experience.  They will always point you to the RNG experience, and like any casino, heartless and don't give a damn attitude as it is.  Throwing money at it is no guarantee, or so it goes (FTP VS PTP).  I have won a number of Relentless sets, by now the combination of several prizes has given me some decent artifacts, but not always the best. And it is not just with Relentless, anywhere in the game where you either win or buy an artifact set you take your chances.

I imagine those utube content makers have to try maybe 5-10 times per artifact until they get one they use in a video, but their resources are infinite to do that and tear them apart and put back together. JMHO

Feb 10, 2022, 18:5002/10/22

If i would have known which set the reward was, i would have stopped after the max reward. 

I would not have spent all the resources to win the tournement.

It very sad how plarium continually gives the payer base the middle finger.

They always talk about quality of life improvements, where are they?

Feb 10, 2022, 18:5002/10/22
End Is Near

I agree it is disappointing, but not unusual. I do not see where it is Plarium's intention to always give you an enjoyable experience.  They will always point you to the RNG experience, and like any casino, heartless and don't give a damn attitude as it is.  Throwing money at it is no guarantee, or so it goes (FTP VS PTP).  I have won a number of Relentless sets, by now the combination of several prizes has given me some decent artifacts, but not always the best. And it is not just with Relentless, anywhere in the game where you either win or buy an artifact set you take your chances.

I imagine those utube content makers have to try maybe 5-10 times per artifact until they get one they use in a video, but their resources are infinite to do that and tear them apart and put back together. JMHO

5-10 times? Lol. Try 500-1000 times.

Feb 10, 2022, 18:5702/10/22

its just like the mercy system, they refuse to put a counter on it so you know where you stand. 

why is plarium so scared of tensparancy?

the more champions and artifacts sets they add, the harder it to get the ones you want. 

I ran 75 level 25 dungeons (I forget which one gives speed artifacts off the top off the top of my head either ice golem or dragon, this past weekend trying to get legendary spped set boots with speed as made stat, did not get one really?

the system is extremely fawed. the system gets worse with each atch adding new items

I have a great idea how about a quality of life inprovement narrowing down the different items from each dungeon.

currentlly if get the item you are trying to get, you better go buy a lottery ticket because your chances of winning power ball are greater.

I know the chances of will power ball is in the millions and getting the artifact ou are looking for is not as bad but its really bad.

Why can they not make that change??

Feb 10, 2022, 18:5802/10/22

5-10 times? Lol. Try 500-1000 times.

amen brother, I could not have said it better myself.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:1202/10/22

its just like the mercy system, they refuse to put a counter on it so you know where you stand. 

why is plarium so scared of tensparancy?

the more champions and artifacts sets they add, the harder it to get the ones you want. 

I ran 75 level 25 dungeons (I forget which one gives speed artifacts off the top off the top of my head either ice golem or dragon, this past weekend trying to get legendary spped set boots with speed as made stat, did not get one really?

the system is extremely fawed. the system gets worse with each atch adding new items

I have a great idea how about a quality of life inprovement narrowing down the different items from each dungeon.

currentlly if get the item you are trying to get, you better go buy a lottery ticket because your chances of winning power ball are greater.

I know the chances of will power ball is in the millions and getting the artifact ou are looking for is not as bad but its really bad.

Why can they not make that change??

I hate to sound nefarious but - why would Plarium intentionally add in features that would reduce their revenue? Transparency is great for us players, but for Plarium all it does is reduces the amount we'll spend (if we spend anything at all).

Feb 10, 2022, 19:1402/10/22

I wish the lottery would tell me which numbers will be selected tomorrow...

Feb 10, 2022, 19:2902/10/22

I understand your point but I think more players would play long term. In the long run they would make more moeny if they keep the average player a year instead of 6 months. (i made those numbers up) I think you get the point that I am trying to make.

After awhile it gets old not getting anything worth while. People including myself lose interest after never gettng anything worth of value after of all the time put into a game. I know that worth while is in the eye of the beholder.

I completely understand RNG and do like RNG to a point.

I dont know about every one else but I honestly do not beleive the mercy system . Why not show a counter.

This would be a graet quality of life change. You can only dangkle a string infront of someone for so long then they lose interest.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:3802/10/22

Ok since Trips didn't do it. 😋

You do understand that 75 runs isn't even a drop in the bucket?

75 runs isn't even 2 days worth of auto battles.

I have been running dragon for almost 2 months straight now for speed gear and I am lucky if I get 1 piece out of my 45 auto battles.

Now I am not say i like this or think it is right but this is how the operate and it will not change, they want us grinding  grinding grinding and when we get tired they want us to grind some more 😀

Feb 10, 2022, 19:4002/10/22
Feb 10, 2022, 19:41(edited)

I understand your point but I think more players would play long term. In the long run they would make more moeny if they keep the average player a year instead of 6 months. (i made those numbers up) I think you get the point that I am trying to make.

After awhile it gets old not getting anything worth while. People including myself lose interest after never gettng anything worth of value after of all the time put into a game. I know that worth while is in the eye of the beholder.

I completely understand RNG and do like RNG to a point.

I dont know about every one else but I honestly do not beleive the mercy system . Why not show a counter.

This would be a graet quality of life change. You can only dangkle a string infront of someone for so long then they lose interest.

I really think that your perspective on this game will change once you realise just how much money the whales actually spend on it. We're not talking hundreds of dollars a month. We're not even talking thousands. We're talking tens of thousands of dollars *every month*.

I've seen screenshots of accounts that would quite literally require millions of dollars of spending to reach. With that context, why would Plarium care at all about you or I? They're not going to add these features because they know the lack of them will entice people to spend money, and if the consequence is to drive those players away? They don't care - they got their money.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:4102/10/22

Agree with OP.  Had my hopes up for winning and this is what I got


Feb 10, 2022, 19:5002/10/22

That bottom row is unfortunately terrible. But, on the flip side, that top row is *amazing*. You literally got perfect substat rolls on your weapon and shield, and your helmet is *almost* perfect - just one bad substat.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:5202/10/22
Feb 10, 2022, 19:53(edited)

Agree with OP.  Had my hopes up for winning and this is what I got


Honestly, that's a great haul. A really, really good haul. I would have been happy with that set.

Depending on how it rolls, the weapon, helm and shield can be endgame gear. All of them have Speed. All of them have Crit Damage or Crit Rate. Two of them have Accuracy. HP% on the weapon and helm instead of HP flat. Def % instead of Def flat on the shield.

If you get 2 speed rolls or more on any of those three pieces, I would expect them to stay on champs through where I am at in the game. Cause they are basically EXACTLY what you are looking for on gear. And they are legendary! 

I WOULD scrap the boots, chest and gauntlets. But at this point I easily scrap 19/20 relentess pieces I receive. Instead you'll be rolling 3/6.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:5202/10/22
Feb 10, 2022, 19:53(edited)

Agree with OP.  Had my hopes up for winning and this is what I got


Some of those top pieces can end up being utterly amazing, for what it's worth. Very difficult for the shield and weapon to ever be bad for early game, let alone later on. A few of those - maybe even the helmet - are probably gonna end up being pieces you use forever. 

The bottom half ones are...rough. Sorry. :P

Edit: I am absolute snail. 

Feb 10, 2022, 19:5302/10/22

If you get a pair of boots, from anywhere, there is only a 1 in  7 chance they will be speed boots.  If you do get speed boots, the odds of getting the exact sub you want, and getting rolls on that, are very, very, very slim.  That's why you have to farm farm farm.  To expect otherwise is unrealistic.

Feb 10, 2022, 19:5702/10/22

Wow, guess I still have a lot to learn.  I new the weapon and shield were good but not as good as some of you point out.  I was more disappoint in the bottom 3...

Feb 10, 2022, 20:3202/10/22

I hate to sound nefarious but - why would Plarium intentionally add in features that would reduce their revenue? Transparency is great for us players, but for Plarium all it does is reduces the amount we'll spend (if we spend anything at all).

Well, maybe so and maybe not.  The fact of the matter is that they're  not going to change anything while they're making money hand over fist, and by all accounts, they currently are.

Feb 10, 2022, 21:2602/10/22

I wish the lottery would tell me which numbers will be selected tomorrow...

amen lol let me know too trips lol 

Feb 10, 2022, 22:0302/10/22

It really takes ages to get good gear yeah. One thing you didnt even mention is the rolling part. You finally get a good piece and you just dont roll the good substats.

I am still waiting for my first triple speed roll on speed gear 210+ days in... Thats probably quite unlucky i dont know. I got one on a perception piece...

I won the same champion training event i havent checked my gear yet as its in my inbox   but as pointed out getting the good main stat on the bottom 3 is pretty rare while with legendary you are bound to get some nice substats on the top 3...