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no difference between arena G4 and G1

no difference between arena G4 and G1

Feb 10, 2022, 08:1702/10/22

no difference between arena G4 and G1

no difference between arena G4 and G1

even G1 G2 G3 is harder than G4 

Feb 10, 2022, 08:2302/10/22

Why do you think this? I was just talking to a number of people in the Discord tonight who are in G1 to G2 with 280-290 speed on their Speed Leads, while G4 seems to take about 330 speed these days.

Do you have anything else to add? Feedback? Screenshots? Love to hear some reasons to your thoughts.

Feb 10, 2022, 12:2802/10/22

I wasn't in G1 or G2 the last couple of months, but at the beginning of each ranking period, I find myself in Gold 3, what happens allready from a single loss of the defense (great game mechanic btw. 👌 Sports should adept that: if a soccer team from the first league lost the first match of the season, it should be shifted to the second league immediately). Going back to G4 in the first days of the week is much harder than staying in G4. In G3 there are no single champ defense teams. 

A typical G3 page of opponents is 10 out of 10 teams Arbiter+Tormin+Hegemon+Madame. A typical G4 page is the same, but if you klick refresh often enough you get a page full of lvl 1 Warboy defense team after a while = 10 free victories.

Unless you don't fight for Platinum, where this free victories are not enough and you have to fight vs. real G4 teams (in this case, G4 is probably very competitive), so unless you go for Platinum, G4 is the easiest arena stage at all. 

Maybe somebody at Plarium should work as tester and actually play their own game from time to time.

Feb 10, 2022, 12:3702/10/22

People in G3 want to get to G4, so they have a defense team. People in G4 (who are confident they can get there easily) for the most part just want to stay in G4 and farm wins easily, so they drop their defense. It really is a rather awkward system. The really awkward part though, is the fact that the arena would be the most beneficial to everyone if literally no one put up a defense at all and just traded points with each other to stay at roughly the break point of G3/G4 and let the point generation at the bottom of the arena carry everyone below upwards slowly while minimizing the point loss at the reset. It's a huge prisoner's dilemma.

Feb 10, 2022, 13:1002/10/22
Feb 10, 2022, 13:22(edited)

I agree with Skadi and Egdnit.

My main account in G4 sees all kind of easy wins lots of 1 man teams, while my second accont in G1 almost never sees a 1 man team but does see a ton of 30% speed lead which is hard to go against with my Edit HK is 19% speed lead.

I am really starting to consider a go 2nd team but not sure if I have the patience to refarm all that gear.

I think they really need to rework the reset, I think losing a % of points earned instead of all your point would be a step in the correct direction.

Feb 10, 2022, 13:2102/10/22

Why do you think this? I was just talking to a number of people in the Discord tonight who are in G1 to G2 with 280-290 speed on their Speed Leads, while G4 seems to take about 330 speed these days.

Do you have anything else to add? Feedback? Screenshots? Love to hear some reasons to your thoughts.

Yes I was hearing from a speed lead guy that told me at 340 he was lossing speed almost every fight. Kicked it up to 360 and now he hasn't lost speed since.  LOL faster than my 260 for sure.

Feb 10, 2022, 13:2602/10/22

I agree with Skadi and Egdnit.

My main account in G4 sees all kind of easy wins lots of 1 man teams, while my second accont in G1 almost never sees a 1 man team but does see a ton of 30% speed lead which is hard to go against with my Edit HK is 19% speed lead.

I am really starting to consider a go 2nd team but not sure if I have the patience to refarm all that gear.

I think they really need to rework the reset, I think losing a % of points earned instead of all your point would be a step in the correct direction.

I'm just not having the same experience as you guys.  Yes, I sometimes fall to g3 right after reset.  But once I'm  back in G4 I seldom see 1 man teams.  I even set my timer for 15 minutes to maximize my refreshes when I have time.  Yesterday I used maybe 10 or 12 tokens and none were against 1 man teams.

Feb 10, 2022, 17:5502/10/22

With the patch, I guess I'll have to revise my earlier comment to say G4/G5 instead of G3/G4. I suspect this will also mean that adding G5 is a mostly meaningless gesture, as it'll be the same problem with a new tier name.

Feb 10, 2022, 21:5702/10/22

I am at the dreaded 'Gold IV Arena' mission now for my arbiter and as a FTP player i for the life of me cant see how to even approach Gold IV. I wish the mission was retro active as i was there for a while due to a bug months ago.

I have basically been in Gold I for many many months always in the 2000-2100 range rarely higher or lower... 

I cant see how on earth i would advance. As pointed out in general roughly half the teams i encounter are Arbiter teams and the others tend to be filled with other great champs i cant compete with... Even 'pushin' (= spending gyms to refresh) wouldnt help i bet my defense would get knocked back too fast.

I have made a go 2nd team now ( seeker / vogoth / scyl / rotating nuker usually magnarr or vlad) all under 200 speed but very high other stats...

Most teams have some form of CC though so you become a go 3rd team effectively which my defense doesnt survive probably. I have been considering maybe getting a doompriest or spirithost (only cleanser i got i think) in immunity gear but i d have to remove seeker probably. Even with that i can see myself making Gold II perhaps but definitely not any higher.

I have been playing for 210+ days and i got zero triple speed rolls on my speed gear (let alone quad) the odds are just that low so getting to 320 speed doesnt seem realistic.

I was thinking of getting a conellia real fast and then put the enemy to sleep and clean up with 3 slow nukers that go after the enemy has one turn but before their second. That doesnt seem realistic though with no good gear.

Feb 11, 2022, 12:4402/11/22

I am at the dreaded 'Gold IV Arena' mission now for my arbiter and as a FTP player i for the life of me cant see how to even approach Gold IV. I wish the mission was retro active as i was there for a while due to a bug months ago.

I have basically been in Gold I for many many months always in the 2000-2100 range rarely higher or lower... 

I cant see how on earth i would advance. As pointed out in general roughly half the teams i encounter are Arbiter teams and the others tend to be filled with other great champs i cant compete with... Even 'pushin' (= spending gyms to refresh) wouldnt help i bet my defense would get knocked back too fast.

I have made a go 2nd team now ( seeker / vogoth / scyl / rotating nuker usually magnarr or vlad) all under 200 speed but very high other stats...

Most teams have some form of CC though so you become a go 3rd team effectively which my defense doesnt survive probably. I have been considering maybe getting a doompriest or spirithost (only cleanser i got i think) in immunity gear but i d have to remove seeker probably. Even with that i can see myself making Gold II perhaps but definitely not any higher.

I have been playing for 210+ days and i got zero triple speed rolls on my speed gear (let alone quad) the odds are just that low so getting to 320 speed doesnt seem realistic.

I was thinking of getting a conellia real fast and then put the enemy to sleep and clean up with 3 slow nukers that go after the enemy has one turn but before their second. That doesnt seem realistic though with no good gear.

You are right, your actual go 2nd team doesn't work through the control debuffs of the opponents. That's the reason why most go 2nd teams have Rhazin (90 res aura) as leader and stack a lot of resistance on their gear. Another option would be a cleanser as fastest champ of your team in immunity gear and/or very high res, so you don't need to stack res on all 4 team members. If the cleanser's stat is high enough to resist the controll debuff and he goes first in your team (5th overall), he can remove the debuffs from all other team members.

Feb 11, 2022, 22:1702/11/22

Yeah thats what i was thinking. Pretty sure only cleanser i got on my account is spirithost. In fact i got 6 of em lol i can build a 2nd one i use one for Nether Spider at 50. I have the 4 epics to fuse Rhazin but prefer to keep the epic fusions open for now for CC points. i think... Guess Seeker will have to go or at least have an alternative for teams that have CC. At my level Ninja is seen a lot for example... Having said that i do still win a lot of those fights esp when the silly AI decides to target Vogoth... Not good for a defense though since human players do have a brain haha!

Today i noticed Arena suddenly became a lot easier? way less arbiter teams than before and i am nearly in Gold II without even trying. Maybe something changed.

Feb 11, 2022, 22:2402/11/22

Yeah thats what i was thinking. Pretty sure only cleanser i got on my account is spirithost. In fact i got 6 of em lol i can build a 2nd one i use one for Nether Spider at 50. I have the 4 epics to fuse Rhazin but prefer to keep the epic fusions open for now for CC points. i think... Guess Seeker will have to go or at least have an alternative for teams that have CC. At my level Ninja is seen a lot for example... Having said that i do still win a lot of those fights esp when the silly AI decides to target Vogoth... Not good for a defense though since human players do have a brain haha!

Today i noticed Arena suddenly became a lot easier? way less arbiter teams than before and i am nearly in Gold II without even trying. Maybe something changed.

They added Gold 5, which might alleviate some pressure on lower gold ranks.

To your other question - one thing you should do is look through your champs and see if you have any of the "special" ones. These are (in no particular order):

  • Tormin
  • Hegemon
  • Krisk
  • Khoronar
  • Foli
  • Nehkret the Great
  • Yoshi
  • Valkyrie

If you have any of those, you can build teams around them.

In terms of your actual team - if you don't have Rhazin, there's a handful of other champs with RES auras. Maybe you have one? Take a look at this list: Resist Aura Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends - AyumiLove. If you have one, you'll want that as lead on your go-second team. Seeker, Vogoth, and Scyl are all good champs to round that list out. You'll want them all in 250+ RES. That number needs to be higher depending on who your RES aura lead is. You'll also want Vogoth in a Shield set, and the rest to be in Freeze sets.

Feb 11, 2022, 22:4402/11/22

I got a Helior with a 60 res aura. It isnt helping me enough against Eternal Dragon floor 120... (i need to 60 tatura i think) 

Unfortunately i dont have any of the special ones no...

Maybe i should prioritze summoning Rhazin at some point after all... i dont know. He can hit like a tank too i think and remove turn meter? Rhazin would sure improve my team more in place of Seeker than a rare Spirithost thats for sure... 

Seeker is at 183 res (also for spider) The others have fairly low res <120. I do want to keep a nuker in my team though. usually as soon as he gets a turn i win. Vlad or Magnarr are the two i use the most. Magnarr has more survivability cause of the high hp of course.

Yes i am in fact using a hp shield set on Vogoth already. He is just over 70k hp now hope to get some better gear to get him up higher. he has a defense banner cause i simply dont have any good hp ones...

Scyl is in relentless also for dungeons and such. Its RNG but sometimes she gets 3 turns in a row which helps a lot...

seeker perception/speed. 

Vlad has a crrate and cruel set. I was looking for swift parry but dont quite have the gear. He is at 32k with 1700 def and def up from seeker usually which helps. But at least he is  at 4300 attack 100 crrate 228 crdmg now. I ll 16 his banner tomorrow and he ll gain more attack. He has no res literally.

Guess going for a cleanser might be easier than rebuilding these champs with 250 res i dont know.

Feb 11, 2022, 23:2202/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 23:22(edited)

I got a Helior with a 60 res aura. It isnt helping me enough against Eternal Dragon floor 120... (i need to 60 tatura i think) 

Unfortunately i dont have any of the special ones no...

Maybe i should prioritze summoning Rhazin at some point after all... i dont know. He can hit like a tank too i think and remove turn meter? Rhazin would sure improve my team more in place of Seeker than a rare Spirithost thats for sure... 

Seeker is at 183 res (also for spider) The others have fairly low res <120. I do want to keep a nuker in my team though. usually as soon as he gets a turn i win. Vlad or Magnarr are the two i use the most. Magnarr has more survivability cause of the high hp of course.

Yes i am in fact using a hp shield set on Vogoth already. He is just over 70k hp now hope to get some better gear to get him up higher. he has a defense banner cause i simply dont have any good hp ones...

Scyl is in relentless also for dungeons and such. Its RNG but sometimes she gets 3 turns in a row which helps a lot...

seeker perception/speed. 

Vlad has a crrate and cruel set. I was looking for swift parry but dont quite have the gear. He is at 32k with 1700 def and def up from seeker usually which helps. But at least he is  at 4300 attack 100 crrate 228 crdmg now. I ll 16 his banner tomorrow and he ll gain more attack. He has no res literally.

Guess going for a cleanser might be easier than rebuilding these champs with 250 res i dont know.

Helior is fantastic! 100% use him as your lead. I'd argue he's even better than Rhazin. You get a bit less res (60 vs 80), but in return, you get a fantastic passive, and an equally fantastic A3.

I would go with Helior + Seeker + Vogoth + Scyl. But you need *much* higher resists. 180 just won't cut it. If you can bring the four of those to 300 RES, ~4K DEF on Helior/Seeker/Scyl, ~3K on Vogoth, and ~45K HP on Helior/Seeker/Scyl and ~80K on Vogoth, you should be good to go.

Feb 11, 2022, 23:2902/11/22

I got a Helior with a 60 res aura. It isnt helping me enough against Eternal Dragon floor 120... (i need to 60 tatura i think) 

Unfortunately i dont have any of the special ones no...

Maybe i should prioritze summoning Rhazin at some point after all... i dont know. He can hit like a tank too i think and remove turn meter? Rhazin would sure improve my team more in place of Seeker than a rare Spirithost thats for sure... 

Seeker is at 183 res (also for spider) The others have fairly low res <120. I do want to keep a nuker in my team though. usually as soon as he gets a turn i win. Vlad or Magnarr are the two i use the most. Magnarr has more survivability cause of the high hp of course.

Yes i am in fact using a hp shield set on Vogoth already. He is just over 70k hp now hope to get some better gear to get him up higher. he has a defense banner cause i simply dont have any good hp ones...

Scyl is in relentless also for dungeons and such. Its RNG but sometimes she gets 3 turns in a row which helps a lot...

seeker perception/speed. 

Vlad has a crrate and cruel set. I was looking for swift parry but dont quite have the gear. He is at 32k with 1700 def and def up from seeker usually which helps. But at least he is  at 4300 attack 100 crrate 228 crdmg now. I ll 16 his banner tomorrow and he ll gain more attack. He has no res literally.

Guess going for a cleanser might be easier than rebuilding these champs with 250 res i dont know.

Post your roster.  Seeker and vogoth, 2 good pieces for a go 2nd team.  A res lead isn't really important.  Nor is a super high res build.  You won't be using it on defense, as you will just be a sitting duck even with 500 res and immunity on everyone.  It just gives you an option to attack specific speed nuke teams.

Magnarr definitely a better option than vlad.  Sandlashed survivor is great if you have.

Feb 12, 2022, 00:2202/12/22


I do actually have sandlashed survivor. Is he any good he triggers ally protection and unkillable with his passive?

What i got from Resistance is either go all in on it or ignore it completely.

You are arguing not having any damage dealer though how am i going to kill the enemy with that team? I dont think the stats mentioned are quite achievable for me with my gear. 

Right now i am just picking teams that i feel i can beat but if you ever get to gold III things will get much tougher with my current team.

Feb 12, 2022, 00:5602/12/22

Wait doesnt Helior also qualify as a cleanser potentially since he can transfer all debuffs from all allies to the enemy that automatically makes him a cleanser right?

I noticed i also got Battlesage i didnt realize she was a cleanser too so i do have some better than Spirithost.

Feb 12, 2022, 01:4202/12/22

Arena is a cluster of problems not limited to the actual teams but the RNG that works in defence favour. They will never fix it and is a paywall for FTP to get Arbiter.

GLHF to all of you that continue the grind. I am out.

Feb 12, 2022, 02:4302/12/22

Wait doesnt Helior also qualify as a cleanser potentially since he can transfer all debuffs from all allies to the enemy that automatically makes him a cleanser right?

I noticed i also got Battlesage i didnt realize she was a cleanser too so i do have some better than Spirithost.

Like I said. Helior is amazing. Count yourself lucky :)

Feb 13, 2022, 04:3502/13/22

I agree with Skadi and Egdnit.

My main account in G4 sees all kind of easy wins lots of 1 man teams, while my second accont in G1 almost never sees a 1 man team but does see a ton of 30% speed lead which is hard to go against with my Edit HK is 19% speed lead.

I am really starting to consider a go 2nd team but not sure if I have the patience to refarm all that gear.

I think they really need to rework the reset, I think losing a % of points earned instead of all your point would be a step in the correct direction.

I started a newb account and considering "We’ll still be filtering the opponents in these Tiers by the player’s account power and level as before," the lower silver run the same way. S1 is a bear to get out of - I'm looking at 4 on my slate right now w/ 500k+ power lvl 80-94 accounts. Meaning their lil 4 man arena team dwarves my entire newb account x 2x. The bottom end of tiers are a mess, especially after this last update. Seems they dumped in all the archived accounts again. 

Seriously, 3-4 champ arena teams outpowering entire accounts, several times over, is probably not the greatest idea for matchmaking in the lower tiers, and probably not the best attraction to the game, considering it's their only "attempt" at pvp. The game probably needs to give up on that end and go fully, proper pve, trashing the entire pvp system until they hire some experienced devs/coders in that creative area.

Feb 13, 2022, 05:4802/13/22

Dont worry at least if you can win against 80k higher team power teams ypu won +4 points and if you lose against same team, you will lost -14 points. Logic. Thats really help the progression up in Gx leagues...

 No matter if has 500k teampower your opponents and you have 120k teampower. If you are better places in league, you will lose 14 points and just win 4.