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Something weird is going on in Arena after the last reset

Something weird is going on in Arena after the last reset

Feb 9, 2022, 13:1602/09/22

Something weird is going on in Arena after the last reset

 Please don’t rush to judge or give me typical answers. And a couple of
words to establish some credibility. I’m 2 years in the game and depending on
the definition, I claim to be an end-game player. I don’t remember the time I
was not in Gold IV, and I’ve been quickly flirting with Platinum at least until
Thursdays. I am not Platinum material, but I can linger at its outskirts
relatively easy. My Great Hall pic may serve as my credentials. 


Since the reset, I’m facing teams at the 3200 pts whose level of
difficulty  I used to meet as I was closing to Platinum. 

I also noticed that the upper limit is stuck beneath 3500.
Typically, it would be close to 3800 and rising at this day and time. Considering
that tomorrow the Gold V (3500-3800) will be introduced, I wonder whether this
fact and my observation are connected.  

I don’t have a problem with you raising the bar and giving us more
challenges. On the contrary, I love the idea. I even enjoy tag arena, although
I only have time to do it seriously during weekends. What concerns me is what
sort of mechanisms Plarium has to manipulate the arena. The difference between
Monday morning and right after the reset is huge, and I cannot come up with a
logical answer as to why this is happening.  

I’ll be more than happy to read any possible explanation.  

Feb 9, 2022, 18:1402/09/22

The  answer  to  your  question was  given  by  an  Economy  Professor.

The  Economy  Professor  explained  in  depth  how  Arena  functions.

You  would  have  to  watch  the  video  which  was  published several  years  ago.

(I  don't have  it  anymore)

The  Short  Version  of  the  video is  Arena  Caves  in  on  itself  due  to  the  Weekly Reset.

What  this  means  is  points  in  Arena  get  eaten  away  every  week.

The  game  fixes  this  issue  by  adding  in  points  to  the  Arena  Economy  and  that  is  how  arena  functions.

Feb 9, 2022, 18:4002/09/22

Player J is correct and that early week crush has become more pronounced as Arena has become more difficult for most players, in the past few months. 

Reset pushes the same teams down from the top of Gold IV into the same area as the teams struggling to stay in Gold IV, hence creating a brutal situation on Mondays for the struggling teams.

Feb 9, 2022, 19:0102/09/22

I hate to sound like an elitist snob, but - I daresay this is the system working as intended. Personally, weekly reset is my favorite time of the week, because I get pages full of teams I can make mincemeat of.

There's a whole pile of reasons as to why the system needs fixing - but mainly due to the fact that Plarium gave us a terribly easy system to farm for years now. If you're currently struggling to stay in Gold 4, the real answer to the question is - "git gud". Teams, that could survive in G4 under the old system with the bots, simply cannot survive anymore. There just aren't enough "bots" to farm to combat the loss in points you'll suffer due to an easily beatable team.

Feb 9, 2022, 19:0702/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 19:10(edited)

Thx for the response. 

What you say (both of you) is 100% true and I've known that for quite some time now. But take a look at this pls 


Almost 6K attk with 250crit Trunda. Usually one-shots everyone. Now 4 hits (after Kaymar resetting her skills) and they still stand. Noone killed. Not to mention that 542 acc Kaymar resisted 3 out of 4 times. The same goes for Riho with 450 acc.  And this comes from a 64 lvl account with 134 power. That kind of power means it's Res is a joke. 

I guess it can be done and RNG is what it is, but still; and this is one case. I've been dealing with similar cases for 3 days now. 

Let me repeat that I'm not complaining or anything. It just seems very peculiar to me that Monday morning arena was as I remembered it, at least the last couple of weeks, and then 2 hours later seems like the level went from Brutal to UNM.

Feb 9, 2022, 19:2502/09/22
Sall Okkin

Thx for the response. 

What you say (both of you) is 100% true and I've known that for quite some time now. But take a look at this pls 


Almost 6K attk with 250crit Trunda. Usually one-shots everyone. Now 4 hits (after Kaymar resetting her skills) and they still stand. Noone killed. Not to mention that 542 acc Kaymar resisted 3 out of 4 times. The same goes for Riho with 450 acc.  And this comes from a 64 lvl account with 134 power. That kind of power means it's Res is a joke. 

I guess it can be done and RNG is what it is, but still; and this is one case. I've been dealing with similar cases for 3 days now. 

Let me repeat that I'm not complaining or anything. It just seems very peculiar to me that Monday morning arena was as I remembered it, at least the last couple of weeks, and then 2 hours later seems like the level went from Brutal to UNM.

Nah this one is much easier to explain. You got Vogoth'ed.

Vogoth is a hard counter to any nuke team that relies on multi-hit champs. Trunda and Big'Un are prime candidates. What happens is - Trunda's signature nuke move hits twice. The first hit will do, say, 40K damage to all of their team, but then Vogoth passive kicks in *before* the second hit, and heals the entire team back to full (except Vogoth, who gets healed for half). Then the next hit goes off, and the same thing happens again.

After the attack is finished, you'll see an enemy team with full HP, and a Vogoth with probably around 50% HP remaining.

Feb 9, 2022, 19:4702/09/22

Hi well my friend thats all going to change soon lol cuz start tommrow comes gold 5 i will advice u to spend a few gems to get in plat so when u wake up tomrrow u will be in gold 5. Why u cant stay in gold 4 are u getting attacked in your defense ?

Feb 9, 2022, 19:5202/09/22

So glad for this conversation! :)

So, When I deal with Vogoth I don't use the double hit but her A2. Since he's HP champ he's probably not built with Def. Also, Riho puts her train of debuffs including decrease  Def and Weaken. Vogoth gets 180K of damage and 60% of that (talking about pure damage)goes to the rest champs. I always start with Trunda's A2 aiming at the one with high HP and low def (Magnar is my favourite enemy). Mind you though, at some point I killed Vogoth coz I usually want to get rid of him because of his passive, the rest got the allegedly 60% of the damage and next turned the double hit. Still standing and Scyl brought him back. 

Anyways, If this is a clever guy who's put a hell of a defensive team, then kudos to them. I'm in for the challenge. I'm almost done with a great hall and looking forward to the reform and challenging PVP content coz it's enjoying and rewarding in terms of gaming experience.  

I just noticed something that stroke me peculiar and thought to share. Apparently, others didn't which means that I probably jumped into the wrong coclusions. :)

Feb 9, 2022, 19:5402/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 19:59(edited)

as u can see i was only attacked 5 times in 24 hours or 4 times one was a win lol its old school but still works and use the arena speed calculator )



Feb 9, 2022, 19:5702/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 20:02(edited)


I don't have a problem standing in Gold IV. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that I get in Plat in an hour and I'm hardly ever attacked in Def. When I am it's 50/50. 

So, I repeat in brief that was not a complaint. Just an observation that probably doesn't hold. :)


Feb 9, 2022, 20:0002/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 20:01(edited)
Sall Okkin


I don't have a problem standing in Gold IV. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that I get in Plat in an hour and I'm hardly ever attacked in Def. When I am it's 50/50. 

So, I repeat in brief that was not a complaint. Just an observation that probably doesn't hold. :)


then hurry get in there so when u wake up u wont be in gold 4 /u will either be in plat or gold 5 this what im doing now )

Feb 9, 2022, 20:0502/09/22

OK, if I meet you there I'll be gentle now that we got acquainted! lol!

Good Hunting my friend! :)

Feb 9, 2022, 20:1102/09/22

BTW, you just gave me the answer to my question.  Everybody is trying the same as you and me, so the arena looks like Sunday night-Monday early morning when people are pushing for platinum. That's why the competition is so harsh! I think I'll enjoy the GV :) 

Feb 9, 2022, 20:1202/09/22

I'm also a clan leader and I might visit your discord. I always like a good chat around raid :)

Feb 9, 2022, 20:2402/09/22

yea i think your right every one is trying to get in there ) Yea u welcome to come to discord we have lots of helpful imfo there about every ting in the game )

Feb 9, 2022, 21:0102/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 21:01(edited)

My sense of the difficulty level is that it seems to oscillate unpredictably over the course of the week.   It never gets super easy, as it did during the "bot" eras, but sometimes I'll get four or five beatable teams on a page, and other times I'll go many refreshes without seeing even one.

Something similar seems to be happening on the defensive side, as if I don't touch anything, I bounce wildly up and down on a ~24 hour cycle between about 1900 points and 2150.  W.T.Heck!?

Feb 9, 2022, 21:1402/09/22

My sense of the difficulty level is that it seems to oscillate unpredictably over the course of the week.   It never gets super easy, as it did during the "bot" eras, but sometimes I'll get four or five beatable teams on a page, and other times I'll go many refreshes without seeing even one.

Something similar seems to be happening on the defensive side, as if I don't touch anything, I bounce wildly up and down on a ~24 hour cycle between about 1900 points and 2150.  W.T.Heck!?

well u need to get outside the box try to kill somthing besides bots lol normally when they take out bots might not be for a month or so before the put them back lol

Feb 9, 2022, 22:0702/09/22

thats how its done 20 min and 150 gems )


Feb 9, 2022, 22:3002/09/22


Right behind mate! :)

Feb 9, 2022, 22:3502/09/22
Sall Okkin


Right behind mate! :)