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Who to 60 help (sorry)..

Who to 60 help (sorry)..

Jan 30, 2022, 06:0801/30/22

Who to 60 help (sorry)..

Sorry in advance, I know this question is asked a million times a day and everyone is probably sick of seeing these posts, but any help is appreciated and sorry for asking it yet again. 

So, I’ve Been playing a couple of months, invested a little $ into shards out of the gate and now am trying to reel it back into FTP. Just trying to invest my time and game energy in the right direction and being new, am not really sure who to work on next. My CB team is suffering and have been teetering on silver III/IV in arena which I am not making any forward progress with. So ANY help or recommendations for team comp in those areas as well would really be appreciated along with which specific champs to level.

I’m honestly just at a stand still and don’t know which direction to go or how to create better teams for most aspects of the game. 


Thanks guys!!

Jan 30, 2022, 06:4901/30/22

Can never go wrong with Apothecary. Easy to book as the only Legendary champ who uses Rare books! But seriously, his kit for a rare is absolutely bonkers. TM boost, speed boost, great heals, 3 hits for FK.

After that I'd look at Uugo if you're looking for a great AoE Dec Def champ to use with Apothecary, Genbo and Ninja in Arena. (I would have Genbo in as lead, Apothecary fast for TM boost, Uugo for AoE Dec Def and Block Buffs, Genbo to smack, and Ninja freeze smack to finish off.

Jan 30, 2022, 08:2701/30/22

I  was  thinking  apoth  or  seer,  so  ill  move  forward  with  apoth  and  was  hoping  for  a  stag  pull,  for  defense  drop  but  am  using  madame  serris  for  it .  do  you  think  uugo  is  a  better  fit  for  that  role?  And  ninja  over  seer  for  my  cleanup?  Thanks  for  your  help!!

Jan 30, 2022, 11:4401/30/22

I would prefer Madame as Arena debuffer over Uugo. 

  • Madame is void, Uugo instead could have weak hits 
  • Madame doesn't hit with her decrease def, so no counterattacks and no passive effects (enemy Seeker or stuff like that) occuring 
  • she can strip buffs at the same time, no resist from immunity set, no shields

The only situation where Uugo is better would be Skullcrown or Leorius in the opposite team, Uugo's block buffs ability prevents their unkillable.

In general you have so many champs worth Lvl 60 and only 4 that are at this stage. With your account, I wouldn't do anything than campaign 12-3 for the enxt two or three months, until the following champs are lvl 60: Madame, Fellhound, Apo, Seeker, Seer, Visix, Dark Elhain, Skullcrusher, Uugo, Rearguard Sergeant, Sandlashed Survivor.

The order I mentioned them is taken from your pic and not the order I would make them lvl 60. With so many champs that need to get 6*, Fellhound should be definetly the first. Not because it is the best champ, but because it is the fastest campaign farmer in the game, what speeds up the progress for making all the other champs 6* so much. A well equipped Fellhound can do 12-3 brutal in 6 seconds.

Jan 30, 2022, 12:0101/30/22

Serris for Arena IMO, soon as I got her and put her in my defense I got hit so much less it was easy to move up.

Jan 30, 2022, 15:3901/30/22

I would prefer Madame as Arena debuffer over Uugo. 

  • Madame is void, Uugo instead could have weak hits 
  • Madame doesn't hit with her decrease def, so no counterattacks and no passive effects (enemy Seeker or stuff like that) occuring 
  • she can strip buffs at the same time, no resist from immunity set, no shields

The only situation where Uugo is better would be Skullcrown or Leorius in the opposite team, Uugo's block buffs ability prevents their unkillable.

In general you have so many champs worth Lvl 60 and only 4 that are at this stage. With your account, I wouldn't do anything than campaign 12-3 for the enxt two or three months, until the following champs are lvl 60: Madame, Fellhound, Apo, Seeker, Seer, Visix, Dark Elhain, Skullcrusher, Uugo, Rearguard Sergeant, Sandlashed Survivor.

The order I mentioned them is taken from your pic and not the order I would make them lvl 60. With so many champs that need to get 6*, Fellhound should be definetly the first. Not because it is the best champ, but because it is the fastest campaign farmer in the game, what speeds up the progress for making all the other champs 6* so much. A well equipped Fellhound can do 12-3 brutal in 6 seconds.

Agree with all of this except the fellhound suggestion. Would not level fellhound at all.

Jan 30, 2022, 18:0801/30/22

Thanks Skadi,  much  appreciated  info!

Trips,  not  that  im  disagreeing,  just  wondered  why  not  take  fellhound  up  to  60?

Jan 30, 2022, 20:0201/30/22

Eventually you will want both serris and uugo at 60, uugo is great when facing skullcrown/leorius teams in arena

But i would go with serris too.

Jan 30, 2022, 20:2901/30/22

I  was  thinking  apoth  or  seer,  so  ill  move  forward  with  apoth  and  was  hoping  for  a  stag  pull,  for  defense  drop  but  am  using  madame  serris  for  it .  do  you  think  uugo  is  a  better  fit  for  that  role?  And  ninja  over  seer  for  my  cleanup?  Thanks  for  your  help!!

Apothecary is def the way to go to get started.

I agree with the consensus that Madame is just top tier in Arena. I guess I should explain a touch better why I recommended 60 for Uugo first. Uugo will help you in a variety of content right now, this second, has a lovely cleanse, a heal, and a conditional revive.

So in arena Uugo can do the AoE Dec Def role (not as well as Serris), and even has block buffs for the annoying Leorious and Skullcrown, but mainly she goes into a LOT of teams across the game. Her leech will be excellent for your Clan Boss team, as will her cleanses, heals, Dec Def and her block buffs to prevent CB's attack up buffs on affinity.

So basically I would take Apothecary up, then Uugo, as two champs that kind of go into almost all teams. Then likely Serris, Skullcrusher, Rearguard Sarge and Sandlashed. I like Skadi's whole list, but wouldn't rush Fellhound as the first, his gearing can be tough in early game to get him to be a 5-6 second Brutal farmer.

Jan 30, 2022, 20:5201/30/22
Jan 30, 2022, 20:52(edited)

Apothecary is def the way to go to get started.

I agree with the consensus that Madame is just top tier in Arena. I guess I should explain a touch better why I recommended 60 for Uugo first. Uugo will help you in a variety of content right now, this second, has a lovely cleanse, a heal, and a conditional revive.

So in arena Uugo can do the AoE Dec Def role (not as well as Serris), and even has block buffs for the annoying Leorious and Skullcrown, but mainly she goes into a LOT of teams across the game. Her leech will be excellent for your Clan Boss team, as will her cleanses, heals, Dec Def and her block buffs to prevent CB's attack up buffs on affinity.

So basically I would take Apothecary up, then Uugo, as two champs that kind of go into almost all teams. Then likely Serris, Skullcrusher, Rearguard Sarge and Sandlashed. I like Skadi's whole list, but wouldn't rush Fellhound as the first, his gearing can be tough in early game to get him to be a 5-6 second Brutal farmer.

To piggyback on this: OP looks like they're still at a point in the game where the next 60s should be all around (as much as possible) champions rather than champs that are more specialized, even if they're as great as Madame. 

We need to be able to make each level 60 count while we spend our time in dungeons (preferably 16+, ASAP) to gear out all these champs. Serris will be great long term, but champs like Apo and Uugo will help our overall progression and gearing now. 

Jan 30, 2022, 22:5401/30/22

If  your  talking  about  improving  CB  team,  Skullcrusher  &  Turvold  move  to  the  top  of  list.

I  guess it  all  depends on  your  priorities in  the  game.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:1501/30/22
Jan 31, 2022, 03:19(edited)

I'm gonna disagree with the suggestions in this thread. I think OP has advanced beyond the need for Apoth.

The two I would focus on next are Seer for dungeons and Skullcrusher for CB. You'll eventually get Archmage Hellmut, who comboes fantastically with Seer for dungeon clearing. For CB, you already have BEK, and with Skullcrusher the core of your team will be set.

Once you're done with those two, post your new roster, and we can see what CB team makes the most sense to go with from there.

Jan 31, 2022, 03:1101/31/22

I'm gonna disagree with the suggestions in this thread. I think OP has advanced beyond the need for Apoth.

The two I would focus on next are Seer for dungeons and Skullcrusher for CB. You'll eventually get Archmage Hellmut, who comboes fantastically with Seer for dungeon clearing. For CB, you already have BEK, and with Skullcrusher the core of your team will be set.

Once you're done with those two, post your new roster, and we can see what CB team makes the most sense to go with from there.

While Seer and Hellmut will be great together, I think that's a long, long ways away for OP, most likely. I don't know if they're doing normal Doom Tower yet, but we're talking 34 secret room clears. That's gonna be a long time. 

I also don't think they have enough buffs to go around to maximize Seer for a bit, whereas I think Apo can help them in dungeons/general content, right now. I could see the potential gear being an issue for Seer, too. I think we're OK on DPS for now. 

I am curious where OP is at in dungeons right now, though. Specifically curious how the gearing situation is.

All that aside, this account is going to be very stacked long term. 

Jan 31, 2022, 03:4401/31/22

Thank you all for the help and input, it really is appreciated and beyond helpful. 

So, I believe I am definitely still at a point in the game where all around champs are needed vs specific areas and team comps. However, I would still really like to get going on my CB/dungeon teams if that works out. Im completely fine with it being a long term build up. I’m all about putting in the work and time, but would rather have a team I’m working on that isn’t great right now, but will be when done vs a team I can use now but will grow out of. 

I’m currently on (can’t beat) the following dungeons:

Spider - 12

FN  -  14

Ice golem - 14

Dragon 20 -

**I’m sure I am not making the most out of my champ selection there, running BEK, Apoth, Cupidus, Genbo, and Ninja. Any help with any of the dungeons would be great, spider is driving me nuts and have no idea what that team should even look like, ninja is the only one throwing out hp burn for now. 

Also, as of now I am doing around 10-11 per key in CB on hard with the following team:


Madam serris




And I’ll be honest, i get discouraged lvling up a champ to use that would be great otherwise but can’t be booked because I’m not ok with spending $1-200 for a bunch of legendary books. When I pulled Turvold I was stoked and all pumped on getting him in a CB team, but then realized I couldn’t book him and know that it’s not the end of the world, but disappointing none the less. 

Again, thank you guys for all the help. I’m all ears if you have anything else for me, would really like to get a CB, dungeon, and Arena team going but feel overwhelmed and don’t really have any solid direction. 

Jan 31, 2022, 03:5701/31/22

You have most of the pieces for a good CB team. Something along the lines of:

Skullcrusher (ally protect, counter attack)

BEK (cleanse debuffs, poisons)

Ninja (raw damage)

Ghrush (leech) - turn A2 and A3, you need him to land his leech

Sandlashed Survivor (ally protect, buff extend)

I'm on the fence regarding Sandlashed. Running double AP without DEF up is probably not going to work, but I also don't see any great DEF up champs on your roster. Look through your champs - if you have someone with a 3-turn DEF up, he'd be perfect for that team.

In terms of speeds, you want all of them to be around 170, except Ninja, who should probably be slower, so that his A1 doesn't mess with your rotations. You can use the calculator at deadwoodjedi to plan things out. Basically - you want BEK to be fastest, so that he can cleanse the stun off of whoever is lead. Despite him having a great aura, you don't want him as lead, as you need him to keep poisoning.

Jan 31, 2022, 04:4601/31/22

For increase DEF AOE I have Grizzled Jarl and Seeker.  Jarl will do it in 3 turns when booked, but seeker is 5 no matter what. What do you think? Thanks!

Jan 31, 2022, 05:5901/31/22

Thank you all for the help and input, it really is appreciated and beyond helpful. 

So, I believe I am definitely still at a point in the game where all around champs are needed vs specific areas and team comps. However, I would still really like to get going on my CB/dungeon teams if that works out. Im completely fine with it being a long term build up. I’m all about putting in the work and time, but would rather have a team I’m working on that isn’t great right now, but will be when done vs a team I can use now but will grow out of. 

I’m currently on (can’t beat) the following dungeons:

Spider - 12

FN  -  14

Ice golem - 14

Dragon 20 -

**I’m sure I am not making the most out of my champ selection there, running BEK, Apoth, Cupidus, Genbo, and Ninja. Any help with any of the dungeons would be great, spider is driving me nuts and have no idea what that team should even look like, ninja is the only one throwing out hp burn for now. 

Also, as of now I am doing around 10-11 per key in CB on hard with the following team:


Madam serris




And I’ll be honest, i get discouraged lvling up a champ to use that would be great otherwise but can’t be booked because I’m not ok with spending $1-200 for a bunch of legendary books. When I pulled Turvold I was stoked and all pumped on getting him in a CB team, but then realized I couldn’t book him and know that it’s not the end of the world, but disappointing none the less. 

Again, thank you guys for all the help. I’m all ears if you have anything else for me, would really like to get a CB, dungeon, and Arena team going but feel overwhelmed and don’t really have any solid direction. 

There are definitely quite a few champions who can pull early on, know they're going to be better later in the game, or in specific situations and be a little disappointed by that. I can't blame you at all. Eventually Turvold might find a place in your clan boss team. And the good news is you really do have a nice account, as you take up all these champions to 60. :)

I think as your core dungeon team right now, with the projected champions you're building out: BEK, Ninja, Uugo, Cupidus and Apothecary. That's a lot of healing/cleansing, but we should be able to keep Ninja/Cupidus up and nuking (and doing it faster, because of Apo) with that team, along with BEK poisoning, too. 

Could slot in Genbo over Cupidus in Dragon 20, if we're able to comfortably do that right now, since that's magic affinity. How has Dragon 20 been for you overall? That's our best chance to get our hands on good gear right now and will be a huge help in whatever clan boss team you end up on, since you're likely going to want lifesteal. 

Also, when we focus more on Fire Knight, Apothecary is currently your best champ to bring down the shields, for what it's worth. 

We are going to live in Brutal 12-3 and Dragon for awhile.

Madame and to a lesser extent Genbo are arena specialists, for what it's worth. 

Pertaining to increase defense options: Grizzled Jarl can place block debuffs for one turn and increase defense for two turns while Seeker's is a conditional passive, so Seeker is never really in a clan boss team specifically for that role. 

I don't think I see Jarl in your initial screenshot, do you have him in the vault? If so could you take a screenshot of your vault too?

Feb 2, 2022, 13:4402/02/22

Thanks  dthrone04,

Dragon 20 is a struggle for sure. I’m no where near a win unfortunately. Waves are long, but I’m making it to the dragon consistently. Getting crushed after around 5 mins on auto when it’s all said and done. Haven’t put much effort into manual to be honest. 

In  regard to the CB team, is the consensus Skullcrusher, BEK, Ninja, Grizzled Jarl, and UUgo, or? 

Again thanks for the help here, excited to get working on one team instead of putting all this time into multipke  trial/failure  setups. I appreciate it. 



Feb 2, 2022, 17:2002/02/22
Feb 2, 2022, 17:39(edited)

BEK, Ninja, Scyl, Uugo, Apo should be able to do Dragon 20 wihout problems, especially if all of them are lvl 60.

If you don't have super good equip, I would prefer some defense, especially a reviver like Scyl, over pure damage from Cupidus or Genbo in dungeons. BEK with his poisons and the passive bonus + Ninja is allready enough damage to beat everything at stage 20. 

When you have better quip later on, you maybe don't need that much defense like Scyl + Apo, but for now I would prefer the safer team.


In  regard to the CB team, is the consensus Skullcrusher, BEK, Ninja, Grizzled Jarl, and UUgo, or?  

I don't know if that is consensus, but if so, I disagree. That team lacks a constant decrease attack debuff. Jarl has this debuff only on a 5 turn (booked 4 turn) Cooldown on his A3.

I don't see any champ with decrease attack on the A1 in your roster on first sight. Maybe you pull some of the often used CB champs for that debuff later on: Toragi the Frog, Jareg, Sepulcher Sentinel. All of them, especially in a team with Skullcrusher (more chances to place the debuff with the A1 from counterattack) should work great in your team.

Feb 2, 2022, 17:4502/02/22

Thanks  dthrone04,

Dragon 20 is a struggle for sure. I’m no where near a win unfortunately. Waves are long, but I’m making it to the dragon consistently. Getting crushed after around 5 mins on auto when it’s all said and done. Haven’t put much effort into manual to be honest. 

In  regard to the CB team, is the consensus Skullcrusher, BEK, Ninja, Grizzled Jarl, and UUgo, or? 

Again thanks for the help here, excited to get working on one team instead of putting all this time into multipke  trial/failure  setups. I appreciate it. 



For CB, I would go with my suggestion, with one small tweak:

Skullcrusher (ally protect, counter attack)

BEK (cleanse debuffs, poisons)

Ninja (raw damage)

Ghrush (leech) - turn A2 and A3, you need him to land his leech

Grizzled Jarl (DEF up, ATK down) - however, you need him on 4:3 rotation to keep ATK down active

Feb 2, 2022, 18:1602/02/22

Sounds like a plan, I’ll get going on that and keep you updated with my progress. I’m familiar with the term, but have never dialed any of my teams in using the 4:3 ratio.. is there some more info on how that’s done that I can check out? 

I just used my last 12 epic tomes on Uugo too, so won’t be able to get the cool downs in order on Grush or Jarl for a while, but I’ll atleast get going on leveling/gearing them. Thank again for everything!