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Forge/Artifacts Question from Beginner

Forge/Artifacts Question from Beginner

Jan 24, 2022, 20:2901/24/22
Player J

I  hate  to  say  it,  but  I  disagree with  Trips  completely.

This  is  probably one  of  those  very  few  moments in  forum  history  where  I  disagree.

You  should  be  doing campaign  and  nothing  else.

You  should  be  using the  gear  you  get  from  campaign to  improve your  hero.

The  pieces  you  need  to  improve are  the  bottom row.

The  pieces  on  the  top  row  are  perfect  for  your  currect  situation.

Gloves  -  Chest  -  Shoes  -  Need  to  be  higher  Star  lvl.

The  Rarity  of  the  item  doesn't matter  as  much  as  the  Star  lvl  when  dealing  with   the  bottom row

You  need  to  get  the  highest  Star  lvl  you  can  get  on  those bottom 3  pieces.

I have to disagree and take Trip's side here.

The difference of 4* boots to 5* boots on lvl 16 is five speed. You could say that the 5* boots get better substats, but that argument isn't convincing if you give the advice to use uncommen gear from campaign instead of epic artifacts with fantastic substat rolls. I don't see any artifact from campaign will be better than the stuff the OP is using right now. A green 5* armor from campaign may have 10% more attack as mainstat, but it probably will not have the good substats of the actual chest. 10% atk vs. 8 speed, 8% hp and 9 critrate.

5 speed will make a big difference on arena speed boosters later on, but not on Kael at day 7 or so, where the thread OP is right now. There is no need to replace the actual gear with uncommen stuff from campaign, that would have to be rolled to lvl 12 for a ton of silver. Replace the actual gear when you have 6* epics from the Dragon.

Jan 24, 2022, 22:2501/24/22

This is an interesting debate. I stick with my assessment of 5* or better though, mainly because by far the biggest limiting factor will be silver. Since silver is so hard to come by, you really shouldn't be spending it on items that you plan on replacing.

Jan 24, 2022, 22:4101/24/22

This is an interesting debate. I stick with my assessment of 5* or better though, mainly because by far the biggest limiting factor will be silver. Since silver is so hard to come by, you really shouldn't be spending it on items that you plan on replacing.

By that logic I more or less should not have upgraded any gear. I still dont have any items with 30 speed in substats

Jan 24, 2022, 22:4301/24/22

By that logic I more or less should not have upgraded any gear. I still dont have any items with 30 speed in substats

I'm not sure how your comment relates to mine? I said nothing about substats. I simply said I wouldn't spend silver upgrading items less than 5*, because silver is hard to come by, especially early on.

Jan 25, 2022, 00:4001/25/22
Jan 25, 2022, 00:47(edited)

I have to disagree and take Trip's side here.

The difference of 4* boots to 5* boots on lvl 16 is five speed. You could say that the 5* boots get better substats, but that argument isn't convincing if you give the advice to use uncommen gear from campaign instead of epic artifacts with fantastic substat rolls. I don't see any artifact from campaign will be better than the stuff the OP is using right now. A green 5* armor from campaign may have 10% more attack as mainstat, but it probably will not have the good substats of the actual chest. 10% atk vs. 8 speed, 8% hp and 9 critrate.

5 speed will make a big difference on arena speed boosters later on, but not on Kael at day 7 or so, where the thread OP is right now. There is no need to replace the actual gear with uncommen stuff from campaign, that would have to be rolled to lvl 12 for a ton of silver. Replace the actual gear when you have 6* epics from the Dragon.

Skadi,  what  your  saying isn't right.

The  below  picture is  the  gear  the  OP  owns.


Now  lets  assume  the  OP  was  to  max  Gloves, Chest,  &  Shoes  to  +16.

The  Total  stats  would  be:

-  HP  7%  (Gloves)  +  8% (Chest) +  4%  (Shoes) =  19%

- ATK  12%  (Gloves) +  40%  (Chest)  +  13%  (Shoes) =  65%

-  SPD  4  (Gloves)  +  8  (Chest)  +  35  (Shoes)  =  47

-  CR  40%  (Gloves)  +  9%  (Chest)  +  8%  (Shoes)  =  57%

I  am  telling the  OP  Campaign  Gear  of  a  higher  Star  lvl  would  be  better.

Your  telling  me  it  wouldn't be  better.

Well  lets  say  we  upgrade 5  star  common  gear  to  +16

What  would  the  total stats  be?

Every  piece  of  gear  will  be  common  so  they  will  not  have  any  rolls,  but  they  all  will  have  substats  which  unlock.

I  would  guess  the  unlock  amount  would  be  in  the  6  to  7  range.

We  can  just  say  6  for  this  example.

-  HP  6%  (Gloves)  +  6% (Chest) +  6%  (Shoes) =  18%

- ATK  6%  (Gloves) +  50%  (Chest)  +  6%  (Shoes) =  62%

-  SPD  6  (Gloves)  +  6  (Chest)  +  40  (Shoes)  =  52

-  CR  50%  (Gloves)  +  6%  (Chest)  +  6%  (Shoes)  =  62%

The  difference between the  4  Star  Epic  vs.  5  Star  Common  +16  is:

HP  19%  vs.  HP  18%  =  1%  HP  in  Favor  of  Epic

ATK  65%  vs.  ATK  63%  =  2% ATK in  Favor  of  Epic

SPD  47  vs.  52  =  5  SPD  in  Favor  of  Common

CR  57%  vs.  CR  62%  =  5%  CR  in  Favor  of  Common

It  doesn't  take  long  for  a  person  to  realize the  Common  gear  is  better.

5  SPD  +  5%  CR  will  dominate   over  1%  HP  +  2%  ATK

The  Common gear  is  better  because the  Main  Stat  for  each  of  the  bottom  row  is  higher.

The  higher  main  stat  +  the  unlocking  of  Substats  from  a  Common  5  Star  piece  will  cancel  out  and  supersede  the  lower  main  stat  +  better  Substats rolls  of  an  Epic  4  Star  piece.

The  only  time  an  Epic  4  Star  will  not  be  overrun  by  Common  5  Star  is  if  the  Epic  4  Star  manages  to  get  a  Triple  roll  in  substat.

4  Star  Epic  Chest  with  Triple  Roll  should  beat  a  5  Star  Common  Chest  with  Unlocks.

BUT  a  5 Star  Uncommon  Chest  with  1  Roll  will  Crush  the  4  Star  Epic  piece with  Triple  Roll

And  of  course  we  are  not  even  talking  about  6  Star  Common  &  Uncommon Piece.

They  are  in  a  League  of  their  own!

Jan 25, 2022, 01:0801/25/22
Player J

Skadi,  what  your  saying isn't right.

The  below  picture is  the  gear  the  OP  owns.


Now  lets  assume  the  OP  was  to  max  Gloves, Chest,  &  Shoes  to  +16.

The  Total  stats  would  be:

-  HP  7%  (Gloves)  +  8% (Chest) +  4%  (Shoes) =  19%

- ATK  12%  (Gloves) +  40%  (Chest)  +  13%  (Shoes) =  65%

-  SPD  4  (Gloves)  +  8  (Chest)  +  35  (Shoes)  =  47

-  CR  40%  (Gloves)  +  9%  (Chest)  +  8%  (Shoes)  =  57%

I  am  telling the  OP  Campaign  Gear  of  a  higher  Star  lvl  would  be  better.

Your  telling  me  it  wouldn't be  better.

Well  lets  say  we  upgrade 5  star  common  gear  to  +16

What  would  the  total stats  be?

Every  piece  of  gear  will  be  common  so  they  will  not  have  any  rolls,  but  they  all  will  have  substats  which  unlock.

I  would  guess  the  unlock  amount  would  be  in  the  6  to  7  range.

We  can  just  say  6  for  this  example.

-  HP  6%  (Gloves)  +  6% (Chest) +  6%  (Shoes) =  18%

- ATK  6%  (Gloves) +  50%  (Chest)  +  6%  (Shoes) =  62%

-  SPD  6  (Gloves)  +  6  (Chest)  +  40  (Shoes)  =  52

-  CR  50%  (Gloves)  +  6%  (Chest)  +  6%  (Shoes)  =  62%

The  difference between the  4  Star  Epic  vs.  5  Star  Common  +16  is:

HP  19%  vs.  HP  18%  =  1%  HP  in  Favor  of  Epic

ATK  65%  vs.  ATK  63%  =  2% ATK in  Favor  of  Epic

SPD  47  vs.  52  =  5  SPD  in  Favor  of  Common

CR  57%  vs.  CR  62%  =  5%  CR  in  Favor  of  Common

It  doesn't  take  long  for  a  person  to  realize the  Common  gear  is  better.

5  SPD  +  5%  CR  will  dominate   over  1%  HP  +  2%  ATK

The  Common gear  is  better  because the  Main  Stat  for  each  of  the  bottom  row  is  higher.

The  higher  main  stat  +  the  unlocking  of  Substats  from  a  Common  5  Star  piece  will  cancel  out  and  supersede  the  lower  main  stat  +  better  Substats rolls  of  an  Epic  4  Star  piece.

The  only  time  an  Epic  4  Star  will  not  be  overrun  by  Common  5  Star  is  if  the  Epic  4  Star  manages  to  get  a  Triple  roll  in  substat.

4  Star  Epic  Chest  with  Triple  Roll  should  beat  a  5  Star  Common  Chest  with  Unlocks.

BUT  a  5 Star  Uncommon  Chest  with  1  Roll  will  Crush  the  4  Star  Epic  piece with  Triple  Roll

And  of  course  we  are  not  even  talking  about  6  Star  Common  &  Uncommon Piece.

They  are  in  a  League  of  their  own!

In the time the OP gets commen gear from campaign with fitting mainstats and two good substats you just put in for your example, he can run Dragon 20 anyway. 

Jan 25, 2022, 03:2401/25/22

In the time the OP gets commen gear from campaign with fitting mainstats and two good substats you just put in for your example, he can run Dragon 20 anyway. 

Getting  2 good substats  from  a  targeted  Set  in  Campaign  is  super  easy.

Compared  to  Dragon.

The  OP  is  new.

New  Players  have  a  Beginner  Blessing.

The  Beginner Blessing reduces  gear  removal  cost  &  gives  double  XP  for  first 2  weeks.

The  OP  should  live  in  the  Campaign  upgrading as  many  heroes to  60  as  he  can.

Than  the  OP  should  take  another  1 week  after  the  Blessing ends  to  Farm  Campaign Heroes.

Than  the  OP  should  take  another  1 week  after  the  Hero  Farming  ends  to  gear  all  his  core  champions  with  Common  &  Uncommon Gear  to  +16.

At  this  point,  4  weeks  have  gone  by,  High  Khatun  should  be  his  reward  from  Logins.

He  should  spend  next  week  lvl  her  up  to  60.

Than  you  should  spending  another  week  making  the  final  touches  getting every  gear  to  +16.


If  a  person  listens  to  me,  They  will  have  6  weeks  of  pure  Campaign Grinding.

The  Average  Player  purely  grinding  Campaign should  have  1  -  6  Star  Champion  per  week.

In  6  weeks,  The  OP  should  have  the  following:

-  6 Heroes  lvl  60  or  have  enough  Food  to  make  6  Heroes  lvl  60.

-  6  Heroes  Fully  Geared  with  5  Star  or  6  Star  Common  or  Uncommon gear  +16.

-  2  Heroes  Fully  Booked.

The  Required Heroes the  OP  should  have  lvl  60  include:

-  High  Khatun

-  Warmaiden  ------->  This  hero  should  be  fully  book  from  dupes

-  Starter  ----------->  This  hero  should  be  fully  booked  from  Rare  Tomes

All  3  of  these  heroes should  have  gear  +16

At  this  point,  The  OP  should  have  3  heroes  Unaccounted  for!

Best  Case  Scenerio,  The  3  Unaccounted Heroes  came  from  Lucky  Shard  Pulls.

The  OP  was  grinding food  and  got  3  Leggo's  or  Epics  from  shards.

Than  decided to  lvl  60  the  them

Than  decided  to  +16  gear  them  with  Campaign gear.

At  this  point,  All  requirements  are  filled  

-  6  heroes lvl  60

-  6  heroes  Max  gear  

-  2  heroes Fully  Booked

Worst  Case  Scenerio, The  OP  got   Totally  UnLucky  in Shard  Pulls.

The  Best  option  for  OP  would be  to  upgrade  3  Different  Campaign Heroes.

My  recommendation  would  be:

-  SpiritHost

-  Berserker 

-  Executioner

SpiritHost +  Kael  can  push  far  in  Dark  Elf  Faction  together to  get  Forge  Stuff

Warmaiden  +  Berserker can  push  in  Barbarian Faction

Executioner  can  Solo  in  Knight  Rev.  Faction 

+16  gear  them  with  Campaign gear.

At  this  point,  All  requirements  are  filled  again.

-  6  heroes lvl  60

-  6  heroes  Max  gear  

-  2  heroes Fully  Booked


At  this  point,  with  6  weeks of  preparation,  The  OP  can  approach  Dungeons.

The  OP  will  be  Approaching  Dungeon in  an  extremely Dominating Position.

Jan 25, 2022, 16:0101/25/22

Gonna have to agree with the majority, don't farm campaign for gear. Make your low level perception sets and farm dragon for 4* + gear. The only people who should be farming campaign for armor are the ones who can't do dungeons and fw yet. 

Jan 25, 2022, 17:0901/25/22

Idk  after  watching  part  of  the  hell  hades  video  posted  im  tempted  to  go  get  some  6*  speed  boots  from  campaign  myself  to  put  dhukk  in  front  without  intentionally  slowing  my  athel.  Not  the  other  stuff  though.  Ive  got  some  5  and  6*  gear  but  not  boots.  Can  specifically  target  lifegear  and  boots  while  have  to  wait  to  get  a  speed  stat  should  be  easier  than  getting  it from dragon  and  may  be  able  to  have  some  chickens  in  there.  

Think  im  almost  beyond  that  but  havent  gotten  to  that  stage  in  nightmare  yet  so  may  be  worthwhile  to  grab  extra  speed.  Do  have  more  than  a  few  stages  to  go  so  have  to  wait  until  after  this champ training  event.

Jan 25, 2022, 17:2101/25/22

Targeting boots for speed in the campain is ok, but I would not do it for all gear.

especially now that there are the 2x raid events for the dugeons.

Jan 25, 2022, 20:1501/25/22

A 6 star in one week??  That fills impossible at this point.  I've been grinding for a week and have Kael to 50 and one 5* and two 4* as food so far.... long way to go

Jan 25, 2022, 20:3601/25/22

A 6 star in one week??  That fills impossible at this point.  I've been grinding for a week and have Kael to 50 and one 5* and two 4* as food so far.... long way to go

Definitely impossible at your current progression, but once you get brutal on auto, it's perfectly doable :)