The only champ in a team of High Khatun, Seeker, Warmaiden, Elehain that really needs masteries is Elhain. Aim for Helmsmasher as tier 6 mastery on her.
The others may be taken to the Minotaur until they have Lore of Steel mastery for some extra speed, but I wouldn't go further for now. You can still maximize their masteries later on, if you will ever think that would be necessary.
OP. I'm curious on what masteries he has so far also if he has been buying artifacts from the market. I've made that mistake before... Won't be doing it again.
Meant to say i agree with what you said also.
Actually, buying artifacts in market makes sense for OP. You can actually get decent 5star items, better than farming campaign for gear :)
OP. I'm curious on what masteries he has so far also if he has been buying artifacts from the market. I've made that mistake before... Won't be doing it again.
Meant to say i agree with what you said also.
Havent bought any artifacts, All gotten through farming. Im not really willing to spend 25 on some artifacts even curated 😅
What champs are you wanting to see their masteries on? Ill screenshot later when im backcplaying
Havent bought any artifacts, All gotten through farming. Im not really willing to spend 25 on some artifacts even curated 😅
What champs are you wanting to see their masteries on? Ill screenshot later when im backcplaying
Not suggesting real $$$. When you check market to buy green shards, look for decent 5star rare or better items. They don't appear often, but it is worth the silver when u can't farm high level dungeons
The team I would recommend is:
Leader: High Khatun
1st move: High Khatun --------------> TM + SPD Buff
2nd move: Seeker or Ursala --------> Increase ATK Buff
3rd move: Alexander ----------------> AOE DEF Down
4th move: Ninja ---------------------> AOE Nuke/Freeze
That would be a better looking team, but there is alot of issues with it.
1st: Seeker & Ursala both do same thing increase ATK.
The difference is Seeker gives Turn Meter in addition and Ursala provides a revive.
Seeker added turn meters lets you build Alex & Ninja will litt less speed, but he does no revive if you find yourself in tight spot.
Ursala gives the give, but the no added Turn Meter means Alex & Ninja need to be faster which means they might have to sacfrice extra damage for extra speed.
2nd: Alexander AOE DEF Down Chance isn't 100% unless you book it.
I don't know your Leggo Tome Situtation
3rd: Ninja AOE Nuke/Freeze isn't 100% Chance unless you book it.
Again the Leggo Book Situation will play role.
If you don't have enough Leggo books to book both, You can take out Alexsander in favor if Rare Campaign hero named Warmaiden.
4th: In addition to everything I said above, All the heroes on team will need to be maxed.
The maxing of the hero would include:
- lvl 60
- Fully Ascended
- Fully Geared +16
- Fully Mastered
As of right now, all the ones I mentioned are at status 0.
You haven't done anything with them.
For the above reasons, This is probably why Trips recommended a slighty different team.
HK -> Seeker -> Warmaiden -> Elhain
He is banking on Elhain as the nuker so you have 1 less to max for the time being.
Trips is such a pal try to make it seem less overwhelming for you.
But I say give it to you hot and heavy.
Let your senses get overwhelmed so you can decide to either not bother or go at it full boar - Can't be bothered by people on fence.
Do it or Don't do it
Just don't stay on Fence about it because it waste our time.
If you decide to do it, you should know following:
On average, it takes 1 week to make 60.
You need 4 so thats 4 weeks.
On average, it takes 1 week to fully master hero.
You need 4 so thats 4 weeks.
Your looking at 2 months mininum to get your team is a serviceable state.
This doesn't include Potion Keeps for Ascension or Dungeon Farming for Gear.
If you decide not to do it, Well Happy Raiding.
Put a lvl 1 hero in your defense and pretend to be a dead possum in Arena
While in the meantime enjoying all the scenery the PVE side of Raid can offer you.
You could always wish Upon a star for couple of months.
Maybe, you will luck out and they will change a mission or make mission easier for you.
The most important thing to remeber is What ever decision to chose, It will be the right one
Not suggesting real $$$. When you check market to buy green shards, look for decent 5star rare or better items. They don't appear often, but it is worth the silver when u can't farm high level dungeons
Ah yeah i started buying those recently now, Main speed boots, Crit% or dmg gauntlets, Accuracy chest any any of the top three pieces with crit rate and speed sub stats
The team I would recommend is:
Leader: High Khatun
1st move: High Khatun --------------> TM + SPD Buff
2nd move: Seeker or Ursala --------> Increase ATK Buff
3rd move: Alexander ----------------> AOE DEF Down
4th move: Ninja ---------------------> AOE Nuke/Freeze
That would be a better looking team, but there is alot of issues with it.
1st: Seeker & Ursala both do same thing increase ATK.
The difference is Seeker gives Turn Meter in addition and Ursala provides a revive.
Seeker added turn meters lets you build Alex & Ninja will litt less speed, but he does no revive if you find yourself in tight spot.
Ursala gives the give, but the no added Turn Meter means Alex & Ninja need to be faster which means they might have to sacfrice extra damage for extra speed.
2nd: Alexander AOE DEF Down Chance isn't 100% unless you book it.
I don't know your Leggo Tome Situtation
3rd: Ninja AOE Nuke/Freeze isn't 100% Chance unless you book it.
Again the Leggo Book Situation will play role.
If you don't have enough Leggo books to book both, You can take out Alexsander in favor if Rare Campaign hero named Warmaiden.
4th: In addition to everything I said above, All the heroes on team will need to be maxed.
The maxing of the hero would include:
- lvl 60
- Fully Ascended
- Fully Geared +16
- Fully Mastered
As of right now, all the ones I mentioned are at status 0.
You haven't done anything with them.
For the above reasons, This is probably why Trips recommended a slighty different team.
HK -> Seeker -> Warmaiden -> Elhain
He is banking on Elhain as the nuker so you have 1 less to max for the time being.
Trips is such a pal try to make it seem less overwhelming for you.
But I say give it to you hot and heavy.
Let your senses get overwhelmed so you can decide to either not bother or go at it full boar - Can't be bothered by people on fence.
Do it or Don't do it
Just don't stay on Fence about it because it waste our time.
If you decide to do it, you should know following:
On average, it takes 1 week to make 60.
You need 4 so thats 4 weeks.
On average, it takes 1 week to fully master hero.
You need 4 so thats 4 weeks.
Your looking at 2 months mininum to get your team is a serviceable state.
This doesn't include Potion Keeps for Ascension or Dungeon Farming for Gear.
If you decide not to do it, Well Happy Raiding.
Put a lvl 1 hero in your defense and pretend to be a dead possum in Arena
While in the meantime enjoying all the scenery the PVE side of Raid can offer you.
You could always wish Upon a star for couple of months.
Maybe, you will luck out and they will change a mission or make mission easier for you.
The most important thing to remeber is What ever decision to chose, It will be the right one
I think what ill do, Since right now from Trips comp i just need to get warmaiden. I havent got any if many lego books, But if his suggestion gets me to early gold thats all i need right now. But ill work on yiur suggestion too, Or try to. It all depends at the end if i get books in the right attacks for them. But i appreciate the brutal side of things too. Im already diving into all the tips i got here, Just doing my 5 arena for dailys now, Not grinding till im built up
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