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Is there any Logic behind "Team Power"?

Is there any Logic behind "Team Power"?

Jan 17, 2022, 21:3401/17/22

If only the average player had the time to do those spreadsheets.  You wanna come work 2 of the 12 hours I work daily?

This GitGud crap is just that...Some of you unemployed basement dwellers need to experience a real life so you know how unacceptable that tact is.  Maybe you all should gitgud at real life and see how well that factors into your views on other players.

In other words; quit painting others in your light.  Learn a little perspective...Not everyone has hours upon hours to add and remove gear and create a spreadsheet.

You really should take a break from insulting people you know nothing about.


'basement dwellers'

'a real life'

If you don't seem to have hours upon hours, then maybe u just need to get gud at time management as well as get gud at the game.

Jan 17, 2022, 22:0701/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 22:07(edited)

This thread has devolved from basic questions about Team Power, derailed into insulting people for the time they spend in the game.

Seems like it has run its course.


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